If Breaking Bad was directed by Michael Mann this would be Jesse and Walt getting ready to cook.
If Breaking Bad was directed by Michael Mann this would be Jesse and Walt getting ready to cook.
Sounds like a song an 80s crime drama star would drive home to.
First of all congrats on getting the front page. If I could high five you I would. Second of all, this song is awesome, has a bit of Earthbound meets 80s. And a bit of Seal.
Personally I like it, but I see what you mean.
Ah thx, and I kind of understand
Nice beat. Sounds like it belongs in Saint's Row.
Damn, you're right! I can see that XD
Love it.
I said it before and I'll say it again. You're just as great with an Orchestra as you are with a Synthesizer.
First of all this is a kickass song. Didn't know you were a Howard Stern fan. I could have sworn I heard "Baba Booey."
Second as for losing inspiration and motivation. That is quite normal, but it's not what you think. You practically slave over a hot studio making music for who knows how long until it's finished. To make it short you basically hit Burn Out. The best remedy for that is a moment of relaxation
Ah sorry Im not a Howard Stern fan, I just liked the way baba booye was said
And secondly, I think... i'll only make music when I feel like it now, to calm down
Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.
Age 33, Male
Part Time Musician,
High School Graduate/Self Taug
Parts Unknown
Joined on 12/13/20