Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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The Adventures of S.T. Musician Chapter 7: Loving Reunion

Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 6th, 2024

Picking Up Where This Left Off:

S.T. was pacing back and forth in Light Harmony's Pad, smoking like a mad man while Light Harmony sits there.

Harmony: I know you're feeling intense, but you've been like that for a couple of days.

S.T.: I know, I know. I am just beside myself right now. I hope to be both right and wrong. Right in knowing where she is, wrong in that it's that place. That fucking place she happens to be in.

Light: Maybe call them and see if she's there. Then go.

S.T.: Good idea.

S.T. Dials the number.

Receptionist: Fair City Hospital, how my I direct your call?

S.T.: Yes, my name is Shane and I was wondering if you have a Winter in there.

Reception: Let me check.......yes we do. The 10th Floor Inpatient Mental Ward. Now who are you in relation to this patient?

S.T.: I'm her boyfriend.

Reception: Wait. Did she ever at least once refer to you as Prince Charming?

S.T. Freezes for a second, but then answers.

S.T.: Yes it was her nickname for me.

Reception: She's been asking about you for days. Visting hours are 4 PM on weekdays and 9 AM on Weekends. You can visit her then.

S.T.: Thank you very much. Bye.

He hangs up.

S.T.: She's there, goddammit. It's literally within walking distance of my building. Ok I'm gonna do it. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. I'll go in there. See how she's doing and face this old fear once and for all.

Light Harmony: Good luck.

S.T. treks up the path. It took him a bridge cross and many streets but he made it to the hospital on foot. He waits for it to be 4pm and walks in. He goes up 10 floors and is in a small room with elevators and a one way door with tough glass. With a phone to call the receptionist.

S.T.: I'm here to visit Winter.

Receptionist: Who are you in relation to her?

S.T.: My name's Shane. I'm her boyfriend.

Receptionist: You're the one that called. Ok come in and just hand over anything that's contraband.

S.T. walks in, hands his smokes and lighter into the reception and signs in. Winter walks out in a hospital gown and he can't believe her eyes.

S.T.: I was right, you do look good in anything.

Winter: Hi Prince Charming.

S.T.: How's it going Cinderella?!

They hug each other, like they haven't seen each other for years.

S.T.: I was worried I was never gonna see you again. Are you ok?

Winter: I'm fine, they got me on medication and I've been clean for a few days. The only thing I crave now is cigarettes. You got one?

S.T.: I just turned them over to the receptionist. I'll see if they can give you some, but it's so good to see you again.

She shows me to her room. A basic private room with a nightstand with drawers. She also had some snacks and papers around. Mostly contacts. S.T. inspects the contacts and see her mother, her father and another woman's number is on there.

S.T.: Are these your family's numbers?

Winter: Ya, my mother, my father and my Sister's. She's coming soon, do you wish to meet her?

S.T.: Well of course. One of my goals was to make sure, you saw your family again.

Winter: Great. I can't wait for you to meet them. Until then let's dance.

They danced, then just as they were getting close the sister shows up. She's older, wears heavy winter clothes, has red hair and brown eyes like her little sister. They stopped having an awkward moment.

Sister: Am I interrupting anything?

S.T.: Oh sorry, this is awkward. I'm Shane. And you are?

Sister: The name's Innocence. Nice to meet you.

They shake hands and S.T. sees a very familiar mark. It was the symbol of his Order's enemy faction. Confirming that his girlfriend is part of that order by blood.

Innocence: I'm related to the Order of The Devil's Decision. My family was part of it for a while, before some of them converted to the Order of Awakening. That symbol on your concert jacket is a dead giveaway, but relax. I'm not your enemy and judging by your look, you don't wish to be mine.

S.T.: Ya, what happened between you two was near the beginning of my time and ended when I became a Superhero. But that said, even if they're not converted, there's still some out there that should know. Including your father.

Innocence: Ah yes, the Devil with the Heart. I understand, but I don't think he'd be much help. Let's just say what Winter has in terms of mental problems, he has in physical. Unlike certain members whom either retired or became neutral pacifists, he never stopped fighting until it almost killed him.

S.T.: Well tell him for me that The Awakening's lost son, is keeping the Devil's Daughter safe. He deserves closure at least. Even if I expected more. Anyway, let's disregard titles for now. First of all I want to assure you, I have no ill intentions towards your sister. We literally met by chance at the same building of Ill reputes. I will happily tell you, who's responsible for it, if it helps.

S.T. talks about aspects of his life and mentions meeting Winter and the mayhem that ensued.

Innocence: Wow. You lead just as fucked up of a life as she did. I can see why she sought you out. Look. I know we just met and clearly, the darkside of your life aside, you're a good person. I have a way of sensing that. However as her older sister, I want you to promise me, promise me that you keep her safe.

She gave him the look. A look many women give to men, when they let them know they are serious.

S.T.: Dammit, I knew I was gonna get the sister talk. Look. I will try to keep her safe to the best of my ability. I can't control circumstances beyond me, but I will do my best. In fact I was already finding ways of at least curing her physical dependency on drugs.

Innocence: How so?

S.T.: It's a formula I have been working on. It was meant for weight loss, but when I found out the detox properties, I figured it could flush out the lingering chemicals in her system, while places like this are able to handle the mental addiction. I didn't give it to her before, because I was worried, she was in so deep, the detox would shock her.

Innocence: How did you make it. I have to know.

S.T.: White tea for weight loss, Peppermint tea for stress, Chlorophyll for Detox, Aloe Vera for internal healing and Gatorade Mix for hydration and flavour. I figure if you're gonna drink for your health it may as well taste good. I call it the CIEIR Potion.

Innocence: Ok then. Would you be able to bring this to her next time?

S.T.: I never been in this section of the hospital before, last I went here was when my mother died.

Innocence: I'm sorry to hear that. I can see why this is hard for you. Look, in case of anything keep the numbers.

S.T.: Ok then.

She gives S.T. a hug and waves to Winter before leaving.

S.T.: She seems nice, but I have my suspicions. Nothing personal. I just met her.

Winter: I understand, but I love her and trust her and she does seem to like you, so that's a plus.

S.T.: Well it was nice visiting you, but I do have to go. Not just because it's late or anything, but if I'm gonna come back here. I am at least gonna give you some sweets and smokes and whatever you need.

Winter: Before you go I want to ask you something.

S.T.: Ya, what is it?

Winter: Can I have your phone number?

S.T. was at first shocked when she said that, but smiled. He wrote the number down.

S.T.: Call me whenever.

Winter: Ok then. Bye Prince Charming. I love you.

S.T.: See you later Cinderella. I love you too.

S.T. Leaves the Hospitial has a smoke and sighs with relief. He heads back to Light Harmony's pad with a smile on his face.

Light: S.T.? Are you ok? Are you happy or did you go insane?

Harmony: How did it go?

S.T.: Well so far in terms of her, she's ok for now. She's got no access to narcotics and has been clean for the days I snapped about her bust. The staff seem friendly, but very strict. I also met the first of her family. Her sister. She seems to like me and sister talk aside approves of the relationship. However maybe it's because I just met her, I feel like she's sneaky. Not in a bad way, mind you, just that I can tell with certain people. She's hiding some things, but I won't pry. The main focus is her. The Dad's a dead end, but they are both part of the Order of The Devil's Decision. I saw the mark. That's the difference between them and my order. We don't brand ourselves.

Light Harmony: Holy shit. So how did they become friends?

S.T.: When I was a kid, I first moved to Fair City at 5 years old, was sheltered from most of the crime in the city, save for any cocky kids part of the criminal element families, picking fights with me at school. It's been like that until I was in High School. What I didn't know until members of my own family told me, was that this war has been going on all around us for a long time. Awakening was just getting it's foot in the world and my family was part of warring order factions that were at each other's throats. Each of these factions had a unique theme. Some were based on cowboys of the old west, some were based on more spiritual stuff, while there were others whom thought using the image of evil would scare away evil. That's where The Order of The Devil's Decision came in. They were enemies of the Order of The Desperados, my Family's Order. Now needless to say, they weren't really heroes or villains. They were a mix of both, their main priorities despite their differences was the protection of their families. But it was little stupid differences that divided them to the point where they were willing to go to war with each other. But like us, they risked breaking the law to achieve justice. It's why I didn't join the Order of Awakening, but still represented anyway. Some members lucky enough to survive became part of it. The main people are those that recruited me, but right now there's over millions of members of the order all over the world. Much like me, my mother was a very well respected part of the order, because she did try her best to keep the peace for the sake of her children. Even when I didn't want to, they helped me in many ways. Including protecting me until I was old enough to protect myself and backing me up should I be in danger that I couldn't handle. It's why I consult them every now and then, so they at least know I'm ok. Eventually there was a time when the Order brought peace, but now that I think about it, they didn't really seem to end the war. Everything that these Wannabes are doing, are bastardized versions of what Dark Divide and these Orders have done in the past. But it's a stretch.

Light Harmony looked at S.T. in shock.

Light: So let me get this straight. You're the native son raised by cowboys, who were at war with literal Devils trying to be good and you two kids never once ran into each other until after the war supposedly ended and because others can't let go of past bullshit, that shouldn't even concern them in the first place, they're keeping you apart out of spite while trying to keep that war going?

Harmony: Why didn't you tell us this before?

S.T.: It's not something I like to talk about openly, unless I needed help that even CIEIRMusic can't handle. Besides, I thought the past was past. Never thought it would haunt me like this. Former School bullies, using PC tactics as an excuse to hurt people of all races that disagree with them, despite hanging out with said races they claim to hate, only because they have a mutual hatred of me, you and Winter. So seeing us all together must have made them think something was up and they basically did the only thing they did right by the Dark Divide name. Divide and Conquer.

Light: I see. So what do we do now?

S.T.: For now, I'm gonna continue to see her and when the time is right, she's getting that potion.

The next day arrives and he meets the mother at the asylum. The conversation was short, but it was enough for him to gauge her. After the day ends, he hangs out at Light Harmony's pad.

S.T.: The mom's name is Guinevere. She seems to be too good to be true an exact opposite of Innocence. A law school student, studying law in all it's forms. She even went so far as to call me "son" when I told her about my past. However something seemed off and it's throwing off my intuition.

Harmony: How so?

S.T.: For starters I barely know the mother and sister so it's hard to tell whom is really truthful. However, the mother didn't want me to tell Innocence that she visited. However I had to inform her, that the sister contacted me before she did. She gave me a look as if she didn't see that coming. So she said a lot of nasty things, calling her a controller, a liar and a thief to boot. And while I have my suspicions myself and did my usual method when I realized I stepped into drama (Pretend to agree until you're within running distance.) all I could think of is "What kind of mother would outright say this about her own daughter." Then I found out it was because much like myself, she was sheltered from the Order Wars and when she found out her husband was a fighter in them, she divorced him and judged him for his criminal activates rather than the motive behind them.

Light: So if you suspect her so much, why don't you tell her off?

S.T.: Well it's a bit complicated. For starters, I thought maybe she was just trying to escape the life, like I initially did. However the main reason was I didn't know the full extent of her relationship with Winter, so I wanted to see how winter would react to me meeting her. I was polite, save for a few swears, blunt, but apologetic. Basically I gave her reasons to both like and hate me and see which outweighs. That said I didn't bring the formula that day because I feared she might suspect I was gonna smuggle her booze or something. It has to be a time when it's just me and her. Luckily for me, this person is so obsessed with her studies, she barely spends time with her daughter. So if I can go at the earliest possible convenience tomorrow. I might have a chance.

Harmony: Excellent. So how are you gonna get the potion in?

S.T.: You'll see.....

The very next day. S.T. Picks up some snacks and drinks. Two Yop Drinks and 3 Gatorade Fit Bottles. With two small Smartfood Popcorn Bags and Pepperoni Sticks. He takes them home, drinks the Fit drinks, rinses them out good and pours a fresh batch of the CIEIR Potion into them. The label able to cover any suspicious colour change in the bottle. Light Harmony watches in awe and disbelief.

Light: Wow, I never thought you had a rebellious side. What you're doing, could get you into trouble when caught. What's the third one for?

S.T.: It's a long shot, but I was thinking maybe I could get one of the relatives to get her father the bottle. I figure if it can help her, it could help him with what's hurting him.

Harmony: Makes sense, even if he's too fucked up to do anything himself, giving him that boost would help him with not only that, but setting his affairs in order. Kinda like Nicolas Flamel.

S.T.: Well let's just hope I can get it there.

After dodging certain elements on the way and changing his route, to shake off the scumbag he saw before. S.T. goes to the hospital on Visiting Hours and puts the drinks at the bottom of the bag. He goes to the room again.

Receptionist: Oh it's you again. What's in the bag.

S.T.: Well I saw that she had some snacks in her room and I thought maybe it would be nice to her, to get her more. Nothing fancy. Just some popcorn, some meat sticks and some gatorade. She's a bit of a health nut, so I thought she'd like to try the new Fit version.

Receptionist: Well ok then. Come on in.

S.T.: Thinking: That was too easy. Thank you.

S.T. walks in and Winter and him hug again in greeting while we go to her private room to have some snacks. When they are within an earshot.

S.T.: The formula's in the bag. It's in the Gatorade bottles. I also have your favourite yogurt drinks as a chaser in case you don't like the taste.

Winter: Gotcha.

They go to the room and drink down the bottles first. Then we enjoy our snacks, like it's a typical date. Even at one point have pretend sword fights with the pepperoni sticks. An orderly comes in. It turns out he was helping her with legal aid and a means to find housing. S.T. even recommended lawyers from his own repertoire. They tried dancing again, but for some reason, the staff directed them to the TV Room this time. Which irritated them both, but they made the most of it. When it was time to go. We said our goodbyes and there was hope he'd see her tomorrow. He goes to Light Harmony's Pad.

S.T.: Mission Accomplished. I was able to get her the drink and leave a bottle out for her dad.

Light Harmony: Holy shit. You actually did it?

S.T.: Yep. Now remember. That sample size I gave the other person, was enough for him to get flushed and move out. However, I gave her enough for a large drinking glass. I had to wait until she was naturally detoxing so that it'd be less painful when it happens. I just have to wait for a sign. Any sign.

The next day happens. S.T. was hanging out at home. He hears the phone ring. It's Winter.

S.T.: Hello?

Winter: Hi Prince Charming.

S.T.: Hi Cinderella. Don't worry I'm coming to visit you soon, but what's up?

Winter: Well I don't know what you put in that potion, but it's making me hungry. Really hungry. Not even the hospital food is cutting it anymore.

S.T.: Was it like you never eaten before?

Winter: Yes.

S.T.: Sit tight I'll be right there by the hours.

Winter: Why not come early?

S.T.: I'd love to but rules are rules, plus I am bringing you something special.

Light Harmony shows up at S.T.'s home as he's working on more bottles of potion.

Harmony: Why are you using the generic bottles this time.

S.T.: They didn't have the Fit Bottles so I needed another Electrolyte based company with a full covering label.

Light: And why do you have your wallet out.

S.T.: Do you remember the drugs I told you about she did?

Light Harmony: Yes, Pot, Crack, Meth, just to name a few.

S.T.: Exactly, Pot aside, she's mostly taken stimulants. With her line of work, she needed to stay up as late as it took to get her job done. She was a functional addict, but the shit became too much for her to handle. Now what's the one thing stimulants do that both helps and hinder the body?

Light: On top of keeping people awake too long, it reduces their appetite. Even if they're starving they can't feel it.

S.T.: The Deadly Demoness is an omnivore, she'll eat anything to survive long enough to work, flirt or fight another day. One time when I had her over for dinner, she literally stuck her hand in a boiling pot just to get a hot dog. And for a short skinny girl, she ate more than I did. That was her on the stuff.

Light Harmony: Oh shit. You don't mean....

S.T.: Ya, my potion worked too well. Her appetite is coming back with a vengeance and if I don't get her some food as soon as possible, she might get desperate and eat one of the patients.....granted not literally, but considering it's either that or hospitial food....

Light: I get the picture.

Harmony: So how are you gonna feed her.

S.T.: Well, first I'm gonna get the usual snacks, but I thought maybe I get her some fast food too. But essentially healthy or junk, she needs the following. Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Minerals and Water. Just enough to stabilize her appetite and in turn let the potion do it's job better in the other aspects of her health department. But that's not what scares me.

Light: What is it?

S.T.: I won't say too much, because I want to keep the T rating, but essentially when I first took the potion, it made certain parts of me....stronger.

Harmony: Oh.....OH!!!! You mean it heightens sexual potency?

Light: The girl was already all over you without it, her drinking that probably increased it 10 fold. You basically created a love monster.

S.T.: What have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!

Harmony: I warned you, that one day, that girl is gonna eat you alive. Get her food NOW!!!

S.T. runs to the convenience store to get the snacks needed. Then runs to the nearest burger restaurant on the way, to order burgers. One for him and one for her. He rushes over to the hosptial quick. The receptionist shocked that he arrived on the dot this time.

S.T.: I came here as soon as she told me she was hungry. All I got is more clothes, snacks and a burger with her toppings on it.

They let him in right away and he gives Winter the following: A burger with all the trimmings, the biggest pepperoni sticks he can find, some popcorn, cookies, two bottles of caramel flavoured chocolate milk and more CIEIR Potion.

S.T.: I came as soon as I could, I hope you're not starving too much.

She eats the snacks happily and mows down on the burger like she hasn't eaten in days. When she reached her limit, she shared whatever she couldn't eat with S.T. and her fellow patients.

Winter: That hit the spot and just in time for the next meal too. Thank you. This is a strange question, but I always liked your long hair. Do you think I can braid it?

This stunned S.T.

S.T.: I haven't had anyone braid my hair since I was a kid. Sure, go nuts.

She not only braids his hair, but the hair of a fellow patient. He admires it in the mirror.

S.T.: It's a bit like Pippi Longstocking, but I like it. However I can't keep it on forever. When I leave I have to undo it, so the WDD doesn't suspect where I've been going the past couple of days. I took a big risk when I gave you that potion the last time. Speaking of which, were you able to get the bottle to your dad?

Winter: No. Nor did I see my mother or sister take it.

S.T. checks the drawer where he last put the bottle it was gone. He was suspicious, but he shrugged it off.

S.T.: Eh, some orderly must have thought it expired or something and threw it away. No matter I can always try again another time.

They dance, only this time the orderlies even bobbed along with it when they saw them. They look and almost fall over.

S.T.: Well it looks like we have an audience. Sorry I hope we weren't being inappropriate.

Orderly: Nah it's fine, just try not to disrupt the other patients.

They continued to dance until they were tired. Then they said their usual goodbyes. The mother texted S.T. pressuring him about the lawyer and the sister got a good laugh at his hair braid, but it was all a good day regardless. He gets home and hangs out at Light Harmony's Pad.

Light: How did it go?

Harmony: Did she eat the patients?

S.T.: No, I got to her in time. Her appetite has stabilized and she braided my hair.

He shows them the picture. They break into laughter.

Harmony: Why Shane, that's a side I never seen of you before.

Light: Did she paint your nails too?

S.T.: Laugh it up, but I let her do it for a reason. I haven't done a braid since I was a kid. Be it sisters, cousins or even my mother and her friends, they've all took turns doing it. Some styles I liked, some I hated, but all was in good fun. It was like being a kid again.

Harmony: In all seriousness, it's nice you indulge in your fun side more. Even though you took care of us, fun was there, but it was lacking. She's really bringing out the best of you.

S.T.: I just got to give her the potion one more time. My intuition is telling me I have to give her at least a dose a day for three days. On that day I'm gonna see if her addictions are at an all time low.

Light Harmony: Good luck with that. If only you can solve your personal problems like you did with hers.

S.T.: Ya, I was right. The rumours did spread. Even the head boss of the volunteer program and the housing manager, think I'm the very things these people that I've fought are. It's not fair, but I given all the defense I can get. Still, as long as I am able to see her again, things should be fine.

To be continued......



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