Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - 12 days ago

Ever since my revelations, I was able to find more and more things we as a species have in common. No matter where we come from in life, no matter what our views are, we can all agree that we as a species be it solo or in a group can get easily distracted sometimes.

It could be something minor that catches your attention or something major that is such a high priority to you that all else is second compared to it. Even something as simple yet complicated as forgoing revenge because your favourite show happens to be on the same time you planned your revenge. Distractions for the most part do their job, divert your attention elsewhere.

Even as I type this I am in the middle of a cluster of distractions and I'm trying to sort out which are worth paying attention to and which aren't.

Having said that, I feel that while some distractions are a waste of time, they can also be powerful weapons.

Case in point, Batman fears bats, so he uses Bats as his theme to share his fear with his enemies.

We are all easily distracted. Some distractions take longer than others and it works on everyone, because we all have mutual distractions. Your best friend and your worst enemy, could very well like the same media you like, albeit interpreted differently. Some like Batman because he's a kickass hero, others compare him unfairly to Trump.

But once you understand what can distract you, you can use it to distract others that you feel are in your way rather than having to fight them. And if the distraction works well enough, you can have the time you wasted trying to fight said obstacles to accomplish the goals you were trying to achieve.

So the way I see it, if you want to get through life in one piece, we need more distractions.

Take care, stay safe and stay tuned fo-




Posted by CIEIRMusic - 2 weeks ago

I'm only gonna sum it up in as few words as I can explain.

  1. Regardless of how much we deny it, somehow our parents could and have lived vicariously through us. We each have a trait from theirs for better or worse. If you can live with the Good and the Bad with the right balance based on your own personal values and morals, then you'll do fine if not better than your parents or others of the generation before you could ever get to.
  2. Unless you do thorough research on your own personal social circles, you're not gonna move ahead. You need them, they need you and in some instances they often need each other as well. Find a way to combine their strengths and you'll all move forward in life.
  3. Let go of all acts of revenge you feel you need to do. There are no winners in revenge and the cycle continues. I seen some fucked up shit, but if I can't do anything to help or stop it, I can't let it run my life either. You're not an asshole for not doing it, but some situations are better left handled by others you'd trust would do a better job than you.
  4. The most important one. Find your Root Problem. Everyone has one. Out of all the problems in your life since the day you were all old enough to walk and talk, there was one simple yet difficult and time consuming problem that if you managed to solve it, every other problem you ever had compared to it would be so easy that it aligns with that solved problem alone and inspires you how to solve the others depending on the level of importance. Take me for example. I wanted to find a way to help other people regardless of what it cost me, but I learned over the years, that if I couldn't save myself for what I viewed was wrong with me, I wouldn't be able to help the next person. So I dedicated more time to myself, to see both which faults needed dealt with, see if others in my circle had similar problems and then we all throw in how to solve it. In my case I take things into consideration, combine the suggested ideas and see how I could pull them off. It's not easy, to do. Takes a lot of work, but it would at the very least take a lot of weight on all our shoulders.

So this is my piece of advice for this new year. Save yourself, save your friends, save your family, save the world. All groups know more than what you know about them and their advice or their example good or bad is what drives us all into life.

Messed up as it sounds. We all have a role to play in life. But it's based on how well you know yourself, to know which role you play.

Take care. Stay safe. Stay Tuned For More.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - 2 weeks ago

First of all I want to apologize to anyone that followed up on my Small Crazy Idea. Rest assured it's not that I'm not working on it, but what I was working on currently I couldn't photograph because my Phone was stolen at the time. I got it replaced and while I've already been able to make the thing before, I will eventually recreate the Blue CIEIR potion for all to see.

That being said I will tell you exactly how that experiment went.

For starters, I was looking for a lot of different teas and other things to help improve mental health, specifically anything blue.

That was when I discovered This. Butterfly Pea Flower Tea. Not only does it come in blue, but it also helps with many physical problems pertaining to mental health, but it wasn't enough. I needed to get Lavender and Mint as well. Basically make an ultimate natural relaxant, but that was when I found this at my local Healthy Planet. Made things easier for me because rather than buy a bunch of different bags of god knows what. And of course I used blue electrolyte mix. What's that you said? "You didn't say Gatorade."? Well ya, Tariff shit aside I was having trouble finding the usual Gatorade mixes so I switched to Bio-Steel. Short end of it, is it's sugar free, but it's still sweet and has what I need and more for that aspect of the drinks.

Then trying each one individually I decided to mix all three.

For context, I noticed that each potion I made coincided with the Chakra System. My first green one, being the Heart Chakra. The Red one being the Root Chakra and my Blue one being the Throat Chakra. I figured the next step would be to do one more primary colour. (Before you say it, there have been in some places where it's Red Blue and Yellow and Red Blue and Green. The pixel system being the example of the latter.) Anywho, I'm doing yellow next. Now by chance I was able to get some lemon ginger tea bags. I was looking for teas that would somehow increase physical willpower which in turn would increase mental, emotional and spiritual willpower and I found the answer. However it's not enough. I need to add Turmeric too for it's own benefits and find a lemon based Yellow Electrolyte powder to keep things yellow and at the same time for another reason. I figured if people want to get their willpower back, they'll have to drink something so hard to drink it would take willpower to drink it. So basically where the others are sweet, this one is gonna be really sour. Maybe not as sour as this:

But pretty fucking sour.

Now after trying out the lemon ginger on top of restoring my willpower and increasing it, it allowed me to further understand what willpower is and why we need it. For further context:

When they get to the Solar Plexus Chakra they specifically say that it's Governed by Willpower, but is blocked by Shame. Specifically the biggest disappointments in themselves. In the case of Aang, during the first time he started to get the hang of firebending, he accidentally hurt Katara with a stray flame. This made him so ashamed of himself, that he could never firebend again. The Guru in turn tells him "You will never find balance if you deny this part of your life. You are the Avatar. Therefore you are a firebender." I kinda got it the first time I heard this, but after drinking the Lemon Ginger Tea, somehow I was able to get it more. Aang's Chakra was blocked because of not only his denial of being a firebender, but the stigma he himself witnessed in regards to being a firebender. He tried to separate himself from it and as a result it threw his life out of balance.

In my case, part of the reason why I no longer fought on top of every thing else, including but not limited to the legal repercussions, it was the fact that while I was good at it, when I got down to it, I hurt people.

I had the will to fight, but the shame it comes with winning.

As a result, I didn't want to even consider calling myself a fighter even if others told me otherwise. I denied that part of myself and as a result, I was bad at it.

Despite the pain, guilt and shame of it, I cannot deny it any further. I am a fighter, people getting hurt is but a mere consequence and God help anyone that pisses me off and believe me I have a list.

Much of the reasons others are beside themselves is because deep down they are in denial of who they are %100. Could be anything minor or major from religious beliefs and the stigma that came with it to being good at breaking things and the stigma that comes with how much damage is wrought.

As a result of this revelation I discovered 4 core things that keep people alive. They are very simple, but at the same time very difficult.

  1. Body: You need to keep your body healthy. One way or another.
  2. Mind: Body can't live without the mind. Improve that one way or another.
  3. Heart: Nothing lives without that it's the source of energy and power. Work on that one way or another.
  4. Will: The first three cannot and will not live without this one. Work on that especially.

Willpower is what drives our mind, bodies, hearts and even our very souls. My potion while incredible is only one way to do it. My way specifically, but it doesn't have to be everybody's way. It merely was designed to simplify what I thought were complicated problems at the time. Everyone has their own ways of doing it, whether it's a diet or a lifestyle choice in general. The trick is to do the following thing:


Take care. Stay safe and Stay Tuned For More.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - 1 month ago

Over the past couple of months, while there have been some bad I noticed some strange and unexpected things in my life. Such as people whom I thought would hate me for the rest of my life, apologizing to me, Trump winning his second term despite all odds against him and the Eagles winning against Kansas City after their loss 2 years ago.

But the thing that boggles me and I cannot understand why as it doesn't just apply to Trump, but Americans like him who are all wealth but no brains. Why is it that when you all elect an asshole like that, their first target happens to be my fucking land. Canada. First he wanted us to be the 51st state and if my fellow Canadians agree, then you're no Canadian in my eyes. We did not become a multicultural society nor have we gone through great lengths in the past to keep unequal people like him out of our country through acts of violence no less, just to have some orange faced prick think he can take over my fucking country.

Barring that, he implemented %25 percent Tariffs on their products sold in our country. Let me let you all in on a little secret. All those American products you all love. Were either made in Canadian Factories or through some legal loophole are owned by Canada. A lot of your houses, appliances, food, were made from our resources and our people. So charging us for what we helped make, is not only disturbingly stupid, but it wrought consequences a business man of his caliber should have seen coming. To put it plainly Canada has always owned America in all sense of the word. Not the other way around. We were just too nice to point it out until now. Hell A Bug's life spells it out:

To any American fans that are reading this I do apologize but at the same time, your current leader, may take my words out on you. Not all Americans are like Trump, but at the same time, my Government doesn't see a distinction, we judge by your leader's actions not you.

Having said that. It's one of the reasons why I don't show fear. Because he screwed up last term, he's screwing up now and this time it will cost him because once he's out, he's out for good. He can't go for a third term no matter how much he wants to and how much his sycophantic suck ups from businessmen to the dumbass voter he's swayed hope and pray for it. So to all those idiots out there, enjoy it while you can because he's not giving you what you want. Like Charlie Chaplain said "Dictators Free Themselves, but they enslave the people."

But enough about politics. Point being is that people do a lot of stupid things, thinking it will get them power, but instead make them realize, just how powerless they really are.

Valentine's day is coming up and I thought I'd spend a few words on that one. People always referred to February as the Month of Love, but aside from the occasional Valentine's Day gifts and specials I never quite got it. Much like how February is also Black History Month, I never got why people would dedicate a lifetime's worth of stuff, to one single month. The way I see it, love is limitless no matter how difficult it is to find. So needless to say, why should love be put in one month. In fact, that's the fallacy of Holidays in general.

Whether you're deeply religious or just using the holidays as an excuse to take the day off work, the one thing I often noticed is that people often schedule the holidays as their excuse to unwind, be nicer to other people and then once the holiday ends its all "FUCK YOU GUYS EVERY ONE FOR THEMSELVES!!" I hated that. As a kid I hated that, because it meant to me that my parents preferred work over their kids. As an adult it made me resent a lot of friends and family because the only times I often seen them were on the holidays and if I tried seeing them other times, they'd either be too busy or come up with some other excuse not to see me. But when the holidays kick in, suddenly we have all the time and in the world and you're the asshole for not showing up. I'm sure a lot can relate to that one.

Holidays should not be an excuse to be good. Merely a guideline of how good you should be all year round. So if there's one bit of advice I can give you all it's this: It takes less time to be a good person and more time to hunker down how bad a person you can be.

Happy Valentine's Day and Good Luck.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 24th, 2025

First I want to give a shout out to @Diamondmanpixel76. This person needs more than just fans and followers, he needs all the love and support you can give him. I won't go into detail about it, as that's his business, but trust me, help the kid if you can. And to those even among my fans, that have spread hate this person's way, I suggest you block and unfollow me right now. YOU THINK I'M JOKING!!? In the words of Emma Watson.

Anywho. I wish I could say my months were sunshine's and rainbows, but they weren't. Got beat up, robbed and just recently lost not one but 3 relatives in my life in this past month alone. 2 dead and 1 who may as well be after what they did to the two. However the days weren't all that bad. Was able to in the last months of 2024, forge new friendships with old ones and help as many people in my personal life as I can even if it costs me greatly. As a result as messed up as it sounds. Even with all the shit that has happened to me recently, I never felt more alive than ever. I can't tell if maybe I have finally gone 100% insane in denial or if the experiences awakened something in me. Either way, somehow I've ended up smiling more, laughing more and having way more fun than I ever had in years. It's almost like life both it's merits and hardships brought out a side of me I never thought still existed. Whatever the case may be, it compels me to do two things:

  1. Get things off my chest and not let them hinder me any more.
  2. Give the best advice I could ever give.

Let's start with the first. Forgive if it sounds oversharing:

  1. I was an accident on conception. Although my parents loved me, I felt that their love was more out of obligation than actual love. As a result I couldn't tell the difference between the two until recently. Not only that, but it often always seemed like the universe hated me for existing when by all intents and purposes I shouldn't and has been trying to "correct" that mistake either. Yet all it can do is just hurt me and kill my loved ones when it should have been aiming for me. Anyone who's ever been accidents, I was wondering if you could relate.
  2. I was always on the divide on whether or not I should care what others think. There are times when I shouldn't but at the same time I felt bad that certain people thought, or at least I assumed they thought of me in certain ways in the negative and rather than convince them otherwise, I doubled down on being an asshole, just to give them the satisfaction of being right. However part of what made me not care, was that the people saying this shit to me were assholes and the only people who's opinions should matter to me are the people I love rather than the people I hate. However what always hurt or hindered me was when some people I loved started saying similar if not the same things that the people I hate say and it hurt me more that the people I loved were in my mind "Agreeing with the enemy." even if that wasn't the case.
  3. One of the reasons why I never stop helping people, even though I have my limits, is because it was one of the few things in my adult life that made me happy. The satisfaction that I was able to, even in small doses, either make someone's day or support them in what they needed. So when certain people in my life took advantage of that kindness and either tried to take more from me or hurt me one way or another, it made me both depressed and enraged because they wasted my help on not a way to move forward, but to stay where they were in life and take many people with them down. Yet despite that, when all others could have called it quits, I still continue to help people. Even something as small as hanging out with lonely souls when no one else would, letting them know that they were not alone.
  4. My main struggle in life was where I fit in with the changing world. Even as a kid growing up in the 90s, I never felt like I fit in with anyone. And I sure as hell don't fit in with this modern world, because according to it, everything I known and liked is offensive. However, as a result of some therapy and a much needed break from the digital world, I was able to little by little see where I fit. But it's a long way to go.

That's just 4 of many things, I had problems in my life. However despite that I am gonna offer you advice based on my experiences the past 2 years. I'll sum them up as simple as possible.

  1. Making friends and gaining loved ones is easier than you think. It's literally down to a simple formula of mutual understanding and being in a position to use your talents and skills to help them out and they in turn, use their own talents and skills to help you out. For example even in the most practical sense. Let's just say hypothetically for any reason whatsoever you wanted to borrow money from said friends and loved ones. First, you gotta be honest about how much you need and what it's for, as well as when and how you can pay them back. Worst you get is "No." Second, actually do the thing you asked the money for and don't fuck said friend or loved one over or ask for more, unless it really wasn't enough and even then do not borrow what you can't afford to pay back. Keep that going for a while and in the most practical sense you got a friend and loved one for life. Do more for each other than just the practical things and you have best friends. Keep being there for each other in general and either you, they or both, would go so far as die or kill for each other. It's extreme, but if you gotten a friend like that, you do not want to lose that. Just ask Billy The Kid. Every friend he's made especially the one's that saved his life, became his friend for life. And that guy was a badass outlaw. That being said, despite what you can do for them, that's not the lesson. The best people in your life appreciate you for who you are, rather than merely what you can give them.
  2. Life will only get harder for you, if you keep forgetting what happened the year before. For context, I was able to help a relative of mine, stay on the path of sobriety and improving his life, by at the very least being there for him for his first year into it. This gave me time to note all the struggles this person goes through in said year, both in the practical sense, the emotional sense, the physical sense and even the spiritual sense. Because so many things happened in that year that became predictable for him, this year became almost a piece of cake for him, because he was at the very least one or two steps ahead of it, learning from last year. Focus on everything that went right in that last year and everything that went wrong. Correct what you can and just wait for the rest either way because the solution may not come right away and may take time depending on what it is and how dire it is. In my case, because I kept trying to bury the worst of my years in the past, I forgot a lot of life lessons I learned from them, until now.
  3. Sometimes if it's someone you know, love and trust, it's often the exception to the rule of not caring what others think. In my case I have relatives and friends who are way older and have had more experience in life than I could ever hope to achieve even in my 30s. So odds are what they say even if it's just words of warning, 50/50 that they could be onto something and that I'm just too stubborn or prideful to listen sometimes. Something I've been trying to curb ever since.

And that's just three. I could go on, but there's more to this article.

In terms of my status here, I am still around. Just not doing as much content as I used to.

In terms of my life, it's still a roller coaster, but I'm starting to take over the amusement park it's on.

In terms of the world's woes. Just to name a few. Fuck Trump, Fuck Trudeau, Fuck Ford and Fuck Putin. That's all I can say about that, because others have already said it one way or another.

In terms of any enemies I made here or anywhere for that, they no longer exist to me.

In terms of many friends and fans, I still love you all very much and I sure as hell don't want anything bad happening to you. So fucking talk about it if you can to me on the DMs.

And in terms of life in general, it sucks, but it could be worse.

In conclusion. Like a Phoenix, I got burned, but I risen from the ashes. And will continue to do so until someone or something decides to end me for good.

But until that day happens, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 7th, 2025

As most of you know I have certain beliefs. Mostly Wiccan, Native and some Christianity as my core. However my mind is open to the possibility that our origins could either be a freak accident by science or an alien race responsible.

However yesterday a strange thought occurred to me regarding the latter.

On a whim I decided to my knowledge to write down the most well known interpretations of Extra Terrestrial life portrayed in both fictional and non-fiction medias. By that I mean stuff in both that have had unique interpretations.

Said interpretations include but not limit to:








And so on....

However the only depiction of Alien life that was limited to fiction only are the following two:

Superheroes/Supervillains Those of Alien or partial alien origins with unique gifts that could make or break the world.

Storytellers. Aliens whom are their equivalent to authors, movie makers and so on, but with a twist. They have the power and technology to bring their stories to life and the punchline is, we are the fictional characters in them.

Storytellers resonated with me the most based on the following. It started when I first watched South Park. Season 7 Episode 1. Entitled "Cancelled" in which in a deliberate repeat of the pilot episode, the titular South Park Boys Discover that Earth is really a reality show created by aliens in which different species of different planets are put together to see how they get along and the conflicts that arise, including but not limited to World Wars were nothing more than their sick amusement to gain ratings:

But funny enough, that just merely tipped me to the idea that among most well known interpretations, that if there are aliens out there, much of our misery is for their amusement.

But then I dug a little deeper. The Twilight Zone Season 1 Episode 25 "People Are Alike All Over". About two astronauts that land on Mars with one being optimistic that they may meet friendly life. Believing "People are alike all over." Let's just say he couldn't be more right. The optimistic astronaut dies, but the more cynical one is greeted by martians whom not only look human, taking the phrase literal; but also seemingly friendly like his friend suggests. They even take him to a nice home catered to his Earthly needs:

Said home turns out to be a Martian Zoo, with him as the exhibit. The martians looking at him and gawking at him as one would do the same to an animal at a zoo. Which made the optimistic saying "People are alike all over." Into a hard core cynical truth. That why should we be treated differently than the way we treat other species? As far as the aliens are concerned, we are the uncontrollable animals that either must be caged, beat to submission or put down.

Now this resonated with me because if there were any sign of Alien life, they'd be just like us with subtle differences such as location, environment and whether or not they're more advanced than us.

However in terms of personality aliens much like us, have similar personality traits, ranging from Spiritualism to their base desires. And considering that the multiverse theory implies that there are infinite versions of us, there are probably alien counterparts to you and me.

Which leads me to this weird thought. Now anyone that knows me knows my obsession with movies and tv shows. However while I do blur the line of fantasy and reality, I don't have the power to bring a lot of my visions to life....yet.

However, there is a possibility of an alien that is just as messed up in their head as I am. That not only is just as obsessed, but has the power to bring their love of fictional mediums to life. Ranging from small stuff like causing strange unexplainable things to appear to literally manipulating events causing humans to go into drama situations. I always wondered why a lot of the bad stuff that happened between us humans was called Drama. Now I know.

Now what I am about type is where I do insist you take with a grain of salt, but read it anyway because for all I know, you guys have your own alien yous messing with your life:

To any alien life possibly monitoring the whole net let alone this little slice called Newgrounds. I know who you are, I know what you're doing. Stop fucking interfering with our lives for the sake of your sick entertainment. The show is over. You are cancelled. You're obviously worse than Hitler, because for all I know you could have invented him during your sweeps week. The content you're producing has declined in quality and only the lowest denominator of your species is watching. You want entertainment based on our expense. Do what we do, interpretations based on your works. Movies, TV Shows, Things that involve fiction instead of this fucked up warped reality show clone, that I'm pretty sure your alien friends made before you. So you're not unique. But I ramble on. Long story short either help this planet, destroy it or fuck off. I don't care anymore. You've messed with my life and the lives of those around me and if I have to build a ship myself to go all the way to your studio to kick the ever loving crap out of you until you stop and show you exactly how what you've done was hurt us, I will.

To anyone that managed to make it past this rant and hopefully what I said did not blow this planet up, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 1st, 2025

Welcome to 2025. Over the past year I've noticed a lot of ups and downs. The first months of first quarter seem idealistic and optimistic, the second months of the second quarter have challenges, but have otherwise been positive. The third Quarter becomes more challenging and the last quarter is where often things go to Hell one way or another. This has literally happened with pin point accuracy to me, my entire life. At first I thought I was simply unlucky, but then I realized. I'm caught in what is known as a time loop. For context, unlike what you see in Doctor Strange:

It's not literally reliving the same moment forever, but rather the spirit of the moment. That no matter what, no matter how it happens, bad shit will always happen to me before the end of the new year. It's a fixed point in time that I will eventually face around next winter. Or so I thought. It wasn't until I started doing things differently. Even in the most minor sense, that I realized it wasn't a fixed point, but a loop I needed to break in order to move forward.

To break it, is surprisingly easy. Imagine every routine you've done daily in the past 365 days. Even something as big or small as whom you spend the holidays, affects the future in ways you can't imagine. However there are things out there that try to keep you in the loop. Things that invoke temptations and the appeal to your comfort zone. The hardest part about breaking this loop, is that we are so used to these routines as the norm that we fear consequences breaking them. Hell I'm autistic, changing my routine is a literal death sentence to me even if change is supposed to be good. Yet even I try to break my usual routines to make life interesting. Little did I know, the more I broke them, the more things seemed to improve in my life rather than make me sink lower or keep me in a dull boring setting.

So my new year's advice to you is, break the loop. Do things you normally wouldn't do outside your comfort zone and break out of toxic cycles. It could not only save your life, but change your world for the better.

Until then, good luck, stay safe, stay tuned for more and have a happy and healthy New Year.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 13th, 2024

Took a long time but @V-Revolticon finally posted his video:

I am currently watching it as I post this, but I am so happy. Not just because it seems like a good video to see, but also because the man completed a promise I had no doubt he could keep. For context, V sent me messages asking if he can use my music for his video. The songs featured are as follows:

V, I thank you. It didn't matter how long it took, you reached out to me and other artists for song requests. I just hope my contribution would help.

As for the rest of you, check out the video, like, subscribe all that Jazz. Check out the other artists behind the other songs on there too, they deserve as much recognition.

Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - November 9th, 2024

So I was listening to Q107 Yesterday and the DJ told of a story about a cave in Africa that depicts the oldest of civilizations. Neanderthals, Cavemen, whatever you call it, something many anthropologists have debated on and on again, but what really took me by surprise was that on top of being one of the oldest civilizations, this civilization is one of the oldest narcotic users in the world. Now contrary to popular belief despite what many stoners say, Marijuana was not the worlds first use of narcotics even though it's been around for thousands of year. There is another an older plant that if this turns out to be true than no wonder the world is fucked up. I am talking about Ephedra.

This plant has been around for over 10 000 years, maybe more and it's the precursor to alkaloids, ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. In plain English our ancestors were taking the key ingredient to Crystal Meth. Way before Breaking Bad popularized it and especially way before the Nazis used it for part of their experiments.

To put it plainly for all the talk about the dangers of narcotics, we are literally millennia descended from the world's first Meth Heads. And much like how Crack effects babies in the womb of an addict, I believe this may have been one of the keys that changed us physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually.

To me, it just explains to god damn much about my view of the world, but to you guys, what do you think? Would it explain a lot based on what you see around you?



Posted by CIEIRMusic - September 27th, 2024

First of all this was something I'm still reading about, because it did open a doorway for me and may open similar to anyone else. Second of all, what I am about to tell you is not meant to question one's beliefs, but if it happens I apologize. If anything it provides insight to where certain beliefs come from. So without further adieu:

For context, while I do talk about religion, Astrology and boast my Wiccan and Native beliefs until I am blue in the mouth, there is something I must convey to you. Whether I believe in it or not, I am not always right. Even if I believe in some things, there will always be things that will contradict them, but I often at best try to find a compromise. However what I read so far, this specific book, while not made me question my own beliefs, but it did offer a 3D insight to where my beliefs come from. Ladies and gentleman I present to you, Chariots of the Gods? A book published in 1968, written by Erich Von Daniken. Whom theorized that a lot of things in relation to all the world's religions equated to, or was directly influenced by Extraterrestrial life. Now despite my own combo beliefs of Wiccan, Native and Some Christianity, the things I read in this book, made too much sense for me one way or the other. Now what I am talking about is not meant to offend or at the very least make people question their faiths, but to summarize it, this person believes that all the Gods our respective cultures witnessed over the millions of years we been on this planet, may have been an alien influence one way or another. In my case I was always in the divide between Science and Magic. I understood the magic aspect to some extent, but the science was way more complex and complicated until now. In theory, if all the Gods and Goddesses and other beings like Angels are of alien influence, chances are a huge fraction of human population could be part alien, based on what you believe what happened way back when.

Now this is something I don't expect you to believe right off the bat, but I do recommend you read it, even if you don't believe a word of it. It blew my mind. It may do the same for yours.

Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.
