We all have our moments that make us want to cringe. As in moments so bad our entire body tenses up in either embarrassment, shock, anger, sadness, fear or disgust. However over the years, I've noticed people using the word "Cringe" as the blanket term of seeing or hearing things they don't like such as a bad joke or a disagreement.
Whoever first started this idea I'd like to meet so I could whack them over the head with a dictionary. Because what these people are saying is not the definition of cringe and I honestly think that should stop.
To me Cringe means, the reaction one gets when they witness or hear something seriously fucked up. The best examples include:
- Walking in on parents, relatives or friends engaged in sex. That's cringe.
- Witnessing someone do something disgusting, like pissing or crapping in the middle of a public street. That's cringy.
- Seeing a corpse get hauled out of your building of residence after a disaster hit. That's extreme cringe.
What is not cringe is this:
- Not liking a joke, because it is either poorly written or too lame for you. "This joke is so cringe." That's not cringe, that critique and even then it's as poorly written too, so hypocrisy much?
- Saying something you don't agree with. "This guy is so cringe because he believes in same sex marriage." That's not cringe that's narcissism. You can't comprehend that not everyone agrees with you, because you think everyone should be like you.
- Judging someone based on what they look like rather than what kind of person they are. That's not cringe, that's being an asshole. A guy could be out there panhandling on the streets and have more sense and wisdom than the people who by society's standards are "Normal". And even then, just because someone looks like trash to you doesn't mean they are trash.
Point being is those assholes out there using Cringe for whatever the hell they want it to be, have diluted it so much that an old man like myself, can literally boast and brag about knowing what it really means.
Now after reading what I just wrote, what makes you cringe?
1.Anything really graphic or violent.
2.Anyone who glamorizes war,bigotry,capitalism or hate.
3. NFTs.
5.Most modern pop music or album art.
Edit: I have a lot more, but those are just some.
With me what makes me cringe among most things are the following.
1. Hospital Scenes in movies. I could watch horror movies where blood and gore are a huge factor and not break a sweat, but show me one hospital scene, especially if the surgery and other injuries are in great details and I get queasy.
2. Real life corpses of people and animals, for obvious reasons. Kinda ironic since I'm a meat eater.
3. Pumpkin Guts, because they look like actual guts to me.