Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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Oh Holy Mother Of Shit!!

Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 21st, 2024

This is the big one, the biggest revelation I ever had in my overall life. Something even with all my talks of the supernatural, time travel and various other things some, but not all believe, I never thought this would be possible, but now that I see it, it's a high probability that my Destiny has been foretold and I'm only now just figuring it out.

I was checking when to see if the next Easter was gonna be in March or April. Not only did I find, that it's happening on both months, but it's not the first time it's happened to me, regarding my own Birthday.

For context, I was born, April 1st 1991. Which obviously is April Fools Day. However, if you look further into that date, it was the last day of Easter Weekend, also known as Easter Monday, in which my Birthday fell upon. I used to joke, that that would mean I have been always a fool, but with God on my side. However, judging by this, I and anyone else born on that exact date and month, are the literal fools with God or whatever they worship at the time on their side.

In my case, post 1991 which I also call my Year Zero, there have been moments in which various things have happened to me, once that Birthdate reaches Easter Monday once more. The second instance of my life was April 1st 2002, when I was 11 years old and the world was 5 months away from the 1 year Anniversary of 9/11. The third instance was in April 1st 2013. I was 22, looking for work and questioning my purpose in life after suffering a major loss for 2 years so far. Now the fourth instance is the one coming up. April 1st 2024. Turning me 33. Now that alone was weird enough that many significant events lead up to before, during and after, the double digits of my life. But after putting these age numbers together, I have discovered that every 11 years between 2002 and 2024, my age has become a master number. In this case, 11, 22 and 33, with the cycle breaking in 2035 when I'm about 44.

In the case of the individual numbers in Numerology they mean as follows

  • 11: Eleven is a sign of enormous power – both mental and physical – and people who embody it often display heightened intuition, natural intelligence, and spiritual insight. Doubling down on the independent, ambitious nature of the number one, those with the master number 11 are thought to be “old souls” with the ability to understand others on a deep, empathetic level. Elevens are in tune with their subconscious and gut feelings but are also balanced and excellent communicators.  As a kid, I felt like I was smarter than even most adults and was able to slowly realize an awareness to many things spiritual. In turn my voice was slowly but surely being heard.
  • 22: The most powerful number of all, 22 is often found in the charts of people who are doers, leaders, and visionary builders.These are individuals who are capable of turning wild dreams into solid accomplishments – blessed with the intuition of the number 11 but possessing a more disciplined approach to action. The special mission of the number 22 is to serve humankind in a practical, progressive way. This was around the time I got involved in a lot of causes, mostly stumbling blindly through them, but fighting where I thought I was right. Granted, even to this day, there were things that could be wrong, but at the same time I felt I was doing the right thing because at the time I thought they mattered. I had many wild dreams and ideas I wanted to do, but at the same time was in no position to achieve them. Hell, my Health Drink was originally inspired by a time I wanted to make an all liquid diet.
  • 33: Thirty-three is the number of someone who is altruistic, humanitarian, and devoted to raising consciousness. Personal ambition takes a back seat to bettering the world. However, make no mistake: These folks do take charge of things! Thirty-threes are out to transform the world’s awareness – and create peace and harmony for all. In my case while I have yet to reach that part of my life, I get the feeling that the 33 years of my life lead me to a moment where everything I went through the past decades, even the stupid shit I've done may come to fruition and pay off in ways even I can't imagine.

And that's just the weird master number side of things. Put the date together 11/22/33 and you got November 22 1933, the day of Bonnie and Clyde's first ambush. The one that was the precursor to their eventual demise as depicted here:

Just to name a random fact in history. I'm sure there are a lot of other 11/22/33s scattered all over centuries worth of events.

Now while it's not on the exact date, The Easter Weekend is the Symbolic Date depicting the Death and Resurrections of Jesus Christ. He too was 33 if you believe in that. So if I make it through this as blasphemous as it would sound, I will have outlived Jesus next year.

However not all is shockingly pleasant. For one, a lot of things cropping up seem to depict the literal end of the world. Now before you panic, let me explain a few things first.

Many depictions of End of The World Events, both in Myth and Fiction often have similar events happening. Such as all the planets being present in Skyview on Earth as well as an upcoming solar eclipse. A lot of it as crazy as it sounds seems to coincide with Revelations 6:12:

"I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood."

Famously mistaken for Revelations 7:12 as depicted in Ghostbusters:

However what shocked me about this scene wasn't just them discussing the apocalypse, but Ray slowly realizing that the line of work they created for means of Research and Profit, made them inadvertently tasked with stopping the end of the world.

Now here's one thing that always bothered me regarding the Christian Bible. Revelations was meant to be the last Book of the Bible and in some POVs, the end of all things. The world, The Universe, The Whole 9 Yards. There was nothing written after, because those whom written it since the beginning have long since passed away.

Yet unlike some people whom just dismiss it as the end and leave it at that. I was one of the few people that asked many questions about it.

  1. Is it truly The End?
  2. If not, what happens after?
  3. Will I survive this or die with them?

Just to name a few. However there have been some groups in Christian sects including but not limited to Jehova's Witnesses, that believe it's not the literal end. But rather an end of an old world and the start of something new. Something that has happened before once every 100 years.

In my case, I witnessed 3 decades of things since I was born in the 90s. The end of the 90s, the beginning and end of the 2000s, the beginning and end of the 2010s and just recently I'm near the halfway point of the 2020s. Decades of both good and bad things, with some bad at the time outweighing all the good I try to bring to this world and try to appreciate as well. So needless to say regardless of how much I hated some of it, I realized I did lead a wonderful and interesting life. But now, I think the only apocalypse that could happen is the end of all things that were infecting the world all over. That many people will realize the pointlessness and stupidity of their fighting. That many people would realize the world can be shared. That many people will finally let go at what's eating them, grow up and be better than what they were before good and bad.

This isn't the end of the world, it's the end of the Old World's Status Quo. It will go out kicking and screaming, but everything that has pissed us all off collectively in the past 100 years will finally be resolved one way or another. In ways no one, not even I can imagine. Call it God, Call it Luck, Call it Karma, Hell call it an equation finally balancing itself out for all I care. But I get the feeling the following may happen:

  1. Weird and strange shit will be more exposed.
  2. A lot of people deserving of it, can and will die, be it by their hand another's or the Hand of whatever is up there.
  3. After all the pain and suffering the innocent has went through, all will be relieved and at peace one way or another.

Of course I could be wrong, but at the same time on the off chance I am right, we may be heading for a cataclysm of literal biblical proportions.

But until then, for those whom do believe it may be the end, set your affairs in order, spend time with your loved ones and go out with a smile. For those whom believe it's a new beginning, party your heart out. Pump that positive energy into the world your way. Make some music, make some art. Do anything you can to get the fun out. Treat every day like it's your last.

Myself, I'm gonna see through this until the end. Enjoying life and seeing what mysteries lie beyond this event if any.

Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.



i've been a bit intrgued by endtimes shit at times. although i dont trust the jehovas witnesses, i do sometimes wonder if an apocalyptic event could happen. mainly cus of how immoral people are nowadays.

True, but in my case, I believe that if there is an end of the world scenario, be it through religious text or scientific theories, that it's not necessarily "The End" as in the end of all things, the end of the human race or any of that. There have been many moments where the predicted "End" has been talked about and when it came and went, the people that predicted it were considered nonsensical morons and the people that believed in it, did so much stupid shit, because they thought "It's the end, why give a shit now." However, one thing I've learned was that the stupid shit they done was not only out of "End" panic, but at the same time it showed their perception of how they thought the world was gonna end. Riots, Looting, crimes one didn't consider before, but are doing now, you name it. It showed what people were when the chips are down. The ones that simply went on their day like nothing happened, were the smart ones. They either believed it or didn't, but rather than panic, they just watched and saw what would happen. I should know. When the Y2K thing was all the rage, a relative of mine, thought he had a microchip in his heart and that when all computers fail, he was gonna die. Even as a kid I thought that was bullshit. It came and went and I took many predictions, with a grain of salt.

However, I understand from a different perspective. Rather than wait and see, the ones that didn't panic did the following right things.
1. Spent what time they thought they had left in the company with as many loved ones they could contact and basically treated it like another day.
2. Waited for total confirmation.
3. Even if they did believe it was the end after all that, they saw it less as an end of the world and more like the end of a current civilization. That a new Civilization would rise out of the figurative and literal ashes of the old world. Like a phoenix.

Me I think it's option three of them, because I seen a lot of weird unbelievable stuff in the recent days. Signs that something is coming to an end including but not limited to all the planets being in the sky as I type this and the upcoming eclipse. To me it means, whatever's wrong with our world has gotten so bad that the universe itself said "You know what, they suffered enough. Let's give them a break, but not a lot will like it." This could be that break for all I know.

A chance for those whom are able to survive this one way or another to start anew and hopefully future generations get the hint that they got off lucky and that they should never fuck up like we did before ever again.

@CIEIRMusic i see. i actually believed a lot of the stuff taught to me about end times was confusing and didnt make sense. tho for me, i kinda feel like an end time thing would be like an apocalyptic crapshow due to how messed up we are.

Make no mistake, there will be a crapshow one way or another, but I don't think this is the end of the whole world.

wtf do they mean by seal?

It's from Revelations. The Christian interpretation of the end of the world. There are 7 Seals in total, the 6th was opened at a time when the Earth's days were numbered. Where the 7th, at least in their POV is when the second coming of Christ is happening. Now a few signs showed that, the eclipse being the sun as black as sack cloth. This eclipse, something that took decades to witness in the past, changed people's perspective of the world in many ways.

did the earthquake in april 8th make you more convinced? just wondering

First I heard of it, but that said, it would make sense.

@CIEIRMusic thanks. i was just intrigued by that part of ur post.