Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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My Views

Posted by CIEIRMusic - October 22nd, 2022

I figured for this one I should give people an article of what my views are. More or less because a lot of people regardless of how good their work is or how bad their work is are often judged more on what they think rather than what they do. Which I think is 100 percent bullshit and I'll use myself as an example. For this I'm only gonna list the majors as well as a few hot button issues that have been talked about for over a century.

Poiltical Views

In terms of Politics I qualify more as a centrist than most things. Which a lot of people consider at best lazy or at worst catering to the worst parts of the political spectrum. However I would like to reiterate on this one.

In terms of my political views, I believe that with the exception of Nazism and Cold War era Communism, that each and every political party in one country or another has both their merits and their faults. The Democrats for example have John F. Kennedy as the prime example of a Good democrat, while Lyndon Johnson who succeeded him, is the prime example of a bad democrat, due to him saying yes to 'Nam. Whereas Republicans for example. They have a bad rep because there have been a lot of bad people that earned said reputation. However if you want a good example of a Good Republican. Look no further than the statue of a giant man on a chair in Washington. Honest Abraham Lincoln. Any one else in his position would have had no problem with slavery in the south being legal, he instead risked his career and eventually his life to put an end to it and as a result of the latter some people from both parties try to follow his example. The key word try.

My stance on it is plain and simple. "You're all fucking nuts, but if you worked together and hashed out what sucks about each other, then a lot of problems would be solved."

Religious Views

In terms of my own personal religion, I'm Pagan. Specifically Wiccan derived from worship of the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses, with a bit of Gaelic, Celtic and Native in there.

However, I do believe in the right to express one's religious views so long as no one is physically getting hurt by it. You could be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu or many others, but as long as you got a good heart and keep your nose clean from trouble, then you're alright in my book. It shouldn't matter who is right or wrong. There shouldn't just be one big religion that dominates all. People should be free to do it. That being said, there is a catch to this. If your sect of the relgion happens to directly be involved with or sympathetic to the cause of extremists. Whether it's KKK for the Christians or Taliban for the Muslims, then I will not give you the time of day. Especially if said people try to sweep past atrocities under the rug.

My relgion has past atrocities too, many of which are enough to make even the most tolerant of religion sympathizers puke their guts out. I know that, I accept it, I own up to it and I move on. Why? Because with the exception of a few puritans out there, we have since evolved from those atrocities and found better ways of worship that don't even involve the taking of a life. If we can evolve so can the other religions.

Racial Views

In my overall stance, it may sound cliche, but it stands to say it. When it comes to the topics above and this one, I love and hate everybody equally. I would try my hardest to do my part to help make this world a diverse place, but at the same time, would have no problem calling out those who advocate the same for their bullshit and hypocrisy, should I suspect anything shady and if said groups call me racist, well the feeling's mutual.

Sex Views

In terms of sexual orientation, so long as Bestiality, Necrophilia and especially Paedophilia is not one of them, you all can do whatever the fuck you want so long as it's legally consensual. That's my stance on it. Any assholes on there that try to lump those three Categories with groups like LGBTQ, both those against it and those for it, can go straight to Hell.

In terms of Gender Identity. So long as you can prove what you identify as regardless if you were biologically born with it or not, you're ok in my book. If you're one of those assholes just abusing the system for your own benefits, then you're scum because you're not only hurting the people you intend to hurt, but also the people that otherwise would have welcomed you with open arms and vowed to protect you. Mainly because those dumbasses that follow everything bigots say would lump some innocent transgender person in with the same category as say some rapist who decided to dress in drag so he could rape a woman in the Girl's washroom.

In terms of actual sex. I believe in sex for love and sex for fun, so long as like I said before, it's legally consensual. However on top of that, I honestly really hope those that do it don't fuck things up like giving each other an STD or an unwanted pregnancy. Other than that go nuts.


This was a tough one, but I am neither pro-war or anti-war. I am pro-necessary war. Some Anti-War demonstrators can never differentiate between wars. To them all wars are the same because soldier and civilian alike get wounded or killed in the crossfire. Fair enough. However I myself know the difference between when war is necessary and when it's not. Surprisingly some agree that World War II was a big example of Necessary War, because the Allies were working together to stop a great Evil. Whilst wars like Vietnam and The War on Iraq were grossly unnecessary.

World Aid

This one is also a tough one. While I do believe people should help each other more often, those that do at the expense of their own countries, fail to realize the consequences about it. As much as I boast about Canada's multi-culturalism, there's a huge darkside to it. Years ago when Pierre Trudeau did his policy on immigration, in the 80s he fucked up royally. Granted his intentions were good and it gave him good PR, but he didn't forsee the consequences. Consequences that still happen to this day, but none so worse than the 1983 - 2009. Does that timeline sound familiar? That was the time period of the Sri Lankan Civil War. Now whenever a war breaks out, it's natural for those who don't want to get involved in it to flee the country until at the very least it blows over. This was no exception. However what Trudeau failed to realize at the time was that when it comes to a Civil War, the last place you want both sides of it, soldier and civilian alike to be in the same room together. What does that fucker do? He not only pushes them in the same room together, but in terms of emergency housing, puts both sides of the fucking war in the same housing buildings together. If they weren't trying to kill each other, they'd assault, maim and even murder anyone dumb enough caught in the crossfire. I used to live near one of those buildings when it happens. If I didn't see it myself, my family and Neighbors would be seeing it. What Trudeau should have done, was screen them for any affiliations then just move the warring sides as far away from each other as possible.

Long story short, you want to help people, help them, but don't fuck everyone else up around you to do it. And that's just aiding through war. In terms of the other major woes like famine and disease, by all means help, but don't bankrupt yourself or if you're a world leader, your country in order to do it, because by the time they get back to their feet, you're the one that ends up with the third world country.


In terms of economics, my main stance is this. Not one of us should pay to live. When it comes to food, shelter, personal hygiene and comfort, you're condemning those who can't afford to do at least one of those things, to die. The basic living should not be a privilege. It should be a right. However because someone convinced us we need big numbers on small pieces of paper and plastic to get those things, we basically condemned the entire world for the worse. The way I see it. Living should be free, but if want luxuries that's when you should work for it.


In terms of class I don't judge the class, I judge the person of that class. You could be a multi-trillionaire or so poor that you can't even pay attention for all I care, but if you're a nice person, you're ok. Yet some people seem more inclined to blame the entire class for what some people do and it's on all sides. The bad apples in the Upper Classes view anyone below them as a burden on their life, yet the only reason why they don't have them exterminated is because they depend on them for the things they need. Yet the middle to working to low class, both good and bad seem inclined to blame all High Class people for their problems. Even going so far as blasting fictional characters, like Superheroes, simply because they are rich. That 99 vs 1 percent rally being the biggest fucking joke of an example. Myself I grew up in a working class family, yet I never looked my nose down on anyone that have it better than me, unless they looked their nose down at me first. Much like politics I think the whole world would be a much better place if they just worked together rather than try to oust one and other.


Ya I'm going there. First and foremost, in terms of my own personal stance on the matter, I am what is considered impossible for both sides. Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. To put it simple I'm morally against abortion, but legally I respect the rights of someone who needs one. For any reason be it stem cell research or an unwanted pregnancy through rape or reproductive abuse. But to expand on it a little let's take a look at the main argument.

On the Pro-Life side of things, their main argument is "It's a life." on the Pro-Choice side of things "It's a mass of cells." Now much of the reason why Pro-Lifers lose the argument is because they only delve in the moral and religious implications of the act of an abortion. They dismiss anything scientific because they feel it makes them look like hypocrites. However if they did get into the scientific aspects of it, they'd have more room to hold their own in an argument.

With me. "It's a life." or "It's a mass of cells." Both. It's a Mass of Living Cells. Even if it's not a full life, it's still a life or more specifically a community of life with the egg and sperm being the founding members of said community. Starting off with one sperm and one egg, that's the founders, combining themselves into one world leader. The first cell or Zygote. By the time the baby is newborn they have 26 billion cells. If each and every one of those cells were the size of a human being and put on earth, you'd have a hell of a population problem. For all we know, we couldn't even be people ourselves, just living cells on something else's skin. Point being though is prior to becoming a host for a bigger organism, those cells have a life and possible consciousness on their own and it's still killing them.

However that being said, I do not infringe on the rights of it. I understand if due to certain circumstances or even your own view points, that there are multiple reasons to have an abortion. Such as an unwanted pregnancy from a rape victim or an unexpected mother, as well as simply furthering the process of Stem-Cell Research. Hell if I knew the nearest clinic I'd send anyone looking for one there. That's my stance on the whole thing. Take it or leave it.


I believe Global Warming is real, but that's the extent of it on that one.

In terms of the ethics of meat eating, I'm a meat eater, both by preference and by mentality, as an autistic kid growing up I was a severely picky eater and even then I wouldn't eat some meats. Mainly because it was one of the few things in my life I can control. However over the years I've learned to enjoy it at the very least for my own individual survival. I feel bad that another animal has to die to feed me, but at the same time it wouldn't stop me from eating a burger, but that doesn't mean I don't care. I've looked up many alternatives surprisingly much of them don't really appeal to me. An impossible burger for example, would look, taste and smell like a burger, but I wouldn't eat that, because it's just switching the problem from meat to plant. It's the same greasy crap in a box just from a plant instead of a cow. Anyone that says it's healthier is as big a douchebag as those hipsters who promote vaping over smoking. You're still consuming nicotine and dangerous chemicals they're just not on fire. In fact there is already a better solution. Mosa Meat. That's real meat, but made without killing or even severely harming any animal. Look it up.

Same with the ethics of wearing animals for clothes. Fur, Leather, you name it. While I sympathize with those against animal cruelty the substitutes for certain things like fur do little to almost nothing to keep some people warm in the winter. As for those who wear it to express their social status. Fuck you on both accounts. On one hand how many minks had to die before you go your perfect coat Cruella? On the otherhand all that fur you use to flaunt your status would be more useful as a blanket for a homeless person. Considering you wear that shit in the summer and a winter. But that said, it's one's right to do so regardless of what I think. If only there was a solution where you can wear quality clothes without the guilt of killing an animal. Oh wait there is. Qorium. The same guy that founded Mosa Meats, used the same tech he used to cultivate his Burgers to make leather. Using skin cells instead of muscle cells. Now if it's so easy to make Leather out of this, then fur is next step.

As for the overall environment. In my expert opinion we shouldn't pay for the mistakes generations before us made in terms of my morality on the subject. Especially considering that for the past century we had the tech that would have reversed damages for that long. Just last year a Battery Factory was made in Ontario in an effort to lower Carbon Monoxide in cars. They treated it as if it was this new thing, when in fact that battery, which could have not only been used for cars, but could have helped power houses and other forms of places that require electricity has literally been around for as long as there ever been batteries. Had they implimented then, there'd been nothing to complain about on that alone. I get more shit over the whole NFT thing than these people whom have done centuries of damage to the environment. Does that even make a lick of sense? This being a big example about it.

In terms of reversing the damage faster, I honestly believe it's possible, but no one found a way yet and should I have enough money for one of the goals I mentioned before, even if it was through NFTs, I would spend every dollar I earned from it at least trying to prove that right. People can talk all they want about people damaging the environment for money, but no one ever wonders how some people would even spend said money.

That's just a fraction of my views. I could go on, but at this point I'd probably need more articles for that. Point being is that unless I directly apply it to my art. My stuff does not reflect on my views. I've done things out of my views simply because despite the views of those that are my influences, they managed to make something entertaining. Rogers Waters recently took a lot of shit due to his opinion of the Russian-Ukraine war and while I disagree with him like most people. I do not take that out on his music. While a lot of his work solo and in Pink Floyd has some poltiical subtext to it, it doesn't mean I agree with it, it just means I like the song.

Let me know what you think of all this.




I respect you.


well, i agre with some stuff. there are somethings i would like to comment, like the kkk, they were not christians just like the nazis, they weren't, their actions are not compatible with the christian fundamentals. They are more like occultists, the nazis and neonazis with their idols like "ea, lord of the depths" or "thule", they killed jews how they can be followers of jesus, the king of jews?
the politician view is interesting, i believe on a system that control every side, both left and right and the middle. It's just dumb to trillonaire corporations just buy one candidate, they better buy both trump and biden, both bolsonaro and lula, simple.
Also i think i will make a news post about the brazilian censorship test that may come to other countries, so let me ask you, are you an american? what do you think of the supreme court of your country? how are they behaving?

They started off as a Protestant group in the 1800s. That's as Christian as you can get. Not to mention they stole their look from the Catholic Church. Which is why so many people get outraged when they see the Catholics do their parade. Aside from other atrocities the Catholics have done. Funny irony is the Catholics and the KKK hate each other.

@CIEIRMusic well, for me the equation is simple: Theory < Practice.
if you read what is on the book you will see their actions doesn't match with what is there. It's like i say i'm a manga author, but never done any manga, or a death metal guitarist, but never recorded any death metal song, or say i'm a physiculturist but i'm a skinny nerd. or say i'm not a homophobe but always talking shit about them and persecuting them