Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

Exp Points:
5,954 / 6,400
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6.54 votes
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> 100,000
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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - October 12th, 2021

Thought I'd do something a little different than my usual arts and music. It occurred to me, that while Horror Movies and Games have had it covered over the past decade, very few people do the greatest old past time Halloween is known for. When most people think of Halloween, they either think of Scary Costumes, Trick or Treating, Horror Movies or for some adults, a night of wild drinking, partying and all the sex one can have. However the one thing I noticed that seemed to fade over the years is the best past time of them all. Telling scary stories.

Whether you're sitting around a fire or alone with a few friends at a house at night, you'd often always have people tell a scary story to see if it would frighten the rest. It gotten to the point in the 90s, where The Addams Family Values made fun of it and a group of kids known as the Midnight Society tell a story once a week every night. So in lieu of this dying tradition I decided to bring it back, by telling a scary story of my own and encouraging my fans to do the same. Here we go.

It was a dark and stormy night, a young couple was driving through the forest. They stop and look around for a clearing only to find that there are so many thick trees as far as the eye could see. The rain was pouring down hard, so they couldn't get out nor could they move their car further. Lightning strikes and they could swear they saw a shadow of a large figure within the flash. Upon taking a second gander it was only a deer passing through. They turn on the radio, hoping to ride the storm out by listening to some music. They tuned to the classic rock channel, which seemed to only marathon horror themed rock songs and bands. From Alice Cooper to Black Sabbath. Suddenly, there was a smash. The windshield was busted through, leaking rain water everywhere, however there was no sign of someone around them. They could swear some prowler was around, terrorizing them with a bat or a pipe, but there was nothing. No foot prints, no smear of mud or blood on the windows. Another smash. Their passenger side window was broken through. Another smash. The driver side window was broken through. The terror in their eyes was filling as slowly as the car was taking in water. They try to get out to get whatever was doing this to them to stop. But the doors won't open. They try to drive away, but the car won't move even though there's a full tank of gas. All they could do was sit and scream as more and more of the car was being smashed on, by an unseen force. Morning comes and the car is completely totalled. The rain has stopped and the couple was still in the car, despite being in there all night, their clothes and hair are still dry. A flash of light starts moving through the forest from where they entered, it was lights from a siren. They thought they were saved. That a police car, ambulance or god forbid a fire truck has come to get them out of there, only to find in their shock it was neither. The lights came from a tow truck. They try to get the driver's attention, but he ignores them. Instead placing a sticker on the smashed windshield. The words "Impounded: Reason to believe the car was stolen." The car gets pulled away, the couple screaming and yelling, but the driver still could not hear them. They are taken to a clearing, where they see two separate body bags laying on the highway. Each one, matching their height and body shape. Not too far, the couple sees a police officer and a coroner. They try to scream for the police officer's help, believing they are being kidnapped. Like the driver the officer couldn't hear them, but they could hear him. "It's a damn shame." He said. "Those two seemed like a lucky couple. Who would do such an awful thing to them?" That's when it hit them. On their way into the woods, they saw someone. He was tall, slender and wore a brown ragged trench coat. He had a sign that said "Will pay for ride." on it. They stopped at first, but to their shock, the man took out a baseball bat. Smashing every inch of the car. Knocking out the boyfriend while dragging the girlfriend out then ditching their car to the forest. Smashing the car to near bits to make it look like a horrible accident. The couple, was dead the entire time. In what seemed like seconds to them, but months to everyone else, their car was in the junkyard. They watch helplessly as each other junk car was taken to the crusher. It wasn't long until they were next. They kept screaming and yelling, doing everything they could to get the attention of someone. They finally succeeded. A man approaches them, they're relieved at first until they recognize the coat. It was the drifter that killed them, he smiled at them with a grin that could shatter mirrors. They were scared at first, but then they were furious. "Why are you doing this to us?" The boyfriend says. To which the drifter replies. "You didn't stop for me. You didn't even drive past me. You ran right through me like I was yesterday's garbage and you never once stopped to see if I was ok. So why the fuck should I listen to your pleas?" He gives out a signal, the crane descending onto the car. Even with the doors pried open, they still couldn't get out. It was like they were trapped there. As the car slowly moves into the crusher, the bottom opens up. In it's place a world made of fire and brimstone. As the car is placed in and the crusher moves down, they wake up. In the middle of the forest once again. The windows smashing again. Welcome to Hell. Where you get to relive reminders of your death over and over and OVER AGAIN!!!!



Posted by CIEIRMusic - October 10th, 2021

9 days since my original announcement and I'm already on a roll in both music and art.

First some original work:

A webcomic inspired by the great Clive Barker.

Next a gif based off a nightmare I had years back.

Second some comedy and fan art:

My personal "Fuck you." to conspiracy theorists and the possibility of what they believe in being true.

A shout out to Canadian Thanksgiving in the horror comedy way.

And a fan comic of my favourite slasher villains playing poker.

I was no slouch in the music either:

A few tense heavy songs for all your horror needs.

I hope to do more when I find some good ideas, but enjoy these and what came before so far.

I want to take the time to also point out, that I have a Ko-Fi Account. Just a little tip jar to fit in with the artist and musician image for the digital age. Be sure to contribute when you can. For if you listen to one more second of CIEIRMusic and not contribute, then you're a thief. A common thief.

Light Harmony: Ok take it easy S.T.

S.T.: I'm sorry, but these thieves just make me so darn mad. You know who you are!! Fucking Thieves!!

I'm just fucking with you. Unlike a certain E-Begging Internet reviewer, I don't rely on guilt trips to get contribution, when I know it will come to me sooner or later. But after rewatching Betty White call Homer out on the Simpsons for not paying PBS, I couldn't resist. Lol. Contribute what you can when you can even if said contribution is little more than word spread on the music. It's you fans that got me this far after all.

Take care. Stay safe and stay tuned for more. Hopefully I can get enough done by Halloween.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - October 8th, 2021

Just another part of the lore as a whole. I figured this October it'd be more of a Horror themed one:

S.T. Musician: Great I'm tied up in a bed, I can barely remember what happened before and I have no idea what comes next? I really gotta lay off the Tequila. I hear someone coming up the stairs.

Fan: Oh you're awake. Good, I didn't want to wait for you to regain consciousness.

S.T.: Who are you?

Fan: I'm your number one fan. I listened to all your music. Glockenvaltz is a personal favourite of mine.

S.T.: Well I'm glad you appreciate my work, but going Annie Wilks on me, is not the way to go.

Fan: Well I didn't just want to ask for an autograph, there was an important matter I wanted to discuss with you. However you were always so busy. Making new works, travelling the world with those.....people. It was the only way I could get your attention.

S.T.: Ok, well now that you have my attention what is it that you want.

Fan: I think it's obvious by now. I want you to get rid of Light Harmony.

S.T.: And why is that?

Fan: Because they are holding you back. Don't get me wrong they got great singing voices, but they steal the spotlight from you all the time. Surely you must be bothered by it. In fact you have to be bothered by it. Not to mention their style is so lame. Too Lighthearted. You were so cool when you did nothing but dark stuff. I could feel the pain and passion that went into every one of your pieces. If not for those cockadoody cocksuckers, I'd have an endless supply of those pains and passions. So here's the deal. If you fire them, albeit break it to them gently so no feelings can be hurt. I will let you go. The only time you'll see me is if I see you perform.

S.T.: I see. You know why I do the dark stuff?

Fan: I have my interpretations, but I would love to hear it from you.

S.T.: Because I lead a dark life. One of bad luck, heartbreak and a negative viewpoint on the world. However while I still do dark stuff every now and then I have tried my best to find balance on that. Things were starting to get better for me and I believe it's thanks to those two. They aren't just fellow musicians, they are my friends and they are my family. I'm sorry, but I won't let them go that easily.

Fan: I see. Well I guess I have no choice. The hard way it is. I'm gonna torture you until you give in or until you die. I'll start with your legs. Then your arms so you'll never play again. Then if you still insist on keeping those hacks, I will save your pretty little skull for last.

S.T.: Well there is one thing you should know, before you do that.

Fan: What's that?

S.T.: I anticipated the notion that a crazy fan or an enemy of our work would try to go after me. So I hidden a recorder in my concert jacket. Not only is there enough evidence to put you away for life, but it's also equipped with a tracking device. Light Harmony should be at your door any minute now.

Fan: You're bluffing.

S.T.: Am I?

Light Harmony: We came here as quick as we can. S.T. are you alright?

S.T.: Well this fan was about to break my legs, but other than that I'm fine.

Fan: Well I guess I'll just have to kill all three of you.

S.T.: You really should have listened to their songs. There are serious consequences if you fuck with us.

Fan: What are you doing? Get your hands off me. What is that? No NOT MY LEGS!!!

Light Harmony: The tourniquet is on, so he won't bleed to death. What should we do now?

S.T.: Take a copy of my tape to the nearest police station, drop it and our fan off there. Of course try to edit this part out, we can't let them know we mean business yet.

Light Harmony: Yes S.T. Go home and rest, we'll take it from here.

Light: Would you stop blushing Harmony and help me?

Harmony: What? I thought he looked cute tied up like that.

Light: Oh for fuck sakes not this again. We may be adults in a few months, but he is 2 decades older than us. Besides, I don't think he likes you in that way.

Harmony: Perhaps you're right. What do you see him as?

Light: At best a father figure and at worst an older brother. The guy was very strict on our hygiene and diet when he first took us in. That said don't you ever find something off about the guy?

Harmony: Off how?

Light: We barely know who he is, he shows up out of the blue to save us and to top it off, the only thing he wants in return is extra hands on his music and crusade. I don't know, he just seems too good to be true.

Harmony: Look remember the pact we made together. If by off chance he goes rogue in anyway, he gave us full right to take care of him by any means necessary. As much as I'd hate to have to kill him, I must admit the fact that he's willing to let us do that, should mean something.

Light: You have a point there. Let's just drop this asshole off and take him to the bar. After what he went through we all could use a drink and some kush.

Harmony: Now you're speaking my language.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - October 6th, 2021

Thought I'd post my recent progress, before I continued the rest of my works.

As shown here, I've announced that I'd be doing some Halloween related projects. So after 4 days of making projects and 1 day of taking a break to deal with personal matters, I've decided to post what I've done so far.

For starters I've done a sequel album to Swear Jar:

This one leads more towards the darker side of comedy, ranging from dark humor to horror. So naturally there may be very offensive things. So listener be warned.

Next I did another audio fanfiction for kicks:

Since Re-Animator was the theme of my last fanfiction, I thought for this one I'd do one dedicated to Invasion of The Body Snatchers. Do not listen at high volume.

Also I did a horror themed Audio Drama:

This one is an interactive one. In which you the listener are a character in this horror story.

Lastly I made a Horror Song:

In terms of art, I came up short, but I figured, due to how disturbing it looks this should count:

A message on the duality of positive and negative emotions.

More will come soon. Stay tuned.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - October 4th, 2021

One thing I came to notice when it comes to math. Whether it's basic Arithmetic or the most advanced stuff like Trigonometry. Math has always been as one and two dimensional. By that I mean even the most advanced of equations are often shown in at length and/or width.

To give an example. Basic addition.

Width: 2 + 2 = 4






Even when it comes to doing equations that involve the basic measurements of 3 dimensions.

L + W + H/D (Length Plus Width Plus Height/Depth)

However I always wondered if someone were to try to change Math by going beyond the two dimensions. By that I mean have a number exist in all three.

Instead of say : 2+2 = 4

It would be something along the lines of this:


But with numbers also going in front of and behind that plus or other math symbols in the centre. Making it actually in this example go from 2 + 2 to 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2

Basically giving going from being equal to 4 to equal to 12.

Much of why I ask this is because even with so many things we applied Math to, we are often limited by 1 to 2 dimensional thinking, because that's what we're used to seeing on paper. Whether we're doing it in school or applying it to our every day life. So what if we at least tried to extend that thinking to three dimensions? Maybe this could be a start of it.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - October 1st, 2021

October first is upon us and that means that Halloween is only 30 days away. While I will continue on major projects like Light Harmony, this will be the time when I start bringing on the horror. I am gonna try to either make a scary song or some art. Maybe even a poem in the news section or forums. I was so excited on doing this that I started a few days earlier.

I started with with a little horror stinger:

Then I started going the John Carpenter Route by making mystery themed songs:

Even doing some cosmic art here:

Then doing an action themed Horror Song:

As well as a tense fulled song here:

Then just recently doing an audio fanfic tribute to one of my favourite horror movies:

What comes next? Who knows, but I will guarantee that you're in for a scream.

Until then enjoy this lesser known, but well liked creepy Halloween Commercial tune:

Watch the magic pumpkin.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - September 30th, 2021


Most people outside Canada wouldn't know the signifigance of this shirt being shown, whether you wear it or display it on your front door. However I implore the Canadians, especially the Natives, to never forget about this day. Never forget what happened to those kids and most importantly never forget the message that spawned from it. Every Child's Life Matters.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - September 30th, 2021

Not too long ago I helped collaborate on a recent piece of media regarding @shintsukimi205's The Absolute. I provided the music needed for the background which can be heard here.

Which has been edited and synced into this:

A behind the scenes documentary on the series as a whole.

Upon listening to it, I was hooked and even if I end up late to it, I will keep a close eye out to see what comes next.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - September 27th, 2021

First of all, big shout out to @Demonicity for being my 100th follower.

Second of all, wow, just wow. It took me a while but I got there. I don't know what to say.

While I do not know what to say, I know a way of expressing my shock and gratitude through song:



Posted by CIEIRMusic - September 18th, 2021


Normally I would just update the article before me with this, but I am proud to announce that Light Harmony Lessons is now available in Bandcamp.

On top of the songs, I've put the instrumentals in as bonus tracks. That's right folks. 16 songs for the price of 8. As well as my concept art as an added bonus. Enjoy.
