I just found out a few hours ago Ivan Reitman passed away two days ago.
For those that don't know who he is. Ivan Reitman, was a legend. This guy not only directed some of the greatest comedies from the late 70s to the mid 2000s, but he also helped further the career of such greats as John Hughes and David Cronenberg, while serving as producer and executive producers.
As director, he was responsible for such greats as Meatballs, Animal House and of course Ghostbusters. The latter of which he also provided the Demonic voice for Zuul among most things. As his final role, he not only was the executive producer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife, directed by his son, Jason Reitman; SPOILERS He also served as the stand in for the Body and Ghost of Egon Spengler. His last role literally trying to do something special for an old late friend. Now that is dedication. The irony of him playing a ghost, then in a sense becoming one, is not lost on me.
The fact that he was able to see through this movie until the end, which is a rarity among filmmakers, is just ONE of the reasons why this director is well regarded.
Ivan, wherever you are, I really hope you are in a better place....the containement unit of the old firehouse, but I'm sure wherever you are is just as good. Rest in Peace You Comedy Legend.
I never knew this man, but may he rest in peace.
Ya. The guy was a legend. Made movies until the very end.