Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

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Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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My Views 3: View On People

Posted by CIEIRMusic - October 29th, 2022

This one is a bit cynical at first, but that said it's not all the way bad. Like my previous article on the subject this is only focused on one topic.

In this case, this is my view on people in general. The Human Race. What I think both it's ups and downs. This one will be divided in certain topics, but I will start off with my view of them as a whole.

To quote Agent K of Men in Black, "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky and dangerous animals and you know it." Which basically sums up my own mindset on people. When you get right down to it, we are walking contradictions. Trying to stand up for the group, but praising or gawking the individual depending on who they are and what they've done. Just nearly 3 years ago, when Covid Panic was on an all time high, we seen this quote come into play. Someone was convinced that Toilet paper of all things was the key to surviving a pandemic, as a result a major shortage. Just recently in my own country, due to a flu panic, every cough, cold and flu medicine has been stripped clean off the shelves. All because they think survival means getting it before everyone else does. However let's break things down.


From person to person it varies. Some can be smart, others stupid. Just to simplify it. However when a group unites under a common goal, despite how good their intentions may be, they often end up just as selfish, irresponsible and foolish and do more harm than good. This mentality existed way before the Europeans invaded North America, because as far as Europe was concerned, Earth is the Centre of the Universe and is flat. To think hundreds, maybe thousands of years of atrocities could have been avoided all because a bunch of idiots wanted to prove how smart they are. Yet when an individual says otherwise, they get burned at the stake figuratively and sometimes even literally. Other times, the problem with the world is that we as a group rely too much on one individual to show the way. Part of why Galileo didn't get the respect he deserved was because as far as the so called intellectual world was concerned, only Aristotle's word reigned true, despite others proving him wrong in the later generations. Yet once proven wrong what does the group do? Act like they are the first to come up with it, before eventually relenting and apologizing to the individuals they ridiculed long after they've been dead.


Much like intelligence, morality also varies from person to person. Each and every person has what they consider their moral centre. Some of which differs more than others. Myself for example, my morality is calling it like I see it. I see someone acting like a creep, I call them a creep. Others however both individual and group have such skewed ideas of what is moral or not, which could be attributed to the following things:

  1. Cultural differences. To put it simpler, sex and consent. To the western world, any type of sexual relationships under 18, is considered immoral, whereas in the East, because the age of consent is different, so is the mentality and morality over it. Someone in America would be disgusted by someone in Japan, whereas the Japanese individual would genuinely be confused to why they are disgusted in the first place.
  2. Environmental Influence. Most of the time, even within the bounds of the law, we all gain our moralities from outside influences. Whether it's friends and family, a favourite celeb or even the media we consume. In terms of the former, it's because we trust these people to guide and protect us from the horrors this world has to offer so needless to say, even if what they say is 100% bullshit, we are obligated to stand up for them because we love and trust them that much. In terms of both latter's we admire the person and content they offer and often try to model our lives after the examples set for us in these mediums.
  3. Experience. Whether it's positive or negative, we develop our moralities based on the experiences we had. Some people take things too far in the negative and blame certain groups for the shit individuals did to them in the past. For example, a white person gets robbed by a person who happens to be black. Does that person call the police? No. Instead they decide to dedicate their lives in destroying the group demographic, based on the incident of one person. Which in turn causes said demographic to label all white people as bad as that person. It's an endless cycle that should have been broken centuries ago. Even positive experience doesn't help matters because for all you know the person or demographic they came from that helped you in the past could most likely be a Nazi.


This one is a tough one. Sometimes people can come together based off a certain goal, but often or not, many people end up screwing up said team and said goal based on the following factor. Humans individually, myself included are vain. Each and every one of us believes us to be the protagonist of our own stories and ergo believes we should lead the team rather than follow someone else, even if said person has the right idea. In-fighting breaks out and they end up back to square one. Ready to fuck things up again. If people could at the very least, put their vanity and ego aside and work together using common ground, then the world would be a better place. Part of the reason why the world is so depressing is because so many people are looking for more excuses to divide the human race, rather than unite them. Literally the only time we may cut the bullshit is if some alien race were to show up threatening us.


In conclusion though, whether we stand together or stay apart, regardless of how reclusive we can be with them, our actions have world consequences. Even the smallest thing could cause disaster halfway around the world. However much of the reason why not a single one of us fixes it, is because of the following factors.

  1. As individuals, but also even as group, we refuse to take responsibility for our part in wrecking the world. Be it through War or affecting the environment. Ergo, we don't see it as our problem and leave it to someone else.
  2. We also have a tendency to blame others. Simply because we are too self-centred to realize maybe we are to blame. Trump does something, we blame him rather than the idiots that voted for him. Putin invades Ukraine, we blame him rather than blame ourselves or our countries for buddying with him before he pulled his shit.

Differences and Similarities

The biggest thing that has been the result of many conflicts is that the world has trouble either focusing on what makes us different from each other rather than what makes us similar. For that we're partially to blame too due to the hypocrisy of it. Certain races, orientations, gender identities and so on, want to be treated as equals, but at the same time don't want to lose their individual differences as the result because it makes them feel special to be different. Well I have news for everyone. Regardless of our skin colour, country, religion, orientation and gender identities among most things, we're really not all that different from each other. We all came to this world, thinking our way is the only way. We all clash with each other over it. To top it off, we all want to be heard. The only differences between us are not even important in comparison to the goal we all share. Either accept that, or remain in the cycle until you die.

Mob Mentality

This is the biggest problem ever. Whether it's something minor blown out of proportion or something major, but has little to do with some people, Mob Mentality is the ruin of us all. The second we hear something we don't like, we immediately jump on the bandwagon, judge and condemn before we even remotely hear the other side of the story. We simply take the words of strangers whom should have no impact on how we should think and feel. The key word Think and Feel. If one were to take a moment to stop and think, then maybe there would not need to be a mob formed every time. To top it off half the mob doesn't even care what happened, they just want to be in the spotlight and make it more about them. These people could care less about a murder or rape victim, as long as they themselves talk about how they feel in the event. Shows like South Park and just recently the Halloween Trilogy, showed the consequences of bullshit like that.

Over all, it's neither individual nor group that is solely responsible. It's both. If we could just get our heads out of our own asses, own up to that, we can work better together.




I totally can relate. Though I have some differences.

1. I believe that very few people are capable of learning from history and changing their bad things.
2.I usually see a grim future most of the time>
3.Even though I view the 90s-2000s as a lot better than today, I do not view them as utopian.
4.I often feel like I need to sacrifice something I really love to give justice.
5.I do hate humanity, but I still have love for those who inspired me and loved me. And my friends.
6.I feel like in a few years, I will be the only one left with common sense.

I see. Well I offer some perspective of mine on your points.
1. It's true as a whole, we as a race never learn from our mistakes if we had, there'd be no war, nor poverty. Diseases and Famine on the other hand considering not all of them are man made, are something no one can help with unless they have the right stuff for it. Best we can do is encourage and guide those that have learned.
2. With me, everything seems grim, depressing and pointless and it's often a huge struggle to see something good or at the very least decent happen, be it for my sake or the sake of those around me. I treasure every good day I have, because I know it doesn't last long.
3. It wasn't a utopia, but we had better things back then. Anything is a Utopia compared to what's happening now though.
4. That depends. To put some perspective Gotham has a good quote regarding it. It was from a letter Thomas Wayne sent to Bruce when he first discovered the Batcave. He says to Bruce "You can't have both happiness and the truth. You have to choose. I beg of you, my son, please choose happiness. Unless... Unless you feel a calling. A true calling." What he meant is that a lot of people would do anything to be happy, which is ok, but the pursuit of truth, requires you to sacrifice said happiness, because simply when you do find out the truth about anything you wanted to know, it's not often something you'd like to hear even if you have to. Best advice I can give you on that, is try your hardest to be happy unless you feel it within your core that you need justice.
5. I don't hate humanity, as much as my views say otherwise, if anything I pity it. There are times when I feel like I'm not even human as I am not as selfish or greedy as most people, while anyone else that is sees me the problem.
6. I accepted that notion a long time ago, but that doesn't make me give up hope that there's someone or anyone else out there that does too. Over the years I've been on the net, I've met some interesting people. Good and bad. Unlike the real world, it's much harder to fall into clique behaviour because each individual has only some things in common with one group and some things in common with another. But point being is that when it comes to common sense, you are not alone. Aside from myself, I'm sure there are others out there who think and feel like you do.

@CIEIRMusic I respect this. And I also have that "I am above human as I am not greedy" feel.

I am an opportunist, don't get me wrong. If I find some chance I may make a lot of money, I'd look into it, but if I don't, it doesn't bother me.

@CIEIRMusic I may make posts on my own views.