Love the guitar.
Love the guitar.
Gr8 song, but poor flower. First life on Saturn in millenia and it's all alone.
The ocean sounds give this great atmosphere.
Yeah! This is sample
Very fast paced.
Great song. As for your accident, don't let that guy get to you. Most drivers look down on bicycles and riders because you don't need a license to go on the road. So on the off chance they run someone over, they'll do anything they can to put blame on the cyclist in hopes it would outlaw all cycles on the road. He's more concered with whatever financial gain and his own personal politics than the fact that he almost killed someone. I know what it's like to be in an accident like this, I was rear ended in a taxi when I was a kid. No one was hurt, thank god, but the person driving tried to pin everything on the cabbie. Not caring that she nearly killed a mother and her child. Needless to say my mother would have turned a car accident into a crime scene had we not got a free transfer to another cab and went home. Since then I take car safety very seriously.
In terms of you not wanting to ride again after, I don't blame you, but there is a way to get over the trauma of the accident. I don't know the exact name of the therapy, but the idea is, in a safe environment to recreate the events to purposefully trigger the trauma of your experience and keep doing it periodically until you go numb to it.
You still got it.
What can I say that others haven't said themselves? Other than I love this. Has a Mega Man vibe to it.
Love the gritty opening and the echo of the bass drum.
Love it.
Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.
Age 33, Male
Part Time Musician,
High School Graduate/Self Taug
Parts Unknown
Joined on 12/13/20