Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

Exp Points:
5,954 / 6,400
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Vote Power:
6.54 votes
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Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1m 1d

If you think I'm nuts for saying this, then fuck you. Time To Vent.

Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 19th, 2022

I've been doing music for over 4 years. 2 on Newgrounds. I've gotten into my fair share of drama on this site alone and while there have been a few straggling arguments, I've managed to push myself past it and move on. My main goal on this site, was to promote my work in hopes I would either get paying customers or collabs. And while I have succeeded in the latter for some and waited for others, I find that enough is enough. At first I thought that maybe, it was my fault that I didn't promote myself. Maybe because I pissed off a veteran or two on the site for standing up for what I've believed in or even made myself somewhat a pariah for fighting for someone I believe is innocent. Maybe because I started promoting things, you all just happen to conveniently hate. Or maybe just simply that my music is good enough. Well guess what I have come to the conclusion, that all that is wrong. I know exactly what is the reason why I haven't been able to move forward. 2. in Fact.

  1. I am cursed. This has happened to me my whole life and I don't give a fuck how many of you downplayed my stuff, because you have no fucking clue the shit I've been through. I'm sure some of you do, but the rest of this site, has no fucking idea the life I lead. My whole life, I've had nothing but bad luck, from minor things like not even being able to enter a contest, let alone win to major things watching my loved ones die in front of me. While others keep trying to use, control or destroy me. I am well aware I am not the only one who has gone through this, the world does not revolve around me, but I am sick to death of this fucking pin point accurate bad luck happening to me and I have always believed someone or something is responsible for it. You may find me crazy for what I'm about to say, but whoever and whatever is out there, I only have one thing to say "FUCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!" If you really see me as a fucking threat, then you're just gonna have to fucking kill me, because I will not stop working hard until I die of exhaustion. Then you'll have lost one of many of your cosmic playthings. You thought I was a threat before and I never even did anything to antagonize a being such as yourself, well you have a threat now. So either stop or get the fuck out of my way.
  2. Barring that, save for a select few, who I will not name, because I will not turn any against each other. It's your fault. You, my fans. You follow my work, you download it and with some few exceptions, not a single one of you helped me move forward and I'm not just talking money. My music isn't perfect, but it's not bad either. No need to be modest anymore, I'm probably one of the greatest composers of the modern world. Good enough to at least be in the Tank Tribune. However it's also very cheap. Literally a dollar or two for a single track. I've heard a variety of reasons why no one wants to pay, many of them have nothing to do with hating my work and while I believe some, I have come to the conclusion, that a huge bulk of it is bullshit. I know for a fact it's because you don't want to spend your hard earned money on something you've been listening for free. I'm sorry, but unless you can prove me otherwise, I don't believe a single word of it. And I'm also calling out the mods of this site too. How the hell am I supposed to know who downloads my work? For all I know, they could be pirates posting it on Youtube and passing it off as their own. Maybe even making money off my work without my fucking permission. It wouldn't kill you guys to at least have an alert or notification that let's me know who download it so that on the off chance it turns out to be someone who happens to like my work I could thank them. But no. Same with the faves. I shouldn't have to check my songs every so often to know someone's faving my work. But I ramble on. As I said before it's not just money. Even if you all were legit in what you've said, you could have found other ways to help me out. Link my work, talk about it amongst your friends. Simple stuff that doesn't even cost you a fucking thing, but save for a select few, not a single one of you motherfuckers, save for a select few, has ever gone out of their way to do that. No matter how much I asked nicely and I have been asking nicely. No more.

If you're only here to leech off my work and see me make an ass of myself should the next drama spell hit me, then you unfollow me right fucking now. Because I'm sick of lip service fans and I'm sick of not being able to move forward. I don't make this music to please fans. I make this music for me and if people happen to like it, more power to them. This isn't a hobby, this is fucking work. This is art and I am not gonna let anyone or anything keep me from moving forward in this or my life. I'm sick of waiting, I'm sick of asking. As of now, I'm demanding and fighting.

If you truly are my fans, if you truly wish for me to get ahead in this, then you help me. You fight alongside me and you make sure I get ahead while I do the same for you. That is my word. If not, then you can all go fuck yourselves.

Vent over.





Go fuck yourself. You try to blame and guilt trip the people who take the time to listen to your music by saying they don't do enough. Do you know how stupid that sounds? You cry about not getting more attention, but in the same paragraph, you admit to only starting to promote your work out more. That isn't a smart business move, especially in a 4 year period.

Maybe more people would interact with you if you weren't such an asshole in a majority of your interactions. People aren't going to interact with an artist who treats their potential customers like shit.

Take a break from the internet if you have to reset

If you actually bothered to read my whole post you'd know the words. "With some few exceptions." Clearly you didn't and instead cherry picked the parts where apparently you think I insulted you personally you self entitled sack of shit. Those select few I hold in the highest respects, because they did try to help me in anyway they can. One once donated supporter money to me in hopes it would get me out there more. A few others collaborated with me on various upcoming projects, which have yet to be realized. All of which I am forever grateful, when they do come to fruition. Until then, I am pretty much on my fucking own and it would have helped if those who took the time to listen to my music at the very least talked to people about it. Which literally costs nothing but a few seconds of time. With the exception of those few, literally the bulk of my fans either listen or download without so much as the common fucking courtesy of informing me why. Whether they want to use it for a project or simply like listening to it.

Respect is a two-way street and I've shown my fair share with only little to nothing in return. I work very hard to provide entertainment for people and fucks like you act like you own artists like us. You make me sick. Also, I don't see you anywhere on my fans list, so clearly none of that fucking concerns you.

One other thing, the customer is not always right. Go fuck yourself.

@CIEIRMusic LOL you're calling me self entitled? Pot, meet kettle! If I was offended by anything you've said, I would have said worse things to you. The overall vent came off as very condescending and manipulative towards your fans. It's not their job to buy or comment on every piece of music and spread it. People listen to lots of music without commenting on it unless they have a reason too. Think of it like scouting on NG. It's frowned on if you ask to be scouted so people post and work on there craft in order to be scouted.
You contradicted the original post by saying you provide entertainment for people. Make up your mind, do you make entertainment for yourself or other people?
The customer may not always be right but they are the thing that make or break a career. You should be counting yourself lucky that there people that want to listen to your stuff.

You couldn't do worse things to me if you had the ability to punch me in the face through your screen. There is literally nothing you can do to me, that the world, this curse and life itself hasn't already done. And yes, you are self-entitled, I did my homework on you, you do a lot worse bitching and complaining to others talking about how much you don't care about what they think who they are or what they do, yet clearly you care enough to bitch and complain about it.

Let me tell you something about fandom in general. Do you think stuff like Music, Movies and other forms of media, just get famous out of nowhere? No, they got famous, because so many people that claimed to like the work did everything they could to keep that work alive. If fans want more, it's their job to show how much they want more. Star Wars kept on going because so many fans spent their time and money hoping they'd continue where Return of The Jedi left off and now look at it. While divisive among said fans, it's an even bigger powerhouse of a franchise than it was back in 1977. Why? Because said fans loved it that much. The fans didn't simply just watch the movie on TV, they went to the theater, they bought the merchandise and even bought every version of the home videos they could get their hands on so they can make a game about the differences between the Theatrical cut and The Special Editions that followed. Most importantly they told their friends, family and anyone else they could find so that more people could see the fucking thing. Doesn't just apply to media. Even Sports is no exception. Those sponsors Athlete's make money off of, wouldn't have money to pay them if their fans didn't buy the shit they plug. You say it's not a fan's job? Dude, then you must be a really shitty fan of everything.

As for what I said there is no contradiction Word Twister. There's a difference between making and providing. I make entertainment for myself, I provide people with it.

You should be counting yourself lucky that I'm letting you talk this long, I heard what you did to ngman7. All you ever done is bully that person every chance you get and you think you're entitled to call me out on my behaviour? FUUUUUCK YOOOOU!! You claim I'm manipulative, yet all you ever done is everything in your power to try to get this guy to quit NG or drive him to suicide if you're lucky. I suggest you either back the fuck off or I'll make you back off by blocking you.

@SolaceMansion One other thing. If the fans really thought I was wrong about what I said, that counter would be going down by now. It's still at 140. So...pft on you. It's called a test of character and conviction, try it some time.

Holy shit man. At first I was like, I'd love to support you but I can't afford to pay for music in my broke ass college state right now. I sure hope you believe me, and I'm sure you do, I mean, you support my tracks more than I do yours, and I feel I owe you back. Solace is right in some regard, but you are right too. Making music, especially if it is as a work or job instead of a hobby (like me), is hard and trying to make money off independent publishing is tough, because not everyone is willing to buy tracks, for economic reasons or otherwise. I've had my fair share of ignorance too, and trust me, it's easy to become the jealous "green-eyed monster" when something goes wrong, especially here on Newgrounds. I don't think you vented toward the innocent people that try to help you, but rather the people that choose to not help you for selfish reason. I do understand how people can misinterpret it though, because your wording was so vague. No offense to you, Cieir, of course. I hope more people can support you in the future, and I will of course continue to support your work. Just don't let rage consume you, alright?

None taken. You at least understand what I was going through.