Somewhat Follow-up To This: Ok Listen
Over the years, despite impossible odds, Donald Trump had won presidency twice. And yet while many can go on about both elections being rigged or him having ties to Putin and Russia, whether one believes it or not on all sides, one thing is for certain. Trump no matter what, always had an edge. It was in his fucking name. Trump. As in Trump Card. Now many thought all his cards were on the table, but there was always one that was still in his hand. People think it's his career in real estate to fall back into or his money off various different mediums that have his name slapped on him from TV shows to actual buildings in New York. Hell some, such as myself, believe that the man purposefully sometimes gets into controversy because even then it somehow tipped the odds in his favour. I mean what do we see on him, other than what we see on TV, what we watch on youtube and if one is really obsessed with integrating themselves with the net, what we see and read on social media. That's his trump card.
Every time he's ever done something newsworthy, regardless of how disgusting it sounds or is, there was at least some fraction of idiots that thought he had the right idea. Every time he's cameoed on a show or a movie to show he's got enough entertaining stage presence, to lull even the most rational of voters into a false sense of security. Hell when I was a kid, I only knew of the guy through stuff he guest starred in, hell I even saw his stint on Wrestlemania 23. At the time, he didn't seem like nothing to me than some rich guy entertaining the crowd. If I knew then when I knew now I would have never even wanted to see his face. But that was the effect he has on people. Back in the day that effect was limited as the only platforms he had were TV, Radio, Movies and Books. When Social Media became all the rage, cue both the most ridiculous, yet secretly terrifying shit on twitter the man has ever wrote:
It's ridiculous what he said, but at the same time it is also scary how so many people can and will be easily swayed by words.
Before when it was just TV, Movie Theaters and Radio, it was easy to convince ourselves what to believe and what not to believe in such platforms of media. Hence why I brought up the House Hippo. Once I realized that a lot of his shit was nothing more than fake phony garbage used to sway idiots, it was not worth my time or energy and one of the reasons why I hated talking politics. But that being said weirdly enough, it's not only not too late, but if done right, we may have not only saved the states but also the world. Best part is, it's very simple, it's easy and most of all, you beat the man at his own game. The only catch is, the following things depending on what you're intention is.
If you want to simply expose him. Film him at his most vulnerable moments in public then caption something even if it's a joke or outright bullshit or some obscure pop culture reference that would make him a laughing stock of the internet one way or another. As a result, no one takes him seriously.
If you want to drive the man crazy. Easy. Do the exact same thing he's doing, but do it in a way that exposes all his tactics or at least the ones you know of. If you can make people more aware of how he's duping people, they'll see it more.
If you don't want him to ever have power again. Find a way to turn his dumbest supporters against him. Now I go on and on about how dumb people are for voting for him but hear me out. As dumb as they may be, even stupid has standards. In their case, they're voting for what they think they're getting, but are somewhat aware of the flack that comes with it. For example, there are those who would vote for Trump, because he's anti-woke, but would hate him for still having ties with Russia. There are those who think he's for the working class, only to learn the hard way that unless they kiss his ass 24/7 they don't get shit. There are even those among the rich whom think simply that voting for Trump would improve on the rich. Only to find that Trump is really just trying to gain enough power to make said rich poor so he can be richer. Take Elon Musk for example, he supports Trump openly, but hates him for still relying on fossil fuels, while his own bag is clean energy vehicles. He'll hate him more if he ever realizes that aside from the Space Program, Trump doesn't want anything to do with him. After all, if he gets caught doing shit again, he's got nowhere to flee but space.
If you want to remind him just how small he is. Talk endlessly about all the times he and to an extent others like him (Regardless of country. Every country has a Trump.) are so stupid, they don't realize they're biting the hand that feeds them. Trump's grudge against Canada and the back and forth between Russia and Ukraine, should have been a wake-up call for everyone. Not only that, but it proves my point on how much Trump's attempt at using social media as a weapon. In the case of Canada, he implemented the Tariffs thinking we were just gonna pay them and keep our mouths shut. When we fought back, he was already relenting hoping we'd go easy on him, but we didn't. In the case of Russia and Ukraine, he goes back and forth between dangling aid in front of Ukraine and trying to suck up or insult Putin depending on his mood. And considering Putin is no stranger to using Social Media as a weapon:
And that's just three countries. He's got plans for the whole fucking world, each one more dumber than the last and could potentially destroy us all if we're not careful. But point being is that throughout those moments, he's talked about it on the news, radio and social media, because he was trying to reach as many people out there he thinks will believe him.
So I'm putting the word out to every Nerd, Every Social Media Freak, Anyone on here with some kind of online account, whether you're my friend or my enemy, if you're reading this and if you really want to burn this guy, use the very thing he's been using against him. You guys have been on there longer than he has, it's your playground. Show him what happens when bullies mess with your playground.
Other than that, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.