"Lie only become true if person want to believe it." Nariyoshi Miyagi.
A follow up to this:
Welp. I no longer have to take @thisjoe seriously ever again. Even if I think he is an adult pretending to be a teen.
I came to a realization of what Joe has been doing to Jes and those before him. I recognized this pattern before. Probably the most pathetic pattern I've ever witnessed and I witnessed a lot.
ThisJoe has been TMZ'ing @DJElectricJes.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, TMZ is an infamous Paparazzi website and tv show, that takes the most minor things celebrities do, blow it up to ridiculous proportions and making their target look like the worst of humanity.
Here's a typical TMZ Scenario. Imagine any celebrity you know, doesn't matter if it's a man, woman, cis, trans, could be anyone you known. Now imagine they only gained, not even a pound of weight but enough to show they've gotten slightly chubby and a picture is taken at the right moment. TMZ will take that picture and make it look like that slightly chubby person look like a big fat slob that needs to be ridiculed. The sad thing is, their audience does join in on the ridicule, which is why they never shut down, because they got a paying audience.
Now remember that scenario. Although I pointed out something as minor and harmless like weight gain. It can apply to even the most worse situations.
Now look at what happened so far.
Jes gets accused of ERP'ing a 13 year old girl. He admits to the mistake, shows clear remorse and regrets to it and even worked up the courage to fess up, apologize and let this hang onto him for the rest of his life so that he'd never make that mistake again. Then Joe comes along, takes that minor mistake and treats it as though the guy asked for her address, went to her house, raped her 8 ways from sunday and kept doing it to others from here on. This was enough for even those who were fans and friends of Jes to turn against him. Sound familiar? It should, that's standard TMZ.
Even the debated Michael Jackson thing had actual proof that he was sleeping next to children, for the cops to come to the original conclusion and he was accused of repeat offences even well after he was dead. (Do not ask my opinion on that one. I stopped caring a long time ago.)
I should hate him for this, I really should, but Bravo Joe, I'll give you that one. I never seen such a manipulative tactic like that for a long time. Years. Nice to know monsters use stolen tactics.
I don't even need the screenshot anymore. I'll keep it up for the sake of history, but damn.
@DJElectricJes, @ElectricSakura16, @Badcoder69 and all your fans and friends. If you're reading this, there is only one way to get yourself out of this. Block him. Block his name, block his youtube, block him and block anyone that continues where he left off. Everything he's done was done with a tactic with the soul purpose of getting a reaction out of you. For those on your side, hold on to them as much as you can for those that aren't. To hell with them. Just live, keep doing what you're doing and this will eventually be all behind you. Trust me.
"Jes gets accused of ERP'ing a 13 year old girl. He admits to the mistake, shows clear remorse and regrets to it and even worked up the courage to fess up, apologize and let this hang onto him for the rest of his life so that he'd never make that mistake again. Then Joe comes along, takes that minor mistake...."
Minor mistake....
Yes because it is minor and I refuse to waste my time and energy on a lunatic monster like him now that I know his tactics and if you keep pressing the matter I'll block you too.