Unlike my newsletter, I'm going to make this one short and sweet. The bad news is, my fellow Ontarians conservatives won again, meaning Doug "crackhead" Ford is still premier.
However here's some good news and I really hope this is true. The NDP, New Democratic Party is the opposition. For those who don't know, in Canada, we have both leaders and oppositional parties. And the opposition's power, is simply to veto any decision the leaders make, as well as hold them accountable in public for any transgressions. In layman's terms, that means whoever is leading the NDP, is legally allowed to call Doug Ford out on his bullshit and hinder him if necessary.
Now normally, there's often nothing to do to oppose save for a few things. However each party, has been riding on the recent events in Ontario as well as the rest of Canada. One of their promises, what's the find the way to reduce inflation and the gas prices that have recently soared. Meaning, if Ford ever decided to escalate things to impossible amounts they are capable of doing everything in their power to stop him. Lex Luthor once said "Do you have any idea how much power I would give up if I became president?" In Ford's case this is what he was talking about. He may be in the seat for now, but he's stuck in the middle between two parties that hate him as much as he hates them and that's a place no one wants to be. He won but he lost. And they are going to fry him.