Not sure why anyone down voted this, it sounds very chill.
Not sure why anyone down voted this, it sounds very chill.
Yee, I decided to do a chill beat this time. Tnx for your comment :')
Love it.
Thanks man! Your loyalty is astounding and I love it <3 Thank you thank you thank you! I'll be sure to listen more to your music, I read your recent news post.
Been a long time since I heard your stuff. Love what I'm hearing so far.
eh, you know how it is, with life happening and all that
You still got it.
I don't know why exactly, but this comment made my day. Thank You!!!!
This definitely earned a spot on the Phonograph. Congrats on that. I was on volume 6. The song itself is very mesmerizing.
Thank you so much <3 I'm really surprised this went on the Phonograph but at the same time I'm happy it did! Thank you again so so much for your support and comments <3 I truly don't deserve such high praise
Nice. Though I kinda wish I could hear a 16 bit version. It sounds like it fits well into the Snes/Sega/Neo Geo era Street Fighter Games.
I can definitely make that! I was planning to but wasn't sure if anyone would like this first XD thanks again for your vote and support!
Wow, sounds like something out of an 80s Michael Mann film.
Thanks, glad I could give you that vibe :)
Good luck with the surgery. This song is killer. That being said, if you're worried it may damage your eyes remember this. Handel was blind and he was still one of the greatest musicians.
I try not to spend a lot of time in electronics, but I'm not going to completely abandon my career at Newgrounds. And so thank you for the good wishes. The creation of this track did not take me much time, namely 2.5 part-time days.
Sounded like something out of Logan's Run at the beginning. The rest gives me major Pico vibes. Good hearing your work once again.
Thanks! Now that you say it, I can actually hear it now. Kinda funny XD
Does feel like one is in space listening to this.
Thanks! That was definitely the goal ;)
Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.
Age 33, Male
Part Time Musician,
High School Graduate/Self Taug
Parts Unknown
Joined on 12/13/20