Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 2nd, 2022

One thing I noticed in Death Note is, whenever Light loses his temper he's always yelling in his room. I'm surprised neither his mom, dad or sister overheard him.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 29th, 2022

As many people know, I did an Article before here:


The short end of it, was that Poland kicked out 45 Russian Spies disguised as Diplomats. While I should have been happy, I was worried, that there could be more in the countries surrounding Ukraine as well as in Ukraine. Including but not limited to the countries formerly of the Soviet Union.

Now before I say more, I have to admit. I know next to nothing about Politics, everything I see, rant or get pissed at are based on the eyes and ears of a person who simply tells it like I see and hear it. So needless to say, I had no idea regarding the rules of Diplomatic Immunity.

With that said, I just saw on a headline bulletin of CP24 that not only was I right, but there were some in Countries I should have expected but didn't.

Just recently Today 4 countries have kicked out "Diplomats".

First the Netherlands. They kicked out 17. There were 75 in total, so there's still 58 to go. Not much but a start.

Second Ireland. 4 Got kicked out.

Third Belgium. 21 Got kicked out.

And fourth, The Czech Republic. Just kicked out 1.

That is at least 43 Russian "Diplomats" that we know of, almost 2 shy away of the 45 in Poland. Add them together and you have 88 Russian Spies all over Europe that got kicked. Maybe more soon if the Dutch Government deals with the remaining 58. 146 People in total so far. That's literally enough for a small army if all banded together. I feared they were gonna pull some kind of Blitzkrieg, but I never thought they'd go as far as the UK. It's a good thing everyone caught them when they did. So on top of spying on Ukraine from the outside, they were staring at everyone else. Probably to exploit some weaknesses or get some intel on the countries that would go against them. Even worst so far the one who has the lowest score of expelled "Diplomats" was a former Soviet Country. So needless to say odds are not only could there be other "Diplomats" in that country, but also the surrounding countries as I said before.

As said before I advise all citizens of your respective countries to speak up to your governments and barring that the UN. Just recently even the UN is getting sick of Putin's shit. Just recently they started isolating Russia out of their meetings. So needless to say, all bets are off. Keep the fight going. Let people know you won't be satisfied until all these spies are off your land and this conflict ends once and for all. With the World's boot planted firmly up Putin's ass.

As for you Putin. You lost an arm when they found your thugs. You'll be losing more limbs when the world finally brings them down. If they're is anything resembling dick or a set of balls down there, which I certainly doubt there is, it will be cut off too. I told you. I told you, that people weren't gonna stand for your shit any longer. That the world is gonna slowly close on on you. You should have listened. How many more of your guys gonna get thrown into the wolves before you realize you should stop and surrender?

Also to my more North American Friends and Fans, I suggest you get in on this too. If they've gone as far as the UK, it's safe to say we have spies in Canada and the US. Call your local government, let them know how upset you are at this and get all these bastards out.

Contact these guys too:




Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 29th, 2022


CIEIRMusic Through The Ages

Just a compilation of how my work changed over the years. Something I've wanted to do for a while.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 29th, 2022

I thought I'd talk about a topic aside from the current conflict. Mainly because with the way things are going I fear this little thing may overshadow it, due to humanity's urge to gawk at celebs at their perceived lowest.

First a little context. One of my favourite events to watch even if I miss episodes sometimes, is the Oscars. Not just to see who won, nor just because of their unique openings per host. But mainly due to the surprise events that often throw people off guard. My personal faves being the following:

Sacheen Littlefeather, a native american actress, who got infamy for attending the 1973 Oscars. Godfather won Best Actor with Marlon Brando's role as the iconic Don Vito "Vito Corleone" Andolini. She went in Brando's place to reject the Oscar, because at the time Brando was protesting against the way Natives were portrayed in Hollywood movies:

The Academy, the same one that claims to be tolerant now, booed her off stage.

The next is Hugh Jackman's 2009 Oscar Opening. In it he pokes fun at himself, the movies at the time, but more spectacularly how expensive Oscar Openings can be. So in one of the few times you see a rich actor go cheap, he created an opening made of Cardboard, other junk and dancers he hired from Craigslist:

Needless to say, it was considered one of the best Oscar Openings of all time.

The third fave is the 2013 Oscar Opening hosted by Seth MacFarlane. Now this one took a lot of flack, for the wrong damn reasons. People seem to forget that regardless of how in poor taste the jokes are, the Oscar Openings are always staged. Meaning if anyone was reacting badly during a skit, it was because they were in on the joke. None so blatant however is this opening. In it, the premise is that Seth is about to do an opening number, based around his usual humour and love of musical numbers ala Family Guy. William Shatner as Captain Kirk travels back in time and tells him exactly how he's gonna screw it up, so he changes his tune for each time. My personal favourite of the opening being the "We saw your boobs." number. As it was meant to be an affectionate "Take That" to every Oscar Winning Actress whom has shown frontal nudity in their films. This was before the Weinstein thing happened, so needless to say nude jokes were still funny then:

Needless to say, it was considered so bad that the Oscars don't even have it on their Youtube Channel.

However my new personal favourite moment right now is the incident that happened recently in the 2022 Oscars. Two events stuck out for me.

The first was that then host Amy Schumer was planning on getting the Prime Minister of Ukraine to attend the Oscars via sattelite in an effort to get Hollywood on the ball in showing their support. Now this is a good idea on paper, however I'm glad it fell through and I'll tell you why. Holllywood has made a lot of great work for over the past 2 centuries. However, what many try to deny even to this day is that it's a Soulless Industry that doesn't care who they capitalized on. As good as Schumer's intentions were for it and as passionate as Sean Penn is in vowing to smelt his Oscars over it, you two would have been very guilty of Glamourizing the war for nothing more than money, fame and an increase on your social points and you should be ashamed of yourselves for doing that. This isn't a fucking spectacle where you choose who wins in a category, it's a fucking real war, with real people all fucking dying and I'm sorry, but you all would have blown it and Ukraine would have suffered endlessly for it because you'd be sending the message to America and the world, that the conflict shouldn't be taken so seriously. So fuck you for trying.

The second as I said before is less important compared to this, but due to the human race valuing gawking at celebs than paying attention to the what's really happening to the human race and this eventually going to overshadow said conflict if we're not careful enough, I am gonna put my two cents on this in hopes it puts this to bed.

Chris Rock, whom hosted the Oscars in 2016, once again is invited, but this time to present the award for Best Documentary Feature. Like many comedians that are tasked with presenting, Rock can't help but tell a joke or two. In this case it was at the expense of the baldness of Jada Pinkett Smith. Nicknaming her "G.I. Jane 2" to boot. Jada suffers from a condition called alopecia. In layman's terms it's a condition that involves hair loss. So needless to say the joke was in poor taste. So when I saw Will Smith walk up there and slap Rock square in the face telling him "Leave my wife's name out of your fucking mouth." I cheered. The rest of the world doesn't seem to think so. The Academy, fellow attendees and previous as well as many many net bots out here, condemned Smith's actions. Claiming he should be able to take a joke. The Academy even stated that they will start an internal review on the matter. Will just around that time, won Best Actor for his performance as Richard Williams in King Richard. Famed Tennis star and father of Venus and Serena Williams. This was his first ever Oscar, something he literally spent his whole life trying to do. Needless to say I think he's earned it, but if the Academy can see fit to it, they can take that Oscar right out of his hands if they wanted to should the review be against him.

Most of you may go against me for this, but I think Smith had every right to slap the ever loving shit out of Chris Rock.

First of all let me go on record and say I have nothing against Chris Rock as a comedian or an actor. And this guy has told his fair share of politically incorrect jokes from the 90s to now. Including but not limited to Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism, Sexism. You name it he's covered them all. That is not the issue here.

Second of all, before anyone says it. I am well aware of the alleged marital problems between Will and Jada. That too is also irrelevant and I'll tell you why. Unless criminal behaviour and domestic abuse is at play to the point where the cops are called, a person's marriage and marital problems are their own business. I don't give a fuck if you're a celeb or some average Joe. It's not anyone's business and nor should it be used to condemn Will for his actions for it has nothing and I mean NOTHING to do with it. That it not the issue here.

The main issue here is why Will did what he did and why anyone that's condeming him even on this site, should owe him a fucking apology.

The first thing people are gonna point out is that before Will slapped Chris, he laughed at the joke too. However if you look closely, you'd see Jada's hurt expression. Needless to say until he walked up, he didn't see her face until after his laugh, realized the joke may have really hurt her and did what he had to do to make her feel better. One of the main issues of marriage is the big question "Does he/she still love me?" Which is often the key to a lasting love or a messy divorce. If this event doesn't show that in spite of what they went through together, that Will loves his wife, then I don't know what is.

Then you have Chris Rock's side of things. People don't think he did anything wrong. Now if this was the first time he went after Jada I would have agreed. When he was hosting the 2016 Oscars, he started cracking jokes about Jada skipping the ceremony among most things. This was around the time Jada boycotted the Oscars for not having enough POC actors, actresses and filmmakers getting as much a chance of winning as white filmmakers. I'm not gonna open that can of worms, but the point of the matter is, Rock made fun of her more than once. I always thought between those moments, be it by Jada or Will or god forbid even Jaden Smith, Rock was warned not to do it again. It wasn't until I stumbled upon People Magizine's Online Article recapping the events that I was right:


There are three Golden Rules of Comedy.

  1. Timing. The right timing of Jokes, is often the key to a laugh or getting booed off the stage.
  2. Good Spirits. Even in your darkest jokes as long as their in good fun everyone should laugh.
  3. Most importantly. It's all fun and games unless someone gets hurt.

Chris Rock broke all three of those rules. The Joke he told was improperly timed, due to Jada recently talking about her condition. The joke was not in good spirits, because Rock told it in resentment of her boycotting the Oscars one moment and showing up in this moment. Many comedians like to point out what they view as hypocrisy. In this case he's basically low-keyed called her a hypocrite for not showing up when he was hosting, yet showing up when Will may win. Lastly, she probably was still very raw when she found out about her condition so needless to say, had she had some time to mentally and emotionally recover from it, she'd probably take the joke in good humour. However, needless to say, Chris should have known better than to cross that line especially considering that he's basically insulting the wife of a guy whom he worked with on Fresh Prince. Up until then I thought those two were friends. It was at that moment in my eyes he stopped being a comedian and started being a bully and well deserving of that slap.

To make things worse, Will was forced to apologize for the event. Will? Don't apologize. Unlike most of the times you get blamed for everything in Bel Air, for once, this was not your fault. You did the right thing. The only wrong thing about this, is that, like many celeb controvery it forces real world problems to take a back seat? Don't believe me?

Look at all the youtube comments of people condemning Will, be it on the slap or on his other videos. Especially the ones that are on Smith's personal Youtube Channel. Some of them claim he ruined their childhoods, by doing that. Dude, my childhood image of him got shattered when I heard him dropping F-bombs in the first Bad Boy's movie. Big fucking deal. Others have claimed he needs to take psycho-therapy. For slapping a guy? Jesus Christ, if it were that easy I'd slap everyone I know just to get on psycho pension if it ever existed in Canada that is. Then there are others that boast that they would have taken it better than he and Jada. Bullfuckingshit. The only reason you take that joke well is that it's not directed at you. Contrary to popular belief, I can take a joke even if it's personally directed at me, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna ignore it if it hurts me or ignore the fact that said joke could hurt someone else. If Chris Rock started insulting your own vulnerabilities and shortcomings, you'd all be up and arms lynching him like fucking Klan members. Ya that's right I said it. As opposed to your digital lynch mob of Smith. Fucking Chicken hawks. Let's see someone insult you, your loved ones and see how long you last without wanting to slap someone. Spoilers. Less than a second.

However the worst one was these comments I've stumbled upon:


I didn't blur out their names because I want people to know who theses scumbags are. These are two of many comments plastered on Will's page right now. Comparing him to Vladimir Putin. No even, more fucked up. Saying he's worse than Putin.

If there was another example of how fucked up, stupid and deserving of death the human race has as a whole, look no further than these comments, because the new hip thing on the internet now is to condemn people for crimes that are grossly minor compared to the real crimes happening out in the world. And you think I'm bullshitting when I said this will overshadow the conflict. These two here are already laying the ground work for that by saying Putin's crimes, including ordering the slaughtering of civilians, men women and FUCKING CHILDREN!!!!, is not as bad as Will Smith slapping a guy for insulting his wife. To them and anyone that agrees with that bullshit, FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!

It's literally been two days since this happened and people are still using it to take priority over what's important. I'm here to say, don't. Celebrity drama of any kind, regardless of my two cents of the matter should never take priority over the suffering and dying of actual people. Turn the TV off, swipe the page away and get some fucking work done to improve your lives and the lives of others.

Stay safe and in good health.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 28th, 2022

Couldn't think of anything to make regarding the next psychological warfare bit at Putin's expense, so I just thought I'd post a bunch of meme gifs that describe what a bastard he is:

Even South Park said it, so this was inevitable Everything was at least stable with this world, until the conflict was started by Dickless here:


Ever notice how he keeps getting paler and paler with each address. Sooner or later he's gonna look like this:


Meanwhile while he's out swinging his lack of epididymis. His wife is doing this with the soldiers behind his back for all the times he beat and cheated her:


He's no saint in his own home either. Anytime Ukraine has fought back, he takes it out on the people and his soldiers. Both of which have this to say:


Of course the only person that has his back now is this guy:


But fuck him, he hasn't done anything remotely entertaining since SNL and his stint as the president was a terrible encore.

Personally though after what I seen him do last night, I think Will Smith needs to take a trip to Russia and do this to Putin:


Chris Rock took it well, but I think Putin would flip out.

Speaking of which how is he doing:


S.T. Musician: My god. What have I done. I think I went too far. I mean, the man is crying for fuck sake, what did he do to deserve that?

Light Harmony: Men, women and children are currently being slaughtered under his orders. The import cut off caused the rise in gas prices and to top it off, he threatened to declare war on the western hemisphere.

S.T. Musician: Oh that's right. Fuck him. Keep crying you little Stalin wannabe, Hitler being, Family Murdering, Country Raping, Lack of humanity let alone functional genitals, you SON OF A BITCH!!!!

Anywho, I hope these memes get a good laugh and I really hope it ends up being one step closer to driving him completely insane.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 27th, 2022

Couldn't think of another song idea yet, but while I was thinking I decided to write this piece. This would have been considered an open question, but in the past few days, this has kinda been bugging me both in a good and bad way.

In this case this applies to the concept of miracles.

Whether one believes in them or not, a lot of things in life seem to revolve around that concept.

You ever had a moment in your life where your day just isn't going well, then suddenly, even if it's the most minor something good happens in your life that makes it all worth it? It could be something as simple as say finding $20 in the middle of a random street or someone you haven't seen for a while decides to come visit you. Or even something big like say getting a bonus at work even though you don't know what you did to deserve it. The fact remains, that these good events happen, right the fuck out of nowhere and are so few in between. Part of why I've been so depressed over the years was because these happen rarely. I honestly wish there was at least a week or a month where good things...well just happen.

Religious people consider them signs of their respective deity.

Those who have no belief in such concepts, chalk them down at worst as coincidences and at best some kind of formula in Quantum physics they can't figure out yet.

I myself believe in a little of both, that there may be a scientific formula for good luck, while at the same time believe there is something magical about it too.

The problem though and I'm sure I'm not the only one, is that I don't see the signs until after it happens.

Everyone has their way of seeing the signs. Some call on the spirits of their family and/or their respective deities. Others do it the mathematical and numerology way, by finding numbers, signs and equations that lead to a good outcome. In my case I take certain things as a sign that my lost ones are trying to tell me something. Just recently 3 events in my personal life became an example of those signs. These were based on a series of events, in which at the time I never thought would have a positive outcome. Literally the odds were stacked against my favour in that one. Then something happens, something I don't expect and it's a welcome surprise and things got better a little for it.

With this, I can honestly say, I believe that miracles are real.

What's your opinion on this?



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 23rd, 2022

Ladies, Gentleman, That Techicolor Rainbow in between. May I have your attention please!?

It has come to my attention that recently Poland seeks to expel 45 known Russian Intelligence agents in their country, who have posed as diplomats and are using diplomatic immunity to prevent their expulsion.  Naturally the solution would be to call their home country and have them revoked, but since Putin himself is the one that sent them, it's easier said than done. 

When I saw this on CP24 something struck me. 

Back in WWII, much of why the Cold War Started was because Russia under Stalin at the time refused to let go of the areas that were freed of the Nazis. Which in turn became the extension of The Soviet Union. 

Here are the list of countries that were part of it:

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Luckily Poland wasn't one of them, but it was called by both sides a Sattelite, being that close to the union, but not part of it. Looking at it from Google Maps I saw this:


Poland is literally a 15 hour drive to the Ukraine. Not only that but it's surrounded by many countries formerly of the Soviet Union. If the Sattelite was able to find 45 Russian Intelligence agents in Poland. All of them with credentials that literally keep them from getting kicked out or going to jail, then who knows how many are in the surrounding countries. All of them surrounding the Ukraine. That's how they've been getting ahead in the war. They've been watching at it from all angles. All this time, they've been watching. The intelligence agents spying on one side and telling the army on the otherside where and when to strike. It doesn't even require the internet for it. Just a simple telescope and radio.

I urge each and every citizen of Poland, as well as the surrounding countries to contact your respective governments and contact the UN. The latter of which can be reached here: https://www.un.org/en/contact-us-0

This stops now.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 23rd, 2022

Special thanks to @Sharky321 for being the 150th.

If this were Pokemon I'd be a Mew away from being the Kanto Master.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 23rd, 2022

I know not everyone here, on the net or god forbid the real world outside, is religious, hell I'm Pagan/Wiccan and this baffled me at first. However I can't deny it any longer. Over the years I've spat in the face of anyone who would ever mention this, so what I am about to say may come across as hypocritical. However it needs to be said.

There have been many many times since before even my own lifetime, that people have talked about The End of The World in various ways. Y2K and the Mayan Calendar way being the most prominent.

However even when people were in a gross panic about it, I always laughed it off, because I've been through many of these days and so far aside from some changes to what was considered the Status Quo as well as some environmental damage, nothing really came to an abrupt end.

However ever since the 2020s first started, we've encountered problems that put us on the brink. However, what if these problems, while bad were the fucking signs?

  1. You have the Covid-19 Pandemic. Which is Pestilence.
  2. The impact caused by Covid-19 and The Ukraine-Russian Conflict has caused inflation to skyrocket all over the world. Costing everyone around it more money just to eat let alone, fucking live. So famine.
  3. The Ukraine-Russia Conflict, causing everyone on all sides to be up in arms and prepare for at best Cold War 2 and at worst World War III. So War.
  4. And everyone is dying from it as the result of the 3 above. So Death.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about. I'm referring to the Four Horseman of the Apocolypse. Each Horseman representing an aspect of the world that may cripple or kill it one day, but if all 4 are at play, then needless to say as a whole, the world is fucked. That's right. I wholeheartedly believe that this may be the End of The World as we know it.

Now before some of you panic and others start going at me claiming "You're crazy." hear me out on this. Despite the depressing nature of what I just said, there is actually a bit of optimism too. Many stories, from the Bible to the Torah, have often had their own interpretation of the End of The World. I even once wanted to make it a hobby to collect religious texts from all religions to see what would differ from one and other and what would be the same. Including but not limited to their interpretations of it. However I couldn't do so, because the text itself is expensive as Hell. I'm not kidding. The entire Roman Ritual Trilogy is over $100. And that's just covering a small fraction of Catholicism.

However, the main realization is this. The one thing they all have in common, is that they only tell how they think the world will end. Not once saying what happens after. Now I know what you're thinking. "No shit, because it's over after. There's nothing left." Hahaha, fuck you. Notice what they said specifically. The end of The World. As in our world as in Planet Earth. They never said the universe. Granted so far it's because we seem to be the only life out there that can walk and talk. However, I think there's more than that. I remember once talking to a Jehova's Witness, years back and he once told me that the End of The World doesn't necessarily mean, that everyone dies or gets raptured or anything like that. But rather the end of modern civilization as we know it. throughout the past Millenium, regardless of how much we advanced technologically, no matter how many times we changed what was considered the status quo at the time and god forbid what no matter what we do to reduce our carbon footprint, we never really changed as a civilization at all. We still believe that cash is the way to stay alive, we still have an unequal society due to both bigotry and certain slacktivists who prefer to keep the fight going because should they win, they'd have no purpose in life anymore and to top it off, we still strive to one-up each other. No matter how much people say the world has changed, that times have changed and that we are better off than what we were before, I don't believe it, because as a wise anti-hero once said "The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same."

What if what we thought the End of The World is gonna be, is merely just a huge change that we're not all ready for?

A change that will cost a lot of pain, suffering and most importantly lives, but in the end regardless of how bad it is now, things are gonna get better afterwards for the world and the human race as a whole. Maybe this is God or Nature or The Planet telling us "You guys have been pushing me around in an attempt to push each other around and I'm sick of it. Either stop everything your doing and get your act together, or I'll fucking kill you right now." I'm not kidding. Because throughout the past 2 years, natural disasters have begun to be more frequent. Floods, Tornadoes, Earthquakes, Forest Fires. If there was any sort of proof that the planet is not only sentient, but pissed off at us right now, this is it.

But hey, I could be wrong. Even if I'm right though, this message will most likely be ignored anyway, because despite us claiming to want change or want to change, we never did, because we thought it would strip us of our individual rights as human beings. That's a bunch of bullshit. The fact of the matter is the rich are used to being on top that the money that could have helped the rest of the world is just being spent on another section of their city sized mansions. The poor are so used to people giving them hand-outs that any leg up would always be rejected under the excuse of pride. They'd rather die poor, than live without a voice anymore. As for everyone in the middle, we are so used to being convinced that if we didn't keep working we'd either die poor or not get as big as the rich people.

Point being is that the reason why this world is ending is because of us. WE ARE THE ONE'S RUINING IT!!! We let the virus spread. We let Putin push Ukraine around until it became unbearable to watch. We waste our time trying to pass the problem on to someone else, but when all the passovers happen, there is no one else but you.

We have the power to destroy this world, so naturally we have the power to save it. SO SAVE IT!!! Change right now or else the end of the world really will be the end of the fucking world.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 20th, 2022



Thought I'd celebrate this right for once since I practically skimped on my 100th audio. I felt the 200th would be the time to do something really meaningful. But rather than do something new, I decided to go back to my past and present the first ever CIEIRMusic. The first song, the first logo, the first album cover art. This was the thing that started CIEIRMusic as you see it today. Even my style hasn't changed over the years. Making wordless stories with music.

This was made 4 years ago last January. It started out as a tribute to Classical Music, but evolved into a wordless story. In this case, it takes place in a world where Instruments are sentient beings, where the Piano is God of All and everyone is it's subjects. One specific couple, a pair of Glockenspiels have fallen completely in love with each other and dance the night away in the Piano's natural beat. However their romance is under the eyes of an Envious Violin, who's jealous of the Piano's favour over them. So it seeks to reclaim that praise by offing the competition. However as more people find out about the nefarious deed, Violin will do anything to keep his dirty secret safe. To the point where the piano itself has to step in and deal with the murderer itself.

Part of why I didn't upload this, was because it was on an older computer of mine, which has since been fried beyond repair. I didn't think there were any copies elsewhere save for my tablet. Also broken. However by some miracle, it ended up on my computer here. So I figure why waste an opportunity. You can see the first song here:

The song and album that comes with it, also spawned a sequel album called Glockenvaltz 2: Organ Hell.


Glockenvaltz 2: Organ Hell

Which I recommend you also listen to.

I await judgment of this good and bad, mainly because I want to see how my oldest works compares to what I have shown you here so far.
