Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.
The aftermath of Pico Day, now I'm not quite sure if anyone won yet at this point or if they're still judging the entries, but I would like to offer my sincere thanks to @TomFulp for hosting this and my sincere congratulations to any who have won. As for me I celebrate a small victory all my own.
I go to the entries, mainly to see what's there as seen here:
Which leads me to a tag section where PicoDay2022 is said tag:
Low and behold over 30 songs down I find this:
The song I entered both to celebrate this and Piconjo Day.
Now at this point I don't care who wins. With my luck with contests, I'd be as likely to win as the Toronto Maple Leafs are likely to win the Stanley Cup again.
However the fact that I got featured by both days, is an honour and a victory all their own and I wish the best of luck to the other entries.
It's tough being me sometimes. Every time I think I finally figure the world out, someone or something slaps me in the face, tells me I'm wrong and says it's not only wrong, but I'm evil for thinking it. Then when and if I do things their way, I gets slapped, vilified more and called a conformist. It's like trying to figure out Roddy Piper. Every time I think I got all the answers, some asshole changes the questions. Still I got off light compared to many others.
Current Events:
Man Responsible for Toronto Van Attack Sentenced to Life In Prison:
Alek Minassian, whom many have known to be the sick bastard that ran over 10 people in Toronto, was finally sentenced to Life Imprisonment for murder. However while the man is finally put where he belongs, people are still outraged, because he may be elligible for parole in 25 years. While that is an understandable outrage, I have my own. Why the fuck did it take 4 years to sentence this man? No seriously why the fuck? He killed 10 people, it was proven he did it deliberately and yet, most of the time was wasted on whether or not he was mentally sound while doing this. Who gives a shit, the man killed 10 people with a fucking Van. Either put him in jail or if you really care about the man's mental health, despite you know, killing 10 people, put him in CamH. Hell I'll even do a better idea. Should he get paroled, he should be on probation, forbidden to have a license....ever. Oh wait, since the guy killed 10 people and meant it, he may have a knife or a gun instead. You know, because he wanted to kill people. Jesus Christ. Any prisoners, out there that have internet access, if this guy is in your cell, get him. Now this is filthy rich coming from me, but the guy tried to get out of it by claiming he had autism. That he was unaware of his actions. That didn't work for the Sandy Hook killer, so why the hell did you think it would work for you. You killed 10 people. Rot in prison and stop making the rest of us look bad.
Kyiv Calls For Anti-missile Systems:
Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelenskyy says his forces are suffering painful losses in the eastern town of Severodonetsk and the Kharkiv region as he called for more anti-missile systems. He's especially pissed off at the delay for the weapons and supplies he called for earlier, saying that Ukraine has suffered through enough painful losses. While I agree, there is one mistake I believe all sides of the war had made ever since this got started. A mistake each one of you all overlooked. AHEM!!
I mean for fuck sakes, it's no wonder this war is going on the way it is. Every time Russia and Putin proclaims victory, Ukraine ends up trumping them. Every time Ukraine announces plans for either a cease fire or to further fight back, they end up getting their asses kicked. And every time anyone outside the conflict offers to help one side or the other, we all get threatened. Journalists don't care who win or lose so long as they get the story. They'd drunkenly blab to what they thought was a friend, when it could be an enemy spy in disguise. Wars used to be so simple, if people had a plan of attack, they'd keep it within their circle with the enemy actually putting effort to trying to bring them down. Nowadays everyone with a smartphone and access to world internet would just read the news from outside their country, contact their world leader and the rest is history. I'm not fucking around either. Everyone that's ever had a smartphone, from civilian, to soldier to world leader could literally look up the news of their opposing country and plan accordingly. While others haphazardly brag and gloat prematurely not knowing that everyone can see their shit. It's the Cartman NSA thing all over again. I've seen some stupid shit in my time, but Jesus Christ.
Ivanka Trump Testitmony Causes Her Dad To Act Stupid Again:
Normally I don't do politics, but this one made me laugh. Ivanka Trump testifies that everyone in the campaign knew that the Biden win wasn't fraudulent. Naturally Donnie, comes up and his only defence is that Ivanka wasn't even there when they were studying for said fraud. Donnie-boy, the pipes are already calling for you, the more you talk the deeper you dig. Guys like Nixon and Bill Clinton are laughing at you. That's how pathetic you are now. Just fall asleep with the dwindling billions you have in your mattress and maybe this will all go away.....not.
Entertainment News:
Local Newgrounds News:
Many newgrounders animators got recognized during PicoDay this year. All of them accumulated into this lovely compilation known as FulpWare. A parody of the WarioWare series as seen here:
@DocDiegO is offering sketches for $1. Be sure to check the collab section of his profile.
@HztaOra is offering a collab to celebrate pride day. Anyone interested, check here.
Hollywood News:
Pokerface meets Jokerface when Lady Gaga announces her interest to join Joaquin Phoenix in the sequel to the Oscar winning Todd Phillips, epic Joker. While Phillips is waiting for Warner Bros. to close the deal so Joaquin can come back. On one hand I am curious how they follow up on the first movie and hope Warner does the right thing this time and let Phillips do what he wants. Those assholes had no faith in the first movie, yet it ended up making billions and winning Oscars. If they say no to this again, then I have lost faith in them as a company and I have stood by and by when they ruined Snyder's work as well as disarmed Elmer Fudd.
Netflix recently announced that a reality game show based off the hit show Squid Games is coming soon:
You have got to be fucking kidding me. You're making a reality game show, about a bunch of financially desperate people who compete in kids games, in which win, loss, cheat and unsportsman-like behaviour will result in your very likely death........where do I sign up?
In all seriousness, no, you won't get killed if you're lucky enough to be a contestant. Nor will your organs be harvest. The possibility that one of the players could be the head guy running the show is highly likely though. I'd be good at Tug of War and The Cookie Game, but I'd suck at Red Light Green Light. If some jerk from the Korean Mob decides to sneak attack me, I'll drop him though.
Just two days ago, Phillip Baker Hall had passed away. This was a man whom from the 70s to now had a huge career in film and television. His roles ranging from Sergeant Hacker on M*A*S*H to Captain Diel in the Rush Hour movies. His final Role being Zellah in Messiah. The cause of death being emphysema. Rest In Peace Mr. Hall, wherever you go, I'm sure it's far the hell away from Chris Tucker.
Underplayed Car Accident by CIEIRMusic:
Thanks for reading, if you're feeling generous check out my bandcamp and tip me on Ko-Fi.
Over the years I've accumulated many fans from different walks of life. From kids to adults, to heterosexual and cis to transgender, homosexual, bi and other members of LGBTQ+ (Forgive me if that title sounds inaccurate, no disrespect to any I've left behind on it, because the title constantly updates and I hope to every God and Goddess of every religion the P they put in there stands for Pansexual. Don't be fooled by NAMBLA's bullshit.) Basically long story short I gained a lot of fans from different ages, jobs, sexes, religions etc. Yet I never once asked about them indiviudally, because I value their privacy and right to keep their personal and sometimes professional lives a secret. Not once have I asked what they did for money and never once asked them personally to do anything other than consider buying my work.
Granted I didn't really help matters by calling out some of my fans for merely paying eye and ear service to my work. (Like Lip service but in terms of music and art.) However, while I try my best to offer something new to the table I've only managed to gain success financially through one dedicated fan years before I went here and even said fan has their limits.
Now, just to give another glance of my personal life I've done every thing I can to try to have some financial gain. Which while some people don't see the big deal about, I feel I have to explain.
On top of my own survival which I've had covered even before I got into this, due to certain benefits my condition qualified for, I've done a lot to try to get extra cash be it for leisure or as a means to improve my work. Such as maintaining the equipment necessary to make it let alone improve it. The way I've done this save for said benefit, which is really just used for the bare essentials, such as food and shelter, was trying and doing many things, from working odd jobs, to trying any trending money making scheme that was available after seeing proof that it works that is. And yes that includes making my NFTs. Now before some of you chew me out over this, telling me I ruin the environment for being part of that, bare in mind, on top of seeing how much one gained through personal experience through a relative of mine, I thought it was a good idea as a means of expanding on the brand. I didn't expect anyone to do anything less than either promote it and for the millionth time I apologize for offending any fans against this shit. However, I think it's grossly hypocritical to call me out on the means I try to make financial gain, when at least some of of you have not only done the same, but kept your mouths shut over it out of fear of being ridiculed like I have been over this. But I'm past that. Main point is, I've basically tried everything in my power to gain more than just survival money. And everything I had planned should I have succeeded would have at least caused a dent in an effort to reverse the damages done to the world I may have allegedly contributed to it. Even going so far as playing ad based casino games, that make it very difficult, not just for financial gain, but also prize. Even if it was prizes that I wanted to keep, I mostly tried winning them so I could sell them for at least a little less than market value.
Long story short I've tried everything I can, regarding every attempt at making financial success over the CIEIR Brand.
Now I know a lot of you, have had mixed feelings about me as a person and as a musician. I can be very antagonistic when I feel I've been pushed over something. So I'd understand if maybe you fear contributing to a guy like me, would give me more power over my part of the world as a result of said gain. I also understand that most people, wouldn't buy my work, because it's free to download here. I especially understand, because aside from most of you being kids, the adults that follow me, also can't contribute due to their own responsibilities both in their personal and professional lives. I don't like it, but I understand and respect that. The only gripe I have being that my music online is so cheap that it comes across as kind of assholish, that no one would spare at least $1. All that I can understand and forgive. But I keep getting the feeling, mainly due to the fact that many of you have computers and smartphones, that you at least have some financial gain I'm not aware of.
Now with kids that's easy. Their parents provide them with the tech they need to do this stuff. As well as the occasional allowance. With adults, they managed to get certain jobs that allow them to survive and use sites like this as more or less of a hobby. So naturally even after they managed to get their bills, debts and what not in order, they only have few to spend for their leisures. However I refuse to believe that 169 people that follow me can stay on this site long enough without some kind of finance running the work they make. Be it equipment for their music, art, games and movies. Myself, I was lucky enough to be given a computer needed for this stuff to work and the only thing I had to do at the time was replace said computer. Even finding cheap deals on them since I use outdated stuff anyway.
So my weird question of financial gain is this. What is your secret, so I can use it to better my own life?
First off, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy Pico Day. I can honestly say I never thought Newgrounds would ever have a day named after it's title character. Thankfully last year, I was proven wrong. I entered mostly for kicks, but it really brought the creative bug out of me. For last year's entry I basically tried to mix two holidays together, Pico Day as well as the years Pico has been around:
Basically making a Birthday/Pico Day cake that went hilariously wrong.
This year, I rolled the dice. I wanted to try to see if I could celebrate this and Piconjo Day at the same time with the same entry. Wasn't sure if it was against any contest rules, but even then the hell with it. These two have been around for a while they deserve a duo celebration. So thinking really hard and getting inspired by my last Piconjo song and the art that inspired it:
I decided to do a sequel song to it. Originally I was trying to ask @Shintsukimi205 to create an art companion piece to make song cover for it, but so far I haven't heard from him. That said Shintsukimi, if you're still around I invited you as a manager and inspiration so even if it's well too late, you're still free to do that.
The song in particular was this:
It's basically a hypothetical face off between Shint's Anti-heroic interpretation of @Piconjo against Pico.
To close out this day, I would like to share my history with Newgrounds.
I first discovered the site at around 8 - 10 years old. Back then all it was was Assassin, Parodies, Porno and Pico. The latter of which interested me more. Specifically these:
At that time South Park was in it's infancy as well and I was already getting used to the raunchiness of that one along with Kenny getting killed constantly.
The other site I stumbled upon around that time was StickDeath. Which I have heard has since been gone. Those that don't know it was basically a site full of stick figure related flash animation and games. Much like Newgrounds it involved a lot of gore, sex and over the top comedy. It's also how I discovered Full Metal Jacket as Sergeant Hartman's quotes could be heard sprinkled throughout.
The only other site that seems similar at the time was also Killfrog, but I only watched it for the Dumb Ass Bass and Blues Clues parody.
CIEIRHQ Moments after they stole Dark Divide's Song.
Light: So far no word from Dark Divide. They must be either really pissed or really busy.
Harmony: I vote both.
S.T.: In my experience, usually the reason they're taking this long is either, because Putin won't let them go easily. Which makes sense because their work was what gave them an edge. They knew exactly where to intercept oncoming supplies. Cruel bastards......or, Divide is probably trying to talk him down.
Meanwhile in Russia
Dark: I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna scoop out his brain and use his skull as a cereal bowl.
Divide: Calm down. This is exactly what he wants. He's baiting us.
Dark: Baiting's for fish I'm a fucking shark. Why can't I just kill him?
Divide: Because he's mine.
Dark: Take the hint already, he's clearly not interested in you.
Divide: YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!!! Look. We need to plan this out thoroughly.
Dark: ....ok. What's the plan there?
S.T.: Ya he will be a while.
Light: I don't feel 100% Certain we'll make it through this one. We've helped so many people and yet they ask the same question. Where did we come from?
Harmony: I know right, it's so annoying.
S.T.: Fortunately, I have a solution for that. I've been working on some songs. Basically highlights of our lives, from where I started, to meeting you two. I even recorded your song, when I first heard your advertisement.
Light: I thought you met us when those jerks were after us.
S.T.: Light, don't think I don't notice you're suspicions of me. I'd think you'd use them to figure out this much. Think. How did I know exactly where you two would be?
Harmony: Because you saw us before.
S.T.: That's good Harmony. Now you've seen how we operate. How would I be able to watch you without you watching me.
Light: By going civilian and blending in with the crowd.
S.T.: Exactly. Now I've seen many pitch in for you two during your urchin days. A dollar here and there. Now tell me, how often do you see a $20 bill fall into your plate, but no one asking for something in return?
Light: can't be. There's no way.
S.T.: Does this sound familiar?
Light: I remember that day. A strange man in indigo clothes dropped a $20 bill while others just paid us in dollar coins. We couldn't even ask what he wanted for that because he was already gone. Vanished lik-
Harmony: That was you?
S.T.: Yes and on the off chance we don't make it, I believe that song should be your legacy. Never forget where you started out. And it's all part of this album. I figured if we go out, people should know who you are.
Light: S.T. I don't know what to say.
Harmony: I do. S.T., Shane the Musician, it has been an honour fighting alongside you. It would be a great honour if we died alongside you too.
Light: What she said. Minus the fantasies about kissing you goodbye.
S.T.: Easy, both of you. Save your anger for them. I would be honoured to fight and die with you both. Let's publish this and prep this base. Light, gather every weapon we have. Harmony, turn on the blast doors on the multi-church. That way if things happened, they can still pray in peace.
Light Harmony: Will do. What will you do?
S.T.: Drink this last shot of rum, smoke this last fatty. If what's gonna happen happens, I don't want to be sober for it.
I would like to thank @Piconjo, for giving me the opportunity to show what I can do in celebration of the day, but most importantly I wish to thank all of you. My fans who got me this far.
Thanks for reading.
If you're feeling generous check out my bandcamp, check out my T-Shirts, and tip me on Ko-Fi.
Last year, an artist and a friend of mine @shintsukimi205 came to me with an idea. To request that I make a song based on @piconjo to commemorate Piconijoday.
The art as seen above, was meant to make Piconjo be more of an anti-heroic type rather than the villain most portray him out to be. So naturally I made a song then to portray that.
I used a punk rock style for this one, because I wanted to do something that was both kinda silly, but also cool as befitting of old Newgrounds.
Now that Piconjoday is upon us once again and Picoday, not too far behind, I decided to do a song that would celebrate both holidays.
In this case a slow, more serious metal song that faces the two off against each other. Sort of a sequel to the previous song.
While odds are it may or may not be allowed, I submitted this song, both to Picoday and Piconjoday for this year, maybe seeing if I could kill two birds with one stone. All and all I hope you all appreciate my contribution to these insanely cool holidays.
And if you're feeling generous check out my bandcamp, check out my T-Shirts, and tip me on Ko-Fi.
Last month I was walking up a street and I caught a scent most foul. I knew it all too well. The scent was skunk spray. Skunks are very frequent in my town so the smell was nothing new. With one exception. This spray smelled worse tgan any skunk spray I encountered. I shouted out loud "Did a skunk die or what!?" On my way back down I saw what I couldn't see before as I was on the other side of the street and that side was car heavy.
I saw what appeared to be the mangled corpse od a road kill skunk. And as gruesome and gross as it looked, I had only one thought. "Huh. I thought they smelled bad alive."
I am so dissappointed and ashamed of this world. Why do I even bother trying to help it by providing entertainment? Cyrus from The Warrior was right. The reason why it's so shitty, is because we're all fighting over 10 square feet of ground. Or our "Turf" as we call it. And I'm not just talking about local gangs. This bullshit conflict around the world is nothing more than a childish, glorified gang fight. Some of my worst enemies on the net, may as well be running the place, it's that stupid. I mean in the west we have people that constantly feed the rich, while the working and middle class, let alone the poor are being slowly stomped out. In Europe, people are still trying to find a way to remain friends with Russia, despite all the shit Putin is doing and to top it off, we're given excuse after excuse on why it's so ok to compete and kill one and other when we should be working together. What is it that is telling us "Fuck the other person it's all about us."? The world doesn't even revolve around us and yet each and every one of us myself included tries desperately to prove that statement wrong and what does it get us. More enemies than friends and more failures than success. That said, I refuse to give up on this world even if it kills me. There are good people out there that are afraid to speak out because the bad has infected so much from this site, to the highest positions you can ever get in the world, will do anything in their power to silence you. I say silence them. Slit their throats so they can't talk and see how they like it when no one listens to them for a change. Fuck them.
Current Events
Ontario Reports Lowest Rate In Covid 19
3 new deaths were reported today with the positivity rate of Covid 19 being at an all time low since February. To make a comparison. In Ontario alone there have been 13,288 Deaths since the pandemic began, 399 Deaths in the past 30 days and 65 deaths in the past week. Hopefully the number continues to decrease.
Putin Threatens Ukraine In Response To Western Aid
The U.S. Government agreed to send weapons to help Ukraine fight back against Russia. When Putin heard of this he threatened to hit new targets in the country. You know what Vlad? Fuck you. I dare you to do it and I dare U.S. to keep sending them. All this proves is how much of a dickless coward you are and I hope the cancer eats you alive. Any Russians against him I apologize for what I am about to do.
"Oh looksky atsky mesky I'm Vladimir Putin, Isky cantsky satisfysky mysky wifesky and I'msky dyingsky, I mustsky beatsky smallsky countrysky thatsky didsky nothingsky wrongsky, becausky Isky havesky nosky dicksky. Whatsky thatsky, they'resksy fightskying backsky? Wesky can't havesky thatsky, thatsky makesky itsky a fairsky fightsky. Let'sky threatensky themsky moresky" Well toughsky shitsky Vlad the not impaler. If you don't like the west helping the weak defend against a bully like you then you may as well fucking nuke us. I fucking dare you to launch a missile targeted right on my nose.
Donald Trump Wants to be President Again
Trump's advisers are debating whether or not he should be president. Donny, you had your chance, you blew it spectacularly just quit while you're ahead. No one cares anymore. People know that you're in line with terrorists. People know that you're a sex offender. People kn.... now that I think about it you were the perfect president. All of them were corrupt sex offenders that only cared about themselves and not the country they're supposed to look out for each other. Still, you had you're chance and you blew it. Just go cry on the millions of dollars you have while you still have it.
Entertainement News
Local Newground News
@GamingChannel1 in their own words is a more violence based Channel, claiming to be an alt account of @7hendergames. The latter of which has recently told me is not that channel. I deeply apologize for any confusion this brought out.
Someone tried to make a GoFundMe page to support Amber Heard, yet Amber Heard and her team denies any involvement in it. The page has since been deleted. Never meet your heroes, they end up fucking themselves to fuck you over. Heard has since been trying to appeal to the loss of the lawsuit.
Jurassic World Dominion is set to be in theaters on June 9. The movie not only brings back Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard as Owen Grady and Claire Dearning, but also reunites the original Jurassic Park Trio for the first time in 29 years. Sam Neil, Laura Dern and Jeff Goldblum return as Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler and Ian Malcolm. The cast has to deal with the consequences of Dinosaurs on the mainland. A concept similar to the obscure comic and tv series Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.
As we continue to mourn the loss of Ray Liotta, his Hometown UnionTownship struggles to find a away to commemorate his memory. One of the ideas being to name a baseball field after him. Based on his role of Shoeless Joe Jackson in the movie Field of Dreams. Ironically in that movie he was playing a ghost of another legendary celebrity.
The Lighter Side of Drug Dealing:
Figured if I wanted something done right I'd do it myself. You're welcome to still volunteer submitting yours to the next one, but this is what I mean by Funnies. Comic strips are meant to provide through levity after a gruelling day of watching or reading the news. Many great artists and many great media from Garfield to Dick Tracy started out like this. With Tracy being a low-key way of warning the readers against guys like Al Capone. They are more than just "Stupid drawings for cheap laughs."
Thanks for reading, if you're feeling generous check out my bandcamp and tip me on Ko-Fi.