As most of you know, there's a contest going on called the 2021 Art Inspired Music Contest, which started in April 16. The idea of the contest was that you make a song inspired by a piece of art from the Newgrounds Art Portal. We could do a song about anything so long as it's not rated A art and that the song was original work. As in no remixes, no covers etc. It also states that the songs should be between 3 - 6 minutes. So getting inspired I made a song based on @OddJorge7's picture: Battle Damaged Gojira
So getting inspired I created a song based on that picture as seen here:
Probably one of the best things I've ever done and what made me the most happy about it was that @OddJorge7 liked the work when he could have easily destroyed me.
I submitted my work to the contest, I got rejected. Their reason? Because it was 40 seconds over the 6 minute maximum. 40 fucking seconds. Now I wouldn't have minded that so much and even told my fans and listeners not to get mad should they happen to like this song. The person was doing their job and enforcing their rules. However there's something I didn't tell you all which I feel needs to be addressed. The host informed me through private message, that it's not the quality of my work they do not like, but rather if I wanted to stay in the contest, they'd give me a leniency of 20 seconds over 6 minutes. Needless to say that didn't make me feel any better. I refused because I felt if I altered this song in any way to fit in with their rules, I'd ruin the work. Music I've worked so hard on in making. So I just labelled it rejected and tried to move on. With quiet, dignity and grace. However much like Fredrick Frankenstein, said quiet dignity and grace only lasted for so long. While I respected their decision to reject me and do not blame them personally. I do feel as though there is something inherently wrong with rules like this. It also gives me the impression that the host cares not for the quality of one's work, so long as they conform to their rules. What kind of crap is that? I was raised to believe that art in all forms, is an expression of one's self. Their views, their dreams, their goals. Music is no exception. Nothing is too long as long as you got great quality in your work.
So while I do genuinely wish my fellow musicians luck on the contest, I formally protest it. No one should sacrifice their artistic freedom just to win a prize and if you value your own artistic freedom, you should protest too. I will not review, vote, fave or add to the playlist any music that's been entered save for what I've done before my rejection. I don't care if your stuff is good or if it helps me level up. I do not support this contest and I think the rules of the song's length is probably the most petty thing I've ever heard.
And from a site like this that started off as Anti-Establishment, it's probably the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard.
The whole point about constraints is that they are present in contests. Some have length constraints, some have others. A contest without rules 1) may as well not be a contest at all, and 2) is open to plenty of abuse, and I know this because I've had to fight hard as a judge to undo the many abuses of the Newgrounds Audio Deathmatch.
The host does care about those rules, because ultimately there are going to be people who deliver with that constraint. You have two months. You can choose to do likewise, or not.