- What's the name of the Ursine that ratted out a president? Bernstein Bear.
- What do you call Black Friday in Dallas? The Texas Wal-Mart Massacre.
- What do you call a cop out camping? Pig in a blanket.
- To the owners of the 2021 Whirlpool WRS321SDHZ Refridgerator. If you can confirm to me that fridge is running, then DON'T JUST STAND THERE READING THIS!! CATCH IT!!
- What do you call spending a few minutes, reading and trying to get the first 4 jokes? A massive waste of time.
I just saw Ghostbusters Afterlife. One of the running gags is Phoebe Spengler pumping out lame jokes, so I thought I'd see if I could top her off, by telling lame jokes of my own.