Couldn't think of another song idea yet, but while I was thinking I decided to write this piece. This would have been considered an open question, but in the past few days, this has kinda been bugging me both in a good and bad way.
In this case this applies to the concept of miracles.
Whether one believes in them or not, a lot of things in life seem to revolve around that concept.
You ever had a moment in your life where your day just isn't going well, then suddenly, even if it's the most minor something good happens in your life that makes it all worth it? It could be something as simple as say finding $20 in the middle of a random street or someone you haven't seen for a while decides to come visit you. Or even something big like say getting a bonus at work even though you don't know what you did to deserve it. The fact remains, that these good events happen, right the fuck out of nowhere and are so few in between. Part of why I've been so depressed over the years was because these happen rarely. I honestly wish there was at least a week or a month where good things...well just happen.
Religious people consider them signs of their respective deity.
Those who have no belief in such concepts, chalk them down at worst as coincidences and at best some kind of formula in Quantum physics they can't figure out yet.
I myself believe in a little of both, that there may be a scientific formula for good luck, while at the same time believe there is something magical about it too.
The problem though and I'm sure I'm not the only one, is that I don't see the signs until after it happens.
Everyone has their way of seeing the signs. Some call on the spirits of their family and/or their respective deities. Others do it the mathematical and numerology way, by finding numbers, signs and equations that lead to a good outcome. In my case I take certain things as a sign that my lost ones are trying to tell me something. Just recently 3 events in my personal life became an example of those signs. These were based on a series of events, in which at the time I never thought would have a positive outcome. Literally the odds were stacked against my favour in that one. Then something happens, something I don't expect and it's a welcome surprise and things got better a little for it.
With this, I can honestly say, I believe that miracles are real.
What's your opinion on this?
i feel like 'wow i really deserved that' when i get one usually