The past three months on this site, I've been doing nothing but Promoting My Work, helping others promote theirs and most importantly: Reviewing and Voting for other's works. Now I have mentioned once before, that my reviews and votes are honest. Even if I don't write full paragraphs. That has been nothing but the truth. However, that being said, in the past three months I have been getting to know the features on the site, to better do those tasks above and more. Through that I discovered a vary peculiar quirk on the site. The Level System. When I first voted I saw that the words "2 XP" which I guess means "Experience Points." I thought that was odd. Then I kept doing it seeing that I can only do it a certain amount of times a day. I've seldom done it and it's why it often takes me long to review and vote for the works on the people I followed or got added as friends. Rest assure I plan to vote and review every single one of them. In the past three months I went up to 11 levels. With 150 points to go to get to 12. 3 Months and 11 to 12 levels as I write this. If I go at this rate I could reach the highest level in 15 more months.
I personally thinks this makes the site more fun. It's like we're all our own personal RPG game characters. We level up our own way. But I was wondering what the significance of it is. As well as wondering what the other parts were.
For example I figured out that EXP: Rank was counting down. Hence why the higher levels are in the thousands.
However I never understood the voting power part. I was wondering if anyone who's been on here longer than I have could tell me.
The more you vote, the more experience you get, but also, the higher your level, the more experience it takes to get to the next one.
You can get 10 exp points per day ; 20 on special events (keep an eye on the NG news posted by Tom). For example this month will have double xp days ;)
You can improve your rank to get extra voting power.
This is achieved via voting on games and movies in the judgement section.
You can protect the good stuff and blam the bad stuff, every successfully blammed or protected entry grants you a rank points.