Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

Exp Points:
5,954 / 6,400
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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 26th, 2023

Been a while since I did a post for this, but mostly because up until now I developed writer's block on trying to find a unique slogan for the next shirt.

Now, one of the biggest issues in the world is the level of trust one has for one and other and for good reason. You could be friends, family, lovers, you name it, but as a result of so many people taking advantage of one and other, it's hard who to trust, who not to trust and whether or not you should be nice, mean or both when the situation calls for it.

So look no further than this shirt:





Words to live by that help you survive.

Deliberately put front and back the very words to live by and survive. Someone sees you with this shirt on, they know better than to fuck with you, because it shows you've been fucked with before and you're not gonna let it happen again any time sooner. And should that person take what's on the back literally and decide to actually stab you there, well that just means you won and they know that.

I've lived by that philosophy my whole life, hence why I'm quick to the draw the second someone slights me in a way. And I pass that philosophy unto you all.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 25th, 2023

Before anyone decides to lynch me over the title hear me out. I am not unsympathetic to those who use the General forums for things they need outside the usual topics. Nor do I have anything against someone's political POV unless they're invoking Nazism, Cold War Era Communism or in the case of now, a bunch of Putin Ass Kissers trying to convince the world he's one of the good guys. That being said, two things.

  1. The forums both Politics and General are a major source of drama and part of the reasons why General got affected in the first place was because @TomFulp and them knew that if they were to just lock the political Topic, we'd all just talk politics in General. He wasn't taking chances and I for one believe that was a clever move on his part.
  2. I myself could care less if the entire Forum is locked out or dying and I'll tell you why. While I have yet to make a single sale here, I find that the Newsposts are better for advertising my stuff and expanding on my OCs stories, which was what I signed on here in the first place for. If my fans wish to interact with me, these comments are open and so are my DMs. Even those that hate my guts here and vice versa, like ThisJoe and his Cronies could very well easily have more fun talking shit about me on here than they can on a form of BBS I wouldn't give the time of day. Why? Because these are easier to get on my radar than a forum post that is gonna get locked out anyway.

That's right, you heard me correctly on the second point I honestly believe the Newsposts here are much better at airing our shit out that I am practically encouraging and daring those that hate my guts to use that to better get a rise out of me. I mean why bother even with the forums when the Newsposts basically function in the same way. Only difference being no forum mods breathing down your neck and no means to report any comments unless you decide to directly message said mods.

I know it's gonna take an adjustment, especially to old timers older than me who still think the 80s BBS system should be brought back, but honestly I think this is a great step for Newgrounds. The site should be focused more on what we can create and show the world and less about our petty dramas.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 19th, 2023

We all have our moments that make us want to cringe. As in moments so bad our entire body tenses up in either embarrassment, shock, anger, sadness, fear or disgust. However over the years, I've noticed people using the word "Cringe" as the blanket term of seeing or hearing things they don't like such as a bad joke or a disagreement.

Whoever first started this idea I'd like to meet so I could whack them over the head with a dictionary. Because what these people are saying is not the definition of cringe and I honestly think that should stop.

To me Cringe means, the reaction one gets when they witness or hear something seriously fucked up. The best examples include:

  1. Walking in on parents, relatives or friends engaged in sex. That's cringe.
  2. Witnessing someone do something disgusting, like pissing or crapping in the middle of a public street. That's cringy.
  3. Seeing a corpse get hauled out of your building of residence after a disaster hit. That's extreme cringe.

What is not cringe is this:

  1. Not liking a joke, because it is either poorly written or too lame for you. "This joke is so cringe." That's not cringe, that critique and even then it's as poorly written too, so hypocrisy much?
  2. Saying something you don't agree with. "This guy is so cringe because he believes in same sex marriage." That's not cringe that's narcissism. You can't comprehend that not everyone agrees with you, because you think everyone should be like you.
  3. Judging someone based on what they look like rather than what kind of person they are. That's not cringe, that's being an asshole. A guy could be out there panhandling on the streets and have more sense and wisdom than the people who by society's standards are "Normal". And even then, just because someone looks like trash to you doesn't mean they are trash.

Point being is those assholes out there using Cringe for whatever the hell they want it to be, have diluted it so much that an old man like myself, can literally boast and brag about knowing what it really means.

Now after reading what I just wrote, what makes you cringe?



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 18th, 2023

I am a huge fan of video games. Whether it plays safe like Nintendo or has some great takes and unique features like Sony the one thing they all have in common is that they have their fair share of scary moments. Now I'm ruling out Horror games as it's a given already as they are meant to be scary, but I'll somewhat include it in the article, to give some context.

In a Horror game, even a shitty one, it's to be expected to have scary moments. Games like Resident Evil, FNAF and Silent Hill to name a few. Even the most crappy one's like The PS2 Sequel to John Carpenter's The Thing have scary moments. Be it intentional moments like one of your buddies turning into a Thing (Which by the way, much like Friday The 13th should have their own multiplayer version with one or two people as the Thing....Among Us doesn't count ya sus.) or unintentional moments like when you have to check your trust meter and the pictures of your buddies are twitching and glitching to inhuman levels even though at this point, they're supposed to be still human.

But then there are games in many different companies of Genre's opposite of horror, but have scary moments anyway. The best part about it is, even the most family friendly of them have their high octane nightmare fuel.

Games like Earthbound where among most things you're fighting a being no one can comprehend:

Or Super Mario 64 which ghosts and Bowser aside, had it's fair share of legit jumpscares like the piano monster:

Then of course as the graphics continued to improve in games, it lead to more unique scary moments. Like any monster intro in the Zelda Games from Twilight Princess onward:

However the most scary piss your pants moment in my personal and professional opinion comes from the latest edition to another beloved Nintendo Franchise. Metroid. Now Metroid is very popular for many reasons.


Samus Aran was one of the first leading female video game characters, with the twist of her being a girl after tricking the player into thinking they were playing a male character throughout the game. Since then the character as well as the story has changed and evolved. Now this series from it's humble NES beginnings has had it's fair share of scary moments. After all it was inspired by many sci-fi horror movies such as Alien.

Now many end scene bikini jokes aside, Samus was greatly admired for being a ruthless killer, yet having a kind heart and a moral code. Yet with the exception of dying sounds in most games, she's never once raised her voice in anger. Often reacting to situations with a sense of stoicism. Not letting anything get her down despite the horrible tragedies she endured over the years.

Now I had no idea that this was made last year. As the last game I've played in the series was Other M. Unlike most people, I liked it and I consider it Canon. However due to lowering popularities I feared they'd cancel the franchise. However that was until I saw this Spoilers if you haven't played it yet:

This was a clip from Metroid Dread. Which came out last year. In this among most things Samus finds out that an evil Chozo by the name of Raven Beak, was responsible for the events of every single game that happened before this moment. Meaning he was responsible for the Metroids, the dangers, the planets blowing up and every single bad thing that has ever happened to Samus in so many games. Now at this point she has Metroid DNA in her system and the ability to drain energy from any organic or inorganic material that generates it. Raven Beak thinks he's killed her by choking her to death. Not only does she live, but she is pissed beyond expectations. Gripping the bastard by his face through his broken helmet and violently devouring the life energy. All while also absorbing the energy of his space ship sending them both plummeting to the planet. Take away the fact that she has metroid powers and because she latched onto him, he can't get her off him. This was Samus Aran, one of the kindest most compassionate Nintendo Characters, whom never even let the death of her parents bring her down. She has gone full fight or flight, has completely snapped and is gouging out Raven Beak's eye with one hand. Not even once using her weapons, but her bare hand. All while glaring daggers at him, screaming bloody murder and transforming into a humanoid metroid.

This moment scared the living hell out of me. I have never seen Samus that pissed off before, it makes me appreciate there's no way to bring fictional characters to life, because I would not want to meet her in that mood. And while these games have their scary moments, I would say this tops it. This was 40 years Franchise time and who knows how many years in-universe of pent up, unbridled, raw, predatory rage. She was pissed, she was hungry and he goaded her one too many times. I cannot wait to see how they try to top this one.

What game moments scare you?



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 17th, 2023

Man not too long after I did my St. Patrick's Day post, I'm guessing the Luck of The Irish is strong today, because, our old friend Vlady Putin is now wanted by the world.


Just recently a the International Criminal Court or ICC for short, has just issued a warrant out for the arrest for Vladimir Putin for War Crimes against Ukraine. Do you know what that means? Everyone who's got access to a gun, a passport and military status is gonna come looking for the bastard.

Normally I hate to say I told you so, but in this case Vlady, Dickless, I fucking told you so:

The whole world is coming for you Putin and it is all your fucking fault. I just hope they place this if and when they execute you:

And since I knew this was gonna happen eventually I am gonna make another ballsy prediction. Kim Jong Un?


Oh and to anyone that showed the slightest sympathy for Putin, I have only this to say:


For the rest of you, have a nice day.

Update: Also I'm well aware that the crime they got him for, the unlawful deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia, is what got him in and some people....stupid people think that's minor compared to what he did, but that's not the point.

Al Capone had been personally or by proxy responsible for many murders, thefts and at the time it was law, illegal selling of alcohol. Yet what did him in the end was a Tax Evasion crime. It's amazing how things evolved. Putin saw himself as the next Stalin, we saw him as the next Hitler and now his legacy ends Capone style, for a "Lesser Crime" letting us view him how he's always been. Just another criminal. Nothing more and nothing less.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 17th, 2023

Welp I got my green shirt for those who didn't see my face yet:


And I just took my first shot of Whisky fort the day:


Today is St. Patrick's Day. For some history:

St. Patrick's Day started out as a day to celebrate the life and death of St. Patrick whom died March 17 461. However the first official St. Patrick's Day Parade was held in Ireland in 1903, 1442 years after he died.

Now while the day is mostly an Irish Holiday, it's become so popular all over the world, that it gave birth to the motto "Happy St. Patrick's Day, where everyone is Irish for a day." Now you can take that motto anyway you wish, but to me, even if it's for a brief day it means everyone is Equal even for one day. When you get down to it, we're not really all that different from each other.

Now for as long as I've remembered, I never stopped wearing green on St. Patties Day, I had that sweater for a while and it's the only piece of pure green clothing.

That said, the holiday is not without detractors. Some people accused this holiday of being a white only holiday. Which is bullshit, because there are POCs that have Irish Blood as well and contrary to popular belief, not all Irish are racists. Part of why that stereotype has been around is because of Catholicism encouraging it and you may as well take out all the other Catholic Countries while you're at it. Good luck with that. Even South Park predicted that this would be the last Holiday in the world to get Cancelled after holidays like Christmas and Halloween met with it's fair share of controversy as well. That said, even if I'm the only one standing on that hill I will continue to celebrate the only way I know how:

  1. Wearing Green.
  2. Getting drinks.
  3. Maybe listen to some Irish Music too,

The latter of which I recommend these gems:

For if you want a simple good time to Dance a Jig.

For when you feel like kicking ass Irish Style.

So for those as old as me, drink, be merry and have a good time. To the youth, wear green if you don't wished to get pinched today. Doesn't have to be full clothes. Though if you live in South Park that won't be a problem:

Poor Butters.

Anywho, Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone.

Man, I must really be good at visual storytelling because the pictures of me and the Whisky make it look like I'm staring at the Whisky.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 16th, 2023

Time for yet another Bandcamp Bundle.

In this case it's singles only:


6 Week Blues

My attempt at making a jazzy vent against this year's Groudhog Day.


Tingles In Your Spine

My attempt at trying to do creepy Sax Play ala Howard Shore and Colin Stetson.


A Mystery is Afoot

My attempt at a mystery style song.


Following Something You Shouldn't

My follow up to said attempt.

Each are $1 CAD.

Thank you for reading. Be sure to check out the rest of my bandcamp, as there are songs on there that aren't here you might be interested in. If you're feeling generous tip me on Ko-Fi where my art is also for sale. Also if you're able to buy this on Bandcamp Fridays, Bandcamp waves revenue share giving me full price for my work. So keep a look out if you do buy it.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 4th, 2023

As most people know from my recent song:

The building in which I've lived in for 6 months last February, caught on fire the Saturday before this one.

My building was notorious for prank fire alarms and I mistakenly assumed that it was one of those. Until I heard over the loudspeaker "Fire on 5th floor, everyone evacuate your units." Taking no chances I grabbed the dog I was looking after and ran like hell for the stairs. I was on the second floor on that building so the fire was not even close to us. There was no smoke or smell in the hallway until I reached the stairwell. Now bear in mind, I go to the countryside sometimes, I been around many firepits and roasted many marshmallows, I know the smell of burning wood when I smelled it. When I reached the stairwell, I smelled the burning wood and ran faster with the dog. We were on the sidewalk at the front of the building.

Two balconies on the fifth floor were on fire. A man jumped from his balcony to the lower one to escape the flames. The firefighters came just in time to put it out, the rest of us were forced to stay outside for 4 - 5 hours straight while the smoke cleared an the fire marshal made his assessment. People were getting impatient, the news came on scene. I got interviewed 3 times by three news stations because I saw all this stuff going on.

Then I find out one person died, 4 were injured, someone I know is currently in a coma because of smoke inhalation. Arguments have started over what started the fire with some saying it could have been a meth lab. The people on five are sequestered in hotels until their floor is restored.

The whole sequence of events took a lot of weed and booze for me to get over. Mainly to celebrate surviving danger and saving a life while doing so.

That being said, things have been going back to normal. Repairs on that floor have been made, water damage has been reversed and to top it off a lot of people now have plenty stories to tell.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 19th, 2023

NO. 73 - Easy Like Sunday Morning

First of all a great big shout out to @The-Great-One for bringing out another article for @TheTankTribune. Congrats to everyone else that got featured as well.

In this particular article I found myself in this section:


Featuring this:


My Views: Separating Art From The Artist

I appreciate the honest opinion on my article. Much appreciated. With that said I'm glad it was engaging to you.

Another addition to the Corkboard:


I would also like to thank my fans, I couldn't have done this without you.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - February 15th, 2023

Much like everyone else I myself have had favourite artists in all mediums over the years. And much like everyone else, I get disappointed when they do stuff that makes me not like them anymore. However a lot of people are often willing to watch and support their work because they believe in separating art from the artist. However that notion gets abused so many times that the wrong artists whether you like them or not get away with worse crimes.

So I decided in this edition of my views, I would tell you when is the proper time to separate art from the artists. But in order to do that like the others, I have to do this in sections. You'll see what I mean.

Section 1: Accusations and Allegations

Years ago if I even heard that an artist I liked was accused or alleged of a severe crime such as sexual misconduct or domestic abuse, I would be right there with the other lemmings. However, I have a rule about it. No matter how much I feel the person is innocent or guilty. No matter how much evidence is against them I let the Law and the Court decide. Much of why so many innocents get their lives ruined and so many guilty walk free is because we as people who gawk at these artists, jump on the bandwagon either way. The most prominent being the Johnny Depp v Amber Heard thing. With many supporting both sides and going at each other's throats before a verdict is even decided. The fuck is wrong with you people on that? But I'm no saint. Years ago I joined similar bandwagons without thinking and all it's done was bring stress to me that wasn't even necessary. Nowadays even if I honestly think that person should walk free or go to jail I let the Law and The Courts Decide. We're not cops, we're not lawyers, we're spectators. Spectators watch, think and learn. Other than that shut up.

It was allegations and accusations and the panic that ensued from them, that wasted the lives of The West Memphis Three they never got back. Yet despite their innocence proven, people never learn.

Point being wait until a jury decides, before you bitch about it either way. I still think Kevin Spacey's a pedo, but that doesn't mean I'm a judge or jury.

Section 2: Support Guilt

One of the most common problems with artists whom have committed severe crimes is the guilt one feels in supporting them in one way or another. It's especially difficult when it comes to visual mediums like Movies and TV shows. For example many people refuse to watch a show or movie that happens to have a controversial artist in it, because they believe watching or paying for a home release/theater ticket, is giving money directly to them. Supporting them. I myself got caught up in that too. However it's a common misconception.

For starters let me give you a little inside tip on making movies and television shows. All visual mediums like Movies and TV shows is run by a budget. Said budget is paid for by the producers and executive producers of said medium. That budget among most things pays for the cast and crew's time on set. Whereas unless negotiated otherwise, the money made from the show or movie, goes back to the producers to recoup the budget and make a profit. In layman's terms, the actors are already paid and if one of them happens to be a rapist or a pedophile the fault doesn't lie on you the viewer for supporting them. The fault lies on the producer stupid enough to hire them and profiting off them.

However here's where things get tricky. Sometimes, not all the time a show or a movie is often created by the starring lead. Case in point Rick and Morty. The Justin Roliand thing. Now like I said before, I let the law and court decide on it and they haven't decided yet, however should Roliand be proven guilty for his alleged crimes, then you should be considered guilty for continuing to support Rick and Morty and any other show he directly had a hand in creating. Why? Because even though Adult Swim fired him, he still retains royalty rights as a creator by the same law that is out to condemn him. Meaning whether they like it or not and even if he's in prison, Adult Swim is legally obligated to keep paying him for the rights of the show. So even if Rick and Morty get recast, every single person that watches this show from here on, still supports Roliand. Which is one of the reasons why I will not watch it anymore even if they get recast.

Much like how I refuse to watch anything created by Victor Salva after knowing what he did. Which is a shame because I loved the movie Powder.

Point being is unless the artist or in this case actor/actress had a direct hand in making the medium they are starring or playing in, you shouldn't feel guilty about watching a movie they happen to be in.

Another bonus tip. It helps a lot better if said actor and actress is playing a villain, because you already hate them in real life, you may as well hate the characters they play too since they are already bad guys. Especially when you see their epic downfall.

Section 3: The Severity of the crime or slight.

This is the one that seems to divide a lot of people. Some people still prefer to watch their works despite said artist being a rapist or another type of severe crime. Simply because they like the work. R. Kelly before he got finally imprisoned got away with a lot of shit because people cared more about his music. But that said, it does raise a question. How severe of a crime does it have to be, for you to say no to them. Let me break down my views on the matter.

  1. Controversial Political Views: With the exception of Nazism and Cold War Era Communism, I will never refuse to support an artist based on their political views alone. As mentioned before I disagree with Roger Waters' viewpoint on Russia V Ukraine, but that doesn't stop me from listening to Pink Floyd. Some people take things too far and upon hearing what kind of political view or party their favourite artists are in contrast to their own political views. The immediately cancel that person. Case in point I once saw a reddit. (Long gone now.) Where John Carpenter reveals his own and Kurt Russel's political views. With Carpenter being Left and Russel being right, many people who looked up to Snake Plissken and Jack Burton were devastated and felt they shouldn't support Russel anymore. Despite the fact that Carpenter made it perfectly clear that their differing views aside, they still are willing to work together and stay friends. Due to their mutual love of making movies. Both agreeing to leave their politics at home so it doesn't interfere with their work. Unless I see Kurt Russel, whom is not even Republican (Right Leaning Libertarian in case you're wondering.), is standing in front of and saluting a flag with a Swastika or a Hammer and Sickle, I will still continue to watch his movies. He's an actor first. Not a politician. Since Kanye West supports Hitler. Fuck him.
  2. Sex Crimes: Once again, I let the courts decide on that one, but if anyone's proven to be a rapist, pedophile or other forms of sex crimes that severe, with 100% certainty and no room for reasonable doubt. That's when I don't support them. If there's even 1% chance that they could be innocent, I take that chance and I'll tell you why. While a lot of people focus on those actually guilty of the crime, they overlook one thing. Even if the person is 100% innocent with no room for reasonable doubt of a crime as severe as rape or child molestation, their reputation is still ruined because there's always gonna be a small amount of people that still think they did it. Same with those cleared of murder.
  3. Murder: With the exception of Self Defense or accidental, this one is a 0 tolerance for me. Taking a life and still continuing to do your work like nothing happened, is the worse crime. Scratch that. The worst sin of this world. Nuff said.
  4. Drugs: Depends on the person, the time and depends on the drugs. For example, just recently I found out that Bruce Lee one of my favorite martial artists was a major stoner. Weed, Coke, Shrooms, LSD. However people condemn him for that despite A. He grew up around the 60s and 70s, no way could he have survived the states without being on something. B. There has not once been any record of abuse in relation to it.

Final Section: Our Own Two Eyes

While it's extremely rare for the bulk of us to meet a celebrity or an artist in general. It's also more rare that we witness them do something suspicious. But if there's anything we trust, it should be our own eyes and ears. However, we must not forget our brains. We could see something or hear something, that may or may not be what it seems, but without our brains, we charge dick first into something that probably wasn't even our business to begin with and even if we turn out to be right, said artist or celebrity could benefit from ruining your life and get off scott free. Be it a lawsuit or charges being pressed. Eyes and Ears can't function without a brain. So stop and think.

That's at least how I view it. You're more than welcome to express your views on the subject.
