The golden rule of posting things on the net used to be, to do things anonymously. Don't tell people what you look like, where you live and most importantly: don't tell people how old you are. The reason being is that when you eventually get into fights, it would hurt less because neither party would care who was on the other side of the screen. It's just text. You could be arguing with an old man or a little kid for all you know, but because how how childish both sides would get, it wouldn't matter. Anonymity made us all equal in the world. However as the internet became more public, with social media and entertainment sites, that rule was not just broken but disintegrated. It's gone and the only thing keeping some of us from killing each other regardless of age was the age limit for travel depending on which country and the money to go there. Cowardice notwithstanding.
Yet the one thing that never changed, was the fights. People out there knowingly arguing, insulting and downright threatening each other even after knowing the age of each other. Just recently a 21 year old artist who shall remain nameless, belittled a 10 year old kid, on this very site. For making the mistake of posting in the wrong forum category. A common mistake anyone can make. That would have been enough, yet this person in the same post, proceeded to insult said kid, claiming he wasn't skilled at anything. I saw this kid's work, I know potential and hard work when I see it. And while said Artist is no slouch, this kid has the potential to be leagues ahead of this jerk.
That aside, this supposedly mature artist, knew how old the kid was and picked on him anyway. Who really is the child here?
Give @junoeddleman all the support and encouragement he needs. That kid is going places.
thank you so much man but i dont think he was 21 i was guessing but if he was here since 2008 than he is an adult so he may be older like maybe he joined at the age of 13 so maybe he is 26
21, 26. Point being he shouldn't knock kids. Especially if he used to be one.