Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

Exp Points:
5,954 / 6,400
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6.54 votes
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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - August 26th, 2021

Just for fun, I decided to do a News Post dedicated to topics that are mundane, but are secretly mind fucks when you look into it deeper.

For my first one just to give an example, here is the following.

Anyone familiar with the zodiac? For those who aren't, it's essentially a form of fortune telling based on a period between months in which your future is predicted based on which part of that period you happen to be born in. For example I'm an Aries, which means I was born between the near ends of March and April. However, my sign is not what I'm going to talk about.

There was one zodiac sign that always bugged me mainly because the the word for it could have multiple meanings if one simply just spoke it.

This one is called Cancer. This one is between June 21 and July 22.

Now you're probably wondering, why this one of all the zodiac signs is a total mind fuck.

To explain here goes. Many zodiac signs often have an animal or a person representing it. In the case of Aries I'm represented by a ram.

In the case of Cancer is the mother of all mind fucks.

Cancer is represented by a crab. Cancer and Crabs are known diseases as well. The latter being an STD. The name itself represents the Tropic of Cancer. Which is 23 degrees above the equator. Due to the equator and the Tropics, being closer to the Sun, each country that falls onto has an increased chance of melanoma. Also known as skin cancer. And to top off his mind fuck, the zodiac sign falls along the lines of the beginning of Summer. The hottest time on the planet.

Kind of makes you think doesn't it?



Posted by CIEIRMusic - August 25th, 2021

Just about 2 weeks ago, I hosted a mini contest regarding the suggestion of the last two songs for the Light Harmony Lesson album I was making. I have now officially closed the contest and will announce the entries.

The Entries are:




Because all three of you had such great ideas, I couldn't bring myself to personally pick one so I let fate decide, by using an online name picker for all three. With said picker, I used it to pick a first place winner and a runner-up.

The First Place Winner is:

@rocknight1991 with the suggestions being: Nostalgia and Death. Congratulations on being the first winner.

The Runner-Up is:

@shintsukimi205 with the suggestions being: Loss and Change. Congratulations on being that close.

Leaving the last place being:

@PIZZADAWG with the suggestions being: Appreciation and Perception

Now if there were more people in this contest the prizes would be severely limited, but because I am a nice guy most of the time and there were only three entries I decided to give each and every one of you a prize each. Details of which will be posted on your individual PMs.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - August 16th, 2021

Cue the universal victory music that we all know and love.

I've been doing music for almost 3 - 4 years and with the exception of a few successes, from, fans to some sales, to collab offers, I was worried that it wasn't worth it. That I wasn't going anywhere with this. Just last night I was thankfully proven wrong:


This is the Tank Tribune, Newgrounds Official Newspaper that comes out every Monday. This is the first time I ever read their stuff, because up until then, I had no idea they even had an official paper. The reason? Well they just happened to appear in my notification. So out of curiousity why, I checked it out. To my surprise, shock and my deepest appreciation, I was featured on volume 6 of their Phonograph.


CIEIR Music is officially a featured composer. The specific song they chosen:

First things first, I would like to thank @TheTankTribune and all the people that worked on it, for giving me the opportunity to be featured. This is the first piece of publicity I have officially gotten and I will treasure it always.

Second, I would like to thank all the musicians that are also featured along side me. You've earned it just as much if not more than I have.

Most importantly, I wish to thank all my fans. Your support, is what truly lead me to this moment and I will never EVER forget it.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - August 15th, 2021

Over the years, I come to realize that many arguments in the history human race. Arguments that have resulted in every problem of the world. From minor things, like drama and first world problems to major things like war. Things that have resulted in both the inconveniences and even fatal consequences of the majority of us as a whole. All of them are the result of how we percieve the real world. What we see as right, others see as wrong. What we see as good, others see as evil. What we see as fair, others see as unfair and so on. Why is that?

This could range from people of different races, classes, religions, politics and the like clashing with one and other, because both sides see their way as the right way and see the other half of the argument as wrong at best and at worst evil and out to get each other at worst. Why?

In my interpretation, it all comes down to conditioning. Before we were old enough to look at the rest of the world, we only had the following people in our corner to trust and rely on: Friends, Family and Teachers. People we trust in our every day lives to tell us the truth of the world and prepare us for what's out there. For the most part, they are often right, but once we see the world it's often always not what we expect. But sometimes we are often so into said conditioning, that we often see the world, based on the perception of what we are told.

To give an example imagine this. Two white boys raised by a family of racists. Their teacher, also racist gives them what they consider to be the "true" history. Putting much of the blame of the rot on the world on races that aren't their own. Their friends also being like minded in that subject. The two boys believe every word of it until they are old enough to graduate High School. They go their seperate ways and try to take on the world while achieving their individual goals in life. Then years go by, they reunite. One dressed as a scholar. The other dressed in a Neo-Nazi uniform. The scholar learned in his travels that what he's been taught is wrong. He tries to tell his brother the same thing, only for him to say "I heard all that bullshit before and you're stupid for believing it." Putting them on an impasse. What if the reason why neither one of them budged was because while one stuck with his conditioning and the other broke out of it, they not only see the world differently, but their thoughts on the matter shape reality as they see it. The Nazi brother genuinely sees the other races as bad as he was taught and even the most pacifistic of said races is seen as a form of manipulation to them? While the scholar after failing to convince his brother, he now sees him as the same evil his new friends told him about. Regardless of which side is right their hearts are broken, because in the core of it their perception of reality had turned two brothers whom had each other's backs up to this point against each other. To the point, they see themselves less as family and more like enemies.

That's what it's like all over the world. But the question remains. Which reality is the true reality is the true reality? If there is one. And do our thoughts and perceptions as a whole, good or bad, shape this reality as we see fit?


Posted by CIEIRMusic - August 11th, 2021

First of all big shout out to @ysporquix2 for being my 80th Fan. 20 to go to get 100.

Second of all this is a double post, because something has been bugging me for a while.

Over the past decade, there has been a wave of protesters against this thing they call Cultural Appropriation. In which they believe that if someone dresses like someone from a culture that isn't theirs or tries or acts like a culture they are not, that they are stealing from those who are of that culture. Now some of these are reasonable complaints and even go back to 100s of years, when Blackface similar offences was considered entertainment. However after hearing the recent stuff, that's been going on, most of them are just crybabies who have no damn clue what their own culture is let alone other people's cultures to know the difference, because they consider themselves "Modernized." For example. Going after a white person for wearing braids or dreadlocks, thinking that it's a black only thing. When in fact the Natives (North, South and Central) as well as the Nordics have been doing the same thing for over thousands of years. Not only is it cultural, but it's also a pragmatic choice because it prevents their hair from getting in the way during battles. So on top of accusing one of stealing their culture, they're actively stealing other cultures, by claiming to be the sole people behind it.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg according to these self-appointed leaders you can't do the following:

  • Put a tattoo on yourself in a language that isn't yours.
  • Dress as a character from your favourite media, if they aren't the same nationality as you.
  • Learn a language, out of fear you may screw it up or just use it to swear at them.
  • Learn martial arts, because you're Gwei Lo. (Something Bruce Lee fought long and hard to change.
  • Nor dress in a culture that isn't yours even if you were adopted by someone of that culture and were honouring who you thought were your parents.

This kinda crap makes me sick and it's grossly hypocritical. If you were to tell someone if their culture was that important to them, then why don't they express it more, they turn it on you and call you racist for trying to make them adhere to stereotypes. The whole thing is designed so that no one wins.

Now here's the thing. When you get right down to it, every single culture is not so different from each other. Every Continent has their natives, their customs, and similar religious practices like worshipping one or more than one God/Goddess. It won't be long until they clash with one and other as much as they clash with white people because they happen to have things similar to one and other and when whites are finally no problem for them, they'll spend centuries arguing over who came up with what first. Newsflash, you all did it at the same time and you just met each other after millennia of being separated from each other and rather than do the sensible thing and work together for a better tomorrow, you're finding more reasons to divide one and other.

My proposal is this. Give each other your cultures. Not by appropriation, but by appreciation and incorperation. Teach each other the differences and find out what you have in common. Who knows, with your combined strength you may come up with one big super culture. One that could shake the very core of this earth.

To make it short. Stop crying like bitches and start acting like human beings.

Stop appropriating each other and start incorporating each other.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - August 7th, 2021

The following is not an open question, but feel free to discuss it:

1.26 CAD = 1 USD

1 KG = 2.2 lbs

72 C = 161 F

Money, Weight, Temperature. Simple numbers that define our lives. How to stay alive by how much currency we have or not, how to keep healthy depending on how high or low our weight it and how to live on this planet based on the ever changing temperature of the day. However depending on where you live, there is a system and a language developed that tells you which numbers are the right ones. Now if you were living a life that requires you to go all over the world then you can't rely on a certain fixed system because it is different each time. However thanks to the simple math as seen above, a small example just based on how USA and Canada view their systems it makes it easy to navigate. Even fun when you realize one half of that system looks like it's worth more than the other half. However here's the lingering question. Why does each and every one of us rely on the individual fixed systems that originated in either the respective countries or annexed from the countries that used to rule over them? Why do only some rely on Metric, while others rely on imperial? Why do some rely on Celsius while others rely on Fahrenheit? Why can't there be a single universal unit of measurement so that no one can be confused?

The answer is simple. Through these numbers, we have also been brainwashed.

For context on what has been going on here's my explanation. I am a firm believer of Mind over Matter. The idea that thoughts shape reality and that what we think, good and bad effect the world. Whether we act on these thoughts or the reality simply shifts to them. Sounds crazy I know, but I'll give an example.

Right now it is 27 Degrees Celsius in my neck of the woods. Up until now I didn't know the Fahrenheit equivalent of that number, but a lot of people I know did. I often walk around the summer in heavy clothing and I barely sweat. At least until tells me I should be sweating. We all hear it "Aren't you boiling hot in that outfit?" All I can think of is "It's 27 degrees it's not so bad out." Then I looked it up in Fahrenheit: 80.6 Degrees.

It took me a while to realize, but I believe, that because I saw that number in Celsius, I saw it as a small number regardless. I saw it as no big deal as a result. Because I think it didn't bother me, it didn't bother me. It made me realize what if that applied to all numbers? What if due to my focus on Kg rather than lbs, I suddenly felt less fat. What if the Americans focused more on CAD than USD they felt more richer. What if we could break the brainwashing we've been conditioned to believe is the true way to live, by that we probably would lead better lives? I'd say we become a step further to becoming better human beings.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - August 7th, 2021

As you know, recently I started an album based on my fictional band Light Harmony. In this case they're teaching life lessons. However I recently got into a hiccup. I wouldn't necessarily call it writer's block, because I can easily make a song out of almost anything. However at this point I cannot think of any other topics regarding life to make a song. So I call upon my fans. I'm trying to make four more songs. Two of them are the remaining lessons, while the other two are prologue and epilogue. The latter two I can do by myself. However I cannot at this moment think of any lessons that will close it out. So, I am willing to take any suggestions my fans can give me. However, I'm the kind of person who doesn't like getting something for nothing. So as a bit of an incentive, if I like your suggestions, I will personally give you a discount code from my bandcamp that never expires.

The rules are simple. I only need two songs for the lessons. Which means you can submit one or two titles per user. However they have to be lessons in life. No politics, no drama, nothing that adheres to one viewpoint over the other. Other than that have fun.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - August 5th, 2021

This one is gonna be shorter than my usual ones. So I'll get to the point. Even though we as a world are slowly recovering from this pandemic, we are not out of the woods yet. There are two major troubles we need to watch out for.

1. China has a major resurgance due to the Delta Variant. It's been dubbed the worse thing regarding the pandemic since the start. I urge both any residents in China along with countries that do business with them to remember what happened last time, learn from it and do absolutely NOTHING STUPID. Or else this is just gonna start all over again even with the vaccines.

2. The Olympics in Tokyo is the direct result of a horrifying rise in cases. Over 5000 to this day. Which means some people, be it athlete, coach, spectator alike REGARDLESS if it's local or people that have been flown in to attend the case, did not either vaccinate or self isolate. I think someone better have a word with them.

When this pandemic started in Wuhan, I was one of the first people who tried to warn people that it will get worse. With the exception of a select few, no one believed me. To those that do, you have my highest respects. For those that don't, it's your ignorance, greed and arrogance that caused this world to collapse and I say Fuck You for it.

That aside, stay safe and have a good day.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - August 4th, 2021

Over the years one of my main goals has often been to seek out or at the very least witness ways to bring the world together in a more positive way. To do so I often try to understand how the world as a whole works. Believing I could use the good things the world has accomplished while finding the causes of what keeps the world bad. While I've understood many things good and bad, one of the main problems in the world is that we've often tried to find many excuses of why we shouldn't unite. Even before I was born, I've understood that there have been many many reasons, we've divided each other. Whether it's the differences of race, religion, sex, class, politics and above all else, we all have different viewpoints that push to divide us even more even if we genuinely want to unite the world in peace. So my question for this one is, why do we claim Unity when we come up with more excuses to divide each other? In the case of my own answer, I believe it's because we are so focussed on more about being right about whatever the topic is, that we keep those differences with us the further push away anybody that would remotely disagree with us. Mainly because, we believe that if somebody disagree with us on one subject over others, that we don't work well together. The only solution I can come up with in that respect is that, instead of focussing on what makes it so different we should have instead focus on what makes us all the same good and bad. Case in point religion. Christians, Muslims and Jews for example as a whole, have been at each other's throats for centuries, mainly because they don't agree about how the world was created. However as I look into all three I tend to notice something that unites them. They all agree that the Old Testament is real to them. Yet it's during the New Testament times that they argue relentlessly how about who's right and who's wrong. The result of which has been the cause of persecution from all sides of the argument. Said persecution leading to the suffering and deaths of Millions on all sides. As much as I hate to simplify things regarding historical deaths, I feel the need to simplify this as nothing more than all three sections doing nothing but being complete dicks to one another and anybody outside.

Now that's not to say we haven't tried unite one another. Movements like, The Civil Rights Movement have gone a long way to at least soften the blow. Only for something new to come along to get us fighting again.

So what do you all think? Is it really that hard to look at the differences between us all to find at least one thing that would give us common ground?



Posted by CIEIRMusic - July 30th, 2021

Okay, this is a weird one even for my open questions. For as long as there has been fiction and fictional characters, there has often always been a select group of people who have developed crushes on them. The most prominent example being Jessica Rabbit. Whether it's because people find them physically attractive or really clicked with their personalities, a lot of people have often find it difficult to compare the qualities of these characters to real life people. To this day they been look down upon, based on the notion that these characters are not real. Some of which have often been considered freaks for even having loving and or lusting feelings for these characters, let alone any feelings for these characters whatsoever. And on top of feeling bad for themselves, because others view things differently for it, people who have these crushes often have one main problem. That there is no way to bring these characters into the real world. Now over the years people actually have tried to indulge in these fantasies. Whether it is having someone who has an equally love of fiction dress up as a character to spice up their love life. As well as making chat bots with the personality of these characters. However eventually the illusion fades. Leaving them back to square one. So my question is, is it truly possible to be able to indulge on your crush on a fictional character? Now my answer is yes, which leads to the other question: How?

Before I say, I would like to take this moment to cite the inspiration for this question. Weird Science. For those of you who don't know, Weird Science is a fictional movie directed by legendary director John Hughes who you may know from Breakfast Club. In it, two Geeks are trying everything they can to get a girlfriend. Using their intellect they try to design an interactive computer program based on what they view as the perfect woman. In their case the woman is very intelligent, fun to be with and most importantly very sexy. However due to a freak accident, they accidentally bring her to life and as a result she becomes the technological equivalent to Djinn/Genie. While initially she is willing to get down and dirty with him, her main purpose is to try to get them to loosen up and be cool enough that they can get dates on their own. The Aesop being that people will love you for what you are and not what you can give them.

Now you're probably wondering what does this have to do with the questions? Well over the years technology has become advanced enough that anything could be possible. Whether it's holographic technology, at this point said Holograms could not only be seen but with the right Tech can be felt as if they're real people. VR technology with haptics, allowing you to see interact with and even feel what shouldn't be there. And finally robotics. Where are the design itself isn't difficult safe for the numerous time consuming factors regarding programming the brain of it. The only flaw being that it's not flesh and blood. Time will tell if somebody is able to create an artificial being indistinguishable from humans, much like the replicants in Blade Runner. However, I believe it will come to that one day, until then I suggest you enjoy what you have currently.
