As most know I did a series known as Lovecraft Noir. A noir style horror series about a detective and an otherworldly monster named Eldra, whom recently grew to care about the human race despite her atrocities before.
The creative bug bit me again in the form of a PSA I did for kicks as seen here:
After that, just recently I got inspired to do a full series focused solely on Eldra and how she'd handle life between her duties as a heroine, by sampling some of Earth's pleasures and giving lessons to the listener on how to better enjoy them.
This one took me hours to do and at this point I was writing by the seat of my pants, but here it is:
Which all can be listened on this playlist.
Soon it will be on bandcamp like the previous series, but I'll wait for a while on that one.
Until then enjoy the show and if you're feeling generous, consider purchasing my other stuff there or just tip me on Ko-Fi.