Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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I was gonna save this frontpage one for something else, but fuck it it needs to be said.

Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 4th, 2023

First off, I was able to have a productive and good Birthday the past weekend, even got free stuff at a local weed shop because of their birthday special.

Second off there is something that needs to be addressed here. Just recently I stumbled upon an article I will not link for the protection of the user making it. This was one of many complaints where users have their work get zero-voted or zero-bombed as they say here. Now whether or not one's work deserves a Zero is a different story, everyone has their tastes and everyone has their dislikes, so a zero is inevitable and I don't see it as a big deal myself because, just because one or two assholes don't like my work, doesn't mean the rest of the world hates it or me. That said, I am well aware there are trolls out there that do that either because they have a personal grudge or because they think it's a good way to get a cheap laugh. I've experienced it myself, but I pay them no mind at best and tell them how pathetically lifeless they are at worse.

Now, I know people are frustrated about this, but I hate to say this, but you fucked up big time why? Because you talked about it. That's right. To better spell it out for you:


As someone whom as a kid, that's been bullied and has even bullied others in the past, let me let you in on a secret. Bullies thrive on attention. It's not so much that they have to hurt you, but they have do it in front of everyone, to increase what they believe is their rep as a bully. When people complain about what they do, that just encourages them to do it again. So when people are going around complaining and venting, (justifiably so, but still...), they may as well go to the hardware store, buy a can of Red and White paint and put a target on your backs. While I do sympathize I really do, that lesson should have been hammered to you all since day one.

Now if this were real life outside, the situation would be simple. Either ignore them, tell them to fuck off or if need be punch them in the fucking mouth. But since these are net people, who could either be near your residence or halfway across the fucking world for all you know, it's not that simple. You know what is simple? Let me spell it out for you:


It's that self-centered insecure bullshit I cannot stand, mainly because I've been through it myself and it pisses me off that this is still happening to others. You can't please everyone with the stuff you make. Your audience comes to you. Not the other way around. There are always gonna be trolls, hecklers, pranksters, cyberbullies, bullies and other filth all over the world and the net, that cannot comprehend people having a good time or making good work without their input. You should not give a flying fuck what they think because they are pathetic, mentally castrated, lifeless losers, whom for some reason or another feel the world owes them one. I should know, I used to think that way myself.

However while I struggle endlessly, to try to be good and do right by myself, my family, my friends and my fans, I'm at least trying and have succeeded for the most part. So if some asshole has a problem with my work, or me as a person, either they come face me themselves and talk to me in a polite civil way or barring that, they can fuck off and jump off the highest building for all I care. Which is why I'm putting this as a Frontpage article. Too many insecure people need some tough love. They need to thicken their skin, strengthen their muscles and discipline their mind.

And to those Zero Bombers and all the other bad elements out there, you literally have nothing better to do than attack people a site that's comprised mostly of teenagers and young adults? Either you're a pedophile or just some waste of space and air that wore out your welcome before you were even sperm in your dad's pants. I've met people like you before, you're nothing but cowards and if you even had the slightest amount of guts to face me in person, you wouldn't last long in a fight against me. So be lucky I don't know who each and everyone of you are in person. Leave these people alone and use your bullshit trolling for something constructive. It's 2023, you could literally make money shit talking people and instead you waste money shit talking people. Which I'm perfectly sure satisfies the child you have locked in your basement, you creeps.

To those sick of them, just keep up your work and ignore the fuck out of them, it's better for your health.




Hey man, I think you make a very valid point here, but you're undermining yourself. The immediate eye catcher, of course, is the first sentence in a heading font, all caps, multiple exclamation marks and a direct attack at the reader - the signature of a Karen. Now I don't know you well enough to say for sure, but I'm betting that's not the impression you're trying to make, especially with a pretty damn decent message like this one. It's neither here nor there to me what you do with this feedback, but I thought I'd just put it out here. Cheers, D.

Actually no. If you conclude that the way I wrote this is the definition of a Karen, then I'm sorry to say you missed the point. I directly attack all readers for different reasons. I attack those complaining, because that's all they do is complain, they don't take action. As well as the fact that simply complaining about it, is just gonna encourage those to try harder. I've seen this happen many times and too many people, are either too scared or too stupid to do nothing but complain. That said, I call them out, out of tough love. Not outright hatred, because I honestly think they are much better than they actually are, but are too wound up in their insecurities to realize it. If I have to piss them off to get them to fight back I will.

I attack the Zero Bombers, because honestly I'm sick of their shit too. Too many people get hurt all because some assholes attacking other users for some sick sadistic amusement.

Also third. I've noticed recently be it for justified reasons or not, whenever I call someone out on here, they seem to gravitate towards going after me and not the usual people they attack. So in a way I'm basically taking the bullet of hundreds of people here.

@LuckyDee That said I appreciate that you think my point is valid regardless.

@CIEIRMusic I don't doubt your intentions, and I'm not calling you anything. I'm trying to get you to look at your own communication and take an objective look at it. The bombers won't give a shit what you write. The people suffering their attention and struggling with it - which, based on the type of response you are addressing here, is the underage section of the NG crowd, which can't be relied on to know better - get your offense on top of that. Your post to me, is a recipe for being considered a dick by all involved, including those you are standing up for.

Communication is as much getting your message straight as it is tailoring it to your audience. I think you got the former nailed down, and the latter to improve on.

There is literally no other way to communicate to this than being a dick to everyone, that's what you're missing on this. I'm sick of being too soft on people, because all that does it soften them up in return and get them hurt. These kids, have no idea what the real world is like. It's a cruel, vile and nasty place that would beat you to your knees and kill you, if you let it. They come to sites like this to escape reality because they think they can get away from it forever. Yet reality comes crashing in other forms. Including but not limited to the bombers and other bad elements on the net.

If I'm being considered a dick for saying that then so be it, I'm a dick. But if it gets these people to finally stop bitching and moaning and actually take some responsibility in facing the real world, then that's a rep I'm willing to take and considering how my rep is somewhat good and bad here, it doesn't bother me.

@LuckyDee Look I'm sorry if this comes across as defensive on my part, but out of all the things I expected to hear from writing this, even if you didn't doubt my intentions, "Karen" really took me by surprise and ticked me off even if you didn't mean anything by it. "Dick" I could live with, but "Karen"?

I'm sorry, but do you see me ranting about stores or trying to steal some kid's PS5 or puking at the existence of someone who is a different colour than me, or demanding to see someone's manager? No. I'm basically trying to say what you all have been too scared of saying, because of who the target demographic is. Children. Sorry, but while I am protective of kids, it doesn't mean I won't call them out on endangering themselves and the people complaining about these bombers and other elements are knowingly endangering themselves, simply because in their own minds there's nothing else to do but complain.

And it's not just them too. It's their parents whom because they let screens raise them more than they do, have no idea what the hell's going on with them because any rational parent would either back them up or shut their screens off.

This is why we need to bring George Carlin back from the dead he can explain it better than me:

I'm sorry you feel that way. I heartily disagree with you, but I don't feel entering a discussion will bring either of us anything - in this state you are so steeped in cynicism I doubt anything will get through to you. Life _can_ actually be a lot better than that, but it takes a different mindset. I hope you manage to find that out for yourself one day. Take care.

You think this is me being cynical? Don't make me laugh. This is idealism at it's nth degree. It's not the mindset it's the environment we been thrown in. Right now as we speak, my town, there are children from the ages of 6 to 12, doing illegal shit you'd expect someone from 14 - 17 to do and even then that doesn't make it right either. Including but not limited to murdering people. Why? Because no one reigned them in and it gave them the impression they could do whatever they want including but not limited to other children.

Literally the Zero Bomber thing would be nothing compared to that if too many people weren't so hung up on it that if it's anything like the rest of Newgrounds, one may threaten to kill themselves over it. They're the cynical ones because they value the opinion of total strangers for validation and get hurt when they don't get what they are looking for.

I may come across as harsh, but that's only because I have faith that they could get out of this and if they don't, they brought that on themselves. If that is considered Cynical to you, then you may want to look up Might For Right.

Love all the drama you bring here!

Care to explain?

Jesus christ shane, this rant reminded me of this clip from BCS

On my part, I find it very sad that these kids don't know how to handle low reviews, but I kind of get it. Newgrounds, unlike many other sites, relies on ratings to see what stays and what gets cut off; it's the only site that review bombers actually have power over creators more than emotional attacks. I pitched it to Tom that we have an option to hide ratings on a project after it leaves under judgement, at the cost of not receiving any awards and only having views and faves.

On the other hand, I find reviews on Newgrounds more stupid than harmful. This is not a critic site and people should know that. People will rate stuff based on the dumbest shit; awards are given at random most of the time. There was this awesome cartoon called Bunny Battlegrounds that was reposted and bombed twice until I requested to Tom to frontpage it, and now it sits at a good 4 stars and everyone likes it. When I found someone who reviewed it bad, he said it was because "all characters are just recolors, and they have the same walk cycle animation". It's nothing other than stupid.

Sometimes that dumb stuff goes both ways, hell-- look at my last two movie submissions. The Last Tussle was a month long project, I had to collect resources, voice lines, draw new characters, write the script, talk to a bunch of people for song permission, edit it all and subtitle it. I had just a few hours between work, school and sleep to make it, and I had to quit gaming to do it because I really wanted to finish it. It is my best acclaimed work currently. Then on Clock day a few days back, I decided to make a little thingy to celebrate on my saturday morning. Clocks in Harlem took me two hours to make, and it received nearly as much acclaim despite being nothing important.

It's very cool that you decided to say all this, although not as "charming" as most people would've liked. Great.

First of all thanks for posting that clip because that does help me explain it better. Hell not to spoil BCS but the fact that he's doing time in prison doesn't even deter that since even the inmates welcome him with open arms.

I am well aware that the ratings are make or break. Before I used to look back at my own work and hope that good or bad I at least got the first 5 votes, because even if people didn't like my work, it'd still be there. I have not looked at it as much since, because I had faith in my fans that whether they liked it or not they'd at least vote and talk about how much they like or dislike my work. But my point on that matter is that if you want to really succeed in life, you have to be willing to risk losing everything because those that go out of the way to hurt you, want to take everything away from you.

Whenever I review stuff I give my honest opinion even if it's one word. The one thing I couldn't stand on this site is that I think if people vote good or bad, they should at least talk about it even if it is one word. I've seen the reviews people give in the negative and not a lot of them are even routed in constructive criticism and some even just go way off topic, so I do know how you feel on that one. Hell I got zero bombed by a guy who didn't like me because I got into a fight with Epic Gamer. Didn't even quite mention anything about my music other than calling me Low Skilled without further elaboration. I called him Epic Gamer's bitch. So far I've not seen that asshole or his review since.

As for why I'm not as charming as I usually am about these things, it's mostly because I've heard these complaints long enough, have tried a more peaceful and polite if not firm way of warning people that said complaints would only encourage them, only to find them complaining anyway. So needless to say I was going too soft last time. Never again. If they hate me over this, then I'll accept and own up to it, but if gets them confident enough to stop complaining and actually do something, then I've done my job.

@CIEIRMusic Nope.