Over the years this has probably happened to you. Whether you watched T.V., used your computer or as I type this staring into your smartphone in the middle of an intersection when you should be paying attention to that oncoming tr---too late.
Anywho, you probably felt the following symptoms:
Just to name a few, but above all else the best way to describe it would be like feeling sea sick without actually being at sea.
Now at first, because I was watching some random haunted Youtube Video by this guy Moe Sargi. He among most things allegedly claimed to get sick from some form of spiritual possession, I first thought it was happening to me too, because that was when I suddenly felt extremely nauseous. But then I realized I been watching this thing for almost an hour and a buddy of mine mentioned getting eye strains from watching too much TV. So I did some digging and found this.
As it turns out, prolonged exposure to electronic screens has made me physically ill and I'm pretty sure a lot of you got the same thing, but not noticing.
Before when I encouraged people to spend more time in the real world and less time on the net, I was just trying to save the minds from being drained to stupid. Now, I know for a fact that your very health is at stake so for the love of god. Spend less time on the screens, because if you don't it could actually kill you.
Other than that, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.
Damn... I guess I really should spend less time on my PC.