Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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The Adventures of S.T. Musician Chapter 8: A Seperation, A Suicide Attempt and A Restored Hope

Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 11th, 2024

Picking up Where this Left Off:

S.T. was texting on the phone at outside the hospital, he was angry and sad. The text said.

S.T.: I don't know who you think you are, but if you ever pull that crap on me again, you don't have to worry about charging me, I will charge you for entrapment.

You're probably wondering why after such a loving reunion went sideways right away. Well after meeting Winter's sister, he had the unfortunate luxury of meeting her mother. While she was polite and cordial to him, it turned out, she wanted to use him to go against the sister. After a seeing a few things off about the place, she had him barred from the hospital despite Winter still wanting him there. After this incident he went to the nearby woods to cry to whatever was out there.

S.T.: You gave me all the signs, you lied to me, you deceived me, you made me think things were getting better. Only to pulls this shit on me. I can't even go to my allies for help as they are trying to solve their own problems. I'm nothing, I'm NO ONE!!!! I NEVER EVEN WANTED TO COME TO THIS WORLD YET YOU KEPT GIVING ME REASONS TO STAY!!! Why?!!! Because I was some punching bag to you? Because my work isn't done yet? GIVE ME A FUCKING ANSWER!!!

Eventually he wiped his tears and went home. Not even talking to anyone, he was just gonna lay down on his bed until he starved to death. But despite that, something was nagging at him to get help. He called the hotline they talked him out of it and the very next day, he was able to see Light Harmony again.

Light Harmony: What happened S.T.?

S.T.: It turns out her mother is just as bad as the scum of this city. Only she does it in a white collar way. I thought she was the good one of the two, but I was wrong. She was gaslighting her daughter, took away numbers for lawyers that could have helped her and even made her think I was responsible. However despite all that, she just won't stop calling me. She made it clear the mother is responsible and I even tried to warn them about her the last time I saw her. The mother had me barred, so Winter tried to make her relent, just so she can see me one last time. She told me to come before visiting hours and told me to kill time. I found out that an old psychiatry place that I was admitted to as a child was next door, so I thought I check my old records, see if therapy would be the way to go after all this was over. When visiting hours came, I went up, they said I wasn't allowed in that the mother didn't tell the staff, even though she not only told Winter, but I even gave Winter her number by request. It was entrapment, she knew of my temper and tried to have me cause a big enough scene to have me arrested. It was the breaking point for me. I almost killed myself last night.

Light: Not again.

Harmony: You were so good at keeping a lid on it, they must have done you real dirty.

S.T.: She was able to see me through the guard door glass, but that was it. I even managed to give them a piece of my mind and sent some complaints about my experience there. Even warn them about the mother. I called the Hotline and honestly, this was the wake up call I needed. I'm seeking therapy.

Harmony: Well that's good for you.

S.T.: Only problem is, that my records were destroyed, so I'm back to square one. That said, I'm gonna do the one thing I never thought I'd do. I'm letting her go.

Harmony: You're giving up already?

S.T.: Not quite. See, it's not a break up. But I'm gonna let go a lot of obligation and obsession with her, because while I did try to be there for her, it got in the way of my other priorities. I mean look at me, I've been wearing the same damn clothes for a month. If this weren't a fictional story, I'd be reeking.

Light: You got a point there. How would you do it?

S.T.: Well a relative of mine. Someone whom was very close to me, but had a lot of problems in her own life reached out to me. She wants me to go to her stepmother's birthday party. Now I have reasons I don't want to go there, but I haven't seen this relative in years, so I'm willing to endure it. Besides, my experience taught me that the situation isn't all black and white. It's not just Good and Evil. There are grey spots. I learned that when I met the sister. Despite her being a "Criminal" she in terms of characters, was a lot better than her so called "Law Abiding" Mother. It's not Good vs Evil, it's a battle of Love and Hate. So many people on both sides have an extreme of one and another in their hearts. Because one can't comprehend the other, they battle constantly and ruin any lives that get caught in the crossfire.

The phone rings.

Light: How does she always know when to call you?

S.T.: It's a good thing this time. Hello.

Winter: Hi Prince Charming.

S.T.: Hey Cinderella. Sorry I couldn't come by, but I can no longer go there unless I am 100% certain that time. That said we need to talk. Do you remember my talk with you regarding Twin Flames or Soul Mates as some say it?

Winter: Yes. I remember.

S.T.: Sometimes Twin Flames need to separate in order to have room for individual growth. That way, when it is time to get back together we can use our own experiences to help each other out. It's not a break up, it's more of a "See ya later." Like you always say.

Winter: I understand. I love you very much.

S.T.: I love you too. Wherever you get transferred, I hope I can visit you, but until then just wait and see.

She hangs up.

S.T.: She took that very well.

Light: Ya almost too well.

Harmony: Maybe she expected you to do this. You did say she was smarter than she looks.

S.T.: Ya, but that said, I was able to get her off the drugs. All she has to worry about other than smoke cravings, is her mental health. I may see her again or hear from her again, but I gotta plan it right when it happens. Until then, I'm letting her go and moving on. But she isn't the only thing I'm letting go.

S.T. on his way to the party, went to his old home, where he lost his mother.

S.T.: Mom, I don't know if you can hear me, but I decided to let go all of my past grief including losing you. I thank you for looking after me, for bringing my true love to me and for guiding me well after your tragic death. May you Rest In Peace.

He takes out his phone, playing the following song while crying:

Afterwards, he wiped his tears but felt a presence. He knew it was his long deceased mother.

S.T.: Why are you still here? I let you go. I shouldn't need you anymore.

Mother: I chose to stay my son. It's not over yet. Just keep moving on your day.

S.T.: I'll try, but even with letting her go, I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore, she was the missing piece and I lost her. The mother's basically won.

Mother: Do what she says. Be you. What do you usually do when things are down and your friends can no longer help you.

S.T.: My family.

The night goes by and S.T. is back home after a long grueling, yet still welcoming party. He reunites with Light Harmony and they never seen him happier. If not a little drunk.

S.T.: I was able to reconcile with the stepmother, it turns out that my relative's father did her and many women dirty. Which doesn't surprise me, there was one time when he did something very nasty to his own daughter and a couple of.....friends. No....no.....NO WAY!!!

Light Harmony: What is it S.T.?

S.T.: If what I am thinking is accurate, you're about to see a major imbalance of emotions.

Fun fact, when S.T. remembers a revelation of his past, it puts him at an emotional imbalance. If it's a memory he was trying to remember it is a sign of relief.

S.T.: She was my cousin's friend, she was one of my Uncle's victims.

Followed by a moment of disgust.


Light Harmony look on him with shock and sympathy as he was on the verge of throwing up. Then of course the third stage of the emotional imbalance. Justified homicidal rage.

S.T.: That son of a bitch. That no good rotten, goddamn SON OF A BITCH!!! THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME!! HE'S FUCKING DEAD!!!

Followed by momentary relief and the realization of what he has to do.

S.T.: When I was a teen there was a corrupt member of the Desperadoes. He was my Uncle, did many unspeakable things to children. Molested girls and corrupted boys. I met her when she was a kid and I was just turning 18, she was one of my cousin's friends. We tried to stop him, but his father, my Grandfather had used his Veto to protect him. Said grandfather is dead now, it's open season and I'm about to cash that in.

At that moment S.T. told everyone on all sides of the law, including Innocence and it was all a matter of time until someone gets to him first. Until then all S.T. could do is wait and move on with his life. So far things did get better, the building got more peaceful and Wannabe Dark Divide was slowly dwindling to the point where they finally became afraid of S.T. and Light Harmony even if they deny it. They never once tried to start a fight with them save for the shit disturbers that didn't get the memo.

S.T.: At this point there's nothing we can do that they haven't done themselves. Their drugs, their terrorist lifestyle and their pathetic grudges are gonna kill them one day. We just have to keep our heads above water until then. For once we honestly just have to do nothing except live our lives. Which is what I'm doing.

Light Harmony: Agreed. Still I'm surprised she hasn't called you yet.

S.T.: True, but she's in a new place. Besides even if she did I have to stress further that I have to be allowed to be there. Once that happens I'm taking the next train out of there.

The Phone Rings. First it was Winter.

Winter: Hi Prince Charming. Was just calling you to let you know that I got my transfer. You're allowed to visit if you wan-

The phone gets taken from her and I hear a man's voice. It was the doctor at the new facility.

Doctor: Who might this be?

S.T.: My name is Shane, I'm Winter's boyfriend.

Doctor: You're Prince Charming?!! Damn, I thought she was being delusional. Your girlfriend is a very nice person and is a very skilled dancer.

S.T.: Ya, I know, I danced with her. I was actually hoping to see her if possible.

Doctor: Well visiting hours are 9 AM to 9 PM.

Winter takes the phone back.

Winter: Come see me when you can.

S.T.: It will take a while, but I will come see you. No matter what it takes. See ya later Cinderella.

Winter: Bye Prince Charming.

They hang up.

S.T.: That was almost too easy. I feel like I may be walking into another trap.....oh what the Hell I'll spring it anyway. If not for the weird winter weather it would have been a play on words. I noticed lately it's been going back and forth between Winter Weather and Spring Weather. Maybe she's controlling it somehow, she is born under the Air element. I was born under Fire, that explains why we're compatible. It will take a while but I must prepare to go. I'm taking a real big leap of faith on this. Wish me luck.

Light Harmony: Good Luck.

To be continued.

S.T.: I'm S.T. Musician, here with another special message. Suicide and the thoughts that lead to it are very serious. Some either try to repress them, others like myself tried to channel them by willing to sacrifice myself for better causes, while others simply can't handle the pressures life has to offer and want to end it soon. I'm here to tell you there is hope. First wherever you are look up your local suicide hotline. Then when you feel ready for it, seek help through various means, be it professional mental health practitioners or therapy places that cater to your respective cultures. Case in point, my creator's Ojibwe so I recommend to many natives in the Greater Toronto Area, to go to Two Spirited People of The First Nations. A native based organization located in Front Street and Fredrick. My creator was not only able to get the help he needs, but even was able to get help he didn't expect to need. If he can do it you can do it. Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.




i didnt expect u to go to psychological horror territory.

Eh. That's the weird part of this story, things are actually starting to work out, but he needed one last bit of Psychological baggage away. That was it. You will not believe how this story ends.