Happy Easter. Fun fact, the day I was born, was not only April Fools Day, but also happened upon an Easter Monday.
Now according to some Christian text, Easter is the celebration of the ressurection of Jesus Christ. With Good Friday being the symbolic day of his death and the coming weekend celebrating the three days it took for him to rise from the dead. While I treat this Holiday with the greatest respect, there are a few things that bother me.
Most of the time depending on the year, Easter gets switched between months. Sometimes it happens in March. Other times it happens in April. Why the fuck do they do that? It's often very confusing.
The other thing though is like other Holidays, such as Christmas and April Fools Day, Christians appropriated this from a Pagan Holiday. I'm Pagan myself and that surprised the Hell out of me. The specific holiday is called, Eostre. Which celebrates the Holiday with a big feast. There have been theories that Hares and Eggs came from that specific holiday.
But none the less, I believe in the spirit of the Holiday in all it's forms even outside my own and as long as Chocolate is allowed either way, I'm golden.
Have a Happy Easter one and all.
Thanks for the information and Happy Easter to you too!