All our lives, whether it was right or wrong, fair or unfair, black or white, red or blue, down or up, left or right, Heaven or Hell, Good or Evil, Love or Hate, the one thing they all have in common is that they are all aspects of life and they all come down to two distinctive answers.
However, no matter how we try to rationalize life, whether it's some kind of advanced science or some kind of unexplainable magic. The one thing we cannot decide is whether or not it's all one extreme or another. People either argue until they are blue in the mouth or they just shrug and move on with their life based on what they believe or other aspects of their life. Religion, Politics, Morality, all important subjects, all in different fields on what it takes to be a human being, but the one thing they have in common is they are all constructed by humans and are in constant argument on where humans should go in life.
For example religion, Christianity believes that Jesus is the Son of God, Judaism doesn't, but what they both have in common is save for different interpretations, is that they believe God is real and the Old Testament happened. That just simplifies the Abrahamics, but at the same time it could apply to anything from the oldest religions such as Paganism, to the pseudo religions based on Sci-Fi freaks like George Lucas, Gene Roddenberry and L. Ron Hubbard.
In Politics, there is Left Wing and Right Wing and depending on the country and laws, one side dominates the other or both sometimes pool their resources together. What they have in common both Good and Bad and believe me, they both have their fair share of dirty laundry, is that they are going by what they believe humanity should evolve into. Be it thoughts and feelings. Case in point, Republicans have often been both positively and negatively associated with ways of making money, Hell Ronald Reagan even once made a law that if you're gonna succeed in business in California, you have to be somewhat a corrupt asshole. Considering the scandals in L.A. and Hollywood alone and the money both made and lost as a result of them, that doesn't surprise me.
Which brings me to Morality. Morality should be the most simplest thing on the planet, but at the same time life is so complicated, it's hard to be considered 100 percent moral or immoral, because not everyone sees what you see and knows the full story. Take me for example, I don't give into mob mentality because all that did was cause more trouble than it's worth, when the best way in my opinion is to try to hear each side of the story and see where you stand with each other on that. Then decide whether or not the person is still worth talking to or not. That's simple, but due to clashing moralities it's not. Not to sound gross, but I'll go this far to say it just to prove a point. One of the hot button topics is Pedophilia. Now I can say I hate pedos until I'm blue in the mouth and you can choose to believe whether or not I'm telling the truth, because by your perspective of my actions, either way, you believe it to be one thing or another. However, due to my hatred of Pedos, part of how I was able to determine at least in my own opinion who is and who isn't was based on actions rather than words, based on the disgusting shit I witnessed since my childhood. It's why the Jes thing was so clear at least to me and others that think he's innocent. Others can believe what they want about him and I'm through giving a damn convincing them otherwise as I don't value their opinions for validation based on their actions. Case in point, ThisJoe, comes across as a pedo to me, due to his targets for bullying, due to my thinking he's older than he let's on and due to how many fucked up thing's he's made in art as well as the fucked up things he and his so-called friends are into. To me, that is an Orgy of Evidence, but to those that fail to understand or outright disbelieve me, they don't even see it, because they don't see what I see. But if you think that's sickening, here's a worse thing. Some countries have no law or moral against the subject. Hell some sick freaks would sell their house just to get a plane ticket too said countries, just to do it. And unless these people are in a position where they can go near children, there is no way to determine if they are or not. Words can only go so far.
Now you're probably wondering at this point of this very long fucking essay, what is the point of what I am saying. Well I'll summarize. To put it plainly, we are not supposed to just focus on life's "Yes" and "No". We are meant to focus on life's "Maybe" as well.
The word "Maybe", is one of the most underrated answers in the history of this world. It's mysterious, it's suspenseful, it's exciting and it's terrifying. Why? Because things could go either way. Rather than be this or that, it can be this and that.
That uncertainty is the key to surviving this world and learning from it. And the weirdest thing is that it's the one word all sides of life have in common.
For example, maybe I'll become a successful musician, maybe not. Maybe I'll find other ways of getting rich, maybe not. Maybe I'll find ways of helping people whether I have to pay for it or not. Maybe you'll believe the words I am typing right now, maybe not. Maybe I'll take your words or part of your words into consideration should they apply to my life or the life of people I know, maybe not.
But the one thing I am certain on, is I am still alive, things are getting good for me, they may not last, but I'm able to tank the losses better than I have before with some exception. If people believe me good, that means I got more friends. If people don't, that's better, I'll either value them as friends in other aspects we have in common and if we don't, I cut you off one way or another.
Long story short, I am now 110% Percent able to go through life one way or another to the point where I'm undecided where I may go next. Maybe I'll keep going with my music and maybe not. Maybe I'll stay on Newgrounds or leave. Maybe I'll help others deserving of help or I'll just sleep in for the day. But before I even remotely do anything I would like to put three simple life lessons that each person can follow in any walk of life whether I like it or not.
- To get the answers you're looking for, one must ask the right questions.
- Don't be afraid to try new things.
- Embrace the mystery.
Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.....maybe.