Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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We have been fighting the wrong war.

Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 20th, 2024

Over the years, I as well as a few individuals of all ages, have often described our struggles as a spiritual war against Good and Evil. Which is hard not to believe because we see an abundance of both every day. Be it something small as say a kid getting a candy from the teacher after a good grade or same kid later getting beat up or even killed by jealous bullies. However while there is Good and Evil, as well as the gray area between many risk just to survive let alone succeed in what life has to offer, that wasn't our war. That wasn't the main thing we were fighting. It was merely a symptom of it.

What causes Good an Evil: Emotion.

Love, Hate, Happiness, Sadness, Bravery and Fear. Among most things.

However while there are many emotions and sub states where it mixes, the two of the strongest extremes are the following:

Love and Hate:

Every action both Good and Bad have often come from those emotions the most. To put it black and white, people do kindness out of love and hurt over hate. However, there's a funny thing about those two, that often end up flip flopping or even merging said extremes. Like for example, let's say hypothetically someone you know is a panhandler and really needs all the money they can get. They don't ask for much, but at the same time those they ask either don't have it and hate they can't help or do have it and love to say they refuse to help. Then you come in when they don't get it and say "I hate when people do that to people." and hand him a quarter, a dollar or whatever you can spare. Did you do that kindness out of love for the panhandler or hate for how he's treated. Did you put yourself in his shoes and do things differently or did you simply want to buy your way into Good Karma. And while you're getting mindblown by what you just say think about it. That's exactly why people are so adverse with helping each other. They want to do it, they love to do it, but they don't know if the kindness returned to them is because they either think they owe or want you to owe them. It mixes and jumbles the meaning of those two emotional extremes and ironically makes Hate even more stronger.

Whereas when someone goes out of their way in their own loving hearts to give something, no strings attached, the first thing people ask is "What's the catch?" We all seen it and heard it in many ways at many times.

Myself, I be kind because it's the right thing to do and it is always out of love. Any rewards I ever gained as the result of it, is the last thing on my mind when I do it and if it happens it happens. If it doesn't and doesn't. The only things I value are life debts and dedications to love. If those were of cash value I'd be so rich, the International Debt would be paid off. It's one of the reasons I stopped caring if no one bought my stuff, no matter how much I advertise. Up until I tried to sell, I was satisfied in knowing that at least some people liked my music. The only reason I even asked for money for it so I could get better resources to make my music even better for more and see if it snowballed from there. If I could set up a concert, I would. If I could find a way to put my music on many radio stations, I'd do that too. If it ended up as part of a score of a hit movie, then I know I went as far as I wanted to.

But a lot of the things I make were out of love for what I could do and the hope that I could do better. I didn't expect to make friends or enemies here. Didn't even expect to be featured on @TheTankTribune, but I appreciated it every time, even if I tried to use it to better advertise my work, because I ended up getting some recognition from Newgrounds itself.

The only reason it bothered me so much that I didn't get so far as to even have my discography bought let alone one track, was because I saw it as a part of my life I hated. The fear of failure, the sadness of not realizing my potential and the hatred of those that tried to control me and make my music something I wasn't. I wanted to make money, but I didn't want to be a sellout because I've had sellouts in my friends and family and it didn't work out for them. Once I was able to let go of that hate, especially after I discovered love in many ways on my own, I was feeling better and caring less about those fears and hatred. It's why I even apologize to my enemies, because despite what they did and believe me they did so much terrible things I literally want to kill them, I wasn't helping matters by letting my own personal hatreds get in the way. So once I realized they weren't worth my time and energy, I simply ignored them. It was easier once I saw that real life people were just as stupid and pathetic as them and it was easy to ignore both sides. I even once did an ugly truth post on reddit, just to see how many of those assholes in real life were online. I used what I used to do, to bait them out and when I found what I was looking for, I destroyed the article. Because if what's keeping them from the truth is nothing but false labels and TLDR, then no one was ready for that. I had to know where I stood both on and offline, before I realized what I was really fighting for.

As it turns out, there are a lot of hate filled people on all sides of the world. Good Guys, Bad Guys and those in the middle just stirring the pot and keeping fights going. I figured this shit out yesterday in my neck of the woods. A certain "friend" of mine was actually playing both sides of a conflict even when both had so much enough of each other, that they didn't want to look at each other. I tried staying out of my side, they tried staying out of their side, but the conflict was still going because we both vented our side to said friend and said friend was using it to benefit his own self interests. In layman's terms, he was trying to make people kill each other so he could take over what was left of the area after. It's gotten so bad I felt the need to warn the other side, but I hate them so much that it's making me hesitate and hope they stumble upon it themselves. Either way, things were more fucked up than I realize.

It made me realize that there are those whom hate life so much that they'd rather cause trouble than fix it. It made me realize certain circumstances in my life, that I've contributed to that bullshit as well. It made me also realize that it's gotten so bad that all levels of government in my city alone seem to be in on it to one extent. There's even a crazy guy wandering around the streets trying to run for mayor of said city, but everyone knows he's a crack smoking, child molesting piece of shit. Yet not one person cares enough about it to confront him or at the very least tip him off to the cops. That guy makes a mockery out of love by spill writing the shape of a heart with either beer, graffiti or if he's as crazy enough to do so as I think he is, his own piss. That is the definition of someone full of hate, mocking love. And the most fucked up thing about it is, that even he's savvy enough to gather enough people stupid enough to vote for him. What the hell?

This is an example of Hatred trying to rule over love, by using what they interpret as love to get the fruits of their hatred. They think abusing and raping women is love. They think doing drugs that can kill you, is loving the freedom of doing drugs. That's not Freedom, that's trading one jail over another. They think the bad part of the city is the best part. And while I appreciate some of the bad for what it's worth, it's not my whole fucking City. Not only that but these guys are hypocrites that would even make organizations like BLM ashamed of them. One of those guys wears a sweater that says "Defund the police" yet despite playing the part of antagonizing authority figures, he rats whomever slights them out to the cops, if their own violent threats don't work. And when that doesn't work, falsely label, knowing it would get said person in trouble whether they ignore it or not. You'd have to have a lot of hate in your heart if you're going against what people think you believe in.

It was then and there I realized that in order to stop this, we need more love. We need more love songs playing on the radio:

More Romance Stories:

And more speeches on the subject a hell of a lot better than mine.

But most importantly, we need to learn to love each other a little more.

Now I won't kid you, as simple as it sounds, it's the most difficult thing to do. But if someone like Feeny from Boy Meets World can say it:

Then it should be easy for others to express it in their own ways. Hold the door for someone who's hands are full with groceries. Offer to carry heavy things for someone on a one-person move. Take your date to the movies and show them a good time. Even just simply check on a friend or family member's wellbeing. That's love. Pure, untainted love, that we have been lacking for almost 100 years.

Prove that Love will win this Godforsaken War in The End.



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