You call this Leftovers? Makes me want to see what the main course was. This is beautiful.
You call this Leftovers? Makes me want to see what the main course was. This is beautiful.
Haha thanks, I appreciate it. My other music can be found at so feel free to dig through it. Also should be around here on newgrounds too.
This reminds me of the RPGs of old from NES to SNES. Brings a tear to my eye.
Same dude, it's a pretty one :)
Very smooth.
I did a space song myself once. When I did it I was trying to go eerily calm. As though I was conveying beautiful danger. You know, Space is beautiful, but don't let that fool you. Your space song, seems to go on the more adventurous route. Not bad.
This one's pretty good. Got a lot of positive vibes from this.
Don't know why but I could see any game character parody or otherwise, strutting down the street to this.
Ok that was catchy.
When I heard Stage 1, I had to hear more. I'm liking what I'm hearing so far.
I like it. Very SNES and Sega like.
Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.
Age 33, Male
Part Time Musician,
High School Graduate/Self Taug
Parts Unknown
Joined on 12/13/20