Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.
I won't go into too much detail, about what I went through to get proof of this, but let's just say it was so overwhelming I took my meds once I cooled down from it. For context, I found love, said love took me by surprise many times, that allowed us to get closer together and so far, this love has done nothing but go above and beyond to make sure I was ok, let alone finding me attractive enough to do the things she wants to do to me.
Yesterday, I spent half the day with someone very special to me, this person, much like myself went through a lot of hell since they were a kid, something I could both sympathize and empathize with and I tried my hardest to help this person out, no matter what we made out of the relationship. We shared a bond I can only describe as very spiritual. So spiritual, that it brought something out in me I never knew I had. I became more confident, stronger and more determined not to give up on my life. We didn't do anything too far, but let's just say with the way this person tried their very best to comfort me, after months of we went through together and separately, that it seemed to pay off for the both of us.
In terms of my view on the link of love, sex and spirituality, I believe that all are connected together in one way or another. Most people view sex alone as a rite of passage, one losing their virginity, would be considered a baptism to them. Others like myself, view it as so-so. That for pleasure it's good, but for love it's way better. I was raised by hippies, so needless to say I am a firm believer in free love so long as it's legal. But it wasn't until yesterday I found out how spiritual it was. Now bear in mind, with the way I talk to people, people assumed the worst from me no matter what. They assumed I was some kind of creep or incel. The fact of the matter it was, I can break my celibacy if I want to, but at the same time I don't choose to break it lightly. I feel if I'm gonna go at the very least far as sex, let alone romance, it has to be someone that clicks with me. But much of it was due to the fact that I was raised by a single mother whom had more guy friends than girl friends, yet the girlfriends as well as her, gave me things to look out for regarding women in general. Now this does not make me an expert on women, as I am a man and there are a few things about Women that even I don't know or understand about. However, it's made me aware of some of the nasty traits some can carry. In the case of my town, the women here, can be just as nasty and cruel as the men and considering how many cruel men I've confronted over the years, that says a lot.
As for what this has to do with spirituality, most of the women I was raised around were wiccans and other forms of natural witchcraft, those whom don't even need a Book of Shadows to cast spells. So needless to say, it was easy to say that the person I fell in love with, is also part of that craft in her own way. Normally that would scare a man away, but me, I thought it was endearing. Even tried to encourage it more so that she to rely on the usual stuff that she does to get by. Let's just say she took that advice too well. I won't say what happened, but the result was an energy I never knew I could felt. One so overwhelming that I couldn't even look at my enemies with a straight face anymore until I was able to settle down. Yet, it was so good that it unlocked a few things about me. Making me beyond 100% cured. Whatever she did, she somehow fixed me. And I am happy just for that, whether it works out or not.
Because it showed me that love is a powerful thing, so powerful I was overwhelmed by it and that it does exist regardless what people say otherwise.
If you people have found love one way or another, never give up on it. Even if it doesn't work out the experience is worth it.
While I won't show exactly what I'm intending to do, I basically found a way to solve some problems in my personal life, but at the same time using my professional life as part of it. CIEIRMusic is above all else a subsidiary of CIEIR or Could it Exist In Real-Life. An old Blogger blog of mine designed to do defictionalization on many fictional mediums from Movies, to TV shows, to Comics and To video games. And while I've mostly been doing reviews my own way, I have so far managed to accomplish that aspect thanks to my health drink. That said, I was also looking for ways of making extra money on the side. Be it part time jobs or simply helping people get what they need and them simply giving me extra change. Now I can survive without money so long as I got my priorities straight and plenty of food to eat and above all else things to do. But even I need help every now and then and people in my corner have helped me in many ways. Including but not limited to giving me small, but effective amounts of money for me to use in my day to day life. But once I reached 99.99% of my personal problems. I was at a point where I was able to run these errands Pro-Bono, no charge whatsoever, because these people shown me enough respect that they earned any favour from me, for free. It was part of why I got into many confrontations, I was weeding out those whom either wouldn't agree with the idea or try to stop me from seeing it through. Once I knew where I stood with people inspite of their own personal problems, good and bad alike, I knew exactly what the problem is.
As most people have often seen or said in their lives, no one pays us enough for the bullshit we have to go through just to survive tomorrow. Whether it's poverty, drama or something as simple as carrying groceries, people need more help with things that are too much for them to handle sometimes. But after 27 years of studying the ups and downs of humanity in the most fucked up town in the Greater Toronto Area, I managed to find an answer to the people's problems, regardless of what walk of life they come from. Now while I mostly had Scarborough and places all over Ontario to go by, it was enough for me to map out all the problems and when it gets down to it, it has to do with both love and money.
The love one shares when they help someone even if is a few bucks to get by, but the amount of bucks one needs just to survive and come up with better plans. It's been like that my whole life and while it was good for what I needed, I felt like I shouldn't be the only one that should do that and earn it like that. So starting with someone very close as a first employee/future boss of mine, I was able to start up a company that trains more people in a walk of life very few realize is the cornerstones of all success: Gophers.
For those whom don't know, Gopher is a work slang for assistant. A play on "Go for this. Go for that." But the idea is that it's a job that requires simple favours for a few bucks. Mundane favours like getting your client/boss a cup of coffee or things like that. Now this person, much like myself, had to sink very low to find themselves. Has even inspired me to do this, based on watching them do their fair share of good deeds, be it pro-bono and for money and has literally passed the tests to become my first employee, which is a contract sign away.
The idea is that I basically created a job/job training/boss training program all into one package. I wrote a contract, a questionnaire and a code of ethics. Which are the three things you need to start any business you want. On top of the job or project you're advertising.
In my case, I'm starting with not an hourly wage, but a small amount of money per favour. Say $5 CAD, which doesn't seem much at first, but there's a method to my madness. Each favour can take as long as it takes as long as you have the means to do it and complete the job to the best of your ability. So if say you knew someone whom wanted you to cook, clean, watch your pets, guard your home and even protect you, 1 favour each would equal to about a solid $50. If the business grows the money grows, it allows people to work both over and under each other and allows them to be their own boss. I did the first pieces of it and I am willing to share them with anyone interested. Even give them a text copy so they can edit the rates, the code and the questionnaire to fit in their wants and needs. Basically the idea is that people need tools to learn work skills and this tool has taken me 27 years to figure out and make it understandable for those whom want to make some money and much like my Health Potion, I'm giving this for free. It will allow others to find their path in life and how they can make their money doing what they love.
DM me asap if you wish to have a copy or know exactly what this entails.
Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.
In terms of overall personal problems I am 99.99% cured. 0.01 Percent to go. Now on the surface that doesn't mean much literally a penny. But in terms of my life it means while small, I still got a lot of shit to work through before I am exactly at 100 percent.
But I thought I'd give some context.
When I first started out in terms of personal problems I was 75% cured, enough to survive and last until things get better. When I first moved to my new place it went from %75 to 80%, because a lot of issues such as budget were a big problem, I had to learn how to survive without money, as long as there was food in the fridge and the rent was paid. It became 85% when I started getting confident enough to confront my problems head on while at the same time, slowly but surely find balance in other aspects of my life. When I found love, it became a solid 90% which would allow me to slightly breeze through enough life to get better, but finding said love ended up filling me with enough positive energy that could choose to go higher and lower. Even if things didn't work out, which to be's complicated, but at the same time it's at a point where one can work through it. Becoming less complicated make or break. By that I mean the person I did fall in love with, caused such a positive impact on me that no matter the issues we look out for each other as true friends. So even when things got rocky, because I was getting better, it became 95%. Then when I sought therapy, looking for issues that were holding me back as well as trying to find the root of my issues and getting treated for it, it became 97%. Then when I figured out my purpose in life and where everyone Good and Bad stood with me and vice versa, (Which was pretty fucking hard, considering even the good people in my life had shown traits of what I hated about the bad.) I became a solid 98% slowly getting to 98.5%. Allowing me to breeze through life and make time to sort out what would have been considered minor issues once my majors were out of the way. Then today, after figuring out a few secrets of my past, both good and bad, following clues that were left for me since I was a kid, but was too young to understand them, it became a solid 99%. Now at this point, even those in my circle do not believe I would solve 100% and to some extent they're right. Nobody's perfect and even then what works for them, doesn't always work for others, due to both communication barrier and conflict of superiority. (For context, everyone wants to do everything their way even if it steps on other people's way, both intentional and unintentional. And fights often happen, even among friends because they think their way is the ONLY right way.)
Once I was able to find a way to help people, without quite stepping on their toes, it became 99.5%. Then here's where things get messed up. Over the years, I realized that a lot of stupid mistakes could have been avoided if I simply did the following:
Asked, albeit nicely. Worst I'd get is a "No." and move on from here.
Listened more. If not through words, then body language and other clues.
Put more effort in my part, but not too much due to mutual overreliance. Simply find the right balance.
Once I figured that out.....I made it to 99.99%. Now, in theory, if I was able to solve all my personal problems, to the point where even the worst of them is considered Tuesday to me. Then I would be in terms of putting my mind to things, relatively unstoppable. However, at this point I have reached the mental health equivalent of critical mass.
Now after hearing how it works from me, you're probably wondering "What is the 0.01% you need to deal with." Well it can mean a variety of things. Things that need to be maintained regarding the rest of the 99.99%. Things that have been left unresolved, but not enough to affect your overall life. Or in my case, unanswered questions, such as:
Could things go wrong and can I recover from this?
Could things be improved or are they fine the way they are?
Most importantly. Even if I solve all my problems, then what?
The last one is the scariest, because you don't know what happens next. However, because you ran out of things to do, that need resolving it's also a relief because it means less weight on your shoulders either way. That said even with everything you could possibly want, there is boredom and underappreciation. Some people are even willing to risk whatever wealth they have, just to have some excitement in their lives. Hell, Elon Musk, risked his own fortune, both on ideas even he didn't think would work or attending charity fights. Mainly because he already has everything else and like most rich folks got bored easily.
So basically on top of solving my problem, I've been thinking of fun things to do, be it by myself and other people. And while financially I did find some semblance of balance, even when I get flat broke, I do find it doesn't hurt to find a way to kill boredom and maybe profit off them.
Hell, part of why I started making music, on top of my love of it, was out of sheer boredom and a need to make a mark on the world whether I become famous and infamous. Money was the last thing on my mind until people started buying it. But I got desperate, greedy and even lashed out on people when I didn't think I seen progress.
However, with my mind more clearer, I have been able to think about a few things. The stuff that's happened to me, the stuff I did to others in retaliation and the hurt it caused mutual acquaintances that had trouble choosing whom to believe or side with regardless of whom was right or wrong. It was shitty behavior and while I could care less about my enemies on here, my true friends and fans I do owe and apology to.
I am very sorry if my behavior caused the following:
Made my behaviour suspicious to even the closest of friends and fans.
Made my attitude alienate some people even if they still give me praise.
Took it out on those I shouldn't have. For that I am truly sorry.
Having said that, while it may seem ulterior I am gonna ask properly this time and worst I'm get is "No."
To my fans, friends and even complete strangers. I beseech thee in my time of evolution, to request the aid of my fellow human being, if it doesn't trouble you.
Or in plain English: Will you please help me, if it's not too much trouble, to support my music in ways other than critical and emotional support? If not, that's fine, I at least tried to ask nicely and I'm moving on from there. If yes, I advertised all my work over the past years, from my Bandcamp to my Kofi and I don't ask for much. Just enough to get me started on one of my many endeavors.
Having said that, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more. I thank you all for at least witnessing my journey at this point and I'll never forget you for it. I love you all.
Life's complicated. We have to watch what we do, watch what we say and most importantly watch for predictability so that we can know what will happen next, but at the same time appreciate the surprises in life that help us move forward, while spotting the same patterns we see every day with the people we interact with. Some people like to go their own way, because it allows themselves to be better. At this point I am 98.5% cured of my personal problems in life there are still ways to go to test life out, but at the same time I'm liking the results so far. For those that stuck with me, I owe you my deepest gratitude, to those that didn't like me very much, fuck you, but at the same time I get it. To those that have hate in their hearts and try to drag others with you into your bullshit as your poor excuse of being alone, fuck you, be honest with yourself before you remotely try to judge me and seek some professional help. It did wonders for me. There is still shit I need to figure out but at the same time, I have figured out so much that I managed to get ahead. If life was a School, I am close to graduating to the next grade. If life was a job at this point I should be Prime Minister, but I am not gonna go through that shit. If life was like a box of chocolates, I want to know sometimes what I'm gonna get.
Point being is I figured out enough about life so far, it's surprisingly easy, read all the good and bad shit in this site to further understand but other than that I am cool with you all and I hope you're cool to me in your own ways.
This is the last revelation, but the most important one. Something that should have been said a long time ago.
This was something that has happened for a long time, way before even many of us were even born.
For the longest time, myself included, each individual on this planet, whether we lived in wealth or poverty, often have reasons to fight each other. Some justified, some not. However what we fail to realize then and there, is that much of the things they were fighting against one another for, were based on the simplest, yet difficult reason that it boggles my mind that no one even thought of it or at the very least thought it was either too easy or too hard to do.
Now I want you to pay attention, the reason will shock and surprise you, but essentially you are gonna want to hear this. You listening? Turn the volume way up if you are. Ok. You ready? Here we go....ahem:
Sounds simple right? Stop right there. Now a lot of things that people fight about regardless of how bad it gets and how much damage is wrought is often because of poor communication. Now this is nothing new. There have been many many moments in real life and in the media, where they try to hammer the point in. However the rare thing is that is often overlook isn't so much what to do. It's how to do it.
Most people fail to understand that to better communicate with each other, you have to understand the other person's POV. I myself am an empath, so it's easy for me to assume the emotional point of view of others. I am able to both tell the pain they feel and whom they hurt just from being in the same room with them. But even then, it's not reliable all the time. However, if one's intuition or gut feeling is a little on the fritz it doesn't mean it's wrong. It simply means if you want to know for sure what's upsetting the other party, it wouldn't kill you to ask.
However, here's the thing. Some people much like myself, often sometimes feel too right about a situation. We assume too much, sometimes get it right, but other times things happen beyond our control, it makes us feel stupid for even thinking it could go another way. And if the battle is tense, neither side wouldn't consider it even if they really wanted to.
In my case, among many problems, I run into the major one. While I try to understand the other's POV, sometimes people don't care to hear my POV, based on either judging my past actions or the way they feel about me for various reasons. Had people gotten to know me fully, they'd realize that differences aside, there are things too similar to each other. So similar, that some people can be so full of themselves and neither fail to see the irony or hypocrisy in general. I myself am a hypocrite in some respects. I try to be peaceful, but like many others, I fly into a rage. I berate people for lying, but I myself have lied in the past. Hell, I hate bullies and yet I became one of them when I fought back too much. However the main difference between me and others like me who become self aware of their hypocrisy and sins over time, as well as the rest of the world is, once we admit that we have a problem, it becomes somewhat more easier to fix. The one's that don't, just keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result. The true definition of Insanity.
Yet, if we can acknowledge our faults and put aside our petty differences, you can find that working together is more productive and progressive to the world, than fighting each other all the time.
Most people don't stop fighting because of some warped sense of pride thinking that if they don't keep going the other side is gonna win. But eventually the fight continues on for years to the point where you two still hate each other, but forgotten exactly what you were fighting about. Even if walking away sometimes is the better solution.
Others don't because they think fighting is the only thing they are good for and drag others into the cycle of violence.
But the main reason is that on the off chance it does work it makes everything else they went through pointless making them feel useless in the end. On top of admitting hypocrisy.
Me I have no qualms admitting my hypocrisy, but I try to at the very least curb certain behaviours that have held me back. And the thing that made it uneasy is that even among my closest friends and family, they exhibit the behaviour as though they are above it, when they are really not without sin. They hate bullies, but bully me, causing me to bully them back. If I stand up to them no matter how just I feel, whether I say little or go too far, then suddenly I'm the bad guy. Even on the meds that part made me mad. Why should I behave when they don't? Why should I listen to them talk when they don't listen to me sometimes? What did I do that was so wrong that it felt like even those that truly loved me, hated me? Then it turns out it was because they failed to understand me, just as I failed to understand them. Rather than the blame be on one person, regardless of how just we feel, we were both in the wrong, only I was the only one with the courage to call the other out on said hypocrisy. Hell I once yelled at an old lady on a scooter, because she thought me standing in the sidewalk in front of a passing stroller, was not gentleman like. Yet she allows her male friends, whom she considers the standards of gentleman, to slut shame and insult a young woman, who's only crime was wanting to dance to their music. Needless to say I snapped and to this day, that person only thinks I was some asshole mean to her for no reason. When I had plenty reason. Not just hypocrisy, not just because for all her talk about what it means to be a gentleman, she never even lifted a finger or raised a voice to tell them to leave her alone, but when I confronted her about it, more than once, she referred to the woman as a "Whore". Despite claiming to like said woman before. I seen some two-faced shit in my time but when it comes from someone close doing the same to someone close, despite that person not being perfect themselves, I draw the line. But it's not just them. It's everyone.
Every single person whom since they been old enough to talk coherently has done to their perceived enemies what has been done to them. The problem is, that some are such narcissists that they never see it even if it's right in front of them. Yet if it's not them doing it, suddenly they're perfect...fuck you.
No one's perfect, no one's above or below anyone, it's not about race, sex, class, religion, politics or even something as petty as someone egging your house. This is gonna come as a shock to you, but you're all equally assholes. I'm at least honest about it myself and I've been trying to make up for it since. How many of you actually tried even with your rep and life on the line?
I'm an asshole and rather than regret it, I'm becoming proud of it. I'm a loser, because winners get cocky. I'm a jerk because kindness is considered a weakness. I'm a pushover because it's against the law to fight back. I'm a moron, because intelligence is considered abnormal. I hate because I try and fail to find love. And if you all don't like what I have to say, if you all don't think I'm right, if you think you're the exception, well newsflash asshole you're not.
I'm me, you're you. We're both assholes, either shape up or ship out. Deal with it. You all think you know whom I am, well I'll tell you. I'm a 33 year old Canadian Austistic Psychopath, with a history of baggage, a dysfunctional but loving family and a high school diploma. Whom struggles to make it to the entertainment business, share's his struggles with the world to a certain degree, is proud of his failures as much as his accomplishments, because he's still alive and trying to realize the purpose of his life as a man that witnessed a lot of fucked up shit over the years and still keeps going in spite of the turmoil he's been put through. Why? Because I'm stubborn, I learn from my mistakes, I make new ones and I try to find better solutions to the same damn problems, without once taking a break save to rest, smoke and watch TV.
I am proud of who I am faults and all. Can you say the same? Either take the time to understand each other or cut each other out of your lives. Stop wasting your time, put the phone down and stay in fucking school.
While my Therapy is getting somewhat better to the point where I can gague myself that I feel 97.5% cured of every problem I was going through in my life, I had to go through an existential crisis to figure out the last of my personal problems. I won't go into detail, because a lot of the moments in my life range from traumatizingly disturbing to embarrassingly hilarious. It was the last lingering threads of the limits my brain could operate on, even if it brought out old wounds that needed venting.
For context, I realized I was in a never-ending battle, because while I can come across as an asshole sometimes, I try to be a nice person. But in a place I live in and I'm sure all over the world can relate to similar circumstances, things often bitchslap me to the point where I either had to suck it up and move on or fly into a rage, reveal nasty truths about the opposition, but cause so much damage, either some think I'm just as bad as them but simply in hiding or worse. No I can be bad, but I have my limits. I've mentioned them on occasion, from my Hatred of Pedophiles to my Hatred of being accused of being and helping them whether I knew the whole story or not. Just to name a few examples. But the one part I couldn't really gague was that I have had a lot of members of my friends and family alike either too good to be true or a complete fucking liar. Now I admit I am guilty of lying both in a malicious way, as a battle tactic and as a means of simply trying to make it out of a bad situation in one piece, but the lies I've often hated the most often hurt more, simply because they were from the people closest to me the most. Be it friend, family or love. It made me suspicious that a lot of the things, even their best advice and I'd often resort to under or overhanded tactics, just to get them to admit the truth. I risked hurting people and breaking their hearts, just to find out the whole truth about my own life as even I have blanks I needed to fill.
That being said, I do have my reasons. Now this is one of the most batshit insane things I found out, when I realized it. I have come to the conclusion that someone that has known me since I before I moved to this town, has set me up for an elaborate practical joke that has come to an end yesterday....that I know of. But essentially the idea that this person along with a select few individuals both old and new, have somehow managed to manipulate events in my own personal life to make me react accordingly. Think of it as like the Truman Show run by Rabbi Cartman, if he binged watch the original Higurashi Anime.
Now had I known about this way back, I would have been extremely pissed off, to the point where I wouldn't just leave my town, I'd go somewhere where there was no outside contact save for food supply and shelter maintenance. I don't know how I would, but I would. But a funny thing happened, while it did make me upset, even caused me to snap on someone I would never even dream I'd snap on, even if I was ok with snapping on my family and friends. However a funny thing happened, it seemed like this person wanted me to snap, but not for malevolent reasons. That this person either as part of the joke or making jokes of their own and went too far at least on my end. But merely to stand up for myself even if the people I care about me are going too far with me with their stuff. The most messed up part is, because I found out that I realized why the other person's joke wasn't as bad as I would think. It was still pretty bad, damn thing was a weigh on my professional and personal rep, I almost got killed both by my own hand and the hands of others, yet it somehow became a very fucked up yet Wonderful Life. It's crazy and I know not a lot of people don't believe it, but funny enough, it's more true than most things that have been talked about and I believe in a lot of weird things as it is.
Whether you know it or not, your life is a joke. Now before you all go thinking I mean it in the negative, hear me out. It's not meant to be a malicious joke, but it can hurt. It's not meant to be a bad joke, but it could offend you. It's not meant to be a lethal joke, but taking it the wrong way can and will definitely kill you one way or another. Once I realized that, I was first pissed, but then I started laughing because I am impressed. Now contrary to popular belief in my personal life, I am not that easily fooled, you'd have to plan this out and improvise because I have a tendency to be unpredictable and take risks if it meant improving my life and making it more peaceful. In other words, once I was slowly catching on in the past, whether I knew it or not, I was fighting back with my own jokes. I trolled certain sites somewhat undercover and found them to be a haven of pedophiles, but I got in too deep that I was enjoying other stuff that wasn't as bad as what they were into, but weird enough y'all wouldn't look at me the same way again. Whenever I came across a bunch of idiots, I'd often say or do things that would give them a bad impression of me, should they piss me off. Mostly throwing their own BS into their own face and leaving when it wasn't worth it. I was basically the Counter Terrorist equivalent of a Cyberbully that went after Cyberbullies while almost becoming one. Mostly because one of my talents is finding unexpected things both good and bad and seeing if they're worth pursuing further based on whether or not I believed them.
But all that was nothing but childish trouble that I have wasted time with because above all else, I was so desperately lonely I never thought there'd be someone or anyone remotely like me. I got proven wrong many times on that front, but even when the person is picture perfect, I still question it, because I feel I don't deserve it. I see the weight of my own sins, I confess enough in hopes I get it off my chest more and try to move on and redeem myself in other ways. But the biggest problems I had was how much effort I needed to put in, to do that even with the odds stacked against me.
If I did too little, I would be accused of not helping more often. If I did too much, I overstep, overstay and screw things up in a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If something good happens to me I question it because it seems too good to be true. Yet I'm one of the few people whom never ask for more in terms of material goods, just enough to keep me alive or happy enough to keep going and find newer ways to not only improve my own life, but help others along the way. Some listen. Some don't. But some do, but do it their own way and that's the best way.
If something bad happens to me, at best I dismiss it as one of many or at worst, depending on what it is, it's so bad, that it further torments me. Putting me in a mix of an imbalance of anxiety and depression.
Now that I found out why, I am sort of on the fence on whether I should be more happy or more pissed about it. I am impressed and if it went so far as online, kudos to you on that one.
Now the only thing that bothers me about it, is why this is a follow-up to the previous article. Some people have been doing it intentionally for malicious reasons to other people in an effort to make them worse people. Some in my corner however are kinda sorta in the middle, they will go as far as do terrible things, but the pranks they pull on each other, no matter how vicious and brutal are for benevolent reasons. Hard life lessons, punishment games, things like that. However that said, they are so good that they are able to get other people in on the joke, without them knowing or realizing it. They know how to set off triggers, appeal to beliefs and demographics. Because I amalgamated the best of many beliefs, they basically did something so vile and cruel to me, that it forced me to go to Old City Hall and smudge the steps through a sage joint, while a group of middle eastern people were praying and a Native was drumming on the sidewalk. If I didn't see this shit myself on my meds, I would not have believed it. So I don't blame you at this point if you don't. It's one of the reasons why I say religions should work together instead of fighting, I literally seen it happen with my own two eyes.
But the point is, I wasn't the only one that got played and the others have caught on and started hitting friend and foe alike. Accidentally hitting friends more.
If they are out there, the only thing I ask is to keep it down so I can at least rest for the next adventure I'm taking. I am not giving up my life that easy and it's gonna take more than what happened to make me hate them over this even if there are things to hate about it.
But essentially, they did what they had to do, to push me in the right direction and while I feel I needed more of a say in what was happening to me, I am happy with the result so far. Literally 27 years until the end of this April.
Now having said that I do have a message for those whom don't understand they're being played. Here are some, but not all rules, in how to navigate faster.
Find the reason.
Decide whom to trust based on level of malevolence over benevolence and vice versa.
Find ways of getting even without going too far.
Other than that, simply do it all your way.
Until then, stay tuned, stay safe and stay tuned for more.
After my revelation, part of what motivates me in keeping going in life, no matter what has been thrown at me, is that although this is nothing new, I view life as an elaborate game. Whether it's board games like Chess or video games like Final Fantasy, I always felt that in order to succeed, I needed to know where I stood on the board. It was my most difficult problems in my whole life and why the lie thing was a big deal to me. I had a feeling that even the most benevolent members of my circle were playing games with my mind and heart, for purposes I only barely know. And while some had the best intentions in heart, some had also in an attempt to help, had overstepped and it made me hard to get along with them, because I didn't know what their end goals are.
In my case, if there ever was a game I couldn't win, be it on screen, on board or on life, I would do the following.
In life that is very difficult and painful. In my case, my life was so complicated I was at a point on who I would trust to get me through my own game of life. Who stands on the board, whom benefits from my success and whom revels in my failures. So I even had to go so far as hurt the people I cared about, just so I could detach myself from it all and even flee the area, because I couldn't stand the board any longer. Once I was out, that's when I realized where I stood on the board.
In terms of Chess I started off like anyone else, like a pawn. Limited movement, one space diagonal strikes, but if I made it to the other end of the board I could be anything I wanted to be. The choices being, a Queen, Rook, Bishop or Knight. However while I am now getting seldom good at chess, I realized I had the same problem as I had with everyone else. I focused on once piece I thought had more of an advantage, but neglected the others. It's why my usual strategy was basically fight to the last piece because I figured if I was gonna lose, I'd go down swinging. But after changing my tactics and playing both sides, black and white, I figured out where I really stood on the board then. I was a pawn, whom had the potential to become a King, but had trouble deciding which I should be until then. Which in terms of chess, even the most novice of players would think simple. Pick the piece with the most advantage. So in life I started playing other roles, with knight as my core.
For context, Knights move in an L shaped direction in order to move or strike at other pieces. Their con is limited movement, but their pro is the moves they make are so unpredictable that even the most shitty of chess players know that if they had a chance they'd have to take that one out first. Then you have the Rook. whom can only move up down or left and right. The con being that they can't move diagonally, but the pro being that as limited the movement, they can still move anywhere. Then you have the bishop. Whom can only move diagonally. Perfect for taking out pawns that strike your pieces at the right moment. Pro being they're good strikers, con being they can only move diagonally. Then you have the Queen. Whom can move anywhere she wants. While that sounds like a big advantage, there are some cons. Most people get too cocky with their queens and can lose them if they're not careful. Now each of those pieces by themselves are special individually, but together, with the right player behind them, they can be unstoppable. But that's only if you're playing within the rules of the game itself.
As much as I try to simplify life, some parts of that life are not simple. Chess has rules. Life doesn't. Meaning if one was still sticking with the chess motif, they have a tendency to screw things up. Some people think they have to be one piece and move on their own and although it's a risk some are successful that way. Others like me, try to see whom stands where on the board and whether or not they're with me, against me or one of those people that play both sides. It's why most people fuck up on using chess alone to strategize their life. Even if they're good at the game, they're not always good at applying it to life. In my case in the Chess only section of my life I had to think beyond the boundaries of the rules. The pieces still play by their rules, I just had to figure out which pieces fit where based on their personalities. To further break it down.
Pawns are often a representative of the average person. In terms of the medieval theme of the game, they are the peasants, shopkeepers, blacksmiths, chefs, you name it. Anyone that's worked a menial job to get by or has been in a stable position of their life where they don't want more or do, is a pawn. The other pieces use them as cannon fodder, not caring who they are as people as long as it benefits their game. I myself was sick of being one of those people, because it felt like my life was a lie and I had no control over it. Having said, that pawns do have a distinct advantage. Although sometimes they have to make it to the end of the board to become something else, they have an advantage of being unassuming, while the other players focus on the more advanced pieces. Hell when I played chess I was surprised a pawn could do that. But nowadays it reminds me of that scene in Fight Club.
Bishops are exactly what they're named after. People of faith or lack thereof, be it Priests, Rabbis, Imam or Richard Dawkins worshippers, their main advantage in life is that their words have enough meaning that the pawns would either follow it or fight against it. And despite the faithful name, not all bishops are aligned with good. There are those in my life I label Dark Bishops. When you hear a Bishop and apply it to any religious position, what do you see. Someone whom believes in faith, order, love and justice. A Dark Bishop is the polar opposite of that, someone whom gives deceit, hate, chaos and crime. But their roles are relatively the same. They talk and move shady directions to succeed in their wins.
Knights, represent bravery and unpredictability and part of the advantage of pawns is that one can become one among most things. Meaning knights could be anyone, from the ones use Might For Right, fighting for a cause they believe in. Where others use Might Is Right, where they believe fighting is the cause. But if you're not careful, you can mistake a pawn for a knight. Me I've literally incorporated the Knight's moves and mindset in my own arsenal, to the point where I'm instinctively moving in L shaped directions simply for better luck.
Rooks are the only non humanoid piece on the board. Which is why they move down and across. They represent the foundation of one whom is trying to build something. Hence why one of their nicknames is "The Castle" but it can apply to anything, building a house or starting a company, but essentially they represent every structure you've witnessed being built over the years, from a simple house, to a chain of stores to the major company buildings, to even political houses from the House of Commons in Canada to Buckingham Palace in England. Some private and some open to the public. The problem in this aspect is there are too many rooks out there as it is, I don't know where I can place mine no matter how much I build them. But then I realized there is a time and place to start foundations and wait for the others to build up on them, if you can't do it yourself. It's one of the reasons why my struggles to sell my art were difficult. I was doing too much, when I should have just left a simple advertisement and see where it built from there. Now that I know the proper way to set up and use rooks, I know where I stand in life with them.
Queens often represent people regardless of sex, whom have the power and freedom to go where they want and do what they want without limits. Certain people I knew in life, embody that personality and I've often tried to live by that example, because while I do appreciate freedom, it's hard to enjoy it, because there is a lot of responsibility to maintain that freedom. Some Queens do take their time and limit their moves. Others go all out and crash and burn.
Then you have the King. Someone of limited movement, but the one you have to take out to win the game. Now when I first started playing chess, I always wondered why someone of a powerful position like that would make limited movements, even in real life they still play by that rule. It wasn't until I started applying chess to other aspects of life good and bad. In terms of good, most kings, be it Monarchy or Politicians often take their time to plan their stuff out, not give away too much and act accordingly to their people's reactions good and bad. In terms of evil, be it Gangsters, Dictators or Terrorists, they do the same thing, but with a more ruthless mindset. It's the one piece that no matter what walk of life you come from, you all want to be. In my case, I didn't. I ran as far away from the personal throne that is my own kingdom of life, because I didn't want that responsibility. It was thrusted upon me. Even complete strangers whom don't know who I am, often ask me for advice or at the very least a cigarette. But I wasn't in a hurry, because I still didn't know where I stood at the board.
To sum up my life in Chess, I was a pawn, whom didn't want to be a king, but couldn't decide one choice on who I wish to be, because each character had a unique talent and a unique disadvantage. If I played by the rules of the game to a letter, I would have to choose one piece and be done with it, but I am someone whom thinks outside the box. In this case, willing to break the rules of the game in order to succeed. I was a pawn, whom tried to walk like a knight, talk like a bishop, build rooks as I went along and have the freedom of a Queen. But the only thing I didn't want to do at the time, was live like a king, because I didn't want it and even if I did, I didn't feel like I deserved it. Then I realized, maybe that was what the makings of a king is all about. Because when you get down to it, it may be the less powerful piece it combines all the great stuff about the others. The freedom to move anywhere like a queen, but with limited space like a pawn, the unpredictability of a knight and the sneakiness of a bishop. To put it plainly, I was a pawn building my way into becoming a king. Moving on both sides of the board and choosing the right piece at the time to be, while at the same time combine all aspects of both. To put it plainly, we all can be kings. Some can go as is, but others have to work their way through it.
Now, Chess has become so popular that it's often been a staple of either plots, settings or even characters in movies. It's often a sign that the characters are intelligent enough to use the board in life, like they do in the game. Like two certain mutants that are fenemies:
Or the game itself can be considered a way of life, like in No Game No Life:
Now that's just describing my life as a chess player. In terms of games in general, I am well versed, from board games to video games and when a board game is not enough, I flip the switch and play Nintendo.
Now video games, depending on which generation can often be described in two ways. The first is simply playing for points. That's been a staple since Pong, but the trick was finding creative ways to get said points. Then there were games that told stories. Games like Mario, Zelda and even newer games like the Batman Arkham Series. Some people prefer to stick to the story and see it through to the end. Others look around the game to find hidden gems.
In my case, I treated my life more like an action adventure, with some RPG rules. Building up experience, but basically trying to go everywhere, do everything and find the hidden gems in my own world that most people either never knew or never cared to look.
However, if there is one constant all gamers in the millennia there have been games, which is often a blessing or a curse. Is that some players, do not know when to quit when it's necessary. I was the worst offender on that one. Be it games or life I never gave up, even when there were times where I should at the very least slow down and take a break. And when I figured that part out in small doses I tried to convince other players to do the same. Some successful, some not. But sometimes much like a rage quit, one taking a break would often require an overabundance of emotional imbalance.
However, although I seen the lesson many times, it has to be said not just to myself, but any other "Gamer" in this scenario:
Sometimes, the only winning move is not to play. Those that keep the game going, would exhaust or even kill themselves over the stresses of trying to win. Others, whom did win, paid an ultimate price one way or another, that left little room for enjoyment. Sometimes others get hurt in the process.
But here's where it should be most prominent. Because whether you know it or not, whether you mean to or not, you, me and everyone else in this fucking world is playing games with each other. You've even heard me say it on occasion, whenever I seemed to score a victory in a net argument "I win." or some shit like that. But what you fail to realize is that whenever I stop arguing or god forbid block players from continuing to play with me, it's because the game is boring, not worth time and energy and not worth playing. In all essence the people that thought they won their arguments, didn't piss me off, they bored me. They were no longer worth the time and energy and I simply try to move on with my life.
Some of you try to keep going until you get bored yourself. Others keep going, failing to realize the damage they done before it's too late. And some just keep playing this fucking life game until they die. Me. If a game gets too boring, or very hard to play. I quit. Simple as that.
Now I have a message to everyone, this includes friend and foe, so forgive me friends and fans if I sound harsh about this one. But this was a long time message coming.
Attention everyone:
Ok this is the big one. First off a disclaimer. The following must be taken with a grain of salt due to the simple fact that some of you will believe this and some of you don't. You are more than entitled to your opinion to it.
Some people often have Good Lives with no hassle, others with bad lives that turn good and of course there are often the Roller Coaster ones, where there is often an imbalance of good and bad memories of every experience in your life. Me, my main gift regardless of all the bullshit I have went through over the years and believe me it was a lot, was trying to make the best out of a bad situation. It was often in tiers. As a kid I started out with everything I could possibly want, but only seldom appreciated, then I had to literally sink as low as possible, without ever trying to compromise my moralities that I learned in all the years of my life. I went from somewhat privileged life as a child, to a somewhat middle class life, to a somewhat poor life and to as poor a life as possible without it killing me one way or another, but with all the stuff I had over the years I had somewhat of an advantage in terms of survival, mostly my intelligence. It's one of the reasons why I was too focused on all the drama even though I tried to get away from it, I wanted to find the root of why I care about drama in the first place. I figured if I could figure that out, I could move on with my life somewhat quicker. Not enough to change much now, but enough to change a lot in the future. It was then and there I realized the source of why things were slowing down. It wasn't just that I was being impatient, but I was also doing too much. Overpreparing and somehow underpreparing at the same time. It was a conundrum so bad, it nearly drove me insane in every aspect of all my life. And the reason why was because I felt like I was simply lied to about many aspects of my life. I'm not just talking direct lies, we all have them. Whether it's lies we tell in public, private, lying to others, lying to yourself. The latter of which I was so Good at, it boosted my confidence in everything else my mind was set to at the time. As it turned out, once I was able to reconcile and solve the biggest lie of my life, one so painful yet so relieving that it allowed me to think more clearly, somehow achieve more enlightenment and find ways of moving on with my life with minimal effort, but maximum result.
Call it spirituality where the last chakra got opened wider or call it science where I somehow removed the mother of all mental blocks. Or call it the placebo effect for all I care. It allowed me to figure out a lot of life's mysteries more smoothly. And while I still have a long way to go here's what I learned so far.
Just because your loved one's lie to you, doesn't mean they all don't love you. We all had certain lies told about us, be it minor white lies, false reassurance or even the major ones so bad it changes your whole perspective on that person, but if you were able to accomplish a lot as the result of it, then it's not that bad. It took me decades to learn that lesson. Some of you are capable of figuring it out faster or even slower.
We all wear masks, but not all of them are as bad as you think. Whether it's on the net, in public or in private we each have more than one side of our identities. From our names, to our nationalities, to our religious beliefs or lacktherof, to our many many personas, we all wear masks in our lives to protect us from some forms of harm. Some seem like the identity behind it can be taken at face value, while others, wear an alternate identity that is the opposite of what they are in real life. Me I tried to get through a huge chunk of my life without having to wear a mask, but at the same time in certain situations, like going to places one shouldn't to figure out all aspects of life good or bad, I had to wear them on occasions and see where the line between identity and mask lie. Once I figured that out, I was able to realize who and what I really am. Sometimes Masks help. They either hide you or bring out your true self more often. The choice in the matter is what you believe and what they believe you are. I learned that one a major hard way.
Sometimes what we remember is or isn't what it seems. Part of why I had such trouble realizing my problems in life was, I tried to ignore my other feelings on certain matters. Even though I managed to reconcile some things, the negative feelings as the result of it, were bottled up until I let them out at inappropriate moments. Part of it was projecting and part of it was repressed energy needing to be let out. As a result of said negativity, which includes but not limits to my famous explosive temper. I was somehow projecting my own fears, doubts and insecurities on other people in a way that either made them understand or get too scared to associate with me. Other times it was a result of a memory I had trouble remembering correctly and it became a Rashomon type deal where some of it was self serving. Where I remember it a certain way and others remember it a certain way and neither one of us could tell if the other is telling the truth. Many clashes happen due to that form of miscommunication alone. But then when an outside party, someone whom has no idea of the situation, will often show up to tell the full truth of what really happened, assuming they're not bullshitting themselves that is. Either way, it becomes some kind of resolution that would bring a certain sense of peace.
No matter who we are or where we come from we are not so different both good and bad. Now a lot of people try to argue whom had it the worst. Be it individuals or the groups they are part of. Now me, I never cared who was the minority or the majority. I see wrong, I call out wrong, but because of many circumstances not helped by my anger at the time, I wasn't helping my case. But then I realized that if my problem stemmed from being lied to in one way or another, than others no matter where they come from or what lies they have been told in their life. Case in point, whenever a parent calls their kid special. It could be true it could be false. In my case, no matter how I tried to stay positive, I never saw myself as anything special. There are special things about me, but at the same time, take those away and I'm just an average human being trying to find his place in the world. Testing the waters, seeing where I fit in in some places and where I don't in others. There are some things I like about people and some things I don't like about people and you'd be lying if you said you couldn't relate.
Accept the fact that not all adults are telling the truth, but gauge your reaction on that. One of the biggest problems I had to cope with, was why Adults sometimes don't tell the truth. Even somewhat white lies about Santa Claus and other Holiday mascots irritated me because some parts felt true and some parts didn't. It's one of the reasons why I say I continue to believe in Santa Claus, because I decided to simply pay tribute to the parts that felt true to me. What I failed to realize until now, was that they were meant to prepare me for the eventual realization that my own family wasn't honest with me on some things. However like everything else I took things too far on my end and wondered what else they lied about. Trying to weed out things that were true and things that weren't. But because of how obsessed I was and how much drama kept piling onto me, it made it worse. Once I was able to solve my other problems, it made it easier for me to solve this one.
Do what you can to fix your part of it. Part of why it was hard to fix myself, was while I knew there were certain parts wrong with me, I couldn't figure out what until after the stuff I went through took a toll on me. I seem to find the better answers when I'm under pressure. So it's sort of a cursed gift. But much of it is mostly pride and vanity. Although I knew a few things were wrong with me, my ego got boosted by the fact that many people in my life accuse me of being something I'm not to the point where I thought I was somewhat perfect. Big fucking mistake on that one. I had to get humbled in many ways to realize that one. Best I can do is apologize and try to salvage some of the wreckage I was responsible for. My pride, ego and vanity blinded me from the truth of my life and the truth of what was wrong with me.
You are much better than you think you are thanks to the things you're good at. Just because people are either worse or better than you at certain skills doesn't make either one of you more or less of a person for not being that good. Myself I try to see if there are things I am good at and if they occupy my time in a good way, I'd just run with that and let everything else fall into place. Much of why I initially disliked my life was there were some things I wasn't good at but wanted to do and I felt like a fool when I couldn't do it. Envy at it's worse. But rather than simply just do what most envious people do and sabotage it, I instead give people encouragement on the things they do right on the things they are good at even if they're just getting started. I figured if I wasn't good at it, why let someone else let their talents go to waste.
Take only some words at face value and stop overthinking them all the time. There is a time and a place where one needs to be suspicious of certain words, even the most mundane words. I used to joke about a word like "Apple" being offensive, but then I realized I was more right than I thought. Some words are genuine, but others depend on the circumstances. If you got certain rumours or messages, from a reliable source in your POV, it makes them easier to believe. If you got them from people you barely knew or didn't know at all, they are not worth your time, energy or worth seeking validation from. Also if you're gonna say anything, even just to vent, watch where you're saying it, you never know who could be listening.
Sometimes life is and isn't a game. In the times life is treated like a game, no matter which path you take, it can either be very fun, very dangerous, very dangerous in fun and very fun in the danger. Either way, there are choices, consequences and even some thinking before deciding which risks are worth taking and which isn't. Pick your battles and your life choices very carefully. Say only what you need to say and move on. Do what you need to do and go home. Other than that, go nuts.
Surprises come from even the most likely of sources. Sometimes people see signs based on aspects of their lives. In my case numbers was my main obsession. Be it simple math or reading numerology or reading angel numbers. Seeing things related to that part of my life, started making me feel more hopeful that things would be ok. The only downside is, they tell you things will be ok, but don't tell you when they happen. Hence the surprise factor. I tried to keep track of it in the past to see how I could learn in the future, but I was so focused on what was going on today, that I started to have doubts and doubled down on many life choices. Some worked, some didn't. But then I realized, that like everything else, it takes time, patience and a chance to relax and take a break from it all. Be it exploring outdoors or in the comfort of your home.
Never let them see you bleed. If you react badly in public, regardless of how crafty you are, there's a 97% chance a lot would listen to you. Some would not care and move on, others would react in their own ways positive or negative. And others simply act that way and could have a very likely chance they are spying on you be it for benevolent or malevolent reasons. It's one of the reasons why I was getting paranoid. I had a feeling I was being watched, I was kinda right, but it wasn't what I thought.
Always have an escape plan. Let's just say you built up many aspects of your life to the point where they are a hinderance more than a stable structure. When that happens, you gotta hit the self destruct button. Salvage what you can from the rubble of it all and use it to build a better structure. Part of why it was hard for me in some aspects, because a lot of them were either duds or delayed explosions. Metaphorically speaking.
Above all else, be you in every aspect you know about yourself that helps. Part of why I had trouble understanding "Be you." Even though I was trying to spread that message, was because one of the major mysteries of my life was trying to figure out who I was and why I was here. I had many cryptic answers, but not a single straight answer. It lead me to believe either I was being lied to or somehow realizing my purpose by detaching myself from everything. I cut off both my friends and my foes. Some were easy, some weren't. Some were painless, some hurt like hell. Including but not limited to leaving my town for a few hours. Ironically going West in search of truth. And the thing that got me more motivated than ever to keep going in life, was I found my own Truth. Something I truly believe in with only some help from those inside and outside my circle. And while it's taking me a while, I'm slowly getting my identity back, while forging a new one as a result of the ones I used before.
Once I was able to sort out a huge chunk of things, everything else seemed to be prepared to fall into place for me in a way that no matter what happens, I will still be happy in what I'll get from it, happy for others when they get theirs, happy that certain justices will be served and happy that it took me only 27 years to discover enough of it where most people either took less or more longer. Sometimes hours, some times seconds, sometimes days, months, weeks, years or in some cases an eternity. It's got to the point where I don't think I'll need to count the years for a while, I'll take the good with the bad and I'll be able to move on with my life in a way I couldn't when I started. I have a lot to thank for this, a lot to apologize for, but that said, for what it's worth, where I am now is somewhat good enough.
First of all, I assure you all I am ok. Been busy the past couple of days, but good reason.
Also part of why I was taking net time off, was because I witnessed a lot of weird, yet good days so far. Normally I worry about it, because it often ends up building up to something horrible that ruins it all, but the past week, the days get better and better. To the point where I literally keep an eye on my med intake to make sure I am really seeing this shit.
Anywho, I won't go into detail into exactly how it happened, but I am well on my way to many successes, financially mostly. It's not enough to make me a millionaire, but if things go well, it will give me enough wiggle room to solve my remaining problems as well as slowly but surely set me for life. This is a long process and I don't expect it to succeed overnight, but considering I been seeing weird signs lately, from the eclipse, to the second day of this month's full moon, I don't think it's a coincidence that a lot of good things have happened to me due to celestial events. Take with that what you will.
That being said, it leads me to my next life lesson: The Life Plant. There are many names for this process, but it's often the same concept. The idea being that our life is in comparison to how a seed becomes a tree. We plant many seeds when we start out. Some if we leave behind too much, would rot away and dry, bringing no yield. Others, we focus too much on and they become weeds or overripe fruit. Much like how lawn can't be overwatered.
Yet if we take time and moderation to nurture the seed, leave it alone when you need to and feed it if you need to. Having enough patience to watch it grow and only help when it's required, it will grow into a nice, fresh tree with even fresher fruits. The literal fruits of your labour. Me, I planted many seeds I thought were gonna die off or become overworked, yet, because I left them alone when I needed to and checked on them when I needed to, they grew into the life equivalent to fresh flowers. Not quite the level of a big tree, but enough blooming to give me the beautiful things in life.
That's how you should take life. If you have many seeds planted you want to grow, give them time and space to grow until you're needed to nurture it. The garden that is your hopes and dreams will thank you for it.
Until then take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.
Ok, after finally seeing a Psychiatrist, on top of my Autism, I discovered that the whole time in my life I suffered from what is known as Borderline Personality Disorder. To me it made too much sense the second I found out what that meant.
Rest assured I am ok, as my shrink recommended I simply stay on the medication with the recommendation of a higher dose in the near future. But once I learned what I suffered from I studied the sypmtoms:
Fear of abandonment. People with BPD are often terrified of being abandoned or left alone. Even something as innocuous as a loved one arriving home late from work or going away for the weekend may trigger intense fear. This can prompt frantic efforts to keep the other person close. You may beg, cling, start fights, track your loved one’s movements, or even physically block the person from leaving. Unfortunately, this behavior tends to have the opposite effect—driving others away.
Unstable relationships. People with BPD tend to have relationships that are intense and short-lived. You may fall in love quickly, believing that each new person is the one who will make you feel whole, only to be quickly disappointed. Your relationships either seem perfect or horrible, without any middle ground. Your lovers, friends, or family members may feel like they have emotional whiplash as a result of your rapid swings from idealization to devaluation, anger, and hate.
Unclear or shifting self-image. When you have BPD, your sense of self is typically unstable. Sometimes you may feel good about yourself, but other times you hate yourself, or even view yourself as evil. You probably don’t have a clear idea of who you are or what you want in life. As a result, you may frequently change jobs, friends, lovers, religion, values, goals, or even sexual identity.
Impulsive, self-destructive behaviors. If you have BPD, you may engage in harmful, sensation-seeking behaviors, especially when you’re upset. You may impulsively spend money you can’t afford, binge eat, drive recklessly, shoplift, engage in risky sex, or overdo it with drugs or alcohol. These risky behaviors may help you feel better in the moment, but they hurt you and those around you over the long-term.
Self-harm. Suicidal behavior and deliberate self-harm is common in people with BPD. Suicidal behavior includes thinking about suicide, making suicidal gestures or threats, or actually carrying out a suicide attempt. Self-harm encompasses all other attempts to hurt yourself without suicidal intent. Common forms of self-harm include cutting and burning.
Extreme emotional swings. Unstable emotions and moods are common with BPD. One moment, you may feel happy, and the next, despondent. Little things that other people brush off can send you into an emotional tailspin. These mood swings are intense, but they tend to pass fairly quickly (unlike the emotional swings of depression or bipolar disorder), usually lasting just a few minutes or hours.
Chronic feelings of emptiness. People with BPD often talk about feeling empty, as if there’s a hole or a void inside them. At the extreme, you may feel as if you’re “nothing” or “nobody.” This feeling is uncomfortable, so you may try to fill the void with things like drugs, food, or sex. But nothing feels truly satisfying.
Explosive anger. If you have BPD, you may struggle with intense anger and a short temper. You may also have trouble controlling yourself once the fuse is lit—yelling, throwing things, or becoming completely consumed by rage. It’s important to note that this anger isn’t always directed outwards. You may spend a lot of time feeling angry at yourself.
Feeling suspicious or out of touch with reality. People with BPD often struggle with paranoia or suspicious thoughts about others’ motives. When under stress, you may even lose touch with reality—an experience known as dissociation. You may feel foggy, spaced out, or as if you’re outside your own body.
Now on top of the many symptoms applying to what has happened to me and how I reacted to it, I noticed a lot of people in my personal circle have suffered this disorder in some degree or another. That never once sought treatment for it. My mother being one of those people. She knew something was wrong with her and had she not been so afraid at finding out what, she would have gotten proper treatment and as a result, would have lead a more stress free life. In turn it wouldn't have made the cancer that killed her worse. Plus it didn't help that she had two kids suffering from the same shit with one going down a dark path while the other was falling into said path trying to get out.
It also made me realize why so many people stick to stuff like Social Media or sites like this. Much like myself, they fear being alone or abandoned and seek solace with complete strangers all over the world. To put it plainly, we all have it one way or another and we never once sought help for it. At least, that's how I was. But now that I know my problem, I know I can stop it. I am still me, I assure you, it's just I had to find the worst parts of me and the root of it and I found it. Now, I'm getting better treatment for it, I'm able to move on with my life for the better and who knows, it may unleash a more creative side of me even I couldn't imagine.
But if I can solve this mystery within the span of a month or two after 27 years of dead ends, then you can solve your own. Seek therapy where you can, find the root of your problems and solve them. Simple as that.
Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.