Been a while since I did a post for this, but mostly because up until now I developed writer's block on trying to find a unique slogan for the next shirt.
Now, one of the biggest issues in the world is the level of trust one has for one and other and for good reason. You could be friends, family, lovers, you name it, but as a result of so many people taking advantage of one and other, it's hard who to trust, who not to trust and whether or not you should be nice, mean or both when the situation calls for it.
So look no further than this shirt:
Words to live by that help you survive.
Deliberately put front and back the very words to live by and survive. Someone sees you with this shirt on, they know better than to fuck with you, because it shows you've been fucked with before and you're not gonna let it happen again any time sooner. And should that person take what's on the back literally and decide to actually stab you there, well that just means you won and they know that.
I've lived by that philosophy my whole life, hence why I'm quick to the draw the second someone slights me in a way. And I pass that philosophy unto you all.