Last night I was watching CP24. They said, that Putin consider the sanctions as well as any effort to help the Ukrainians out, would be considered a declaration of war. Needless to say, he was specifically referring to Canada and The United States efforts to help Ukraine, such as humanatarian efforts and helping any citizens that wanted out to have asylum in our countries. In Layman's terms, that short dicked, Stalin wannabe Diet Coke of Soviets piece of human shit, is threatening the western hemisphere simply for helping Ukraine and condemning him.
Now Trudeau as well as Biden are trying their hardest to make sure it doesn't come down to war, but I have something to say to Putin, the Russian Army and any citizens on his side of the matter, spewing propaganda all over the net in an effort to get the idiots on said net to join them.
You've called down the thunder well now you have it. Should Canada go to war and with the way tensions are rising, they will, they will do everything in their power alone to destroy everything you've built. We may have lost battles, but look up the history records, not a single time has Canada ever been officially defeated in War. Look at the records again. The Burning of Washington. That was us. The Battle of Vimy Ridge. That was us. Passchendaele, The Dieppe Raid, Juno Beach, our part of the Dam Busters. We have been underestimated by many enemy soldiers and as a result, we've killed so many and destroyed so much property to boot. And that's just our armies. Our citizens, are comprised of the toughest meanest bastards and bitches that ever lived. From our authority figures to our most notorious of organized criminals. And that is just our country alone.
The U.S. Army are no slouches either, they've fought and won many wars since their fight for independence.
Not to mention the other European Countries that used to be part of the Soviet Union, have gone through great lengths to make sure that even if you managed to take Ukraine, you're not gonna leave alive. Not to mention the European Union. As for your Allies such as China. They're on a tightrope. They may not want to dissolve things with you, but they know the rest of the world will get them if they keep taking your side on the manner.
That's not getting started on how much money you've lost during this offensive. Your own soldiers will end up defecting or gunning directly for you the second they realize they're not getting paid and you're preparing to flee.
Needless to say in case I haven't spelled that shit out for you, you've pissed off the entire world. The same world that spent the past decade going at each other's throats. All of them have agreed to set aside their difference for the one goal of taking you out!!
Enough is enough. Your reign as President of Russia is over. I see one of your bots spread propaganda here or any site for that matter, I report them. I see you talk shit about justifying the invasion, bowling over the men, women and children you've killed and I will mock you like the bully you are, until you either kill me or you stop.
So do what you do best Vladimir Putin, run. Run you cur. You tell anyone that decides to pick up your legacy that the world is coming. YOU TELL THEM WE'RE ALL COMING AND HELL IS COMING WITH US YOU HEAR!!! HELL IS COMING WITH US!!!
While I don't disagree with the sentiment, Canada has no air defence,limited anti tank capability, a massive shortage of trained troops, and outdated tech in every branch.
Dude, what we lack in those we make up for in determination and brutality. Take 1812 for example. American soldiers set fire to Fort York. We retaliated by burning all of Washington to the ground. Vimy Ridge. Neither side of WWI could take that one and it was believed that if one took that over it would end the War then and there. While it didn't Canada did what the Brits, U.S. and Germans couldn't do. They took that place showing they were more than just some British loyalists. That's just a few examples of the soldiers.
However, I'm not just talking about the soldiers when it comes to Canada. Much like the United States, the Citizens are just as scary if not scarier than the soldiers. Soldiers have rules, Citizens don't. Meaning if those guys managed to get some troops in disguised as refugees onto Canadian Soil or god forbid actually try to go after us on both sides of the land and they start blasting, they're not just gonna have to face military guards. They'll be facing cops, mounties, federal agents and every known Organized Crime Element in the country. All with itchy trigger fingers and all not afraid to fight dirty. Strictly speaking even Criminals are gonna want to tear these assholes apart and they will.