Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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Maybe The World Revolves Around Us All

Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 2nd, 2024

Follow up to this:

Sometimes Life is a series of Maybes

For starters even those whom didn't read it all the way proved my point as while I posted it I thought "Maybe some will read it all, some will TLDR and some would just pass it by or pass it on to those that might find it more interesting." The possibilities are endless with that one.

Anywho onto the meat of the subject. I'll try to keep this one short if I can.

For context, has there ever been a time where someone, be it friend, family, lover or even a complete stranger, has told you "The world doesn't revolve around you."? If you answered yes, that's good.

Now here's the next question that will bake your noodle. Whether you've had good luck or bad, has there ever been a time where you seen signs that seemed to contradict that phrase? If you answered yes, even better.

Third and final question. Did you ever wonder why yet couldn't find a way to answer it because you were focused on one extreme or the other? If you answered yes, then that's something you and I have in common.

Throughout the years I was always told the world doesn't revolve around me, but at the same time, noticed signs that at the very least, some parts of the world did. Then I realized that the word "World" is a relative term. In terms of the phrase, "World" means both the planet itself as it's huge and the people in it. In the overall sense the entire world does not give a shit about every single human being that's ever lived unless they got famous or changed history one way or another.

However, that's only if you view the word "World" as Earth itself. There are many worlds that are rooted both in science and the unknown.

In terms of the unknown, the mortal plane regardless of how you view the human world and the afterlife, does not revolve around all of us. There are humans or human-like (Take that one with a grain of salt if you don't get it) individuals that could either make or break your life based on their skills and a commonality between you two. They could be friends, family, tough love in the form of enemies, lovers, business partners, some form of companionship after another. But at the same time there exists the opposite. Enemies as opposed to friends. Black sheep as opposed to the gold standards of family members. A co-dependent relationship as opposed to one of loving and understanding. Competitive business people as opposed to business partners or genuine assholes, simply doing horrible things for kicks. I spent my whole life trying to find the difference between the two in that respect and in my town, it wasn't easy.

In terms of Science. It's more rooted in social structures based on those examples of the unknown. But with a logical and analytical viewpoint on how they work. In my case in terms of Companionship, there are the following categories:

  1. Strangers: People you don't know, but are willing to talk to because the conversation can go either way.
  2. Acquaintances: Strangers on friendly terms but not my friends, be it at all or yet.
  3. Associates: Strangers that know each other through mutual connections. I call them "Small Worlders" because I've met some through mutual friends and family.
  4. Business Partners: Strangers, Acquaintances and Associates you don't have to like but if you work well together, you can use their skills and vice versa.
  5. Friends: One of the four or all of the four whom known you long enough to earn that title.
  6. Best Friends: Same as friends but with better reasons to give more leeway. Including but not limited to life debts.
  7. Family: Be it blood or of choice or adoption, as long as they got a good heart and good intentions, it's up to you to value all or some of their opinions as long as they love you enough to help you with your problems and vice versa. If it helps, use it, if not, there's always other ways they can help.
  8. Lover: To me a lover means someone whom be it romantic relationships or even something as simple and out there as friends with benefits, they have a closeness that is beyond friend and family.
  9. Companion: This can apply to the 8 above both one at a time or all at a time depending on how you interpret it. For example, when a boyfriend and girlfriend of a typical Cis Gender, Heterosexual Relationship, become husband and wife, that's the evolution of a companion. Going from Stranger, to Acquaintance, to Friend, to Best Friend, to Lover to eventually family. But that's just one way of saying it, it can apply to any kind of relationship within the bounds of morality.

But whether it's unknown or science, the things they have in common is they have their own ways of describing the same 9 friend set above. In terms of spirituality, someone would consider one of these in the positive way a gift from God or a curse from The Devil. How you interpret the 9 above, is basically your social circle in a nutshell, it's up to you to decide how they fit in your life. Same goes with enemies, but with more negative definitions of: Stranger, Acquaintance, Associate, Business Rival/Former Business Partner, Enemy/Former Friend, Worst Enemy/Former Friend/Former Best Friend/Former Lover/Former Companion, Pure Evil/Former all 9 or 1 of the 9.

Point being is that on one side or another, it shows that one way or another, in terms of your social world, it does revolve around not just you, but anyone you spoke to good and bad.

So in a way the world revolves around all of us one way or another. If it could happen in a place like my town, it can happen outside it too. It's one of the reasons why I was on the fence about moving, there were a lot of things outside the town that made me think it wouldn't make a difference even if they had different laws or different ways of living cheap or expensive. So I figured if I couldn't move I could at least try to change my small part of the world, only to find said small part getting bigger the more I change things. I started gaining new companions and new enemies almost every year. My luck has slowly changed from bad to good. I was able to discover more aspects of my life to better help myself and provide help to others while others older and younger than me, used their aspects and experiences to help me. But the weird thing about it, was that it was always a different person every time. Whether it was a stranger, acquaintance, associate, business partner, friend, best friend, family, lover or a genuine companion throughout it all. I went through every stage there could be. Some I just learned and some I'm continuing to learn.

The world revolves around us all, we just have to find how we fit in with it.

Take care stay safe and stay tuned for more.




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