Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

Exp Points:
5,954 / 6,400
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Vote Power:
6.54 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1m 1d

CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - July 5th, 2024

Ok first of all, I had to confess, I had a weekly dry spell regarding my meds. I ran out last week and I just got back on them three days ago. However because of that dry spell I was able to learn a lot more about myself. I was able to last a week without even remotely getting into drama online or offline. Others shouted at me, but I was able to ignore them easily as long as I was among trusted friends, family and loved ones in general. So it made life much easier for me on and off, but that said, now that I'm back on them, I'm able to enjoy the finer things in life, be more honest about my wants and needs and as a result I was able to find the secret to eternal life and death.

To sum it up, it's based on the following principle. Life depends on how much you care to keep it living one way or another. Those who care less, kill more.

For example. Say you met someone, whom for all intents and purposes should not click with you, based on your own POV on how people act. But then you find out, that this person has a similar mutual love of the things you have. Depending on your level of care you'd do the following things:

  1. If you trust the person well enough to take care of themselves, then you don't have to interfere with their life. Simply be there for them when they need it.
  2. If you feel they need help that only you know how to provide, at best give advice based on your perspective and at worst, if they're a lost cause, ignore them and help someone else out.
  3. Above all else, base them on how you view they need your help. Most of the times what you offer won't click with them or worse, what you have in common with them, could never be understood enough by your circle or theirs that they'd mistake a simple act of help as an attack. So helping them must be taken in baby steps.

Point being that if you care enough about someone to do that for them, then they are worth helping every step of the way. I'm sure you all have skills you didn't think were useful to you, but may be useful to them. Or even something simple as giving someone a recipe that could appeal to their survival, frugal or overall taste, could keep someone alive for eternity if need be.

That's a lesson I should have learned a very long time ago. I would not only be better off, but I'd also be in a position much faster to help out those whom helped me in return. And that includes you guys, much of why I didn't give anything back yet in a way that it was meaningful, was because at this point, you've helped me out in so many ways I don't know how to repay you. That and after doing a thorough study of my budget, I found that if I ever wanted to live more comfortably while still being in a position to give back, on top of my usual income, I would have to make at the very minimum $2000 a year. It's one of the reasons why I sell my music so cheap. Not to make a shit load off of one or two fans, but so, thousands of them at least would get me to that a little faster. My priorities are divided between this life and my home life and while life-wise I am able to figure out more to improve it, I know I can't do this alone. It's why artists do what they do for cash, to expand on what they can do. All I wanted was the same chance and it wouldn't have cost you much to do it.

That aside, I know I can survive off what I got, but there comes a time when a person wants more and this truly isn't the avenue, then I can always find other ways at this point, but I love to entertain people. Which makes it hard t quit. But at the same time, it's not easy to stay even in short times.

However, that doesn't mean I took you fans for granted, you were the heart and soul of this account. Your input helped me improve, your love of my music made me want to produce more and to top it off, I appreciated at least some people liked my ideas and listened to my viewpoint no matter how crazy I may have sounded to all of them. The only thing I asked was just more than critical success. A chance to show the world I can improve based on what it likes about me.

Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - July 2nd, 2024

Unlike the last articles on this subject I won't link the previous article as this is a mere preview. After doing what I could with the CIEIR Potion I decided to expand on it and make other potions for various things. But first, let me introduce you the the brand new addition of my equipment:


Meet the Starfrit Iced Tea Iced Coffee maker. A hot brewer that can make iced tea and iced coffee with whatever ingredients you wish to put in. This little device has been a big help for me, both for my CIEIR Potion needs and my Coffee and Tea needs in general. But most importantly it gave me an idea.

For context, I am a big fan of the movie The Founder:

For among most reasons, I knew McDonald's had an air of corruption, but the guy that swiped it had a way with words and a point on how a company gets built. However the main reason I loved this movie, was I got to see how the McDonald's patented Speedee System works.

For those whom never seen the movie or are more focused on eating a big mac than seeing how it's made I'll summarize.

The McDonald Brothers came up with a concept that was originally meant to improve the Drive-In concession stand business. Having all your foods and snacks made in 30 seconds rather than 30 minutes. The system was simple, an assembly line style kitchen where each worker had their own station from the grill work to packaging and sending to customers. So by the time the first customer in line gets their first burger, the others behind them already have their burgers being prepped ahead of time.

Using this concept, I created a miniature one-man speedy system. Which while not as fast as McDonald's made the concept of making my Potions, a lot more faster. The concept goes like so.

  1. The Water distiller. Three hours to yield 4L of nice clean water. This can go either way. I can either make the potion fresh off the distiller or I can store water for later usage and prep work. So the only use for it, would be to just make more distilled water.
  2. The Coffee and Tea Maker: The teas I put in for the Health Drink are steeped stronger, but faster. Taking a few minutes rather than a few hours.
  3. Mix and containment: The last step (for now). After making the tea all I'd have to do is mix the other ingredients into water containers I bought with it.
  4. Sort, Store and Drink: After it's done I separate the formula based on my wants and needs at the time. Such as putting what I want to drink in a container that I can refrigerate or using the formula to further my experiments in other ways.

And that's basically it. But that's only on improving the prep work. I decided that there should be a little variety in the potions. One that appeals to what makes the first so good, from it's quality ingredients to the fact that somehow I managed to make it look like the stuff you expect Link to drink when he's out of Magic:

So basically my next CIEIR Potions you'll see from here on, will one way or another look like the one you seen before, but different colour, different combinations, different effects depending on the combination.

And since the most Common Zelda Potions are Green, Red and Blue, I figured I start that way. Red being the next.

But I can't say too much yet, you'll just have to wait and see.

Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - July 1st, 2024

First to my fellow Canadians I wish you all a Happy Canada Day. I would have done something special here, but my schedule didn't allow it.

Second of all in the past couple of days I've started to realize a few things.

  1. Part of one of life's major obstacles is one's struggle to maintain their identity while also finding their place in the world. Everyone comes from all walks of life, be it race, spiritual beliefs, even something as simple in one's identity as their gender, sexual orientation and political views, are all a part of one's identity. However, while they do shape up who we are as people on the surface. There is more to it than just the labels. Case in point there are Good Christians and Bad Christians, but some people outside of Christianity be it another religion or an equally extremist Atheist view, cannot tell the difference due to their own experiences with said religion as even the Good Christians carry on traits that are Red Flags on what it means to be a Bad Christian. Me, I'm religiously diverse based on the fact that not all Christians alone are the same. Some just go by the positive messages based on how they interpret them. Others take the message the wrong way, when in actuality, they're using it as an excuse to indulge on impulses so bad that if there is a Hell, no matter how much they pray otherwise, they're going there. Same can be said about others in all forms of life, there are those who try to provide a positive example of what it takes to be a different race, a different sex, a different religion and so on. However there is always those of those example, that believe in such backwards puritan bullshit, that they think it's a viable excuse to be as prejudice as they view the world to be. That applies to all of you by the way. No Race, Sex, Religion, Orientation, Gender Identity or even political view you have, gets a free pass from me. Not even White people, not even men, not even straights. I judge by the character underneath and if you don't show good character to me, then you're not worth my time and energy. Period. Having said that, we have the right to identify ourselves however we want, but if we don't find a place to fit in this ever changing world, there is no point in holding on to identities that either no longer matter or were never you in the first place. Find out who you are first, then find out where you place in the world. Everything else, good and bad will make sure afterwards.
  2. Sometimes when people have more than one problem in their life, it's not as simple as you view them. Let's do a hypothetical scenario. Let's say you met someone going crazy after smoking crack. Now on the surface you would think that the crack is what's doing it and to some extent it is, but if you don't look further into it and it turns out to be more than that, then it's a lot more complex than you think. For example let's say not to long after you met said crack smoker you met another person going crazy, after meeting the smoker, even if the person isn't lighting up, you automatically assume said person is another fucking crackhead. Only to find out that that person actually suffered a severe mental disorder and had trouble expressing themselves socially. And while you correct yourself, you'll always have that odd thought such as "If that person is not smoking crack, I'd hate to know what's really wrong with them." Addiction and Mental Health struggles are the number one priorities all over the world. But when someone has both along with other problems like say, witnessing trauma, getting brain damage or abused in general, that person becomes a ticking time bomb that even the most expert of therapists would be afraid to diffuse. However, if you know the person behind the drugs and the problems, well enough that you can at least help them to some extent and their character proves worthy of the help, then they are worth every bit of effort you can muster to help them. Myself, whenever I spoke to addicts in the past, by coincidence has had at least one disorder or two. It made me realize that these specific addicts have problems that stem deeper than mere substance abuse and while I do strongly suggest a rehab and a mental health therapy session, I often feel if it's a problem I can solve based on my study and experience on the matter, I could help them succeed where others failed in that respect. Only problem was, that it took a lot of time, effort and money just to figure out what the problems were at first, before I could figure out how to help them. That said, based on the results I seen, it was worth it.
  3. This is a bit out there, but I think I may have decoded God's Plan.

Ok, I mostly did it out of curiosity and kicks, but like many others whom been around Christians, I had my fair share of memorable bible verses. Just out of Random I did the following verses:

  1. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
  2. Jerimiah 29:11 " 'For I know the plans I have for you.' declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  3. Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Now these alone are easy to understand. At least in my interpretation it means:

  1. As long as you believe that what is sacrificed was not in vein, you can go on forever.
  2. Sometimes even the people you love will go behind your back, but it's not as harmful as you assume.
  3. If you have your faith in something other than yourself, then all will be right.

However, due to my recent obsession with Angel Numbers, I decided to go further beyond the surface of these. I found that if you take the Colon Sign out of the middle of those numbers you have the following Numbers:

  1. 316
  2. 2911
  3. 35

Which after looking up Angel Numbers at Astrology.com, mean the following things:

  1. "Angel number 316 comes as a reminder that you are a spiritual being, and your thoughts and actions hold the power to shape your reality. You have a divine purpose that you must work towards fulfilling, and this number is an indication that you are headed in the right direction."
  2. "Angel number 2911 has a strong spiritual meaning. It suggests that you should seek spiritual enlightenment, connect with your angels and the universe, and tap into your spiritual potential to fulfill your life purpose and mission. This number urges you to lead a life of service, help others in their spiritual journey, and have faith in the divine plan of the universe for your life."
  3. "The spirituality meaning of angel number 35 is that you may be going through a transformational period in your spiritual journey. You may be discovering a new path or shifting your beliefs. Trust that this change is necessary for your spiritual growth and that it’s leading you closer to your purpose."

These numbers by themselves have meanings both by themselves and to an extent expand on those verse quotes. However, don't think this means you have to drop your text and say you're a Christian. I sure as Hell am not going to that extreme lol. However, if something as simple and well known to religion as the Bible contains messages hidden within the books, through the verses and even the numbers, then the same could be said of all religious text.

Case in point the other Abrahamic Religions: Islam and Judaism.

  1. The Quran has 114 chapters and over 6236 verses.
  2. The Torah has 5 books and a total of 50 Chapters in the first book alone (Genesis) and over 5845 verses.

And that's just the three majors, I'm sure older and newer religions have their own share of text with numbers.

Point being is that these books can be interpreted in many ways based on the beliefs and views of the people reading them. In my case I figured there was more to the bible than mere quotes and God talk, due to my love of religious based mysteries like the Da Vinci Code and Indiana Jones. That maybe the reason why people had trouble figuring out the meanings of the books, whether they believe it or not, were because they didn't look hard enough. Or as a famous serial killer Cannibal once said, they looked, but didn't see. Me I overthink and look too hard into things, but once and a while the looking pays off as it allows me to understand and expand on the meanings of these words and numbers that allows me in my POV to get a three dimensional perspective on what the verses mean and how the numbers factor into it.

Case in point, I theorize the Angel Numbers in this case the chapter and verse numbers in the bible are the Angel's contribution to the story through a language most can, but often have trouble understanding: Numbers.

So using those examples here's how it would go in the literal.

  1. "Angel number 316 comes as a reminder that you are a spiritual being, and your thoughts and actions hold the power to shape your reality. You have a divine purpose that you must work towards fulfilling, and this number is an indication that you are headed in the right direction. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
  2. "Angel number 2911 has a strong spiritual meaning. It suggests that you should seek spiritual enlightenment, connect with your angels and the universe, and tap into your spiritual potential to fulfill your life purpose and mission. This number urges you to lead a life of service, help others in their spiritual journey, and have faith in the divine plan of the universe for your life. For I know the plans I have for you.' declares the Lord. 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
  3. "The spirituality meaning of angel number 35 is that you may be going through a transformational period in your spiritual journey. You may be discovering a new path or shifting your beliefs. Trust that this change is necessary for your spiritual growth and that it’s leading you closer to your purpose. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Sensical but too rough for people to understand off the bat. But if I were to try to make the meanings more organic by my interpretations they're as followed:

  1. You're spiritual, you have a divine purpose and you're going the right direction. Jesus didn't die for nothing regarding you.
  2. Pray for guidance, give what you can't handle to the universe or whatever God you worship, for no matter how much it may seem, they have your best interest at heart. But the rest is up to you and what you can do.
  3. You're going through a lot of changes in your life. Some painful, some scary, some so confusing they may make you question your faith, but if you trust in your higher power with all your heart, you will go through these changes and be better rather than worse.

But that's just me, you can interpret that any way you wish. But if the others are like what I shown here, I may have found a new way for people to look at the religions of old. Provided I'm the first to figure this out. For all I know others have figured it out that way or another and couldn't say anything, because they'd be dismissed as crazy.

With that said, though, it helped me map out more in my life and where I fit in the world. I was meant to discover things like this among most other great things I didn't hope to accomplish.

Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 24th, 2024

While I did this mostly as a joke I decided to do a binary for real regarding a few things I realized in life. The way I see it, if A.I. can learn the values of human lives through the POV of each individual human's life philosophies, maybe we can too.

Inspired by many things including but not limited to Bender's Big Score:

I am gonna send a message to the future. How you pass this message on is up to you. How you interpret what it says, is also up to you. But keep it preserved for all to read and all to program here we go:

01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001101 01100001 01101010 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101100 01100101 01101101 01110011 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00101110 00001010 00110001 00101110 00100000 01000001 01100100 01100100 01101001 01100011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00101110 00001010 00110010 00101110 00100000 01000100 01110010 01100001 01101101 01100001 00101110 00001010 00110011 00101110 00100000 01010111 01100001 01110010 00101110 00001010 00110100 00101110 00100000 01000110 01100001 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100101 00101110 00001010 00110101 00101110 00100000 01000100 01101001 01110011 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00101110 00001010 00110110 00101110 00100000 01000111 01110010 01100101 01100101 01100100 00101110 00001010 00110111 00101110 00100000 01010000 01110010 01101001 01100100 01100101 00101110 00001010 00111000 00101110 00100000 01000100 01101111 01110101 01100010 01110100 00101110 00001010 00111001 00101110 00100000 01001000 01111001 01110000 01101111 01100011 01110010 01101001 01110011 01111001 00101110 00001010 00110001 00110000 00101110 00100000 01010011 01100101 01101100 01100110 01101001 01110011 01101000 01101110 01100101 01110011 01110011 00101110 00001010 00110001 00110001 00101110 00100000 01001000 01100001 01110100 01100101 00101110 00001010 00110001 00110010 00101110 00100000 01000010 01101111 01110010 01100101 01100100 01101111 01101101 00101110 00001010 00001010 01010011 01101111 01101100 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101011 01101001 01101100 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110101 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101100 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01111001 00100000 01010000 01001111 01010110 00101110

If no one h as the tech now to make this into a reality, wait a few years but keep it preserved. Think of it as a time capsule that may change time.

Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.

Also I posted it on this site: https://www.thetimecapsule.org/ I figure if I was gonna guide future generations I'd use some kind of Time Capsule. Here's mine tested out with that code. As well as the CIEIR Potion. If you guys have anything that you wish



Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 23rd, 2024

Just a little fun with the Binary Code translator:

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Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 23rd, 2024

Like everything else in my life, I try to go by among most things the numbers. Be it math to sort out my monthly budget, looking for angel numbers wherever I go or in this case sum up how much I managed to solve in life in the 33 years I lived on this earth. In this case, I managed to not only complete 50% of my entire life's goals save for a select few that have yet to be achieved, but if I manage to survive the last week of this month, I'll be able to be in a better position to not only achieve the rest, but also should I fail to do it myself, it will some how in some way come to me one way or another. Now this took me years to figure out and I've logged things every step of the way, but at the same time, once I was able to figure out enough, I was able to survive better.

Unfortunately that only covers 50%, survival should have been top priority for any walk of life, whether you're rich or poor. Without food, shelter, basic hygiene and whatever vices people need at the time from something as harmless like spending a few hours playing video games, to something more risky like the amount of legal and illegal drugs that are out there in the world that on those rare occasions helped you survive through life. Once you're able to sort out one way or another then the only thing you have left are how to coincide it with your goals. In my case, I literally spent an entire year, waiting on certain times and dates for certain things to happen to me that should happen like clockwork and once I was able to do that, I was able to balance it out with my other goals in life. From trying to get better in the business, to finding ways of making my health drink faster to even something as simple as paying back those I owed for keeping me alive long enough to be in a position to think and plan what I have planned, not just myself but others in my life. At this point I'm gonna be honest with you. I am at a part of my life where food and money is scarce and in order to survive the next part, I have to at least be able to live long enough for me to reach the last week I need to get the ball rolling on a lot of things in my life. Having said that, should I not survive this last week and trust me you'll know if I did or not, here are some tips I learned so far.

  1. Don't overwork yourself when helping others. Do what you can, with what you have and if you feel you done too much, let sleeping dogs lie. One of the quirks in life is to treat every aspect of it, like a seed you plant. Some seeds take work to grow, others take the right environment and sometimes if one works them too much, at best they become weeds and at worse they become nothing. Treat life like how you would your plants.
  2. If there is any sort of drama, politics or other kind of bullshit, that is not worth your time or energy. Just ignore it. Sometimes people feel they need to get involved in certain aspects of the world because they believe they have something to add to the table. I myself am no exception. I used to get heavily involved whenever the world did something stupid or inhumane such as war and the unleashing of Covid. And while I can base some knowledge of both based on either experience or having relatives that been through similar shit, I don't have all the answers to the world's problems. Part of the struggle is learning how to help yourself while at the same time see where you fit in the world. If there's certain things that piss you off because you can't do a thing about it or if others in your circle won't do a thing about it whether they can or not, then it's not worth the extra stress. Turn the news off unless you want to know local or national. That's all you should care about in the first place before you care about international.
  3. Above all else, make every day special and make the special days in your life even more special. Most people have their biggest stress based on the fact that whether you work or go to school or like myself, just coasting through life, we all feel like every day should be special, but we often expect others to do it for us. Be it our friends, family, strangers, politicians or whatever God we worship if we worship anything in the first place. And while I witnessed people do some amazing borderline impossible things over the years, they are not 100% perfect. Even those you put on a pedestal are just as human as the rest of us and are vulnerable to the same shit we are. We can't go on just faith alone, we have to take accountability of what we are capable of to make this day special. Once you figured that out, it's a breeze.

But that will only get you to 50%. However save for boredom, dilemmas and impatience, it just means that you are halfway to realizing your own life goals both old and new. It's that second half that is always a mystery. Not so much what you want, but how you get it, if you get it. It could be from old fashioned hard work or simply because you lived long enough to realize how by learning from past mistakes, seeing what was the same present and what's different and leaving the future unknown, but ideal enough that yours can be a good one.

Think about that, whenever you feel down on your life. Other than that, take care stay safe and stay tuned for more.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 3rd, 2024

First of all to any TLDR's even among my own fans I only have one thing to say. Read the whole thing or don't read it at all. This is an important one and I don't want anyone to miss it.

When I was first on Newgrounds, I was at an age where I wasn't allowed to go on that site. So needless to say I saw how it evolved over the years. It's one of the reasons why I had no problem swearing at other users no matter their age, because if I saw this at my age I would be acting the same way then now. I was basically acting like how I would act if I had an account on there. It was why I was shocked that kids were getting exposed to that shit, because while my kid mind would have enjoyed it, my adult mind would have been disgusted with it. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has that kind of dilemma, considering the drama that goes on in this place.

We started off acting like we were more adult around each other, but as the drama went on, we all regressed to the level of toddlers. Whether we were old men or young boys or old women or young girls or that technicolor rainbow in between, we would have acted exactly as we've acted or are acting now.

It made me realize the whole time that I did belong here at this site. I enjoyed it for the old stuff, I added it while trying my life anew and it helped when it mattered as some liked my works and some didn't. The only thing left was trying to make money off it so I could build better accommodations. It's one of my gifts, I know what I can do with money in a way that will help me profit more, but share with others. That was my main goal in life. Finding a way to succeed, but not leave anyone behind. Encourage them if I could, support them if I could, but leave the rest up to faith. However like everyone else I was vulnerable to the same bullshit everyone always argues about. Religion, Politics, Aggressive Nostalgia, Controversy. I've argued it and I've got caught up in it one way or another. And as a result I thought my life was getting worse.

But then a funny thing happened to me. First things started coming back to me, to the point where random strangers on top of the people in my circle have in small doses supported me in many ways. Be it finances, food to eat and even something as small and simple as asking for a cigarette. Then after trying to help them out in return, I gained more friends and foes. The friends I gained, I judge by character, but if they somehow have something I want, I try not to hesitate to ask for it as worst I would get is a "No." The enemies I gained saw my kindness as a weakness, pretended to be my friends and family and when I fought back, they bombard me with enough guilt trips to give multiple complexes. If I find out something to make me respect them more, I respect them more, if something disgusts me I will let them know and even fight them if I have to because it's a better alternative than risking jail time murdering people like Rapists, Pedophiles, Abusive Parents, Internet Nazis, Slacktivists, Stereotypes and above all else, just the plain old assholes that harm people for kicks. Had I not met any of those groups, I probably would have become them if the offer was tempting to get me out of my rotten life at the time. That's how bad it would have been if not for the fact that based on my morality and the morality of my friends and family, we hate these fuckers. We may carry traits that come across as red flags, but we are sure as Hell are not into that shit. So sometimes hate does come in handy. It's what you Hate that is important. And sometimes that hatred can be brought out of love for what you love.

The easiest part was pointing what I thought was this or that out, but the hardest parts were proving it without having to go through the trouble of having to investigate it and even then find ways to do something about it without getting into too much trouble. Then I found out that I was right all along in the beginning. That we ignore them. We don't ignore what they've done, we ignore them. Declare them persona non grata in our lives, don't even speak or think about them, seek therapy if the think part is hard and put them behind us. Move on with our lives, find better things to do that you love and if you want to do them alone or with people, do the things you love alone and do things with people you'll know you both love.

As a result of the flags and the past experience, I was able to point them out more often. That was my evidence, knowing that they did in fact do things, but it's not infallible. There's always room for error or the whole thing could be just one giant misunderstanding for all I know. Maybe, maybe not. But at the same time, if I find further proof I let people know right away. That's all I can do to help on that front.

All those stories I wrote about S.T. Musician were fantasies of what I wanted to do to every evil person I have come across over the year, but the thing that was holding me back was that was a story, this is the real world where real life consequences happen. It's why I made him pacifistic, because while I was changing, I thought maybe he should too.

The music I write is often based on either my mood or my love of what came before. It's why it's so repetitive, because I used the same techniques musicians used in the past, but my own spin on it.

The art I do, was based on expression and manifestation. My point of view on the world. But at the same time I try to make art people could understand and maybe agree on it.

And all it amounts to in the end, regardless if I get rich or poor is that I wanted to in my own way, show the world whom I really am. Both on sites like this and real life.

And to be honest, that's how everyone is in their own way. We just got to find a way to co-exist even if it takes an eternity. So there's one bit of advice I'll give you all.

Ignore the bullshit, have a good time and hope to god you make it to your next birthday.

Other than that, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 3rd, 2024

Ignore the bullshit and have a good time. That's it. Other than that, find some ways to entertain yourselves the only ways you know how.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 2nd, 2024

Fuck anyone that has ever compared Batman, Bruce Wayne or any of his allies, to Donald Trump. The only thing they have in common is that in all sense of legal terms, they're criminals. Only Batman is a Vigilante and Trump is an asshole billionaire that weakened a country while fooling people into thinking he's made it strong. Now don't get me wrong I have a few things to say about Biden too, but that can wait until he's out of office. My focus is on this man.

Now I just heard he was found guilty, so in American History he is the first ever ex-president to ever go behind bars. Something they tried to do to Richard Nixon in the past, but failed even when he confessed all the shit he did in office. The closest Nixon ever got to a fair trial was when David Frost interviewed him. Trump stood trial, expected to win, but lost spectacularly. And I couldn't be more happier. When I was a kid, he was simply just an asshole celebrity real estate mogul whom got famous and guest starred in many shows and movies in the 90s to mid 2000s. Hell he was even in Home Alone 2 and Wrestlemania 23:

At the time he was by all standards in public harmless. Even had some charm to him that even his haters loved when he guest starred on SNL. However when he started running for president, the two things that scared me was the fact that I knew he would win (I don't like being right all the time even if it's not my motive) , but at the same time it may not have lasted long and he'd become some kind of twisted martyr. I was hoping that he'd simply serve his two terms and go home with a secret service agent. Instead, he served one term, lost the chance for another and committed so much bullshit trying to get back in, that it blew up in his face. And you guys compare Batman to that shit? Fuck you.

For context, over the past decade I have heard a lot of bullshit about how because Batman was a billionaire, he never actually helped people, only beat up criminals and supervillains. Fuck you again.

Batman takes a two pronged approach. As Batman, he scares crooks into rethinking their life. As Bruce Wayne, he offers them jobs at his company as well as other benefits to feed their families if they have one. He founded orphanages, hospitals, kept Crime Alley the way it was when another rich guy could have built condos over it and even as Batman has shown sympathy to the most tragic of baddies. From a petty thug trying to take care of their son, to him constantly trying to save Two Face as both Bruce and Batman, since they used to be friends. Why? Because his parents are dead. More specifically, he knew what it was like to lose family over circumstances beyond his control and saw that half the crooks like Joe Chill have lost one thing or another to be that way. He vowed that day, that no one would ever end up like him. That does not sound like Donald Trump to me and if you think that he does that too, well then this is filthy rich coming from a psychopath like me, but YOU ARE INSANE!!! SEEK HELP!!!

Phew. Now that that rant is over. I thought maybe you guys would like to hear something other than my usual stuff, but because so many problems in my life have been solved, all that's left is venting out minor grievances. Rest assured, I am ok, but this was a clear example of what I mean by unloading. If you have something to say and you can't say it in your private life, use things like this. Let it all out then move on.

Take care, stay safe and maybe stay tuned for more.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - June 2nd, 2024

Follow up to this:

Sometimes Life is a series of Maybes

For starters even those whom didn't read it all the way proved my point as while I posted it I thought "Maybe some will read it all, some will TLDR and some would just pass it by or pass it on to those that might find it more interesting." The possibilities are endless with that one.

Anywho onto the meat of the subject. I'll try to keep this one short if I can.

For context, has there ever been a time where someone, be it friend, family, lover or even a complete stranger, has told you "The world doesn't revolve around you."? If you answered yes, that's good.

Now here's the next question that will bake your noodle. Whether you've had good luck or bad, has there ever been a time where you seen signs that seemed to contradict that phrase? If you answered yes, even better.

Third and final question. Did you ever wonder why yet couldn't find a way to answer it because you were focused on one extreme or the other? If you answered yes, then that's something you and I have in common.

Throughout the years I was always told the world doesn't revolve around me, but at the same time, noticed signs that at the very least, some parts of the world did. Then I realized that the word "World" is a relative term. In terms of the phrase, "World" means both the planet itself as it's huge and the people in it. In the overall sense the entire world does not give a shit about every single human being that's ever lived unless they got famous or changed history one way or another.

However, that's only if you view the word "World" as Earth itself. There are many worlds that are rooted both in science and the unknown.

In terms of the unknown, the mortal plane regardless of how you view the human world and the afterlife, does not revolve around all of us. There are humans or human-like (Take that one with a grain of salt if you don't get it) individuals that could either make or break your life based on their skills and a commonality between you two. They could be friends, family, tough love in the form of enemies, lovers, business partners, some form of companionship after another. But at the same time there exists the opposite. Enemies as opposed to friends. Black sheep as opposed to the gold standards of family members. A co-dependent relationship as opposed to one of loving and understanding. Competitive business people as opposed to business partners or genuine assholes, simply doing horrible things for kicks. I spent my whole life trying to find the difference between the two in that respect and in my town, it wasn't easy.

In terms of Science. It's more rooted in social structures based on those examples of the unknown. But with a logical and analytical viewpoint on how they work. In my case in terms of Companionship, there are the following categories:

  1. Strangers: People you don't know, but are willing to talk to because the conversation can go either way.
  2. Acquaintances: Strangers on friendly terms but not my friends, be it at all or yet.
  3. Associates: Strangers that know each other through mutual connections. I call them "Small Worlders" because I've met some through mutual friends and family.
  4. Business Partners: Strangers, Acquaintances and Associates you don't have to like but if you work well together, you can use their skills and vice versa.
  5. Friends: One of the four or all of the four whom known you long enough to earn that title.
  6. Best Friends: Same as friends but with better reasons to give more leeway. Including but not limited to life debts.
  7. Family: Be it blood or of choice or adoption, as long as they got a good heart and good intentions, it's up to you to value all or some of their opinions as long as they love you enough to help you with your problems and vice versa. If it helps, use it, if not, there's always other ways they can help.
  8. Lover: To me a lover means someone whom be it romantic relationships or even something as simple and out there as friends with benefits, they have a closeness that is beyond friend and family.
  9. Companion: This can apply to the 8 above both one at a time or all at a time depending on how you interpret it. For example, when a boyfriend and girlfriend of a typical Cis Gender, Heterosexual Relationship, become husband and wife, that's the evolution of a companion. Going from Stranger, to Acquaintance, to Friend, to Best Friend, to Lover to eventually family. But that's just one way of saying it, it can apply to any kind of relationship within the bounds of morality.

But whether it's unknown or science, the things they have in common is they have their own ways of describing the same 9 friend set above. In terms of spirituality, someone would consider one of these in the positive way a gift from God or a curse from The Devil. How you interpret the 9 above, is basically your social circle in a nutshell, it's up to you to decide how they fit in your life. Same goes with enemies, but with more negative definitions of: Stranger, Acquaintance, Associate, Business Rival/Former Business Partner, Enemy/Former Friend, Worst Enemy/Former Friend/Former Best Friend/Former Lover/Former Companion, Pure Evil/Former all 9 or 1 of the 9.

Point being is that on one side or another, it shows that one way or another, in terms of your social world, it does revolve around not just you, but anyone you spoke to good and bad.

So in a way the world revolves around all of us one way or another. If it could happen in a place like my town, it can happen outside it too. It's one of the reasons why I was on the fence about moving, there were a lot of things outside the town that made me think it wouldn't make a difference even if they had different laws or different ways of living cheap or expensive. So I figured if I couldn't move I could at least try to change my small part of the world, only to find said small part getting bigger the more I change things. I started gaining new companions and new enemies almost every year. My luck has slowly changed from bad to good. I was able to discover more aspects of my life to better help myself and provide help to others while others older and younger than me, used their aspects and experiences to help me. But the weird thing about it, was that it was always a different person every time. Whether it was a stranger, acquaintance, associate, business partner, friend, best friend, family, lover or a genuine companion throughout it all. I went through every stage there could be. Some I just learned and some I'm continuing to learn.

The world revolves around us all, we just have to find how we fit in with it.

Take care stay safe and stay tuned for more.
