This is kind of a rant but not. Over the years, I've often noticed a lot of things that could be suspected of what fucked up the world. Be it the major three like War, Famine and Disease or minor stuff such as people arguing over what words are considered appropriate or "PC" as some people would call it. What if I were to tell you, that the reason why is that it's your fault.
Now, before you all respond and act offended, wondering what I mean? First things first. When I say "you", I do not mean a certain group. Not a race, not a sex, not an orientation, not a religion or lack there of. No, nothing or no one specific. The "You" I'm referring too, is the human race.
Now, before you get on your keyboards saying "Well duh, we pollute, we kill, we starve others and we create new diseases.", that is not what I am talking about, but merely a small part of it.
For as long as we can all remember being on this Earth, regardless of how much we claim to care. We figuratively and literally never had a single care for the world or each other. We would go green, yet despite the fines we'd still be tempted to throw garbage on the ground instead of in the trash. We'd try to improve our health, but still drink from either badly treated Tap Water or "Pure" bottle stuff that has traces of plastic in it. We claim to be for our fellow humans, but given the chance we would stab them in the back. Don't you fucking deny it. Even something as simple as saying a few words, to someone can affect them better or worse.
However, the biggest issue regarding all the worlds problems, we been going about it all wrong regarding the solutions. Mainly because we've been blaming the wrong thing.
Whether it's war, pollution, disease, famine, the solution to the problem has often always been to do something big enough that it would help reduce that. Creating Recycle plants to better sort our trash. Start missionary and other groups that help the poor and hungry in huge doses all over the fucking world. However there's often always a major problem with this. The actions create a bigger footprint in an attempt at stomping out the smaller one.
11% of all gathered materials at any recycling plants do not get reused and recycled. They get incinerated. Burned and converted to CO1 and CO2 respectively. Creating an even bigger carbon footprint than simply burning coal. Now that is saying something.
Mission trips. Noble as one's cause is, they have a multitude of problems.
First off, they claim their intention is to bring food and medical supplies. When in fact, even the nicer Mormons are guilty of this too. The bulk of them don't just give them the supplies these people desperately need, they dangle it in front of their heads and say "You can have this if you read our views on God." Newsflash assholes, many of the people you try to help, have their own religion, they have their own respective deities to worship and forcing them to renounce their faith in exchange for the shit they need to survive? That's more Satan's work than God's. Now let's say for the sake of argument, that not all these groups do this. It is true some, whether they're backed by an organized religion or not, do get down to business and feed and patch up those that need it. They put themselves, the people they've "Helped" and their families back home in various dangers.
If the commercials of these places are anything to go by. The water's poisoned, the ground is soiled and many men women and children are living in poverty starving and nursing both easily curable diseases as well as the not so easy, but still treatable ones. Aids and Ebola being the big ones. Now with Covid out there, the risks have never been any fucking higher. Even if your intentions were pure on your mission, you're doing more harm than good to these people and yourself based on that alone. But that's just a small part.
The next part of why a Mission Trip can be disastrous are two words. Flora and Fauna. For starters, many of these places, have a lot of wild life and wild vegetation. Part of why it's so hard for these people to get food, is because they fear accidentally eating a poisoned plant, or getting attacked by animals they kill for meat. If there are any animals there that is. Not to mention the various high venomous bugs and reptiles that creep around those places. The other part, is the flora and fauna you bring with you. You have to be extremely careful what if any plants and animals you bring with you, in hopes they feed someone. Even something simple as say introducing an american Apple in a mostly African foliage could cause huge long term damaged to an already fragile ecosystem. Even something as small as a seed, could cause major disasters. Which brings me to a point you'll hear soon.
The last and worst part of Mission Trips, is that their scams. I'm sorry, but they are. Who are you fooling here. You claim to be people of God, but you're a den of fucking thieves. One of the biggest ones I am completely against is Christian Children's Fund. Now known as ChildFund. If there was a major example at how blatantly obvious the scam was, it would be in this. Back when they were called Christian Children's Fund, they would always show what I like to call Dissonant Serenity Commercials. Every Christmas, they'd often air a huge example of that, by playing "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" By John Lennon. A song that was meant to bring about peace, being used to guilt trip us with a video montage of those starving and sick. Before they just used a narrator, the spokesperson at the time, would often show up, in nice clean clothes to state the intentions of this "Charity." And I don't mean, clean in comparison to what's going on in the country he's in. Clean as in they looked like they came off the dryer and he looks like he's wearing a heavy layer of TV makeup. I would not be surprised if the kids they showed were just child actors dressed up to look dirty and impoverished. Basically what I'm saying is that your "Donations" are going to their market budget, not the hands of those that need it. Otherwise at least some of their problems would have been solved. Don't believe me? Just because I don't support this group, doesn't mean there aren't millions of idiots moved by the guilt trip commercial. A monthly donation may seem small to the individual, but with so many people doing it. That's at worst hundred thousand dollars and at best hundred million a month. More than enough to feed these people or at the very least make their land more sustainable so they can feed themselves. Don't believe me: Check out what my Discography is worth on my bandcamp. Over $336 Dollars, for my entire discography on my bandcamp. If one person, bought it monthly it'd just be extra cash in my pocket. If say 10 bought my full discography weekly. I'd be set for life. Just on those 10 people alone. If hundreds did daily, there'd be more than I could even be able to spend.
But I ramble on. What does mission scams, bandcamp comparisons and recycling farces have to do with figuring out why uncaring humans fucked this world up beyond all recognition?
Ok. The biggest problem with each of these solutions is that in a bid to go big picture, people screw it up and cause more damage knowingly and unknowingly. We all were thinking too big for our britches, when we should have thought small. The smallest actions are what wrecked this world, then the smallest actions are what are gonna save it.
For example, bringing back the bandcamp comparison. Much of why my discography is worth that much, is because with the exception of a select few, I charge as low as I can with them. I do this because I'm not stupid. I know the people I try to make the music for. Like say Youtubers, Game Makers and Independent Filmmakers need for their background, not all of them are made of money. Some of them are too young to even spend their allowance on it. While others as I've once mentioned before, would rather download from here, than go to my bandcamp to pay for it. I've made peace with that, but I won't give up plugging it. Anywho, point being is, no matter the quality of my work I try to make it affordable because I believe that if one is given somewhat of a hand to help out another, it could benefit both parties. I give them music, they advertise for me and I in turn advertise their work for those interested. Small actions, that lead to bigger things. Individual tracks are often $1 - $2 and albums range around $3 - $8. save for a select few. Because I made so many songs, it accumulated into that price in said discography.
In terms of what I mentioned before. Regarding both Mission Trips and Recycling. That applies too. The solution regarding recycling is small and simple. Ditch the incinerator and think about what else to do with the materials you can't recycle. Turn that 11% into a Zero. Other than that, find other things you can use with your recycling which would be useful for you. Any plastic jar, metal can or glass container could be used as your piggy bank. Point being, it would reduce the amount of trips the trucks would have to make the less you have in those bins. Properly sorted of course. Probably the smallest simplest things no one would think of because they don't see life as that simple. Literally follow the rules to the letter of "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle".
The solution involving mission trips. Even simpler.
- Do NOT join a religious based one, even if they happen to be your religion, they'll make you look bad.
- If need be, start one yourself, register as an official charity and only hire volunteers you'd know and trust. Part of why these mission trips fail is often you have no one to bounce off of, which would allow you to immerse yourself in the scam world and take a piece of the pie.
- Learn the following subjects: Language, Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, Hunting (For food and protection), Self Defence, Zooology. You never know where they're gonna stick you, but the point being is always be prepared.
- Talk to the people. It's better to understand what's going on if they explain it to you more.
- Study the lay of the land and it's local flora and fauna. The former so you could probably find spots even the locals haven't thought of. The latter, so that when you do find the right spot to grow a small crop, keep it as far away from any poison plants you know. Otherwise you'd go from Missionary to Murderer.
- Be honest about your mission. If you're just here to force your views on them or scam them as much as your donors , they have a right to know how stupid you think they are.
- Bring books in both English and their language if they have said books available. By books I mean anything from famous literature to keep them entertained, to books on the basic tasks one needs to survive and maintain a home. I think part of the reason other than scamming these people disgust me, is because even if they are legit they don't do anything, but hand them the supplies and say "Here you go, go nuts." For all you know, they could be eating the medicine thinking it's food and trying to inject themselves with a foot long hot dog. Bad joke aside, it is a serious matter that these people at the very least know what you're giving them and what it's for.
- Most importantly. Start small. Look for the smaller problems first, then work your way to the big one. Case in point, many of these countries just want the basic necessities. Food, Shelter and Medicine. Start with those first. Fix their homes, find them enough space to start a grocery farm and a small pharmacy.
Now those are just two of many many problems in the world. However it applies to others as well. When you start small, it helps you iron out the finer details, both for long term and short term goals. In the end, what seemed small in the beginning may eventually blossom into something bigger. Could be something simple like saying finding empty liquor bottles to fund supplying a potential booze supply for a future party. Or something big as your first dollar leading you to riches. The only ones that complicate things are you for overthinking it and those in charge trying to make it difficult for the rest of us to live.
And before anyone asks, no these problems, do not apply to one race, one sex, one religion or one orientation. So don't fucking start and I'll tell you why? While it is true, that because Caucasians, specifically the British and Europeans, pretty much dominated most of the world, forcing Christianity on the Natives, forcing Gays into Conversion Camps, Enslavement and overall forcing everyone else to convert or die. I do not think things would change if another race, sex, orientation or religion was the predominant in place. Human beings in general are the problem, not just "Certain" ones. Any mention of most if it being one demographic's fault is completely asinine, unless you yourself are willing to prove it by doing better. Which a lot of these slacktivists would rather sit and complain rather than actually do something. In my case, I just try to figure things out and do my part to invoke them.
Hopefully people listen to this one more often.
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