Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

Exp Points:
5,954 / 6,400
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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 26th, 2023

Wanted to post this as soon as I did it, but with the news of the Titan Submersible I had to put it on hold until I cooled off. I mean how could these people be so fuckin- Anyway. I managed to make some better progress with my CIEIR potion.

Initially I was gonna find an alternative to juice. Something with vitamin C in it rather than simply buy juice. Mainly to find a way to physically lower cortisol and in turn reduce stress. That is until I stumbled upon this:



Pure Pepperment Tea. So I tweeked the formula. Instead of just 8 bags of white or green tea:


I mixed 4 Green and 4 Peppermint Tea:



And of course with a little help from the Chlorophyll and Gatorade mix:



I was able to create a potion that not only tastes good, but feels good drinking it:


I drank some yesterday and the mint while strong is not overbearing and it doesn't muck up the taste one bit. All I'd need is some kind of mint extract from my water only version and I'm solid.

Update 1:44 AM: Woke up with a splitting headache and drank some more of it as well as just green tea and peppermint by itself. The Green Tea and Peppermint alone is enough to ease the symptoms, but the chlorophyll and gatorade provide hydration and a means of relieving the physical symptoms right down to the blood. That said much like headache pills like Tylenol and Aspirin, it takes some time. But considering one of my main causes of stress is often because of headaches, this is undeniable proof that this stuff can now lower physical stress.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 25th, 2023

As most have seen in one of my last articles I brought up media predicting the future and talked about how my stuff may have contributed to that considering what happened with the Titan Submarine.

Needless to say when I found out that the Sub was imploded and the passengers dead, I was sad. However, when I found out exactly how stupid the 4 out of the 5 were regarding the whole thing needless to say I was pissed:

My heart goes out to the families of those people including the mother of the 19 year old boy that perished with them. However with the exception of that boy, I have no sympathy for the others. Neither the CEO for cutting corners, nor the passenger, who first dived for the Titanic in 1987 due to his lapse in common sense. I especially hate the father of that kid for forcing him on the boat with him when he clearly didn't want to. That kid had a gut feeling and he would have survived. But the thing that pissed me off the most was how the world reacted to it. Dismissing even that boy's death due to his wealth status, age and comparing tragedy body counts. I have never been so disgusted in my life at the human race until right now. And I was not kidding when I said it so I'll say it again.

If my fellow friends and fans are willing to dismiss this tragedy based on what I just mentioned, including the tragedy body count and the sympathy limited to class, then you unfollow me RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!! Because you are no fans or friends of mine if you dismiss a death like this based on your own bullshit POVs. As I said before Every Child Matters.

For those who do not disagree with me on this, I thank you. You are an exception to an otherwise selfish and ignorant world.

Now with that said, let this also be a lesson. When I get mad, I don't do the usual things most people do. Smashing stuff, getting into fights or even taking it out on all of you. When I get mad, I get creative.

As I said before I study expressionism, among most media satire. The idea that you can take a tragic and horrifying event and make it scarier by personifying it into a monster or a world. The biggest example being Gojira/Godzilla as an expressionist film for Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In my case I took my anger at the situation and decided to use it to scare the living fuck out of everyone. Friend and foe alike, as my way of telling people "Not to do anything this stupid again."

So I present to you the longest chapter of my overall Lovecraft Noir Series:

The consequences of overtly curious people.

And to think. The people condemn me for my own views of certain situations, yet have no qualms saying "Fuck that kid, he's rich and ergo deserves to die."

Oh and in case my audio drama isn't enough I will show you exactly what happened to that sub with a little help from my fellow Canadian James Cameron:



Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 23rd, 2023

So I went to see how my frontpaged song was doing:

When I noticed on the stats this particular thing:



Not sure if it's any coincidence that @piconjo is in the faves, but funny regardless. Because I can do this again:



Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 22nd, 2023

For those that came here before reading my description of my previous song:

I have officially resigned from the job I mentioned in a previous article. Now to most people, losing, quitting, resigning or god forbid, getting fired from their jobs should be seen as bad news, but no. To make it short, I didn't have as good a temperament for the job as I initially thought I did. That said the reason I bring up said job in the first place is that I realize now it's not a permanent fix, but rather a means to an end. As it allowed me a few things.

Including but not limited to the successful field test of my CIEIR Potion.

For context the job I took was basic landscaping. Mowing lawns, weeding gardens, putting topsoil on, things like that.

I worked for nearly 4 weeks. Roughly the equivalent of a month. 4 business days and 3 rest days for the weekend. Roughly 4 to 8 hours depending on the day and job. The pay was no issue, but the main thing is. If you're new to the job even with on the job training you're gonna have to get used to a few things. Including, but not limited to strenuous activities and the after effects of using landscaping tools for the first time. In the case of the former, loading and unloading equipment and supplies. Some of which are heavy as fuck. For the latter, getting used to the vibrations of landscaping power tools such as a gas powered Lawnmower. That was no problem for me, but I won't lie. It hurts like hell. For example an experienced worker, be it construction, landscaping, anything that involves getting your hands dirty and at risk for injury, would develop calluses on their hands to better toughen up and get used to the equipment. I myself wasn't an experienced worker in the field of such tools so the vibrations were a new sensation for me good and bad. And that's not even getting into doing all that in one of the hottest summers my country has had.

When I started my first work week, I was unprepared. I wanted to see how I'd handle it as is. Save for water, because I'm not stupid and doing all that without it is suicide.

I went to the store after work every day of that week and drank either Gatorade or it's Coca-Cola competition Powerade. Much like my music I often find odd ways of inspiring my experiments as well. In this case as I mentioned in the article describing it, Gatorade and Powerade restores the other components that are essential to hydration. For my potion it also doubles as a flavour mask for those whom don't like the taste of water/tea and chlorophyll.

As said in this article, I only did the water, chlorophyll gatorade mix. No tea. And within my first week of trying it out, I received a massive boost in energy. Since then up until my resignation, I've been drinking it for at least 3 - 4 weeks and it showed dramatic results.

Now when you drink a chlorophyll based super diet, while not changing a single thing in your lifestyle, it helps aid in your body's ability to burn bad fats as well as reduce anything toxic in you through detoxification. Be it drugs, alcohol or even something as simple as the byproducts of some foods. What caused me to gain interest in it, was when I started drinking Wheatgrass over 12 years ago. I found out that by itself burned more fat off my body than any diet and it was natural. Then through some training at a martial arts school I used to frequent, I found that exercise or any other strenuous activity, designed to work the muscles speeds up the process even quicker.

With my formula I was able to lose weight and gain energy passively, but when I worked for those hours all those weeks, whether I did a good job or screwed up royally, the different tasks gave me a hell of a work out and once recovered I was stronger than ever.

So with the results I have so far I now introduce you to the CIEIR Diet Eat your heart out One Punch Man:

  1. Eat a good breakfast. Doesn't matter which, but mostly a protein based one. So meats or if you're vegan any plants that are high in protein. However drink one cup of the tea based mix with the meal.
  2. Do 4 - 8 hours of workouts of your choice or other strenuous activities such as manual labor work. (If you can't do that, start small like 20 minutes and work your way up.) Depending on the day, bring one or three Gatorade or Powerade sized bottles for post work/workout recovery. As well as a protein based lunch, be it a sandwich or if you don't have time to take breaks a high protein meal replacement. Take some time to rest and recover even during work as it does take a while for the formula to digest and do it's work, but once it does, you'd be like Goku post Senzu Bean.
  3. Eat a good dinner. Same as breakfast, but more emphasis on protein and hydration. Drink much more of the potion when and if you can.
  4. Relax and rest. Resting is just as important as a workout as it allows your muscles to recover while the CIEIR Potion does it's magic on you.
  5. Rinse and repeat. Try for at least a month.

Now I'm no doctor, dietitian or any expert in science whatsoever, a lot of my work is through good old fashioned trial, error and experience. Your choice whether or not to do this, but the experiment was a success for me and I hope it does the same for all of you.

Also I close this article by mentioning my numerology once again. Not going into detail, but everything I've seen on it, seems to be coming true so far.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 21st, 2023

Now we've all heard of coincidental media such as the popular theory that the Simpsons can predict the future:

And like most media, the real life result is not quite as 100% accurate as what's portrayed on these shows and movies, but so close enough that it either fascinates or scares people.

Depending on what the prediction was, there was even variations named by TV Tropes such as Hilarious in Hindsight, and Harsher in Hindsight. In which depending on the prediction makes said prediction even funnier or in some cases, scary, disturbing or not as funny/not funny anymore. Case in point. The Movie Heathers, which was basically Mean Girls of the 80s, got away with a lot of shit that wouldn't fly today and was even on the teeter totter of what was funny in the Dark Comedy Genre, because the premise was deemed too ridiculous. Teens getting revenge on popular cliques by killing them using guns, explosives and chemicals. Sound familiar? Back then the idea of a teenager going nuts and going on a shooting spree against his or her fellow teens, was considered laughable. But in the wake of Columbine and the school and public shootings that came and went, the premise was less of a dark comedy joke and became more of a realistic horror movie. Making it harsher in hindsight. Whereas Hilarious in hindsight is like Louis Tully in Ghostbusters II referencing Super Mario Bros. Only for Nintendo to get inspired by and parody the movie through the Luigi's Mansion series.

Now you're probably wondering where am I going with this?

Well as you know I did a prequel series for my Lovecraft Noir series. In the first episode of that series:

Basically the story goes that a rich explorer goes to the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean and as a result of being devoured and taken over by our Lovable Lovecraftian Anti-Heroine Eldra, she was a declared missing person found. (Eldra disguised as her returning). Now like I said before, like most media predictions this one isn't accurate to what I'm about to mention. Yet it was way too close enough for comfort.

As you all have been aware recently, there has been reports of a missing submarine last seen heading to the Atlantic ocean. The submarine called The Titan, a tour submarine who's goal was to explore the wreckage of the famous sunken ship, The RMS Titanic. Do not sing the Celine Dion song. Anywho Five passengers including the CEO of the tour company Ocean Gate. As of the time they were last scene they had 96 hours of oxygen left. As of the time of that NBC news report, 41 hours. Now as I write this possibly 39 hours left. In all sincerity I do hope they are found alive and well, but I'm a realist. I believe they'll either die of lack of oxygen, water pressure compression or panic induced violence. And should that happen, my heart goes out to their family, friends and loved ones.

With that said, I noticed some similarities and differences between my story and this event.

For starters, in terms of accuracy:

  1. Both events started with a rich explorer riding a submarine down the depths of a major ocean.
  2. Both submarines start with the letters "T" and "I"
  3. Both vessel and passenger alike were declared missing and presumed dead.
  4. Both explored a part of the ocean depths with a structure that is believed to be cursed.

In terms of differences:

  1. There was more than one passenger on the Titan. Many of them male. Whereas the person in the story is a female pilot.
  2. Their submarine was called the "Titan". The story's sub is called the "S.S. Tillinghast." which was a reference to Lovecraft's main character in "From Beyond."
  3. While the search is still ongoing for them dead or alive, the character in the story was declared found when Eldra took her form.
  4. The Titan was exploring the Atlantic Ocean and The Tillinghast was exploring the Pacific Ocean. In terms of curses, Titanic has had many rumors, conspiracy theories and even haunted house stories regarding the sinking and the current wreckage below. Whereas The Tillinghast was searching for a lost Lovecraftian City rumored to be cursed with Gods, Monsters and other abominations.

That being said be it prediction or mere coincidence, it freaked me the fuck out. Makes me wonder what other things my entertainment predicts. Though if it were a %100 accurate prediction, I'm pretty sure infighting and lack of air are the least of their worries. Unlike some people, I don't rule out the possibility that one of those things or a large undersea creature is lurking about.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 19th, 2023

This one's a short one, but I thought I'd do another "My Views".

In this case it's about life's fairness in general.

Whether you're a kid or an adult, whenever something doesn't go your way, minor or major, the first words that come to mind are:

It's just NOT FAIR!!!

To which a parent, family member, friend or loved one would respond:


And on the surface at least when I first heard about it, they seemed to be right. But then I got to thinking.

Now before we became civilized, we spent our times in caves, huts and other makeshift dwellings, struggling just to survive another day on the food that we hunt. So needless to say, natural life is not fair in this context. As either everything is trying to kill you or you are trying to kill everything. Yet even then Life is surprisingly fair simply because we have been given the chance to be the latter.

However when we became civilized, that's when life became unfair in a disgusting and unnatural way.

Now save for some tribes whom to this day had no contact with the rest of civilization at least the known developed as well as the developing countries have one thing in common. They are run by people whom try to control, run and ruin the lives of everyone else. While they themselves, struggle endlessly to make life fair for them. That's not life being unfair. That's mankind once again foolishly thinking they have control of the fucking planet and taking it out on it's own people. Every war, every occupation, every struggle where people seek to conquer rather than advanced, is the result of a man or a woman, sick of life being "unfair" to them, but rather than help others out of the funk with them, step on them and treat them as obstacles. People like Hitler, Napoleon, Stalin and just recently Putin suffer from the same problem. That they think they are the center of the world, that life should cater to them and only them and fuck everyone else.

It's not life that's unfair, it's life fighting back and condemning us all for the actions of a few. We are being punished for someone else's mistakes. And yet the people that make those mistakes, throw us under the bus in one way or another.

It's not life that's unfair. It's the people that think they can control life that are being unfair and if it doesn't stop now, life will never EVER be fair. That's at least my take on the fairness of life.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 18th, 2023

Normally I wouldn't rant about something so stupid, but considering this is the grand daddy of all stupidity that's been happening for decades, I thought this would be the place to talk about it.

As you know I'm 32, meaning I was born and raised in the 90s to the mid 2000s. Much like everyone else in that era I bore witness to many channels changing over the years while still keeping their own names.

Now I'm not talking about channels that got changed over the years due to different companies taking over. Such as Canadian Channels like Comedy Network and Space being changed to CTV (Canadian Television) Comedy and Sci-Fi Respectively. With Teletoon most likely gonna be changed to CTV Cartoons. That's a piss off for another rant. Besides they still kept their content and only changed the name under the new ownership.

I am talking about channels both Canadian and American that would have been apt then, but are grossly misleading now.

The biggest offenders being:


It's Canadian Equivalent Much.

And especially TLC.

I'll keep these short and sweet.

MTV was able to get away with still being called Music Television, because while their main channel had changed over the years, the company was smart enough to keep other channels specifically for those that want their old MTV. One channel dedicated to nothing but music videos old and new. However there is just one problem. Not everyone can afford all the channels or at the very least go so far as using bootlegging devices to access them. Costing MTV millions of dollars when they could have just kept one channel for old fans, and the other for the fans of the shell MTV was before. By that I mean when MTV started out it really was Music Television. The Channel had music videos, concerts, behind the scenes stuff as well as even had a big enough impact on the music industry and music in general. That was the 80s alone. Then come the 90s when to further increase relevance, cartoons were created, but each and every one of them was related to MTV in one way or another. Cartoons like Beavis and Butt-Head, two dimwitted heavy metal fans who riff on music videos and cause property damage every where they go. It's Spin-off Daria, which did for the 90s what John Hughes, did in the 80s, defined a generation of kids and teenagers and their struggles through life to meet or defy the expectations of the adults before them only to find out that they're not so different from each other. Then the 2000s came with reality shows. Now to their credit they did try to stick to the MTV format. Shows like Cribs and Pimp My Ride, by at least having a host or guest be music related. Such as famous Rapper Xzibit hosting the latter. But then shows like Jersey Shore, which I will not link, destroyed MTV by pandering to the lowest common denominator. Rather than appeal to Beavis and Butt-Head fans, they try to appeal to the Beavis and Butt-heads of the world instead. Which even Beavis and Butt-Head wouldn't find cool. Still if you're like Dire Straits and want your MTV, there are other channels or if you're really desperate just look up Youtube's Best of 80s, 90s, 2000s music and make your own music video line up. If these people should be charged with anything, it'd be minor misleading as they still have their music and cartoons, just on a different channel or streaming service.

Much has the same problem, only they made up for it by Marathoning South Park.

But TLC. What the fuck? I thought just being called The Learning Channel and not showing anything learning was the problem, but it stems further than that. When I was a kid it really was called The Learning Channel and it had a balance for things for both kids and adults. It's one of the channels that The MAGIC FUCKING SCHOOLBUS debuted on. As Scholastic was one of their backers at the time. Whereas adults would be learning about the simple life of an expecting family through Baby Story, learning how much we pissed the planet off today with Earth's Fury or even learn why you cannot easily get away with murder with shows like Forensic Files. Even shit like that whether you learn right or wrong from that, at least lives up to TLC's name. But then you have a show like Toddler's and Tiara's and it's spin-off Here Come's Honey Boo-Boo. Oh my fucking god. Two things.

  1. I am not gonna get into how sick and wrong child pageants are, but I will tell you this. When a show produced by The Learning Channel, knows full well that Child Exploitation and Pedophilia are wrong, but also actively partakes in it for nothing more than money and ratings, they cease to be called The Learning Channel. Even keeping the initials is grossly fraudulent. This channel is supposed to be teaching children, not exploiting them.
  2. Even that pales in comparison to it's spin-off. Now before I get into this, I have nothing against overweight people save for the fact that they are purposefully endangering their health in a futile effort to battle fat shaming. But if you want the biggest example of fat people who should be ashamed of themselves. It's the Thompson Family from 2012 to 2014. These people on top of endangering their own health and wellbeing endangered the life of their child just so they could get fame and money. What the fuck does that have to do with being The Learning Channel.

Honey Boo Boo had since been cancelled, but the damage it did caused so many people to watch it in both awe and disgust that TLC became a haven for stupid and disgusting shit. Shows like my 600 pound life and 90 Day Fiancée. Instead of The Learning Channel, it really should be changed to TSC The Stupid Channel. The whole thing comes across as some supervillain's evil plan. Get people smart with learning programs then destroy their brains with stupidity inducing shit. But the thing that pisses me off most about it is where it got started.

TLC originally started in 1972 with the formation of the Appalachian Educational Satellite Project. One of the first North American Distance Education Programs. It was founded by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), in participation with the Education Satellite Communication Demonstration (ESCD), a partnership with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and NASA. That's right. Literally Nasa's best and brightest at the time, just barely recovering from the Apollo 13 disaster, helped contribute to this thing. So what I want to know my fellow fans as well as any TLC fans out there old and new is one simple question.

"What the fuck happened?!"

How did we as a species over the years sink so low that we took a revolutionary piece of technology, Flew it up into space so that it could help reach TV stations that couldn't be reached at the time and watch it slowly rot in a period of exactly 51 fucking years?

If you could charge a TV Station, this one should be the following:

Charged for Fraud, Manipulation and the possible participation of damaging many people's brains physically and mentally. So assault as well.

I used to think the Internet was a place where the worst could happen, where the easily offended rule and where you can get in trouble due to poor communication alone, as I myself had suffered from many times. I was wrong. This place is officially better than The Fucking Learning Channel. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to go have a harmless yet still scary insanity episode over this.

It should look something like this:



Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 7th, 2023

Thought I'd give an update on my last article here:

Addition to my Small Crazy Idea

Well I may as well tell everyone what I've been doing the past couple of days. I got a small job, one that pays well for a lot of hard work. Now I don't know how long that job will last, but it's enough for me to start saving up for a few things, both personal and professional. So needless to say it's a welcome relief.

Having said that, it also gave me an opportunity to test out my formula. In this case I merely did the Chlorophyll Water Gatorade mix. Only drinking the tea once a day. With the exception of a meal before and after work, as well as a meal replacement drink at work, I didn't eat anything when I tested it out. I used three empty poweraid bottles as containers. Each of them 710 ML or 3 Cups in measurement. Now bare in mind the work I do is basic landscaping, mowing lawns, weeding, putting soil on. Simple on paper, but the reality is, you're out there in the hot sun for 4 to 8 hours depending on work day, with little protection and the only thing you need is plenty of fluids and if you don't tan, sunscreen. The first day of work this week, I only needed one bottle for a 2 hour job not including transportation there and back. The next day I needed all three for a 3 hour job. The result of which was spectacular.

I was sore, weak and tired, the gatorade mix and water kept me well hydrated and the Chlorophyll gave me a massive boost in energy. Even as sore as I was, I felt like I was ready to fight 100 people at once. So I have undeniable proof that this formula at least as is, works great as a natural performance enhancer. I suggest anyone whom doesn't have any dietary, allergy or even religious restrictions to this stuff, to make their own and add it to their usual routines. Be it school, work, athleticism, you name it. Right now as I type I'm using my day off, to make more.

People told me I should patent this thing to make myself some money. I said no and I'll tell you why. The way I see it, to improve the quality of life, it shouldn't cost anything other than your attention to the instructions.

Try it for yourself and let me know.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 3rd, 2023

Still busy doing my thing, but what I am posting this while I'm still free. Now everyone at this point that's followed me has watched me make an experimental drink using White Tea and Chlorophyll and some natural fruit juice. My goal was at the time to make a drink that would improve on a diet no matter what someone eats or their lifestyle choices related to poor health. What I didn't anticipate was inadvertently make a cheaper stop smoking aid.

Due to recent events I tested this drink on myself and through hard work under the sun, I was not only able to stay hydrated better than ordinary water, but it also gave me a massive energy boost. But I knew it wasn't enough. Caffeinated drinks, even the healthy ones dry you out fast. So even if you love your morning coffee and it helps you through your day,, it's counterproductive if you're say out in the sun for 4 - 8 hours a day. Also like a certain commercial says, when you sweat you lose more than just water. Which leads me to what I'm doing right now.

Now you all know about the Tea, but what I didn't tell you was I did what is known as a "Double Blind" method throughout the thing in which I mixed the same ingredients minus the tea into some Chlorophyll water. To make a comparison:


On the left is just green tea steeping, (Green Tea this time, because I couldn't find the White) on the right is just Chlorophyll water. However over the months of me working on this thing, I tested both out. The results regarding the water only method were flimsy at best and may have contributed to lower my cravings for smokes. Also I still smoke, mainly because I wanted to see if it worked again and I wouldn't give out any info on how to make this stuff, that I wouldn't test on myself. That said I theorize it's because I kept constantly introducing more Chlorophyll into my system.

Anywho, it leads me to my next ingredient. I completely forgo the juice ingredient for now because I couldn't find a pure enough juice, but I did however find something that could help better:


This is Gatorade Powder. Now like many other kids from the 90s and after, Gatorade was popular shit. As a kid I had no idea it even came in a powder form despite there being big jugs of it at football games:

But in this case, it came in handy for me.

Now the thing about Gatorade and their competing rivals Powerade is that on top of water, they replace Carbohydrates and electrolytes you lose when you sweat, urinate, spit or cry. Stuff like:

  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • chloride
  • phosphate
  • potassium
  • sodium

The only downside of the drink is that it requires you to be active all the time so you can burn off those again and get better in terms of health. So someone sitting down drinking bottle upon bottle of Gatorade would be disappointed that they wouldn't grow up to be Michael Jordan. It's less on the drink and more on the person drinking it. Me I do things that require me to be out for hours, work the muscles until they are sore and dehydrate the hell out of me. Not even accounting the burning sun and the heatwave. So this stuff is actually good for me. But if anyone else is drinking Gatorade or other sports drinks of that variety, be sure to at the very least go on a jog or in place for 20 minutes. Otherwise you may as well be drinking Pepsi.

Naturally I went the same route and started with Chlorophyll in both containers:


The tea makes all the difference in colourization as you can see here in comparison to the water, but that said I put 3 times the usual amount in it, hence why it's almost looking like a black garbage bag.

Now what I have done was simple. It takes three tablespoons of Gatorade powder per two cup of water. So naturally with a 1 L glass bottle water and a 1.5 L Jar of Tea, I'd have to put 6 Tablespoons of powder for the water and 9 in the tea:


Now I picked blue flavoured because I wanted to stick to the blueberry route, if I could find Vitamin C in powder form I'd add that to to lower cortisol. The current result is this:


Now for the container I had to stir constantly as the powder went all the way to the ground. Which is weird because Bottled Gatorade doesn't do that, but hey that's just me. Maybe I should use a mixer instead next time. Lol. God I love trial and error.

However while it's not quite noticeable you can still see bits of blue powder on the bottom and the colouration of both are lightened rather than mixed. They're currently in the fridge as I type this out so I will update you on the taste test. But if this works, I may incorporate it in my whole life.

At this point though I do encourage you to try to make your own at home or even better share your own experiments. Maybe we can learn from one another.

Update 6:45 PM:

I just poured a glass of the water version:


Honestly it looks beautiful as if I just recreated ocean water. I theorize because I used the Blue Flavour, it brought the green in the Chlorophyll out more. Will try the tea next.

Here's the Tea:


Much like the water, the Gatorade brings out a more brighter greenish colour as a result of the blue flavour. Only because the tea is darker in comparison, it looks more like a murky ocean.

The water one tasted like I was drinking Gatorade with no taste to the chlorophyll. The Tea one had a more stronger taste because the flavouring of the green tea balanced with the sweet flavour of the Gatorade.

In terms of taste it passed, I have a long way to go before I know if this makes any difference.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - May 31st, 2023

Recent events have cropped up this summer that may help change my life for the better. I won't go into detail on them yet, just know that at this point if all else, I might be getting better no matter what happens to me recently. The bad news is, I may not have as much time time to make any content, participate in any collaborations or anything newgrounds related, save for maybe the occasional comment. I assure you this is not a leaving announcement merely a me at more of a distance announcement. I'll still keep an eye out for fans that want to listen to my work as well as fellow artists who want to work with me. But things in my personal life are gonna make me extremely busy.

Having said that I can give you somewhat of a hint at the good things.

As many of you know when I was turning 32, I pasted a copy of my Numerology Reading:

Welp. Today's the last day I'm 31.

Now most of the stuff like 3223, was narmy I'll give you that, but what really freaks me out was that it seemed to match up with my Numerology.

First my first Challenge Number:

Challenges: 1st = 3: The duration of the First Challenge usually lasts from birth until approximately the age of 30 to 35.

Your self criticism is your largest challenge in this cycle. Because you fear failure you often do not participate as strongly as you should, thinking that you can not be successful. During this time you need to work on your self confidence. Your true self is being hidden, work on being confident and proud with your true self.

In this case I admitted in confidence to a close friend, that I fear failure. Something I never told anyone, but a lot of close friends and relatives have suspected due to my overall personality. As a result as well as the circumstances surrounding this moment, caused a major boost in my self confidence. Allowing me to free myself from certain past obstacles. Albeit with some struggle. Now if this is accurate, I just have to keep going until I reach 35.

The Second Challenge Number, I'm facing right now:

2nd = 1: The duration of the Second Challenge usually lasts from the age of 30 to 35 to around 55/60.

Your challenge here is to work on your personal self, you as an individual as opposed to your race, religion or nationality. You will face many situations where your own moral beliefs will conflict with that of the crowd. You main challenge at this stage is to learn how and when to stand up for your personal beliefs and not just go with what others want.

Both on this site and in my own personal life, my own moral beliefs conflicted with many crowds. In terms of my personal life, I stood up for myself against those that seek to ruin this happiness. With more ferocity than I could ever muster up in text. Point being is at this point, if I continue to stand my ground and keep going I'll make it through this challenge. Meaning if I'm lucky, this challenge will be beaten when I am 35 or when I am near my old age. Either way, so far so good.

The Third Challenge Number is This:

3rd = 2: The duration of the Third or Main Challenge is felt through your entire life.

Your main challenge here is to become less concerned about other people's feelings and expectations of you. Many negative emotions will flood over you over this challenge, jealousy, spite, hatred, just to name a few. Gaining control over these feelings and accepting your life as your own will help you with this challenge. 

Not caring what others think on the net is easy. As far as everyone in this room is concerned, face reveals aside, with the exception of those that happen to be local to you or higher in popularity no one ever meets each other in person to follow up on a what they say online good or bad. Doing the same to people you know outside of the net? A whole different ballgame. You live too close to them that if you told them to fuck off over the phone, they'd come running at you. Yet in all my years of facing these kind of fucks in real life of varying character, I nearly forgotten a few things. More particular that their opinions, their taunts, their insults, mean fuck all to me. That is until today. On top of today, this challenge even if beaten before my life is over, then I truly win at life. That the accomplishments I've made and will make in the near future will pale in comparison. My star will shine bright.

Needless to say so far I am overcoming them slowly, one by one. Each challenge. I have yet to go to the 4th challenge, but I'll wait till I get there, but for context here:

4th = 2: The duration of the Fourth Challenge usually starts at approximately the age of 55/60.

Your main challenge here is to become less concerned about other people's feelings and expectations of you. Many negative emotions will flood over you over this challenge, jealousy, spite, hatred, just to name a few. Gaining control over these feelings and accepting your life as your own will help you with this challenge. 

This challenge has been told to me twice. I'm currently going through it once already meaning either two things. 1. I will have some kind of reprieve between 35 - 55/60. 2. the challenges will continue to go my entire life up to 55/60. Either way. So far so good. Even if my numerology isn't 100 percent accurate, it's accurate so far that I may just end up ticking all off that list.

That said my pinnacles have some factor into this:

Pinnacles: 1st = 5: The duration of the First Pinnacle Cycle runs from birth to the age of 29.

Self expression and adventure will dominate this time in your life. This will be the perfect time in your life to travel and have adventures. You will have difficulty settling down, and although that is not the focus in this period of life, you should put some effort forward to do so.

As I said before, this one took longer. Showing that even if accurate doesn't mean it's by the number all the time. That said I explored that one already.

2nd = 3: The duration of the Second Pinnacle Cycle runs from 29 to the age of 38.

Your will be at your peak artistic level during this period. Your artistic desires should be nurtured and strengthened during this time. This will be an emotional time in your life as well, using those emotions in your artistic doings will only help you excel in both dealing with your emotions and help you grow as an artist. You will have to be careful to not get too lost in the world of emotions. Try to keep a foot in the world of logic.

This one I can tell you. I bought a new wall for my future soundproof booth. Unlike the last one this one is 3 sectional. By itself it could make a great mini booth, but with one more wall to go I could make a hell of a portable studio. So needless to say my artistic levels are beginning to increase at least in the technical side.

3rd = 8: The duration of the Third Pinnacle Cycle runs from 38 to the age of 47.

Your will be blessed with patience and sound judgment during this time of your life. This would be a good time to focus on your career and finances. During this time it will be easy to ignore your spiritual self. Some time and effort should be taken to not lose your sense of faith.

While this won't happen until I'm 38, this does lean into my reprieve idea between 35 - 55/60, since some signs are pointing to this it's safe to say it could happen.

4th = 6: The duration of the Fourth Pinnacle Cycle runs from 47 onwards.

Family is the key during this part of your life. Close friendships will evolve and you have the opportunity to become a figure head in your community. You will be needed by your family and friends, and your compassion and understanding will be warmly welcomed by them.

Part of what's going on with my life currently has to do with what may happen should this come to pass.

I could go on, but while many have differing opinions on magick, fortune telling and other forms of phenomena some of the world believes and some don't, this has been accurate to me so far, make with it what you will. Because so far it has worked for me and I hope it continues to work.

Most importantly it's one of the few times I predicted something will change in my life for the better. So far that prediction unlike most is slowly coming true.
