Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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Nature above Good and Evil

Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 20th, 2024

Follow up to this:

Almost Victims

First of all I want to apologize to those that felt sad for me, when I posted that. While it did depress me, rest assured I am ok. I also want to thank those that do understand. It's nice to know that some people know how I feel. But a funny thing happened to me, when it happened. When I was commenting with someone, I basically had a minor existential crisis. I flat out said while I was typing, I was arguing with God. Now I know that sounds crazy but there's some context.

Every time I ever felt down, even with my Wiccan and Native Magics, I always felt the need to argue with God, whenever I can't find something else to blame, including myself. Cliché, but there's some truth to it. I'm pretty sure everyone from all walks of religion, have argued with their deities. It's where the phrase "Goddammit." came from.

But then I realized something. There have been times in my life, where while the Devil was at play, God has fucked me over many times. When the Devil fucks someone over, it's temptation and corruption. When God fucks someone over that does not deserve it, it's a failed test. Now, I thought I passed many tests, because so much good has happened for me and I never stopped helping people when they needed it. Yet despite that, the bastard kept throwing curveballs. Including but not limited to that bitch that tried to rape and rob me.

Now a lot of puritans would tell you, that it's a sin to go against God and most of the time they are right, if you have no justification, then God has every right to punish you. However, when you do have every right and call God out on his bullshit, he flip flops. Either giving you a break to be better ready for the next shit or pushing you further down, causing you to either stay there and die or claw your way out of it. Considering God created The Devil, it doesn't surprise me if God himself wrote the book on the stuff the Devil does for a living. Now mostly Christians and other people that believe in angelic beings could tell you. God sent the Devil to Hell, because the Devil went against him, got kicked out and dragged as many like minded beings from angels to muses, with him. Turning them into Demons and Incubi/Succubi. See where I'm going with this. The Devil is becoming a corrupted, mirror image polar opposite of God. It made me realize that God may not be his Father. But rather his Brother. And what do brothers do when they don't get their own way. They bicker like little children, no different than both kids and adults act when shit goes sideways for them. And it was said, we were made in his image too so...

Anywho. It made me realize something. While I did respect God and the other deities of other religions, I was never really God's chosen one. I thought I was, but that was just pride. I got cocky and it went sideways for me when I did. But even when things started to get better, he still threw shit at me. Nor was I the Devil's Chosen one either. I am just as capable of great evil as I am capable of good. Which is why even when I fight for righteous causes, I fight dirty when necessary. But then I realized. My core is paganism religions. Wicca and Native specifically. Whereas so are certain people in my circle, even if they were raised Christian. So in a way we're basically a family of Witches. But before they were called witches, they were called something else. You know what it was?

Children of Nature

Look at what Wiccans do, what Natives do, in fact every Pagan type religion does when they do their stuff. They respect nature, they use nature and they allow nature to take it's course when it's all done and over with. They never thank a specific God, they thank what they interpret as Nature in many forms. For example. In Ancient Greece, the first God and Goddess before Chronos, was Uranus and Gaia. Those who read Ancient Greek History, will tell you Uranus is a personification of the sky which modern translators would say means he's basically what Heaven looks like in Humanoid form. However in terms of primordial deities he was only the second. Gaia was the first. The personification of Earth. She was also the mother and husband of Uranus, which while squicky, doesn't surprise me because it's well....Ancient Greece. Back when people had no laws and no morals and we had to work are way through what was right and what was wrong. But it also has a different meaning. In terms of Hetero Marriage, the two most important people in a Mother's life are their husband and son. If you want to modernize it, the two most important people in a person's life is their partner and their child. Granted it was depicted in a disturbing way, but the message still stands.

Now at first I thought that God or whatever higher power was up there, created Earth and Heaven. But after relooking at this maybe it was the other way around. Heaven and Earth created God.

And considering God created Satan, he was his father and his brother. So basically in modern terms the deities above us, however you interpret them are nothing more than a dysfunctional family of Cosmic Proportions. To put it in biblical terms God didn't create Mother Nature. Mother Nature created God.

Now Spoilers for Spawn fans, but Todd MacFarlane, in an attempt to create a Satanic Superhero that rivaled that of Raven, was way ahead of his time in terms of Theology Theory, as he often used biblical terms and other religious text to further inspire his characters. For example, it was one of the first religious based comics to portray the idea that Heaven may be just as corrupt as Hell, but they hide it in a mask of righteousness. But before they continued it, the original ending to Spawn was, this. Al Simmons aka Spawn, whom tried to do right, but got damned to Hell anyway, went so far as to basically put God and The Devil on time out. Grounding them like a frustrated parent. However, he didn't do it alone, the one above them helped him. The Mother of Existence aka The Man of Miracles aka Mother Nature aka Gaia. Now remember what I said regarding Gaia and Uranus. He's her son and her husband and while Al does pine more for Wanda, whom later became the vessel for God and The Devil to be born, by the way, in terms of surrogacy, he played the role as son and husband for The Mother of Existence and basically sent God and the Devil to their room to hash things out and think about what they did.

Then it hit me. Despite basically having a human with Satanic powers banishing God, there are no one of any religion trying to debate someone capable of that because humans, even with powers simply cannot be as powerful as God. And MacFarlane could have had his comics shut down, just for the audacity of it, but because Spawn and him are popular at this point, they achieved more success with the only complaints being that the further stories were just not the same as what he did in his heyday. It's why he's rebooting the series, he's trying to go back to the beginning of what made his greatest creation so great in the first place.

And since I've often boasted that I'm a witch aka a child of nature I thought "Hmm...if Spawn can ground God and The Devil at Natures Request, why can't I?"

So I did what I did as a metaphorical son and father would do. I used what I learned to ground both of them and the weirdest part about it, is the signs told me I was going the right direction.

Now in my case I invoked Native and Wicca magic only. Just to prove a point. That I was a child of Nature before God.

For context, this is how it usually works. In terms of Native, you smudge and you pray for whatever out loud or in your head. No different than most prayers. However because I mixed Wicca with mine I also did some improvisation. Wicca has a thing known as Calling Corners. In which one person from each element, pays tribute to the direction they're facing and the element they represent. However, as shown in that clip from The Craft it doesn't often require them all to be there for it to work as you can either invoke your own element on your own or represent your coven by invoking theirs, if you're right about their elements. I've practiced it before, using my building as a compass, smudging and casting spells for each respective element, each respective direction and what they represent.

For further context here's how it goes at least for me:

  1. North, Earth, Protection.
  2. South, Fire, Love.
  3. East, Air, Career.
  4. West, Water, Letting shit go.

The whole time I thought I was asking God or whatever out there for help, I was invoking Mother Nature. So I realized it and went out with as little sage as I had left, faced west and said. "I'm letting go God and The Devil. By Nature, they are grounded." or something along the lines of that. To put it plainly I basically asked nature to put them on a time out and away from us all and judging by what I've been seeing lately, including but not limited to the day beginning better, it may have worked. At least for my neck of the woods.

Now, you can choose to believe this or not. Everyone's entitled to believe what they want to believe and have their opinion. But I am saying this now. Nothing based on your own personal experiences will ever make me doubt it again. So if you're gonna go and say "It doesn't work like that." In an attempt for me to argue with you, you're wasting your breath. It's my belief, not yours, so if you don't like it, then don't fucking talk to me. But for those whom have their own opinion and have major respect for my belief, we're cool. But for those who do believe me or at the very least figured it out in their own way, maybe take this advice. Maybe put the bickering forces of good and evil on time out your way. Be it prayer, meditation, whatever. Just ask nature or at least your interpretation of nature, to put your respective good and evil on time out. Maybe it will work.

I was thinking of ideas for a sequel book to my first book. However I think I found it here.

Stay safe, stay tuned for more.

Update 1/22/2024

Ok. Good News and Bad News. Bad News first, ever since I grounded God and The Devil from my life and the people around me, God bitchslapped me in a colossal way. I won't go into detail as I am tired of venting this crap, but I will say this. It pissed me off to the point where I felt strong enough to tear down a 13 story building with my bare hands. I went on a verbal rampage against people responsible for it and if you all watched my audio dramas, you know how loud of a screamer I can be if I want to. It's a technique I use, that while Non-Violent does scare and hurt people in a way as painful as a punch to the face. My family once called it "Putting the fear of God." and if I got more well equipped, since I was able to do a successful test run of my character's S.T. and Light Harmony, I would have shown what it was like through my characters.

To teach you how it works here's how it works:

  1. First, don't simply stand there and yell at the person. The more you talk the more they can use it against you, no matter how mundane or how severe your language is. Simply talk or yell louder, but with a firm tone of voice so that they never had a chance to talk. Say your piece as quick as you can and walk off to let them process what you just said. I've done this before many times when I was at my breaking point and while it's seldom successful, those that have fear in their hearts will either act tough to save face or be in a mental panic, because they don't know you personally and are afraid of what you may do if hypothetically you do resort to violence.
  2. When walking away, find a good place to escape to. It could be a place you feel safe in or a place they don't dare to find you, because it could be an area they know enough to leave alone. Considering I spend my spare time walking around my town, I'm able to find many routes. It's how I was able to survive it for 26 years. I knew all the shortcuts. Some I didn't, others in my life taught me.
  3. Wherever you go, go as far away from the zone as you can. Could be just a few clicks to where it happened or it could be miles away to a store or a hangout, but walk there. Lay low for a few minutes to an hour or depending on how you deal with anger, longer. The reason why is the old saying "Nothing is scarier." Most people think walking away is the cowards way out, but I find that some people, paranoid people mostly, often wonder the following. "Where does he/she go? What is he/she doing over there? Is he/she bringing more people to deal with this?" The possibilities are endless.

Point being, you yell, you walk, you wait. It's so Notorious that Uncle Phil is a master of it:

As the old saying goes "Revenge is a dish best served cold." Well it's very cold in Winter.

Now despite this being bad news, I was able to cope with it, by teaching others how to do it, so they no longer have to be afraid of their own respective Evil's. It's one of my most favoured techniques. Hard to do on the Net, but in real life, it works almost every time. And now I pass it onto you.

The Good news is, that while I am still at odds with God, I lifted his grounding. It took me a while to think about it and while I still think Nature is above God, there are still some people that love and respect God no matter what he's done to me. In my case, some of the places I go have nice people of various religions, that still continue to be good no matter what. And while God sometimes still pisses me off, I never EVER take it out on their worshippers. I tell them my POV, sometimes they agree, sometimes they disagree and I don't hold it against them. Otherwise I'd be Cain reincarnated. Fuck that guy, he killed his brother.

I came to an understanding that while they were arguing like bickering children, God was also a frustrated parent. He took it out on me and my closest allies, because he had no idea how to deal with The Devil. My solution, while harsh, was to use how we humans deal with dysfunctional families. I was gonna do it anyway. The first stage is trying to get them to hash it out without us in the middle. Then when they were good and ready, I would separate them and make them think about what they did. The child becoming the parent with the older mother (Nature/Gaia), helping. But when I realized what was up, I basically said "You know what, you can come out, but the Devil stays there. There are plenty that will take over until he's ready, but maybe he should think more about how he fucked up." So ya, through my discussions I basically created a compromise cosmically. The deal is that I let him out, but while I show respect, I will consider nature over him as a light punishment, because he has billions of worshippers anyway, one gone won't kill him. In exchange, he has to make up for screwing me over so many times. Now I just have to wait and see. If it happens, I know I did the right thing. If not I'll find some other way of restoring balance. Point being is at this point, I'm not giving up on my life no matter what happens to me and I hope it does yield great results for me and those I care about.

Thank you for reading.




very interesting.