Very moving, great work with the instruments. I'm not much of a fan of Kingdom Hearts to judge it against their music, but I do know this. They should hire you.
Very moving, great work with the instruments. I'm not much of a fan of Kingdom Hearts to judge it against their music, but I do know this. They should hire you.
That is kind of you, thank you ❤️ I hope that, when the time is right, I can have someone snap me up for something.
This song sounds like the kinda song that plays in the background when someone's on their way to a kick ass night club. Then at around 1:10 they expect you to start them off when they start dancing. Amazing.
Thanks! That's actually very close to what I was aiming for 😄
When Shigeru Miyamoto first created Zelda, he based most of the overworld off the various things, he discovered while exploring as a child. He had no map and relied on sheer wits during his travels. The fact that you are able to make a song and be inspired to want to create a story based on your own life and the lives of those you known, shows to me at least that you are on his level of creativity. This is a beautiful song and you should be very proud to make it as well as express your story behind it. Bravo.
That is high praise; I've let it sink in over the months and I still am touched by your words. 💖😭 Thank you.
Feel Good is the right word of it. Every bit of pride you feel about this, is worth it.
Aww, thanks!
This one's great.
I appreciate that!!
Not bad.
Thank you!
This one seems very actionized. I like it.
Thx! Seems like 6hrs of work were worth it
If this is how you are, when you're bored, I'm afraid of what you'll do if you get serious. This is beautiful.
Thanks! And tbh my music is made for fun, which will likely be the case for as long as I make music.
Yep. Reeks of Happy.
Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.
Age 33, Male
Part Time Musician,
High School Graduate/Self Taug
Parts Unknown
Joined on 12/13/20