First of all I'd like to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day. As most know one of my first major pictures was this:
The Badge of Love which later inspired the CIEIR Badges. All of which available for purchase on my Ko-Fi
I also did one as a parody of popular love songs:
And just recently I did a horror themed audio poem:
However I'm not just here to plug my works. I am also here because, I find that the Holiday itself is a sham. But that doesn't mean I hate it. I just find one thing wrong with it. A lot of people seem to think that Valentine's Day aka The Day of Love, should only strictly be between couples. Be it Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Boyfriend/Boyfriend, Girlfriend/Girlfriend and of course Marriage. I fucking hate that for two reasons.
- It means to those Hallmark shilling motherfuckers, condemn single people. Not a lot of people can find romantic or even sexual love as most people do. And this holiday has been nothing more than a sad reminder of what they can't get. Others feel better off being single and the holiday insults them.
- As a result of which, it seems to compress the concept of love to romance only. When Love is much more than that and there are many kinds of love.
There's Platonic Love. The love and care one has for their fellow humans without being romantically attached to each other, yet has the same strength as romantic love as the bond gets stronger the more it sticks.
Then there's familial love. Love for one's family or those they consider family. Which is a hell of a lot stronger than Romantic love, because any drama aside, when push comes to shove and the bond is strong enough said family has each other's backs in ways a couple can never understand unless they start a family of their own or have been with that kind of family themselves.
There's also sexual love Aka Friends With Benefits. People who are just happy to be in each other's company, while seeming to click sexually.
There's Self not that way you perverts. The idea, that if you can't find someone else to love, that you learn to love yourself. Some people take it too far and turn that love into Narcissism, but that doesn't mean Self Love is bad.
Then there's selfless love. The ability to love everyone and everything around them no matter how much the world hates them back.
These are just a few examples I think people overlook on this holiday. And it's not just the card or present companies that do this. It's also everything surrounding the Holiday. We have so many romance movies and a lot of them marathoning your TVs as we speak. Yet so little movies on the other acts of love.
I think after centuries of this holiday being around and the things we've endure the past 4 years and counting, that there must be a change. After all in this world gone mad, All You Need Is Love.
So I'm gonna start, by not only wishing you all, whether you're with someone or not, a very Happy Valentine's Day, but to hear this. To my fans, my listeners and my friends here I have only this to say:
Some of us may not get along with me, some of us may not get along with each other, but regardless of what happens do not forget those big words above.