Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

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My Views: Separating Art From The Artist

Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 15th, 2023

Much like everyone else I myself have had favourite artists in all mediums over the years. And much like everyone else, I get disappointed when they do stuff that makes me not like them anymore. However a lot of people are often willing to watch and support their work because they believe in separating art from the artist. However that notion gets abused so many times that the wrong artists whether you like them or not get away with worse crimes.

So I decided in this edition of my views, I would tell you when is the proper time to separate art from the artists. But in order to do that like the others, I have to do this in sections. You'll see what I mean.

Section 1: Accusations and Allegations

Years ago if I even heard that an artist I liked was accused or alleged of a severe crime such as sexual misconduct or domestic abuse, I would be right there with the other lemmings. However, I have a rule about it. No matter how much I feel the person is innocent or guilty. No matter how much evidence is against them I let the Law and the Court decide. Much of why so many innocents get their lives ruined and so many guilty walk free is because we as people who gawk at these artists, jump on the bandwagon either way. The most prominent being the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard thing. With many supporting both sides and going at each other's throats before a verdict is even decided. The fuck is wrong with you people on that? But I'm no saint. Years ago I joined similar bandwagons without thinking and all it's done was bring stress to me that wasn't even necessary. Nowadays even if I honestly think that person should walk free or go to jail I let the Law and The Courts Decide. We're not cops, we're not lawyers, we're spectators. Spectators watch, think and learn. Other than that shut up.

It was allegations and accusations and the panic that ensued from them, that wasted the lives of The West Memphis Three they never got back. Yet despite their innocence proven, people never learn.

Point being wait until a jury decides, before you bitch about it either way. I still think Kevin Spacey's a pedo, but that doesn't mean I'm a judge or jury.

Section 2: Support Guilt

One of the most common problems with artists whom have committed severe crimes is the guilt one feels in supporting them in one way or another. It's especially difficult when it comes to visual mediums like Movies and TV shows. For example many people refuse to watch a show or movie that happens to have a controversial artist in it, because they believe watching or paying for a home release/theater ticket, is giving money directly to them. Supporting them. I myself got caught up in that too. However it's a common misconception.

For starters let me give you a little inside tip on making movies and television shows. All visual mediums like Movies and TV shows is run by a budget. Said budget is paid for by the producers and executive producers of said medium. That budget among most things pays for the cast and crew's time on set. Whereas unless negotiated otherwise, the money made from the show or movie, goes back to the producers to recoup the budget and make a profit. In layman's terms, the actors are already paid and if one of them happens to be a rapist or a pedophile the fault doesn't lie on you the viewer for supporting them. The fault lies on the producer stupid enough to hire them and profiting off them.

However here's where things get tricky. Sometimes, not all the time a show or a movie is often created by the starring lead. Case in point Rick and Morty. The Justin Roliand thing. Now like I said before, I let the law and court decide on it and they haven't decided yet, however should Roliand be proven guilty for his alleged crimes, then you should be considered guilty for continuing to support Rick and Morty and any other show he directly had a hand in creating. Why? Because even though Adult Swim fired him, he still retains royalty rights as a creator by the same law that is out to condemn him. Meaning whether they like it or not and even if he's in prison, Adult Swim is legally obligated to keep paying him for the rights of the show. So even if Rick and Morty get recast, every single person that watches this show from here on, still supports Roliand. Which is one of the reasons why I will not watch it anymore even if they get recast.

Much like how I refuse to watch anything created by Victor Salva after knowing what he did. Which is a shame because I loved the movie Powder.

Point being is unless the artist or in this case actor/actress had a direct hand in making the medium they are starring or playing in, you shouldn't feel guilty about watching a movie they happen to be in.

Another bonus tip. It helps a lot better if said actor and actress is playing a villain, because you already hate them in real life, you may as well hate the characters they play too since they are already bad guys. Especially when you see their epic downfall.

Section 3: The Severity of the crime or slight.

This is the one that seems to divide a lot of people. Some people still prefer to watch their works despite said artist being a rapist or another type of severe crime. Simply because they like the work. R. Kelly before he got finally imprisoned got away with a lot of shit because people cared more about his music. But that said, it does raise a question. How severe of a crime does it have to be, for you to say no to them. Let me break down my views on the matter.

  1. Controversial Political Views: With the exception of Nazism and Cold War Era Communism, I will never refuse to support an artist based on their political views alone. As mentioned before I disagree with Roger Waters' viewpoint on Russia V Ukraine, but that doesn't stop me from listening to Pink Floyd. Some people take things too far and upon hearing what kind of political view or party their favourite artists are in contrast to their own political views. The immediately cancel that person. Case in point I once saw a reddit. (Long gone now.) Where John Carpenter reveals his own and Kurt Russel's political views. With Carpenter being Left and Russel being right, many people who looked up to Snake Plissken and Jack Burton were devastated and felt they shouldn't support Russel anymore. Despite the fact that Carpenter made it perfectly clear that their differing views aside, they still are willing to work together and stay friends. Due to their mutual love of making movies. Both agreeing to leave their politics at home so it doesn't interfere with their work. Unless I see Kurt Russel, whom is not even Republican (Right Leaning Libertarian in case you're wondering.), is standing in front of and saluting a flag with a Swastika or a Hammer and Sickle, I will still continue to watch his movies. He's an actor first. Not a politician. Since Kanye West supports Hitler. Fuck him.
  2. Sex Crimes: Once again, I let the courts decide on that one, but if anyone's proven to be a rapist, pedophile or other forms of sex crimes that severe, with 100% certainty and no room for reasonable doubt. That's when I don't support them. If there's even 1% chance that they could be innocent, I take that chance and I'll tell you why. While a lot of people focus on those actually guilty of the crime, they overlook one thing. Even if the person is 100% innocent with no room for reasonable doubt of a crime as severe as rape or child molestation, their reputation is still ruined because there's always gonna be a small amount of people that still think they did it. Same with those cleared of murder.
  3. Murder: With the exception of Self Defense or accidental, this one is a 0 tolerance for me. Taking a life and still continuing to do your work like nothing happened, is the worse crime. Scratch that. The worst sin of this world. Nuff said.
  4. Drugs: Depends on the person, the time and depends on the drugs. For example, just recently I found out that Bruce Lee one of my favorite martial artists was a major stoner. Weed, Coke, Shrooms, LSD. However people condemn him for that despite A. He grew up around the 60s and 70s, no way could he have survived the states without being on something. B. There has not once been any record of abuse in relation to it.

Final Section: Our Own Two Eyes

While it's extremely rare for the bulk of us to meet a celebrity or an artist in general. It's also more rare that we witness them do something suspicious. But if there's anything we trust, it should be our own eyes and ears. However, we must not forget our brains. We could see something or hear something, that may or may not be what it seems, but without our brains, we charge dick first into something that probably wasn't even our business to begin with and even if we turn out to be right, said artist or celebrity could benefit from ruining your life and get off scott free. Be it a lawsuit or charges being pressed. Eyes and Ears can't function without a brain. So stop and think.

That's at least how I view it. You're more than welcome to express your views on the subject.




There's also the problem of timeline. I mean, a person considered good or bad NOW is automatically considered good or bad in the PAST. It's sometimes hard for people to realize that a once good person can do bad things and vice versa. And this opinion is transfered on art.

Oh ya. You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. That being said, when a person is revealed to have dirty laundry, it makes even their most mundane and harmless acts in the world seem suspect.

good read. every person is getting canceled left and right nowadays. learning and knowing which ones to actually not support seems to be something that's not considered by many

though, i think what personally peeves me is someone being canceled, in my opinion, rightfully so (such as lying about major claims or disregarding serious accusations), but then eventually just continuing as if nothing happened (and they STILL get massive positive feedback). this isn't really aimed at people of utmost importance though, mainly just wrote this with NSFW artists from twitter in mind lmao. but still, i find this to be ludicrous!

Ya that always pisses me off too. For example, years back, I once got into a fight with someone on Twitter, who keeps trying to claim that SFW and NSFW Loli and Shotacon aren't CP. Yet when I come up with a constructive argument on why it is CP, I get a bunch of angry pedophiles backing this jerk up as if I'm the problem. That said I'm glad some people are beginning to notice how wrong that is, there was this short abridged series making fun of Eromanga Sensei and it cuts to two people arguing the same topic with the Pro guy claiming "It's not real so it's not bad." Then a cop shows up at their door to bust them. Since then they made it a running gag. There's a compilation of it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM9sMxRUy4Q