Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

Exp Points:
5,954 / 6,400
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.54 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1m 1d

CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 23rd, 2022

Over the years, we have been told by everyone. Be it parents, friends, family even total strangers the difference between right and wrong. However as we grow up, we often have to also decide for ourselves what is right and wrong. Even if it's something that not everyone agrees with.

The most prominent example of this being the fight for lost causes. Now if one wins that fight no matter the cause, it often makes history, because the person or people that fight for it, managed to score victory despite all odds stacked against them.

However what people fail to realize is why those odds are often against them. Not sweating the small stuff.

People fail to realize that the people that fight for lost causes have to endure a lot. Humilation, threats, bullying, corruption, compromise. Things like that. Stuff that can take a toll on their minds, hearts and even the rest of their bodies. Most people don't care how they do it as long as they either succeed or fail. Downplaying all the shit people go through to get it done and the anticipation of what to do, should they fail.

Knowing all this. Do you think lost causes are worth fighting for?

My answer to that is yes. Whenever I feel like it's not worth it, I turn to this:

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington: Lost Causes

This was from an old movie called Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. It was about an idealistic man, who managed to become a U.S. Senator. His faith in the system is tested when he witnesses corruption in the Senate. Among most people a U.S. Senator he looked up to as a mentor and a friend. The most iconic part of the scene is where Mr. Smith, is standing in the Senate, fighting for the mother of all lost causes. The man spoke for hours on end, the odds stacked against him and he never once quit no matter how much it took a toll on him. He eventually passes out from exhaustion and when it seems like things are about to end for him then and there this happens:

Mr. Smith Goes To Washington: EXPEL ME!!

In a fit of guilt, Senator Paine tries to kill himself then and there, but when he his prevented he demands to have himself expelled. Going so far as confessing and confirming everything Mr. Smith said was true. Now I am not one for politics, but when someone believes in a cause so much he is willing to die, just from talking about it, it at least says to me that lost causes are worth fighting for.

What do you all think?



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 21st, 2022


Great news. It took me a while to do it, but I've managed to make digital copies of all my canvas pieces.

Much like my music on top of trying to make them stand-alone art, this is perfect for if you want to say make a short film or a movie and need certain props. In this case paintings to make your characters good or bad look more cultured and sophisticated.

These paintings and any and all in the future are about $5 a piece and as you can see here:

I also switched the licensing so that the good people of Newgrounds can use them for their projects. Even if you wish to parody me. Go nuts.

Just click the link above and you can even have a copy to put in your own home.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 21st, 2022

After making four canvas paintings I decided to do something I've wanted to do for a while. Bare in mind despite the name, this isn't really a museum. But rather a rough showing of my first works. I plan to later scan them and compile them into a collection which in turn would have music playing in the background similar to that of an art museum. This news post being the first version. So without further adieu.

Welcome to the CIEIR Art Museum:

Our first exhibit is S.T. Musician's first canvas painting:

The Star of Bethlehem Closer to Earth:


S.T.'s first attempt at canvas painting was meant to be something festive, while still adhering to his own style of it. In a mix of symbolism and realism S.T. has turned that star into a beautiful yet terrifying meteor heading towards the earth. You may recognize this beauty as the album cover for CIEIRMusic's Christmas Album:


CIEIR Christmas Special

As you make your way through the museum, you'll find yourself at the second exhibit:

The Eye of Experience:


What started out as his first attempt at Gothic Art became a psychedelic and spiritual piece regarding what experience looks and feels like positive and negative.

Like the first exhibit, this became the cover for the epic, adventure horror album of the same name:iu_530463_8383057.webp

The Eye Of Experience

As you make your way further down, onto the third exhibit:

The Road Of Wonders:


In a second attempt at gothic art, S.T. created a spiritual journey that ends in a place full of wonders.

Unlike the others, this one only has one song to it's name:

And on our last stop we are at the final exhibit:

Death's Weeping Rose:


They say third time's the charm and boy is it. This was one S.T. has been contemplating ever since he got into Canvas Painting. A symbol of Death in the positive and negative.

So far he has yet to make music out of this one.

Thank you for checking out CIEIR Art Museum. We'd say purchase from the gift shop, but that's not open yet.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 21st, 2022

Laides, Gentlemen, that technicolor rainbow in between. This is S.T. Musician here. Unfortunately unlike my last newspost, this one has is not one in high spirits.

I regret to inform all that reads this, that Marvin Michael Lee Aday, known to the masses as Meat Loaf has passed away at age 74.

To call this man a Rock Star would be insulting, because it's too small a title. To call him a legend, would make him too modest, because he passed beyond it. This man was a GOD in his craft in every sense of the word.

Meat Loaf, originally started out as an actor and songwriter for musical theater. Most famously for both the stage and movie adaptations of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Those songs "Time Warp" and "Sweet Transvestitte" among most things were written by him.

Using his skills in Theater, Meat Loaf fought tooth and nail to get into the Rock and Roll circuit, but record companies wouldn't let him at first. They didn't think an Actor would be good for the rock and roll circuit. Not only did he prove them wrong, but he help revolutionized the business by being one of the many musicians that came up with what I like to call Theatrical Rock and Roll. A style that has also been made famous by musicians like Queen and Alice Cooper.

His most popular songs being "I could do anything for love." as well as "Bat out of Hell." Which I am listening to as I type this.

On top of that he made a huge living as an actor in movies and TV. Most notably Robert "Bitch Tits Bob" Paulson (No relation to Animaniacs actor Rob Paulsen.) in Fight Club My personal fave being Mr. Chumley in the Tales From The Crypt episode "What's Cookin'" Starring Christopher Reeve and Judd Nelson. I reccomend you watch it, I mean how often do you see Superman and John Bender turn Meat Loaf into steak.

This man was the dictionary definition of not giving up on your dreams and going all the way. And that's what he did. He never stopped acting, he never stopped making music and he never stopped being an all around cool person. I can safely say that not even Death would stand in his way. He's that cool.

Meat, wherever you are, I can tell you this everyone misses you and will never forget about you and if God decides to be a prick and sends you to Hell, I know you'll Bat out of it. Rest in Peace you God of Rock.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 20th, 2022


The Road Of Wonders

So far the only canvas painting I made that has one songs. Well now, two versions of one song. As a special treat because I love this one very much, the Orchestral version will not be a bonus track. In light of recent events, I feel everyone could use some wonder in their life.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 19th, 2022

"Lie only become true if person want to believe it." Nariyoshi Miyagi.

A follow up to this:


Welp. I no longer have to take @thisjoe seriously ever again. Even if I think he is an adult pretending to be a teen.

I came to a realization of what Joe has been doing to Jes and those before him. I recognized this pattern before. Probably the most pathetic pattern I've ever witnessed and I witnessed a lot.

ThisJoe has been TMZ'ing @DJElectricJes.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, TMZ is an infamous Paparazzi website and tv show, that takes the most minor things celebrities do, blow it up to ridiculous proportions and making their target look like the worst of humanity.

Here's a typical TMZ Scenario. Imagine any celebrity you know, doesn't matter if it's a man, woman, cis, trans, could be anyone you known. Now imagine they only gained, not even a pound of weight but enough to show they've gotten slightly chubby and a picture is taken at the right moment. TMZ will take that picture and make it look like that slightly chubby person look like a big fat slob that needs to be ridiculed. The sad thing is, their audience does join in on the ridicule, which is why they never shut down, because they got a paying audience.

Now remember that scenario. Although I pointed out something as minor and harmless like weight gain. It can apply to even the most worse situations.

Now look at what happened so far.

Jes gets accused of ERP'ing a 13 year old girl. He admits to the mistake, shows clear remorse and regrets to it and even worked up the courage to fess up, apologize and let this hang onto him for the rest of his life so that he'd never make that mistake again. Then Joe comes along, takes that minor mistake and treats it as though the guy asked for her address, went to her house, raped her 8 ways from sunday and kept doing it to others from here on. This was enough for even those who were fans and friends of Jes to turn against him. Sound familiar? It should, that's standard TMZ.

Even the debated Michael Jackson thing had actual proof that he was sleeping next to children, for the cops to come to the original conclusion and he was accused of repeat offences even well after he was dead. (Do not ask my opinion on that one. I stopped caring a long time ago.)

I should hate him for this, I really should, but Bravo Joe, I'll give you that one. I never seen such a manipulative tactic like that for a long time. Years. Nice to know monsters use stolen tactics.

I don't even need the screenshot anymore. I'll keep it up for the sake of history, but damn.

@DJElectricJes, @ElectricSakura16, @Badcoder69 and all your fans and friends. If you're reading this, there is only one way to get yourself out of this. Block him. Block his name, block his youtube, block him and block anyone that continues where he left off. Everything he's done was done with a tactic with the soul purpose of getting a reaction out of you. For those on your side, hold on to them as much as you can for those that aren't. To hell with them. Just live, keep doing what you're doing and this will eventually be all behind you. Trust me.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 19th, 2022


Normally I don't do a direct post against someone because I'm not some egotsitical asshole who sics their fans on people. In this case I'll make an exception.

As most are all aware thr conflict with @DJElectricJes and @thisjoe started when he accused @badcoder69 of posessing CP. I spoke to Badcoder about this through DM and he mentioned to me that he is 13 years old. Now I found it odd that a 13 year old would be accused of this crime. This among most things lead me to believe that Joe is not really a teenager, but an adult pedophile pretending to be one who happened to have gotten lucky. Before Jes he went after @Lil-Angela-Decibel @CaseyShowie and @PastelArtz. All of them also teens.

While I was looking for the unflattering pictures he made of them, I stumbled upon sonething shocking. I screenshot it up here. Look at the bottom of the picture. Name look familiar it should. Badcoder69 is one of his scouts on the art portal. Now what would a guy who claims to hate pedos be doing with a guy who he thinks is a pedo as his scout? Pretty odd if you ask me.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 18th, 2022

Hello. S.T. Musician here. No not my CIEIR Music Superhero Persona, the man behind it.

Over the years I've often struggled with among many things, staying in shape.

As someone who is Autistic I am hypersensitive to the nth degree. Everything I touch I feel every detail. Everything I hear depending on the severity of the background noise I could hear almost every spec of static and even stuff most human ears can't hear. Everything I smell, I know each individual particle and can even identify smells, both thanks to a keen nose and a somewhat good memory. So needless to say, anything I taste, is either too good too bad or as a result of the other senses something so repulsive that I refuse to even try it. So naturally poor diet is a contributing factor.

Whilst up until I took it more seriously, I seldom exercise. It wasn't until over a decade ago I took beginners courses in a Jeet Kune Do class, that I learned the merits of good exercise. Whilst I myself had to compensate for poor diet and nutrion by experimenting in various ways.

However, I learn as I go along and while I have a long way to go, I will share some tips so far.

In terms of diet, the trick is no matter what you eat. Be it so little or too much, the key factor is to keep your body at the official nutrional level. To do that, you need among most things the right amount of Protein, Fibre, Vitamins and Minerals based on your body size and weight. While the best source of protein to my knowledge is lean meats with little to no bad fats, I know not all of you are meat eaters and would prefer a more Vegan alternative. The trick in that case is to eat the amount of required measurements for your specific dietary needs in the following: Seitan, Lentels, Beans, Nutritional Yeast, Spelt&Tefff, Hemp Seeds (Not even joking) and/or Green Peas. Now when I need extra protein and meat is not enough or If your a vegan and you feel that's not enough, then you gotta go beyond traditional foods. With me I use Whey Protein, because it's considered the best to use when losing weight and maintaining my muscles. But not everyone can eat Whey because it's started out as a byproduct for milk and cheese. Well you're in luck as there is a vegan alternative and depending on where you get it and what your currency value is, it's cheaper than Whey. Of course if you wanna go really cheap, try to learn how to make your own either way.

In terms of fibre any kind works, but some works more than others. You probably heard the following categories I'm about to tell you from various lines in various tv shows and other medias, but here are the 2 Fibres.

Soluble Fibre which dissolves into water or other liquids until it forms a gel like substance that is absorbed through the digestive system. Lowering your cholesterol, blood pressure and most importantly keeping you regular. These can be found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium the latter of which can be spotted in any healthy cereal. My fibre is Acaia. While whatever floats your boat, I use a supplement poweder in my protein shake so I could kill two birds with one stone. Maintaining muscle and removing waste.

Insoluble Fibre which doesn't dissolve but rather tries to bulk up the remaining waste in an effort to push everything bad out of your system. Found in Wheat Bran, Veggies and whole grains.

However that's just me so far. Everyone has their own diet plan.

In terms of training to get in shape, how you train is up to you. Whether it's fast paced or slow, the all have tips that could make it go down better.

For starters, heart first, body second. While maintaining muscles are important, many people neglect the most important muscle, the heart. While it's the strongest, it also needs the most attention, luck and sometimes tough love. In some exercises, part of why people usually can't continue is they neglected helping their heart through cardio.

Second, be consistent. No matter what most fitness buffs tell you, whether you do it excessively or slow pace, you're doing it right. Why, because as long as you are consistent of your routine, your muscles remember how to move accordingly from muscle memory.

Third, most important of all. Don't forget to breathe. Whether it's training with weights, running on a treadmill or just plain jogging outside, you must remember to take slow breaths with each movement. In through the nose out through the mouth, it gives more oxygen to your muscles and at the same time keeps your heart at a reasonable pace, so you don't have to worry about giving yourself a heart attack.

Follow these and anything is impossible. To kill three birds with one stone I walk up a 12 story building stairwell. Now one thing you all may know or not know, it's that it's easier to walk down a long flight of stairs than it is to walk up. When you walk up, the higher you go, the more gravity tries to stop you. Which in turn if done for the first time, hurts the heart, the lungs and especially the legs. But after doing it once a day, every day, I started getting stronger. Before I couldn't climb 8 stories without hitting the wall. As time went on, the number increased to 9, 10, 11, 12. I was so used to it, that I wore weights on me to add more resitence so that I could move beyond that. It hurts but it's worth it. I'm losing weight. My legs are stronger than ever and the rest of me is not far behind.

But hey that's just me, I'm sure others have their own ways and I'd like to hear them.

Until then, take care and be safe.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 18th, 2022

One of the hardest things about being a success isn't whether or not you sold something, as much as I complain about not being a financial success with this music, I don't let that define success alone. The hardest part is how to put yourself out there. In my case, I started with social media, only had one paying customer after years of trying to promote myself. Then I went to newgrounds. Had more critical success that I truly appreciate yet after two years, not one person bought my stuff. Looked for other ways to make some extra cash so I could better my craft, one of which causing me to get recently bitched out by some jerk who has some fucked up perception of who I am without even knowing me. But I'm past that.

Getting off topic. I noticed that I made so many songs, but limited their use on Newgrounds and other projects to my permission. I did this because it was the only way I could make sure no one stole my work and refuse to credit me. I seen many download counters on some of my works, but aside from a few projects here, I would only hope to assume it's because someone likes to listen to my music. However, I also know that a lot of you have many projects that need music for the background. So starting this month I will host a monthly trivia contest.

I will post a trivia question once a month on a random subject making it easier for those that know and those that don't know the answers to be able to use their expertise to answer.

The rules are this:

There is only 1 winner per contest. No second prize beyond.

The winner gets full permission to pick 5 songs in my library of their choosing to use on their projects. Under the usual conditions of course. Such as crediting me and showing me your project, so I can promote it for you. No more, no less. You want more after, then DM me first so you can ask.

There is no closing date. The contest ends when at least three people answer. Should you all have the same answer I'll decide the winner by elimination.

Since this is the first one, I'll make easy for you.

Category: Movies

Who was the star of the John Carpenter Film, They Live and what was his occupation before and after?

Update: Contest is now closed. The winner is @shintsukimi205. I was gonna wait until at least three, but with the month almost over I want to move on to the next contest. Maybe next time.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - January 16th, 2022

It's been a while since I've done a post like this, but I feel the need to do so.

When most people think of the new year, they think of it as a chance to begin again with a cleaner slate. Other times it's when all the weird shit comes out of the woodworks.

So far, I've painted two pictures:

Made music inspired by each of them. The former of which literally nearly killed me in exhaustion making it. While the latter is ever so pleasant.

I also decided to be an equal opportunity comedian when it came to my getting in on the NFTs:

By making a joke gif out of two of my own.

Now, as many have heard over the news posts, some asshole is out there, robbing people of their work and trying to sell them as their own NFTs. Pretty much violating many copyright licenses. Many of which from my fans. This is not only unethical, it's illegal. If I ever see one of their works on mintable in their name, despite them insisting that they don't sell NFTs, I will report you, I will point you out to my fans and I will encourage them to take serious legal action against you. The money you make selling them, you better have a good fucking lawyer. I take a lot of shit from people that don't like NFTs. I take it in stride because while I respect their view point it doesn't mean I have to listen to them, but at least the NFTs are from my own work. Even the joke ones. Either make your own, buy others or don't fucking do it at all.

Now you're all probably wondering, why I'm saying this on Newgrounds. When I should be saying this on mintable, opensea or some other NFT site. Simple. I believe the Art Thief is somewhere on this site. Could be a member, could be not. Either way so long as they have access to a mouse and keyboard no one is safe from it. However I am well aware they could be watching right now. So if you are I have this to say to you. "If you're gonna try that shit on me, you better kill me first." because I won't stop until you are broke and behind bars for as long as it takes. Get fucked.

With that out of the way, I hope to continue more of my work. Stay tuned.
