Currrent Events, Entertainment News, Funnies
Letter From The Editor:
Sometimes when you least expect it, good things can happen for yourself, your social circles and the rest of the world in unexpected ways. It's one of the reasons why I do believe there is something out there that religion may have only glanced a small part of it. However, as miraculous as they are, they don't often last. I suggest to any of my fellow readers, to never take those things for granted. Which leads to my recent current events.
Putin Got His
For all those still lamenting and suffering over what's going on in Ukraine, fret no longer. I just recently found out that two things happened to Dickless in the past 3 months. The first was in March. Just a month after the invasion began. Senator Lindsay Graham urged for the assassination of Putin. Whether anyone followed through or not I don't know, but an assassin did strike, one month later. An invisible assassin that can't be seen by anyone else. Only exists within the target it's after. That assassin is known as cancer. It has recently been revealed that in the past April Vladimir Putin has been undergoing treatment for both blood and thyroid cancer. Now as someone who has lost a loved one to cancer, a loss that has haunted me for over a decade, I can safely say without any hint of joke or sarcasm, that you are fucked. I won't tell you how to prolong it because unlike said loss, you don't deserve to live after what you've done. I can however out loud tell everyone that now is your chance to kill this motherfucker. The thing that makes cancer much worse, is stress as the stress on one's body and mind makes one more vulnerable to said disease. The man was already under enough stress when he snapped during isolation when Covid was at an all time high. Even if he's 100% Cancer Free all it would take is one event, be it in his personal or professional life for it to come back worse than ever. Trust me, I know. I've seen it myself happen to people less deserving of it. So I suggest everyone, The UN, NATO, even the citizens still protesting and getting arrested, to keep pissing him off. If he dies, then so does this conflict. Normally I don't wish cancer on people, but there is no one more deserving of it than this slimy, manipulative, disgusting man. Vlady, I'll see you in Hell.
Preparations For Pride Day
Toronto has begun preparations for the 41st Annual Pride Day. If you're part of the LGBTQ+ or support them, then make your way to El Mocambo on June 8th for the launch date. If you're a -phobe or a pedophile then get the fuck out.
Platinum Jubilee 2022
The U.K. has just celebrated 70th anniversary of The Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. Unfortunately Her majesty couldn't make it due to what she could only describe as discomfort. As if this isn't bad enough, Prince Andrew has tested positive for Covid. Let's wish both a great recovery.
Entertainment News
Local Newgrounds News
@Kronosxl has just released his EP Voices of My Head which can be seen here.
A big congrats to @PearlHikara whom as of today has recieved 20 followers. Let's see if we can help him make it to at least 100.
@Demonicity has released his album Modulate Reality as announced here.
Hollywood News
Top Gun Maverick has just been accused of being a recruitment video for Right Wing Culture Crusade. I tell you some things never change. The original Top Gun as in the same Top Gun in which was the first to not only accused of depicting the Navy as a Gay Stereotype, but also be the basis of the infamous decades long worn out "Tom Cruise is Gay" rumour, was also accused of being a recruitment video, for the U.S. Navy. Now granted the movie along with the other Cruise classic, A Few Good Men, did make the Navy look more badass, so it's possible people would want to join to be like Pete "Maverick" Mitchel or Daniel Kaffee. However, that is not grounds for recruitment. Nor is the Sequel to blame if some dumbass right winged jerks decide to quote the movie word for word and treat it like Manson treats Helter Skelter.
Universal Studios announces that by 2023, the Mario Kart Ride will be part of their Super Nintendo World. Damn if I were in the states, I'd love to see that. But alas.
AMC's Better Call Saul, the epic Breaking Bad Spin off, is about to end it's show with the first of six final episodes of Season 6. This may sadden many fans, whom have gotten to know familiar characters including but not limited to Gustavo Fring and Jimmy McGill aka Saul Goodman, however it is a welcome relief that they were able to finish it this far, when you consider Saul's actor, Bob Odenkirk, recovered from a near fatal heart attack last year.
-Ok that's it, next one I'm doing myself.-
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