Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 19th, 2022

Many don't know this about me, but I am a huge fan of the Bill and Ted series. For those who don't know or only watched the third movie around this time Spoilers.

Bill and Ted was a series of buddy adventure comedies starring Alex Winter as Bill S. Preston Esquire and Keanu Reeves as Ted Theodore Logan. It was the movie that put Keanu Reeves on the map years before he made it big as an action star on Point Break and The Matrix.

The series was as follows.

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure:

Two well meaning yet dim-witted High School Slackers named Bill and Ted are struggling in school and trying to put their band Wyld Stallyns on the map. Ted is especially under pressure, because if he fails History class, his dad plans to send him to Military School. Running out of hope they meet a time traveller named Rufus, who comes from the future using a Time Travelling Phonebooth. He comes to help them pass history, by actually going back in time and watching it unfold. Using the machine, Bill and Ted decide to snag important figures. Figures like Socrates, William "Billy The Kid" Bonney, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Joan of Ark, Sigmund Freud and Joan of Ark. After a mishap or two, they pass their test with flying colors. As it turns out in the future, their band not only succeeds, but their music is so great that, it brings both the world and the universe peace. Still even after passing History, they have a long way to go. Still, they have a pair of babes from Medieval England that will stay by their side as girlfriends and bandmates at their most excellent time of need.

Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey:

Five years after the event of the first movie. Bill and Ted are still struggling with their music, but as luck would have it, they have been invited to compete in the battle of the bands. Should they win, they'll be put on the map as the rockstars they dreamed of being. Meanwhile back in the future, Rufus, is teaching history to future students, taking inspiration from the boys by bringing figures in. However before class can begin, his former gym teacher Chuck De Nomolos, has a sinister plan to be rid of the duo. See while they did unanimously bring peace, there are just some people who don't like their music. People like De Nomolos who are willing to go as far as kill just to be rid of it. They send two robot duplicates of the duo to kill them and ruin their moment in their place. Now normally in a situation like this, the protagonists do get out of it or barring that, the movie would end on a down ending, they would have been erased from existence causing the future to be evil. However it's wrong on both accounts.

For starters the robots kill them in the most Bill and Ted way imaginable:

Which btw explains very well why they didn't use the word in the third movie.

Second Death isn't the end of them:

After meeting and Melvining Death (Basically wedgied him and run off.), Bill and Ted desperately try to find a way to at least warn their girlfriends. However they fail twice. The first time, they tried possessing Ted's Dad. Since he's a cop, they think just telling them, that Bill and Ted are killed would get them to do something. Of course, that doesn't work. So they go to their mutual Stepmom/Former Classmate Missy, who was hosting a seance. However upon being mistaken for demons, Missy sends them straight to Hell. They try to endure it by looking at their own personal Hell's but when they couldn't handle a scary Grandmother (Also played by Winters), an angry Easter Bunny and a military school Colonel, who's wordplay would put Sergeant Hartman to shame, they try to flee. I love this part, because while I dislike Homophobia, I do think a certain F word is highly appropriate this one time and I'll tell you why.

Just when they escape their separate Hell's, the Devil demands they "Choose their Eternity." To which Ted responds "Choose your own, you Fag!!" causing him to be flinged down the corridor, with Bill chiming in "You ugly!! Red!! Source of all Evil!!" Now the reason why I defend this one is the following. Let's say Hypothetically there is a Hell and whether you deserve it or not, you're going there. You may as well let everything out even if you're the most tolerant person. As Red Foreman once said when he contemplated kicking Bob's ass in the afterlife "We're going to Hell anyway." Plus who can be more deserving of that title than the red guy that inspired Christians to go after Homosexuals in the first place.

Anywho, they make it out of Hell by challenging the Reaper. They beat him in games like Battleship, Electric Football, Clue and Twister. Which not only frees them from their demise, but allows them to command Death. With the help of Death, God and two Martian Technicians named Station, Bill and Ted race to the Battle of The Band, build two good robot versions of them which destroy their evil robot duplicates and face off against De Nomolos in a time game, which they win. However time is running out and they still don't know how to play. So they use the booth to travel half a year ahead of time, get married, have kids and learn to play their hearts out in a spectacular cover of Kiss' song God Gave Rock and Roll To You:

However while initially this was meant to be the final movie, fans wanted more. It took them 19 years to give us the epic finale we needed.

Bill and Ted Face The Music:

Now this one I expected to be funny, I did not expect it to be awesome. The movie itself takes place in 2020. 19 years after the events of Bogus Journey. After many attempts they failed to deliver on the song that is supposed to unite the universe. Not only that, but their marriage is on the rocks. After a visit from Rufus' daughter, they are given a deadline to finish the song lest the universe as we know it collapses. As shown when different people from different timelines have been shuffled around. They hatch a plan to go a few years ahead in time to get the song while it's finished. All the while their kids Theodora "Thea" "Little Ted" Preston Esquire and Wilhemina "Billie" "Little Bill" Logan, decide to help their dads out by doing what they did decades ago. Only their plan is to gather famous musicians to help them out. After many mishaps including but not limited facing their future selves and going to Hell again, Bill, Ted, Joanne, Elizabeth, Death, the Kids all reuinite on a highway and play their hearts out. As it turns out that while Bill and Ted are the figureheads of universe peace, they find out they wouldn't have succeeded without their kids help. Just as time runs out and the universe is on total collapse, Bill and Ted split themselves into infinite versions of themselves to travel through out time and space and have everyone and I mean EVERYONE, play the song that saves the universe, keeping the future intact. The movie ends with Old Bill and Ted having one last jam session before they die.

The song itself was called Face The Music:

When I heard this song, both the studio and the end movie version I was stoked. This literally felt like a world uniting song. In a way the world did unite. With so many uniting against a common enemy, it brought the world together the first time in a long time in a positive way, when the past decades were spent using the internet to bring the world together in the negative.

I implore everyone to listen and spread this song. And remember. Be Excellent To Each Other and Party On Dudes.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 19th, 2022

As I mentioned before here:

I wanted to expand my brand by going beyond music and art and narrating audiobooks. To test it out, I decided to start with a very famous, yet still very public domain horror story. Written by one of my favourite authors H.P. Lovecraft.

This is my take on Herbert West Re-Animator:


I may publish it on Bandcamp in the near future, but until then enjoy it here.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 17th, 2022

Happy Easter. Fun fact, the day I was born, was not only April Fools Day, but also happened upon an Easter Monday.

Now according to some Christian text, Easter is the celebration of the ressurection of Jesus Christ. With Good Friday being the symbolic day of his death and the coming weekend celebrating the three days it took for him to rise from the dead. While I treat this Holiday with the greatest respect, there are a few things that bother me.

Most of the time depending on the year, Easter gets switched between months. Sometimes it happens in March. Other times it happens in April. Why the fuck do they do that? It's often very confusing.

The other thing though is like other Holidays, such as Christmas and April Fools Day, Christians appropriated this from a Pagan Holiday. I'm Pagan myself and that surprised the Hell out of me. The specific holiday is called, Eostre. Which celebrates the Holiday with a big feast. There have been theories that Hares and Eggs came from that specific holiday.

But none the less, I believe in the spirit of the Holiday in all it's forms even outside my own and as long as Chocolate is allowed either way, I'm golden.

Have a Happy Easter one and all.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 17th, 2022

Recently customers have been complaining about illness linked to Lucky Charms cereal. The Food and Drug Administration stepped in. You know that Leprechaun has made it big if even the FDA is after his Lucky Charms.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 16th, 2022

First off, big shout out to @HerbieG for bringing this to my attention.

Second of all, here's the summary.

Want to help cripple Putin's Economy? Click here:


Want to know how much damage this fucker wrought and need to be reminded why he needs to be put down? Click here:


Think your personal consumerism is contributing to funding Putin's War? Click here:


Spread these to everyone you know.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 15th, 2022

Some people fear certain songs for certain reasons. Such as idiots that think death metal is the cause of massacres. However there are also songs, that actually genuinely scare people. Some for reasons that they can't really explain, while others depending on the theme they were going by, hit close to home for people.

I myself am no exception. There are songs I simply can't listen to because they genuinely scare the crap out of me. Songs I will not say, because I will take that to my grave, but you're welcome to guess.

However as time goes by I come across songs that others are genuinely scared of, yet don't affect me in the slightest. Here are a few.

The first Lavander Town from Pokemon Red and Blue:

When one listens to this song, all they can feel is pure dread. Not just because of the scary haunting music, but the overall depressing theme it's conveying. Which makes sense. Lavender Town to many kids growing up in the 90s and 2000s, was the first time we were ever exposed to genuine death in a video game. Now dying in a video game is no big deal, as most of the time, it's the character getting knocked out or turning into an item or leaving. Nothing that would scare or traumatize any kids playing it. Said game companies even dabbled with how far they could go in killing off a character with either not killing them at all or killing them in such an over the top way, that no one is bothered by the fact they're dead. Some like Friday the 13th just cuts the bullshit and says you and your friends are dead. Pokemon however, up until this point has been pretty up beat. Just a kid collecting strange animals and fighting other kids with animals, in a relatively harmless way. That is until you face off against your rival in your 4th battle. For Red fans, your rival being Blue and vice versa. During which despite what you do, you end up critically injuring his Raticate. You meet him later at Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town. The place where all the Pokemon that passed, are buried and their trainers attend to pay their respects. He says. "Hey, Red! What brings you here? Your Pokémon don’t look dead! I can at least make them faint! Let’s go pal!" While it's been widely debated, it implies that you killed his Raticate and he's out for blood. So on top of the dreadful music and your grieving rival out to get you, this music should be scary. Right? Surprisingly this one doesn't scare me. It's Pokemon Tower Theme on the other hand does. If anything, it just makes me feel sad. Yet I enjoy the song none the less.

The second Mu Training from Earthbound:

Now Earthbound has a lot of tracks, that range from classic rock, blues, trippy, to even piss your pants scary music. However while many cite Giygas' Theme as the scariest, which I agree with, this theme has been known to scare people just as badly. For context, you are just introduced to your fourth party character Poo. A monk who is tasked with helping Ness, Paula and Jeff to fight Giygas. However before he could teleport to their location, he was tasked with completing his Mu training. In which he meditates until he finds himself in a certain state of mind. Where he meets an ancestral spirit who does horrible things to him. Such as breaking his arms and legs, taking out his eyes and ears and finally consuming his mind. Now to an outsider that doesn't know shit about spirituality, meditation or the concept of Mu, this would scare them shitless. However, for some reason, I feel an eerie calm and peace that comes from this. Mu, is derived from the Japanese term of the same name. Meaning nothingness. Specifically basing off the idea that nothing happens after death, that we just rot as we can't see or hear or feel anything. That alone could scare people. Yet some sees the nothingness as the ultimate peace and quiet. The solitude one seeks, after a lifetime of misery. Maybe that's why it doesn't scare me.

Then we have the last, but certainly not the least one. The Drowning Music from Sonic The Hedgehog:

If you grew up between the early 90s to the near late 2010s, you'd heard one variation of this song or another. I first heard it, through the second game of the series. Sonic The Hedgehog 2, which introduced Tails. At the time, I had no idea the bubbles underwater were meant to keep the little blue blur breathing. I thought they were merely background decoration. So naturally the song and me dying afterwards, took me by surprise. However while others have been known to fear this song so much, that some even have a specific brand of PTSD based on it, this song never scared me in the slightest. If anything I'd drown Sonic a million times just to hear it again. I think if someone was really good at remixing it, it'd make a hell of a beat to be honest.

So what kind of songs do you like that others find scary? Let me know.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 12th, 2022

....I just stumbled on this article. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61071243

I guess Putin's wife wasn't enough to satisfy the Russian Army. Since some of them took it upon themselves to rape female Ukraine civilians.

Now before I gave this army leeway because like every other military force some soldiers volunteer while others have no choice. That leeway is over and I'll tell you why. Whether you choose to join the army or whether you're drafted, you hold yourself and your fellow soldiers accountable, for every action one or a bunch do. I other words even if you yourself, aren't the rapists, you saw what they did. You knew what they did and you neither spoke up against them or physically tried to stop them. Ergo, you deserve to be castrated as painfully as humanly possible. One small piece at a time. These aren't the actions of soldiers fighting for a cause only they believe in. These are the actions of criminals who use politics to justify their sick urges. Is that what you fucks get off on? The murder of innocent people and the rape of who's left?

You're fucked. You are so fucked that words cannot describe.

For those in the group that still have religious beliefs. You are going straight to Hell. Or your equivalent to it.

For those that don't. One or more of your victims will eventually set you on fire. Eat shit and die you pathetic excuse for a military.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 8th, 2022

While I still side with Will, isn't it weird that a Spider-man Comic of all things predicted what was gonna happen?





Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 7th, 2022

I just found out on CP24 which you can see here:


The United Nations, has kicked Russia out of the Human Rights Council for Putin's crimes against Ukraine.

I only have one thing to say and I think you'll all agree.

Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye!!

Do you know what this means? Ladies? Gentlemen? That Technicolor Rainbow in Between? That Russia, more specifically the Russian Government is officially FUBAR. Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Since Russia is no longer a member of the Human Right's Council, they are stripped of the benefits and privileges that come with the territory. More specifically, it means that any protection and power, the UN would have provided them in the past, which has let the country as a whole get away with a lot of shit since the Start of The Cold War, is no more. It means the more rational part of the world has turned their backs on him. More specifically, it means open season. To put it plainly, if Putin doesn't stop this war now, then the world is obligated to end him and ANYONE that supports his regime.

Needless to say, I nearly fainted. If there was any sort of proof that some deity out there exists then this is it.

Putin, you really fucked up this time and in the words of Timberland "Too Late To Apologize"

In celebration of this I made a little gif:

Much of why I had him thrown out Jazz style was because I wanted to mix two of the most hot button topics ever, this conflict and Will Slapping Chris rock. Mainly because I think I may have inadvertently predicted this would happen. With that stuff slowly overshadowing the Conflict, my urgent bulletin, telling people to contact the UN. So I thought it'd be appropriate for them to get mixed in light of this.

Also come on, who wouldn't want old Dickless Vlady getting yeeted.

The only regret is that it took this long for them to do it.

That said, while it may not seem much in the long run, if his spies are his arms, then his ambassador's seat on the council, was his balls. If he had any to begin with. Point being, is that we dealt a major blow to that son of a bitch faster than his wife gets off on a Russian Soldier.

Hopefully we as a world can cut off other parts. Until his head (Office), remains.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 5th, 2022

Over the years. Like every human being that grew up in both the 20th and 21st century, I have watched a lot of animated stuff.

Like many cartoons we all watched I got my start on comedy cartoons that had dark humor violence and politically incorrect jokes. However, be it comic, manga, cartoon or anime, there is always something that catches our eyes. Things that often cannot happen in real life we just wish could happen. Like pulling large weapons out of small pockets, instant unzip disguises or violating the laws of physics by running through paintings of scenery. Myself, I love this moment so much I wish it could happen in real life. From old cartoons like Looney Tunes to modern cartoon comedies like Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, my favorite cartoon moments are what I like to call "Unnatural Rain". Where things other than rain, snow or hail fall from the sky. Money, food, treasure. You name it. Grantef even if it did happen it would cause a lot of accidents, but it'd be worth seeing let alone collecting it's spoils.

What cartoon thing do you wish could happen for real?
