Thought I'd celebrate this right for once since I practically skimped on my 100th audio. I felt the 200th would be the time to do something really meaningful. But rather than do something new, I decided to go back to my past and present the first ever CIEIRMusic. The first song, the first logo, the first album cover art. This was the thing that started CIEIRMusic as you see it today. Even my style hasn't changed over the years. Making wordless stories with music.
This was made 4 years ago last January. It started out as a tribute to Classical Music, but evolved into a wordless story. In this case, it takes place in a world where Instruments are sentient beings, where the Piano is God of All and everyone is it's subjects. One specific couple, a pair of Glockenspiels have fallen completely in love with each other and dance the night away in the Piano's natural beat. However their romance is under the eyes of an Envious Violin, who's jealous of the Piano's favour over them. So it seeks to reclaim that praise by offing the competition. However as more people find out about the nefarious deed, Violin will do anything to keep his dirty secret safe. To the point where the piano itself has to step in and deal with the murderer itself.
Part of why I didn't upload this, was because it was on an older computer of mine, which has since been fried beyond repair. I didn't think there were any copies elsewhere save for my tablet. Also broken. However by some miracle, it ended up on my computer here. So I figure why waste an opportunity. You can see the first song here:
The song and album that comes with it, also spawned a sequel album called Glockenvaltz 2: Organ Hell.
Which I recommend you also listen to.
I await judgment of this good and bad, mainly because I want to see how my oldest works compares to what I have shown you here so far.