Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

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Ideas that seem crazy at first, but make total sense #1: Environmental Damage Reverse

Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 3rd, 2022

Over the years, we've often got our own perspectives of the world. Whether it's what god/gods to worship if not at all. Which Political Party represents our needs the most. Whether or not the Earth is, round, flat, oblong whatever. Things that seem to make sense to some, but are considered at best ridiculous or at worst down right crazy. Yet when you think about it, really hard, despite our differences and disagreements, there are a lot of things we all have in common.

For example, whether you're a religious person or not, with the exception of a select few, we all agree that this planet is more than just the land we stand on. It's a living breathing organism and in all honesty, myself included we are very guilty for exploiting what used to be a plentiful area. I myself am a Carnivore, I smoke, I love cars and motorcycles and just recently according to some people, I'm contributing to worse crimes against the Earth by making, selling and advertising NFTs. However at the same time, I've also thought of ways that could potentially help reverse the damage. For example, do not trust any government funded scientists. Regardless if they happen to be right on some things, it's a known fact that the worst of them, are paid to downplay or exaggerate the effects of their respective field.

Now I don't mean, don't trust all environmental scientists, medical doctors or anything like that, as even within the government, there are trustworthy people whom have earned their credentials. But the ones that appear more on TV, than actually actively working on solving the problem, no matter what country they are from or what political party is in control at the time, are not to be trusted. Period. The ones that actually want to do their job, get less of a voice and don't deny it. While this was from a fictional version of a real life authority figure, I quote James Malone regarding how the Untouchables. He said "If you're worried about getting a rotten apple. Don't go to the barrel. Get it from the tree." Granted at the time, he was talking about finding police officers that are incorruptible, with the solution being to pluck them out straight from the academy, but I think it applies to everything. The scientists I suggest one trusts are the ones not only fresh out of College or University, but at least had a year of field work. Why? Because the respective governments, have not seen enough potential to recruit them, bribe them and use them to further their own careers. Meaning these people are scientists first and Capitalists and Opportunists next to never. Meaning they are less likely to bullshit if say for example they say we are all gonna die from this or that. Not only that, but when not distracted by things tempt them into selling out, they actually focus more on the work and would even find viable solutions.

The next thing is also science related, but it's mundane, yet effective. Over the years, I've stumbled upon a lot of alternatives, to the foods we eat. I'm not talking about things like Beyond or Impossible Meat. This actually predates it.

It involves two people.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Post

Meet Mark Post. This man was a hell of a genius because before Beyond and Impossible came about, he was the main go-to guy for an alternative to the slaughter house. Yet despite that, he was still able to create something that qualifies as a meat product. Not a plant based product that happens to be meat. An actual meat product you can eat without feeling guilty about how many animals were killed. Why? Because none at all. Using beef as his first foray, what he did was, using the same tech to create stem cells, replicating the muscle fibre and fat cells that are used in the average burger. Dubbed the FrankenBurger by the media. however there is one slight fault. The tech used to make it, is very expensive. Which in turn makes at least one of those burgers, also very fucking expensive. I believe however that if enough people funded his work, that he may find a way to mass produce the meat, making it not only cheaper, but an even better alternative than what we're used to fresh from the slaughterhouse. I know if I had the capital for it, I'd pay whatever I could to make that a reality. I once corresponded with the man himself through email. More or less suggesting other things to use that tech for. Such as replicating skin cells to make an alternative way to make leather. He not only responded, but he was already way ahead of me on that department. Even directing me the site dedicated to that https://www.qorium.earth/en/

I suggest you check that one out, even for curiosity sake.

2. https://soylent.com/pages/about-the-company

This site above is the brain child of one Rob Rhinehart. A computer engineer, who believed the body can be hacked as well as computer. To test this theory out, the man went and made his own formula in which it covered every basic nutrition humans were required to survive and stay healthy. He called it Soylent. Named after a fictional company from the 1970s classic Soylent Green. Though despite the namesake, this one is not made out of human remains.....that I know of. Whether he knew it or not, there is potential beyond simply keeping us full and healthy. For those that don't know what I'm talking about. Ever since the show Star Trek The Next Generation came out, many people from fans of the show, to legit scientists have fought tooth and nail to create a gadget that could satisfy the world if done right. The Matter Replicator. In the show, the replicator uses energy from the ship's power source to recreate and reassemble matter to just about anything you want. Especially food and beverages. Now we all know that Matter cannot simply be created out of thin air as the show demonstrates, but all matter can be repurposed and rebuilt with the right technology. A big example being 3D printers, that started out as re-assembling plastic into various things from toys to key components to gadgets. However some genius figured out a way to re-purpose and re-assemble food ingredients to make various dishes. Even custom making fine details such as decorations on the sides. They started with desserts, but tried to move on to other products, the goal being to find a way to make solid foods while in space. Without Zero Gravity effecting it. One food in particular they are succeeded in, is making Pizza.

What does this have to do with Soylent? Whether Rhinehart knew it or not, he basically reduced food matter to it's most basic form with his patented formula. If one were to find away to use the printer to re-purpose and reassemble food, using the soylent formula as their raw ingredients, then you've pretty much covered all food related issues. If he had the money and resources available for it, they'd not only be able to make a crude version of said replicator, but also be one step closer to solving world hunger. 

Part of why these figures don't get the respect they deserve is because the very people that fund their own "Experts." try their hardest to scare you away from them. They hike up the prices for the resources needed while at the same time advertise their cheap, unhealthy fast foot shit. Pretty much using basic psychology on the human race's collective greed and stinginess to their advantage. Even the impossible whopper or beyond meat, is guilty of this too, because when you get right down to it, you're still eating cheap, greasy, salty, unhealthy shit in a box. The only difference being the source of said grease. While at the same time put it in our own heads that we need them, more than they need us. When in fact, they need us to survive. Bare in mind, regardless of which party was in charge, these same people decades ago tried to convince us that Global Warming was bullshit and now they're saying it's not bullshit.  And it's not just one government one country. It's all governments all countries. Whether you're democrat, republican, libertarian, centrist, communist, socialist or god forbid a fucking Nazi, it doesn't matter. Mainly because you'll get fucked either way. 

In conclusion, when you get right down to it, regardless of how fucked up the world is, we are much better than we give ourselves credit for. If we just stopped paying attention to the bullshit being spewed on respective news stations and actively worked hard, no problem is an obstacle. No matter how big of a mess gets made, it can always get cleaned up. We just have to fight and fund for the tools to do it.

So let me know what you think and even go so far as express your own ideas on how to reverse the known damages to the world.




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