Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.

S.T. Musician @CIEIRMusic

Age 33, Male

Part Time Musician,

High School Graduate/Self Taug

Parts Unknown

Joined on 12/13/20

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CIEIRMusic's News

Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 5th, 2024

Following up from this one.

Sometimes drama is often hard to avoid because of the following factors:

  1. It being close to where you live. Be it School, Home or the usual hangouts you go to. That's the point of why Drama lasts. Because even if you escape it somewhere, you'll hear about it back at home. So the key on that one is to find places away from home where you'll either be left alone or god forbid find new people to socialize with.
  2. Sometimes people are simply not in the mood to do anything else because they feel they need to resolve everything before they move on. Sometimes, some things are better left unresolved as the problem usually solves itself one way or another. You can put effort into it, but if it's a lost cause. Simply walk away.
  3. The main problem, hence why I wrote this as a follow up. We simply have nothing better to do.

In the age of Home Consoles which existed way before I was even born, things like arcades and other hangouts were often on the verge of extinctions. Simply because a lot of us both old and modern would think "Why spend our quarters on this when we can play it for free at home?" To me Home Consoles as much as I love them can never take away the arcade going experience. Why sit at home with a controller playing your racing game, when you can be out there driving the car with actual steering and gas. Why play a shooting game at home and expressing your rage there with a push button system, when you can simply go out there and use a toy gun to vent your frustrations. Hell, the one thing arcades do have that home consoles don't, is that depending on the game, you win more than points. You win prizes you could either keep or give to someone as a present. You could compete with others in a fun and healthy way. Hell if you're on a date, you could impress them with your Skee-Ball skills.

Over the years, I seen hints that Arcades were making a comeback. It first hinted to me when I watched the AVGN video on Polybius:

The whole thing taking place in a warehouse owned by a guy whom simply loved arcades and had some of the most valuable ones no one sees anymore.

In my neck of the woods, save for Playdium, many arcades are often branched out from other fun places like Movie Theatres and Bowling Alleys. Places of fun where there are often lot's to do. Even amusement parks. If games aren't your thing, you could watch a movie that came out even if it's one that's crappy. You could go bowling and try to see if you can get a perfect game. You could even ride the rides or play on the carny games for more prizes. The possibilities are endless outdoors.

As a kid, I was brought to places like that, mostly because I thought my parents were just picking places they liked to go. It wasn't until recently, that I realized while they are fun as a kid, the places I was taken to, would be even more fun as an adult. I think when we got overtly dependent on screens, that we lost that initial spark, that meaning to have fun because either the news was scaring us from it or bad things conveniently happen to those places which discourage us from going. Not to mention most people compensate by watching Youtube Videos on famous rides. I remember when Youtube was in it's heyday, one of the first videos I watched was of someone going on the old Spider-Man Ride at Universal Studios:

And while it was cool to see how the ride looked, because I was not in the same country as it and even if I was, I probably wouldn't have been able to afford it anyway, I feel now, that it would have been more cooler if I was there seeing Spider-Man pop out in 3D. And that's the way things should be.

Computers should only be for alternatives to media and helping with one's business life, not defining one's entire life. We shouldn't sit here, wasting away and doing nothing when there's still so much of our worlds to explore. We need to spark that inner-child again and actually re-learn how to have fun.

Now I know what you're thinking. "Some of us are adults, we should focus on how to put food on the table." And you're right, but what's the point of making money if on top of survival, you're not allowed to have fun as a certain wise Doctor said:

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes."

And that's what we need to be. Childish, but in a good way. Not the spoiled brat image we come to regress to over the years, but the laughing, playing, positive and peaceful kids we used to be before our own hardships corrupted us. It's high time we take our childhoods back while we still can and not screw it up this time.

After I write this article, I'm not gonna focus on the stressful parts of the day. I'm gonna go out there, go to the nearest arcade and have some fun. Because it's a free country and I should do whatever the Hell I want. I think you all should do the same. I'm sure there's places you either never been to or haven't been to in a long time. Hit those places up. Have some fun. The possibilities are endless. Because it's a hell of a lot better than sitting here and bitching about stuff, that isn't worth the stress, time or energy. Sometimes people need to unplug.

Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 4th, 2024

I won't go into detail exactly what happened to me today, but let's just say recent events have cropped up that I can only explain to be Karmic in nature. Literally every bad thing that's happened to me over the years has begun to patch itself up and resolve itself and I'm not sure if it was because I simply had to wait for it to come to fruition or if maybe I had a hand in things due to my own recent actions. But I can safely say that I'm not the only one that experienced this sort of phenomena.

For context, a long time ago I once said "The longer it takes for Karma the better or worse it's gonna get for whom receives either." I was just saying that as mostly a mantra, in hopes I'd live long enough to either see good things happen to me, karma catch up with bad people or both. The way I saw it, if someone was taking almost an eternity to earn the things they dreamed about and it pays off, then odds are it's gonna be more than what they bargained for. Whereas if someone did one or many nasty things over the years of their life, then the punishment karmic wise would seem like overkill to those that don't get why they deserved such harsh punishment.

In my case, bad things seemed to happen to me in pinpoint accuracy and while I wondered why at the time I know for a fact now that it was the result of Bad Karma, but not exactly from bad deeds in my life, but because I didn't do things differently in my life to try to change it until recently. And even then, all the times I hoped things were gonna get better, I was often discouraged, because something bad would happen along the way. Nowadays it's the opposite. Every time I've seemed to have a bad day, it turns around one way or another, affecting the aspects of my life I wanted for a long time. Now, just recently certain people that messed with my life in my home area, have slowly and surely gained their comeuppance one way or another, starting with one person. However with the way things are going, it will affect things that allow all the people that have hurt me over the years to get theirs as well.

It's like the balance of Karma has shifted on my end of things and as I said before, I wasn't the only one to notice it in my life. Others have seen it in their life too.

At first I was shocked, even borderline scared, but what I witnessed gave me hope and a taste of the good things to come so long as I continue down this new path.

I think maybe that's the secret to Good Karma, not just simply doing good deeds for others, but also do good things for yourself in hopes it can improve your life. Try it out. Maybe find things that you had problems with in the past that you can solve now. The sky is the limit.

Until then, take care, stay safe, stay tuned for more.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 2nd, 2024

I just realized the reason why so many of us don't give up on our dependence of technology, social media and even the dramas that infect the very net itself. It's the most simplest reason, it relates to all of us and it's why we been suffering a lot lately. Whether your rich and stable or poor and down in the dumps, whether you like life the way it is or whether you strive to be better, it's all because of one simple concept:

We are all bored.

We look for things to fill our time, whether it's jobs that get us money for the necessities or careers that move us up to beyond the basic standards of survival. Or maybe you don't want just money, maybe you feel you can kill your boredom while helping someone else down on their luck. You volunteer, you donate, you even go so far as sparing some of your food to your fellow neighbor. It's also why Drama is hard to ignore, because even if we hate it, it brought excitement to our lives. No different than watching a good movie or going to your favorite music spots. Everything we ever done in life that has made it hard for us to live was because we tried to balance out what would help us and what would kill time for us when there's nothing else.

But look at the world we live in. It's gotten big to the point where money, while time consuming can be made by anyone with the right ideas. It's gotten so big, that there is so much to do and so much to explore. It's why most people go on vacations out of the country, they explored their worlds, they want to explore others. We shouldn't fight each other, we should learn more about each other so we can share this world rather than conquer it.

Find some common ground, have some parties, hell even do something stupid that would make them all laugh. The possibilities are endless. But if that doesn't kill your boredom I don't know what would.

I found many things to kill mine and it's made me feel better about life. Find yours.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - April 1st, 2024

First of all Happy Easter. Second of all, it's my birthday once again and I am now officially 33 years old. I have outlived Bruce Lee and now am at the same age Jesus got crucified. Man what a fucking journey. I was able to focus a lot on my self-care, still going btw. I was able to find balance in my life I never thought I could do. To top it off, with the eclipse just 7 days away, I get the feeling things will get very strange yet very good. Let this be a lesson to all of you whom reach this far in their life. Life is worth living when you know how to put aside the bullshit. I wish you all well.

Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 28th, 2024

Follow up on this: So Far So Good

I am two days into my medication and I thought I'd do a brief post on how it goes. For context, I take Apo-Escitalopram. Which specifically deals with Anxiety and Depression. While the medication is supposed to take at least a week or two to kick in, I was able to feel some noticeable results. For context, before I was treated, my anxiety was so bad that I would fidget everywhere I go. That started to cease yesterday. Also proving my theory on how addiction is mental, it lowered my cravings for smokes exponentially. As high stress caused me to smoke more due to anxiety. Not to mention, I suffer from what is commonly known as mental chatter. In which I think 1000 thoughts all at once and it's often been the source of irritation for me as I tend to overthink things. That started to lower too. But essentially things are working. Having said that, there have been side effects, on top of the effects of my blood work. I was severely dehydrated, had excessive sweating and I felt more physically tired than usual. Nothing to be concerned about as I was able to get used to it and help whatever I could on it. Let's just say if your parents tell you to drink more water, then fucking drink it.

But long story short, things have gotten better for me, my mind is a lot more clearer and it allows me to focus better on my goals. It's almost like I was given the Limitless Pill. But if it can work on me, it can work on others with similar problems.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 26th, 2024

Managed to make it where I needed to go, to seek therapy. I'm just waiting for when the actual therapist has me on the list. It's a long wait list, but so far so good.

Until then, the Walk-In Center that referred me, prescribed me medication to deal with a huge chunk of my problems. Specifically, Anxiety and Depression. I'm trying it out tonight, but they said I won't see results for 2 weeks. That said, the fact that they gave me something to help, right off the bat, shows I'm going the right direction. If it works, then a lot of my problems personal, professional, mental and even spiritual would be solved.

Part of why it took me so long to seek help, was because while I can safely admit that I do have problems with or without this stuff. I just didn't think I needed it. Even with shit going down for me, I was able to handle things on my own for a long time. 26 years. But in the 27th year of my 32, soon to be 33 year old life, I realized there are certain problems I cannot solve through sheer will alone. It also took me a long time to figure out which problems needed solving, hence why I was able to freely express them including but not limited to suicidal thoughts. Just to see if anyone else whom is getting treated has either improved or made life worse. Just to see if maybe it's a direction I can take.

Now I know I'm going the right direction, because a lot of people I know, save for a select few exceptions, have never treated themselves for it or sought treatment for it. Much like my stance on Vaccines, I respect the religious and even fear of side effects for whatever medicine would get prescribed. Hell the one I'm about to take has side effect warnings. However the one's that often pissed me off are the people whom are so full of themselves that even taking simple treatments, would be to them admitting there was something wrong with them. Even the people I deal with in my neck of the woods would rather take narcotics and kill themselves with booze than seek even the simplest of meds let alone hours, months and even years of therapy that would of taken to get to the root of their problems. They honestly don't believe that that lifestyle is killing them because they think it's good. Me I believe certain Narcotics should be legal, due to both the medicinal and overall life qualities. Up until it became that, I was a firm believer in legalizing Weed, simply because people had so much to deal with that they couldn't afford Prescription Meds, let alone go through the legal bullshit that doesn't qualify them for simply medicinal weed. When it became medicinal in my country before it was legal, Autism wasn't even considered a severity long enough to get prescription and their idea of PTSD meant soldiers only. So needless to say I was fucked.

That being said, problems can't be solved by letting people be more free to use narcotics. They need proper treatment or at the very least proper treatment that caters to one's personality, disorder/s and over all belief system or lack thereof. Christianity, Islam and Judaism alone would have had a lot of problems solved, had they at least had a Psychiatrist, that specializes in their beliefs. Hell, many Doctors have their own beliefs even when their field is mostly science. So why not go that way. It's one of the reasons why I feared going to a shrink myself, because I was worried, my own beliefs would be written off as delusions and I'd receive a worse fate than the prescription meds that would help me. I could care less if they thought I was crazy in what I believe, but at the same time they shouldn't use that as an excuse to forcibly drug or lock up people, whom beliefs aside, went through similar bullshit, based on disorders alone.

That said, I'm no longer afraid of that. I am seeking help when it's available and I got a multitude of things to do while I am going through it. I suggest that anyone whom has not sought treatment over the years of bullshit drama they endured on this site alone to do the same, let alone what they do in their personal lives. If I can do it even after decades of procrastinating, so can you. Admit your problems, seek help and go from there.

Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 21st, 2024

This is the big one, the biggest revelation I ever had in my overall life. Something even with all my talks of the supernatural, time travel and various other things some, but not all believe, I never thought this would be possible, but now that I see it, it's a high probability that my Destiny has been foretold and I'm only now just figuring it out.

I was checking when to see if the next Easter was gonna be in March or April. Not only did I find, that it's happening on both months, but it's not the first time it's happened to me, regarding my own Birthday.

For context, I was born, April 1st 1991. Which obviously is April Fools Day. However, if you look further into that date, it was the last day of Easter Weekend, also known as Easter Monday, in which my Birthday fell upon. I used to joke, that that would mean I have been always a fool, but with God on my side. However, judging by this, I and anyone else born on that exact date and month, are the literal fools with God or whatever they worship at the time on their side.

In my case, post 1991 which I also call my Year Zero, there have been moments in which various things have happened to me, once that Birthdate reaches Easter Monday once more. The second instance of my life was April 1st 2002, when I was 11 years old and the world was 5 months away from the 1 year Anniversary of 9/11. The third instance was in April 1st 2013. I was 22, looking for work and questioning my purpose in life after suffering a major loss for 2 years so far. Now the fourth instance is the one coming up. April 1st 2024. Turning me 33. Now that alone was weird enough that many significant events lead up to before, during and after, the double digits of my life. But after putting these age numbers together, I have discovered that every 11 years between 2002 and 2024, my age has become a master number. In this case, 11, 22 and 33, with the cycle breaking in 2035 when I'm about 44.

In the case of the individual numbers in Numerology they mean as follows

  • 11: Eleven is a sign of enormous power – both mental and physical – and people who embody it often display heightened intuition, natural intelligence, and spiritual insight. Doubling down on the independent, ambitious nature of the number one, those with the master number 11 are thought to be “old souls” with the ability to understand others on a deep, empathetic level. Elevens are in tune with their subconscious and gut feelings but are also balanced and excellent communicators.  As a kid, I felt like I was smarter than even most adults and was able to slowly realize an awareness to many things spiritual. In turn my voice was slowly but surely being heard.
  • 22: The most powerful number of all, 22 is often found in the charts of people who are doers, leaders, and visionary builders.These are individuals who are capable of turning wild dreams into solid accomplishments – blessed with the intuition of the number 11 but possessing a more disciplined approach to action. The special mission of the number 22 is to serve humankind in a practical, progressive way. This was around the time I got involved in a lot of causes, mostly stumbling blindly through them, but fighting where I thought I was right. Granted, even to this day, there were things that could be wrong, but at the same time I felt I was doing the right thing because at the time I thought they mattered. I had many wild dreams and ideas I wanted to do, but at the same time was in no position to achieve them. Hell, my Health Drink was originally inspired by a time I wanted to make an all liquid diet.
  • 33: Thirty-three is the number of someone who is altruistic, humanitarian, and devoted to raising consciousness. Personal ambition takes a back seat to bettering the world. However, make no mistake: These folks do take charge of things! Thirty-threes are out to transform the world’s awareness – and create peace and harmony for all. In my case while I have yet to reach that part of my life, I get the feeling that the 33 years of my life lead me to a moment where everything I went through the past decades, even the stupid shit I've done may come to fruition and pay off in ways even I can't imagine.

And that's just the weird master number side of things. Put the date together 11/22/33 and you got November 22 1933, the day of Bonnie and Clyde's first ambush. The one that was the precursor to their eventual demise as depicted here:

Just to name a random fact in history. I'm sure there are a lot of other 11/22/33s scattered all over centuries worth of events.

Now while it's not on the exact date, The Easter Weekend is the Symbolic Date depicting the Death and Resurrections of Jesus Christ. He too was 33 if you believe in that. So if I make it through this as blasphemous as it would sound, I will have outlived Jesus next year.

However not all is shockingly pleasant. For one, a lot of things cropping up seem to depict the literal end of the world. Now before you panic, let me explain a few things first.

Many depictions of End of The World Events, both in Myth and Fiction often have similar events happening. Such as all the planets being present in Skyview on Earth as well as an upcoming solar eclipse. A lot of it as crazy as it sounds seems to coincide with Revelations 6:12:

"I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood."

Famously mistaken for Revelations 7:12 as depicted in Ghostbusters:

However what shocked me about this scene wasn't just them discussing the apocalypse, but Ray slowly realizing that the line of work they created for means of Research and Profit, made them inadvertently tasked with stopping the end of the world.

Now here's one thing that always bothered me regarding the Christian Bible. Revelations was meant to be the last Book of the Bible and in some POVs, the end of all things. The world, The Universe, The Whole 9 Yards. There was nothing written after, because those whom written it since the beginning have long since passed away.

Yet unlike some people whom just dismiss it as the end and leave it at that. I was one of the few people that asked many questions about it.

  1. Is it truly The End?
  2. If not, what happens after?
  3. Will I survive this or die with them?

Just to name a few. However there have been some groups in Christian sects including but not limited to Jehova's Witnesses, that believe it's not the literal end. But rather an end of an old world and the start of something new. Something that has happened before once every 100 years.

In my case, I witnessed 3 decades of things since I was born in the 90s. The end of the 90s, the beginning and end of the 2000s, the beginning and end of the 2010s and just recently I'm near the halfway point of the 2020s. Decades of both good and bad things, with some bad at the time outweighing all the good I try to bring to this world and try to appreciate as well. So needless to say regardless of how much I hated some of it, I realized I did lead a wonderful and interesting life. But now, I think the only apocalypse that could happen is the end of all things that were infecting the world all over. That many people will realize the pointlessness and stupidity of their fighting. That many people would realize the world can be shared. That many people will finally let go at what's eating them, grow up and be better than what they were before good and bad.

This isn't the end of the world, it's the end of the Old World's Status Quo. It will go out kicking and screaming, but everything that has pissed us all off collectively in the past 100 years will finally be resolved one way or another. In ways no one, not even I can imagine. Call it God, Call it Luck, Call it Karma, Hell call it an equation finally balancing itself out for all I care. But I get the feeling the following may happen:

  1. Weird and strange shit will be more exposed.
  2. A lot of people deserving of it, can and will die, be it by their hand another's or the Hand of whatever is up there.
  3. After all the pain and suffering the innocent has went through, all will be relieved and at peace one way or another.

Of course I could be wrong, but at the same time on the off chance I am right, we may be heading for a cataclysm of literal biblical proportions.

But until then, for those whom do believe it may be the end, set your affairs in order, spend time with your loved ones and go out with a smile. For those whom believe it's a new beginning, party your heart out. Pump that positive energy into the world your way. Make some music, make some art. Do anything you can to get the fun out. Treat every day like it's your last.

Myself, I'm gonna see through this until the end. Enjoying life and seeing what mysteries lie beyond this event if any.

Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 20th, 2024

Somewhat inspired by my article on love and leadership.

A month or so ago, I made a quote that depicts how I viewed both in a nutshell. It started with this:


A canvas quote of my own writing that summed up how far I was willing to go to protect, nurture and save the people I love and care about. Friends, family, true love, you name it. There were no exceptions. To me, while aggressive action could be a sign of leading through hatred, I also believe that true Love Leaders should be tough enough to either fight or at the very least scare off anyone that would get in your way.

So I thought maybe it would look good on a T-Shirt at least:


But then I thought "Why stop there?" after all Tee-Spring is more than just T-Shirts why not a hoodie?:


Or event a coffee mug? That would really show how you feel without saying anything:


I might do the same with my other works, but essentially I'm trying to expand on some things while at the same time find new ways of expressing my brand and myself. And while I've talked crazy before, as most can see, the benefits of saying crazy shit, believable or not, have given me new and creative ideas. Hell I even did a song recently based on the planets being in the sky:

But essentially out of all the quotes I've made over the years, this is the one that resonates with me the most and I hope it resonates well with enough of you, to consider wearing it. It's poetic, yet vulgar. Which was what I was trying to balance out in my work, since a lot of my persona here is Newgrounds based.

But I hope you enjoy the design. Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.


Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 19th, 2024

As I mentioned before regarding race, I love and hate everyone equally. There are merits and flaws in every race and part of how we need to survive is to find more merits than faults. However, one thing I understand over the years is that one of the main causes of racism is what is commonly known as blood purity. Now if I were to just mention white people, there'd not be enough characters to talk about their puritan desires alone. But to summarize, they were the most guilty of it because depending on the nationality, they try to keep things in their "POV" pure. However sometimes not even other white people are safe from them. Such as the Irish. The only White Race that can boast at being called the N word. It's one of the reasons I hate that word and never want to say it. As I am Part Irish. But that's a small part of many races in my own blood stream.

That being said, White People aren't the only race that believes in Blood Purity, they just happen to be the majority. The other known races all over have dabbled in it once and a while which ironically unites them all on the one common goal: They hate Mixed Races.

While nowadays humans of mixed races are a dime a dozen, when I was a kid, Blood Purity was practically enforced, my Generation wasn't a pioneer of it as there have been mixes before and after mine, however it was enforced upon me because while Canada is multicultural, they were still predominantly White, Christian and Straight.

For context, my background is Scottish, Irish, English, Scandanavian and Ojibwe. Yet as a kid I was considered "White enough." to the Whites and "Too White." to everyone else. There was a deep part inside of me that didn't quite fit in, until I grew up around others like me. Those whom had no native blood in their system and were just genuine assholes, treated me no different than a minority, while those with Full Native Blood, save for a few friends and family, treated me as at best just another white kid or at worst an abomination. A mixture of their race and the races that enslaved them. It wasn't until the residential school incident, that I was appreciated for what I was, not that I would ride the coat tails of innocent children dying. However that's just me.

There are those whom are part Scottish and part Jamaican that are treated just as bad if not worse as one side sees them as "Too Black" while the other sees them as "Not Black Enough". It sickens me either way. There are those whom you wouldn't even know had an African Background, because they don't look African in the eyes of both Racists and Puritans.

Yet save for a few posts on the internet, not a single one of them ends up a news story on their tragic death. They just label them the race they see and move on. If the mix looked more white, it'd be just another White Death. If the mix looked more of the other side, it'd just be fodder for the many protest groups trying to get their 15 minutes of fame either pointing out ONLY that part of the race or debating whether or not the person ever really was of that race.

Hell some of these groups like BLM, are so into the Puritan bullshit that if a black person shows a more paler shade despite them only having one Background or Nationality, even they aren't deemed "Black Enough." for them. Safe to say that racism and anti-racism, has become nothing more than a tight wad of bullshit that is so ridiculous it's kinda funny.

There are people out there, whom aren't just one race, whom show appreciation in one way or another for every culture they are apart of and outside their own culture. While others do take advantage of it too much as South Park once boasted:

Not everyone is like them. A lot of us are oddballs, trying one way or another to find our place in the world and honestly. The world would be better off if we got noticed just as much as those that deem themselves pure. Hell just to cut the BS, not a lot of the so called pure in either way are even "Pure" to begin with. On the side of White Racists, especially those related to Slave Owners, at least some of their kids have an African background, considering that slaves on top of being used as Labour were used as breeding stock. So jokes on you, you are the race you hated. Of course there's the other side of the coin, those related to slaves, either through said breeding or sometime after they're free intermingled with other races. So congratulations, you're not as pure as you claim to be.

Hell I only know my nationality off by heart, for all I know it could go deeper than that, I could have races or other nationalities that I don't even know about.

Point being is that, mixed races have just as right to have a say and a place in the world as everyone else and it's high time they get noticed often, because let's face it. Nothing last forever and neither does no one.

Take Care, Stay Safe and Stay Tuned For More.



Posted by CIEIRMusic - March 19th, 2024

Probably one of the weirdest questions. First off, rest assured, I'm ok. My Holiday rant aside, I actually am having good days. A couple of rough patches, but good days so far.

I was just getting up in a bizarrely early morning. When for some reason while Marathoning the Buu Bits on DBZ Abridged. (RIP Akira Toriyama, you were a huge staple in my childhood. Hated some of the Buu Saga, but never held it against you. Only regret is not travelling to Japan to meet you, but if there is a memorial of him I would like to pay my respects.) At the same time for some reason this scene from The Breakfast Club was on my brain:

Specifically the scene where they have the detention equivalent to a group therapy session. One of the things that they talk about is their hidden talents. Such as the Goth Girl being able to write and play piano with her feet, Brian being able to cook a mean spaghetti and Claire being able to put lipstick on her using the strap of her bra.

It made me realize that myself and a lot of other people have that one or more hidden talent, skill or hobby, that they never told anyone or at the very least not told them all about it. In my case I'll list my talents:

  1. I'm an amateur filmmaker, looking for the right movie to submit to a film festival. Got a story, just not much else.
  2. I investigate paranormal stuff on the side. It's one of the reasons I stay in my town, because on top of it's high crime rate, it's one of many parts of Canada, that has a shit load of UFO and Ghost Stories. Some of which I have witnessed.
  3. Part of why I love fiction and I'm somewhat good at writing it in my stories, is that I use Semi-Biographical elements. It's a form of expressionism similar to Gojira and the works of Hunter S. Thompson. I use real things in my life, but exaggerate the rest, giving an air of mystery on what my readers and viewers believe is real or otherwise. And in terms of enjoying fiction, I have an uncanny empathic ability to put myself in the shoes of not just relatable characters, but also other characters, based on understanding story and personality traits.
  4. One secret to my workout is that I have been walking around many areas in Steel Toe Construction Boots for added resistance. I been wearing them for 3 months now so my legs are strong enough to run in them to the point where I can run faster if I switched to shoes. So basically I figured out a way to invent Super Speed.
  5. I am able to appear and disappear on a whim, if anyone saw me walking the streets and looked away once, I was already gone. Some people thought I was stalking them, because I've mastered it to the point where I can pop up everywhere I go. Similar to Instant Transmission. That scared the hell out of me, because as far as I was concerned I was merely walking around many places and people just happen to see me.
  6. Due to my disorder, my senses are dialed up. Which is good because it allows me to see, hear, smell, feel and taste more acutely, but the downside is, they're so sensitive that any overload could harm me physically.
  7. When I get mad, I don't feel pain in a fight. Just recently two months ago, without even fighting back, I did get beat up in the face so badly, that I was bleeding. Yet instead of crying, begging or at least saying ow, I just kept threatening the guy. I didn't feel it until my anger subsided and even then all it felt was annoyingly sore.
  8. I think outside the box a lot, which allows me to come up with new ideas.
  9. Finally, my memory capacity is so good, that I have a section for my favourite music section so great, it's like playing a jukebox in my head.

And that's just a small few of what I can do. I have many and try to extend my palette on that one.

However while my talents are great, somewhat impossible to believe and borderline scary to some based on the context of where I got them, I know I'm not the only one with hidden talents.

Each and every one of you has that one talent, skill or hobby, that you haven't told anyone. It could be something you know, that your circle doesn't. Or it could be something that others know, but you're the best at it. The sky is the limit on that.

If it's something you can do very well, I suggest you apply it to your overall life. Personal and professional. It's high time the world knows what you're all made of.

In my case, I've only begun to realize what I can do, regardless of how crazy it sounds. A lot of you have something special about you, that will help the rest of you, fall into place and get a better chance at a better life.

Don't let your potential go to waste.

Take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.
