Someone once said that if you played Led Zepplin's song "Stairway to Heaven." backwards, that you'd hear satanic messages backwards.
Wanna know what happens when you play Country Music Backwards?
- You get your wife back.
- You get your job back.
- You get your truck back.
- You get your house back.
- Your dog comes back from the dead.
- You get to fish.
- You don't have to ship out to war.
- Your girlfriend doesn't cheat on you because you're not going anywhere.
- You don't get hurt in bar fights.
- Your liver repairs yourself so you can drink again.
honestly thats f'ed up why i will never thinks as zeppili from jjba the same again
I listened to Stairway backwards. It's nothing more than random backwards talk, that coincidentally sounds like stuff like "Sweet Satan" and "666". There have been others like, if you played "Another One Bites The Dust." Backwards it says "It's fun to smoke marijuana."