Amateur Filmmaker, Author, Cartoonist, Musician and defictionalizer (Finding truth in fiction), mostly here to promote my music to indie developers that need it.
This Holiday and the others often had the same problem, that most people see it as too commercial and less heartwarming. Not worth celebrating, because not worth spending money on. To me, Holidays are a chance to take the day or month off depending on the length and use it to spend time doing whatever the hell I want. Whether getting drunk and having fun at a local bar. Or getting high and spending quality time with my friends and family. Presents and other forms of gifts and merchandise that comes with it, are mere amusements and thoughtful gifts to me. Same with the shows that lead to it. South Park for example, wasn't meant to knock St. Patrick's day, it was mostly an elaborate joke at the expense of Butters. That no matter what he did, he'd always get into trouble, whether he meant it or not. With him doing community service for a St. Patrick's Day Pinch only to find their version of St. Patrick, to be more vulgar and lewd, was just Trey Parker and Matt Stone, giving the mother of all craps on Butters before he grew a spine and stood up for himself. Then you have the Simpson's Episode, where a party goes so bad, that they prohibit booze.
Of course that merely covers one holiday, but if you want a good example of a Holiday that was accused of Commercialism, long before Commercialism savagely took over this modern world? Charlie fucking Brown:
Made in 1965, just when the commercial aspect of that holiday was just beginning to bother people even though they were few and in between. All poor Charlie wanted to know, was what Christmas was really about, without commercialism in the way and the Peanuts save for Linus treated him like dirt over it. Linus explained where it came from at the time and it reignited Charlie Brown's Christmas Spirit. Symbolized by this fucking tree:
That's what Charles Schultz was trying to tell us all along when he was making that special. Charlie Brown is his Author Avatar. The character that is based around the creator. Meaning he went through a lot of shit Charlie Brown went through, just to find the secrets to living a good life.
There have been many specials before and after that either delve into the mythos of the respective holidays. Some with more heartwarming moments like the Rankin Bass Specials of old. Some so creative it's scary like Trick R' Treat and Krampus. As well as the iconic Warwick Davis starring horror series Leprechaun:
But a lot of them in between, often say "Buy our shit or you're not really celebrating." And it isn't just the Western Holidays. All over the world, Holidays have been capitalized one way or another and depending on the place, it's often been either very good or very bad for it. On the good side, it gives those without jobs a chance to shell things out for a few bucks. On the bad side, it means they have to contribute to rotting the holidays out.
To me, Holidays are merely breathers, a chance to relax, unplug and unwind until reality comes crashing in the next business day or week or month. How you do it, is up to you, but at the same time if you're not having fun along the way, then it's not a holiday. It's work and you know what they say:
You have the rest of the year to be dull. You only have a once in a while chance to have fun and let loose. Hell if the holidays you celebrate aren't good enough for you, then make your own. Find something you like and make a day out of it, provided a day wasn't made about it already. Hell lot's of fictional writers from Gene Roddenberry to George Lucas, made their own respective universes have their own holidays. Pon Farr for Star Trek and Life Day for Star Wars. And they made shit loads of money on the commercial aspect of it, without even trying. Yet if that wasn't the main thing, odds are they probably would have made the holidays anyway for mere kicks. Hell Seinfeld even had a made up Holiday. Festivus:
When I saw that, I first thought George's Dad was just fucking nuts. Didn't help they had an actor known for playing Crazy Old Guys. But now, I think he's on to something. Festivus while a crazy holiday, was the day everyone was able to air out their grievances. Which to be honest, is very healthy because a lot of us keep shit bottled up inside. While George and his family are Jewish, it's not a holiday based on religion, so everyone can celebrate it. It was like he was a pioneer of a new form of anger management. It allowed you to air out your shit, while having to listen to theirs.
Come to think of it, there should be a Festivus.
But ya, if you can't celebrate the holidays on there, make your own. The sky's the limit.
Everyone needs a breather. Take yours.
Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.
ST. Patrick's Day has often been on the fence recently and honestly I think it should stop. Some see it as a white only holiday, which is bullshit, as the phrases is "Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day." And I don't know if you noticed, but mixed races count and when they say "Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day." It's the Irish way of saying "Everyone is equal in my eyes on this day." Others see it as an insult to Gingers, due to the imagery of Leprachauns having red hair and pale skin. Hello? Assholes? Most of Ireland's populace was the result of Scotland intermingling with them. You want to blame the Ginger bullshit on someone, blame them for not keeping it in their pants.
But the one thing I could not stand, was when they badmouth St. Patrick himself, simply because he was Catholic. Now there are a lot of things wrong with the Catholic Doctrine, but not the saints that started it and FYI, St. Patrick was Pagan first. The "Snakes" he scared away weren't the literal, they were people and things that filled the land with deceit. If he were alive today and saw what the Catholic Church was doing, he'd do to it what Jesus did to the Marketplace:
Point being is, you don't have to be Irish to celebrate it, you don't have to be Catholic to celebrate it, you don't even have to celebrate it. All you have to do is wear green, maybe get drunk and have a good time. All that bullshit is set aside and the parties should begin. Have some fun, play some music, hell go out somewhere and stargaze, whatever floats your boat. Point being is that this is a day where we don't dramatize ourselves and actually have some fucking fun.
First of all I want to apologize if some of my fans or any onlookers of my previous articles thought I was nuts. It's fine if you do and I don't give a damn, but at the same time, your opinion.
However what I am about to say, is a little crazy compared to what I've mentioned before, but at the same time also very sane.
Over the years, ever since we were all kids, we were often told of the following things. On one hand we were often told that certain people or places are bad influences. On the other hand, whenever we do things so stupid or dangerous that screw things up with us in the long run, we get no sympathy because the same people tell us it was our choice to do it. I always found it odd regarding the flip flop of it all.
If anything I thought the choice thing was bullshit depending on the circumstances.
For example, someone who does drugs, chooses to do so in the end. That's just how it is. However, what is it that often allows them to choose? Is it the freedom of it or is it because they caved into peer pressure.
Myself, there have been things I did choose to do good and bad, which I had no excuse for as I did them. However, that being said, it doesn't mean that sometimes I was not influenced by something or someone.
Other times the choice is made for me behind my back, due to circumstances beyond my control and yet despite all evidence to the contrary, those that chose for me make the bullshit claim that I chose to do things.
Case in point, I never asked to move into the town I moved into 27 years ago. Yet because I continue to stay, even those that dragged me there against my will tell me it's my choice, because I choose to stay. Back then, I just wanted to go back to my home town as it was more peaceful and I probably would have had a better life. Granted a boring one, but a better one.
Yet when I lived there long enough, there were things in my life that made me hesitant to leave. First, making new friends and meeting new family. Second, the good and bad sides of the town, piqued my curiosity and my sense of adventure. There was so much to do, so much to see and so much to explore. And up until now I always thought I chose to see it. Yet now in the back of my mind, I feel like be it by human, deity, time or simply the temptation of sight, I feel like a lot of it was chosen for me. That somehow the town had some kind of living soul that just kept pointing me in different directions all my life. As a kid, parents and even teachers whom were not aware of my Asperger's syndrome at the time and merely thought I was suffering from ADHD, complained about my wanderings around even a small area like a classroom. And I myself wondered why I did that. Hell even to this day I wander around. Exploring the streets to see if there is something or someone new. Expanding my travel palette, by going outside the boundaries of my town to see if there's stuff I haven't seen yet. Such as the PATH downtown.
Yet it often was the result of people showing me things I haven't heard of, seen or even remember being in. While I choose to explore these places, I often felt a pull towards them when it was time to explore them. And that's just the line between choice and influence regarding my travel plans.
There are a lot of lines between choices and influences:
We choose whether or not to do drugs, but peer pressure is what influences it.
We choose whether or not to get into fights, yet outside influences would goad towards the whether, by calling us names like "Coward", "Chicken" and "Pussy".
We choose whether or not we should get rich or poor. Yet we are influenced by those with a view of which one is better or worse.
The only thing we often have no choice on, is whether or not we want to die. As Death comes in all forms. Disease, Accident, Murder, Famine, you name it. Death comes for us all. Yet, whether it's a slow death or a quick death is a mix of choice and influence.
Some choose to keep living, despite an incurable disease killing them, because they want to soak up as much as life as they can. With the only influence, being the friends and family being the direct influence on whether or not they should just live or die.
Others choose to die, despite having so much to live fore, because they feel either nothing is left or all their struggles were for nothing. With the influence being the empty feeling one feels inside or people whom would benefit from their death, using words to bring them down. "Go ahead. Do it. The world doesn't want you. You're not special. You're not unique. You're just a piece of shit like the rest of us." And so on.
I seen it many times in many forms and at one point, whenever I feel that something terrible has happened as the result of Influence outweighing choice, I get countered with them saying it was nothing but choice. I don't believe that.
I believe that every decision in our life depends on which side outweighs the scale. For example, someone already a drug addict, just heard of a new drug, is hesitant, but the environment surrounding them, the addictions cropping up and the other people doing it and coercing them, make them more inclined to choose to do so.
It's one of the reasons why I believe addiction is Physical, Mental, Emotional, Environmental and Spiritual.
But the environment is the most triggering of them all. One could literally live in a hut off the grid and be less tempted to do the stupid shit others do in a developed part of the world. It's influence is so strong, that even the most saintly of people succumb to it and become broken and worse people.
I myself have tried to be an example that no matter the environment, I would always be ok, as I wouldn't let it get to me. The influence not having as strong as a pull towards the dark sides of life. Yet no matter where I go, those dark sides continue to follow me and try to influence me. Trying to plant seeds in my head regarding the people I care about, hurting innocent people and to top it off, when all is said in done, I get blamed whether I choose to get involved or not. Why? Because I don't do the things that others do, nor do I want to and they can never understand why.
They can never understand why I was able to be above the influence and move on with my life no matter what shit was thrown at me. Hell I just found out that certain people in my personal life, have done horrible things both directly and indirectly to the people I care about. Including but not limited to finding out a loved one of mine was most likely murdered despite evidence to the contrary. Said loved one was someone that wasn't easy for me to get along with, mainly because I was disappointed that the person would rather waste their potential on hard drugs and alcohol. Only to find out that despite that, they found themselves in an environment where they were given something worse and it eventually killed them. Needless to say I was pissed, saddened and severely depressed. To the point where I had to double my efforts into finding therapy.
Part of why it's difficult for me, is despite my disorder, I'm a statistic. They seen those like me before with similar disorders, similar lives. But never take the time to address individuals' wants, needs and desires regarding said therapy. I was worried that I'd just be dismissed at best or make even the best Shrinks quit their jobs. That they'd rather drug me up than actually find help for me. They can handle the disorder, but they can't handle me as an individual. And that influences my choice to whether or not I want help. That said, I choose to continue to seek it, because I do believe there is a chance there is someone out there that puts the person first and the disorder second. Someone or something out there that has more answers than even the most advanced Psychiatrists could ever hope to achieve. With the only influence guiding me, being friends and family concerned for my wellbeing even if some don't believe what I'm going through.
The things I want and desire, at this point in my life is to live the rest of my life in peace, with nothing else to do, but hang out with as many friends and family as well as the person I love, with no drama, no hassle, nothing but peace.
Yet according to the modern world, it's not an easy thing to choose or influence. Since so many people and I'm no exception are constantly at each other's throats. I'm sick of having so much hate in my heart, that I could barely love. I'm sick of having difficulty sleeping and even more difficulty dreaming. I'm sick of seeing bad people do bad things and good people getting so corrupt by it, that they consider doing bad things as well.
Truth be told, I am sick of the modern world. The people before their dependence on it, didn't have much, but they at least had each other. This net, while a great tool, was never meant to be a hold on life. Merely a way of making life a little easier, but at the cost of lack of interaction in person. And to me, it's one of the worst influences I have ever come across.
When I started out, I never wanted to fight anyone, just promote my music and hope to move forward from there. Yet so much drama and bullshit and bad influences, swept over me that this became a crutch rather than a small aid. I got into many fights on the net over the years. Said many nasty things, some I regret, some I don't. But as I grow up I realize one thing:
This is all extremely stupid and we need to stop.
When it started out, I used to like sites like this, but they are now a constant reminder that others have it better than me whether they deserve it or not.
So with my own influence I implore you to choose. Live real life or live the rest of your lives wasting away to nothing, staring at a screen. Where you go from there, is a choice I leave to you.
I think it's high time we need to change and if the net doesn't like it, it can go fuck itself.
It's not just time travel. That's only the side effect of it. It's a small piece of a bigger event.
Throughout the time good things started happening to me I always started consulting horoscopes more often. A lot of the signs were pointing one direction. A very good direction. However it wasn't without obstacle, both on and offline I struggled through a lot of bullshit. Both important and insignificant. It was why I was having mood swings. I had trouble letting go of the past while I was trying to move on with my life. Even current pasts. Those were the hardest. Then I realized why they were pointing the direction despite my moments being borderline hopeless. Zodiacs aren't just fortune telling things you see in a newspaper or on the net. They are also a means of letting people know which celestial bodies are in play, by the alignment of the planets, stars, moons, things like that. For example if Venus was anywhere near Earth, that would increase the Love Energy. Hence why couples score more when Venus is around. In this case after looking into a horoscope, it told me that as I type this, every single planet in our solar system is currently in view of the sky.
Over the years, I had stargazing as a hobby and most of the time the planets were so far, that they looked like different color stars to me. If it was blood red, I'd be seeing Mars. Other times there are moments where the planet's natural illumination reflects off the moon. Such as the time I saw Mars reflected, giving it a bright red/orange glow. This was something I never expected to witness in all the years I've lived, walked my neighbourhood and looked up to the sky day and night. If one planet near Earthview can cause one energy, then the others could contribute.
And that's just the short version of it. Basically each planet by itself, represents a great raw energy. Strength, Love, Communication, The Mind, The Soul, Religion and Justice. When only one of these is near Earth, that one aspect is heightened more. As said before, Venus, representing love. When all are in play, every single energy is not only in place, but combining into one unstoppable force that cannot be quantified by either science or superstition. This is straight up Lovecraftian like.
But that's not all. Going back to Time Travel, there was one of many movies in which planet alignment was the result of time Travel Gone Wrong:
Yes it's a dumb comedy, but even it was smart enough to use that as a symbol of time and space being out of wack.
But essentially what I am about to say, will shock, disbelieve and even probably scare the living crap out of you. It's not only something Supernatural, but it's the cause down to a science.
As most of you know, I am into manifestation. Basically the idea that I set my mind in a different setting and whatever I want naturally comes to me. In my case, good things as I mentioned before have lately become pin point accurate for me. To the point where if it keeps up, the possibilities in where my practical life is going will be endless. Through a friend of mine, a wiccan, whom also thought I was nuts when I mentioned time travel, but was an expert on the field of all things magic and paranormal, told me that the people I may have seen travel from different parts of time and space, are not merely travelling through time and space, but "Jumping" as she put it. See this is what I do on my spare time, I'm an amateur Paranormal Investigator, I look into weird stuff and see if it's real it's in the name of the acronym of CIEIR. Could It Exist In Real-life? That includes searching the unknown for answers.
Anywho, what I am getting at is, that this particular manifestation technique is so old that geniuses like Albert Fucking Einstein have been working on the theories of it alone. It's called:
It is a form of manifestation in which if you're in the right mindset, you can jump from one reality to another, hoping the next one will get better. It can be done in many ways and as I type this, I am listening to what's known as a Brainwave Entrainment Frequency. Stuff like Binaural Beats, but it's more rooted in meditation. In this case, once I found out it was Quantum Jumping I went straight to the nearest free frequency for it. There's a lot on youtube, but I prefer this:
It turns out a lot of people I've known in my life have been doing it in small doses one way or another. Finding minor success, yielding major fortune that would set them for a few years to say the least. I've been trying to find out for years, how they been able to do it, because they somehow managed to get successful, even when the odds were stacked against them. You probably seen it with some of your friends or family at one point or another. Imagine this scenario.
You're walking with a crazy family member of yours, he or she does things that are by all standards extremely abnormal. Yet somehow said family member despite talking nonsense, goes to different moods and is downright so insane, you don't take them seriously. Only to find they somehow managed to find some kind of success, like say make a few thousand dollars in a day or finding the right place to go, when they needed a specific item. The main reaction being. "HOW IN THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?!" As it turned out a lot of it, was the result of the following.
Just to name a few aspects. They often come in small doses, but by the time you want to know, suddenly they're down in the dumps or just moderately successful. It turns out, it was because the planets were aligned in a way, that it gave them a boost of their most positive trait. Like for example a lover powered by Venus, would be a better lover. A warrior powered by Mars would be a stronger warrior. But that was just when one or two planets are at play. Those same people as well as those like myself, just figuring it out now, are figuring it out when all the planets are out there. It's a mass awakening. Whatever abilities people had, but were rusty, will come back 10 fold. The planet itself from the smallest germ to the most dominant of animal species are getting stronger, faster and smarter. We are basically in more plainer speech, evolving in ways we could not imagine.
To put a pin on this, basically every thought, prayer, action, will and intent will come true to those whom have been doing it, all over the world. Every spell cast by a wiccan, will be stronger. Every prayer from the Abrahamic Religions, will be answered. Even the very natives, whom call out to a great spirit, will finally get the answer to their call. The things that were once deemed impossible are now possible and while this did scare me at first. I welcome it.
I welcome it because I believe it will finally bring a positive change to a world that was so much in the dark the past 100 years, will finally be brought into the light.
It's an amazing feeling and I honestly hope you guys can feel what I feel one way or another, because you'll find a very strange, yet very welcoming happiness.
While I was going around seeing what has confirmed to at least to me, the existence of Time Travel, I started looking things in the recent past. From names of people I know, to the styles of clothes they were wearing, to events they probably seen me in one way or another. Upon looking things up I stumbled upon the mother of all puzzle pieces in the mystery that is, not just my life, but the life of others around me. First I stumbled upon this:
When I read it I thought. "That's just biblical love it can't apply to others or even their religions." So I looked up other religious sayings using the key words "Love Leadership" It lead me to this:
Full disclosure until recently I never looked at Islam as a whole until now, but now that I read this I can safely say the Jihadists got it all wrong. Those whom really read this and follow by the examples, are being dragged through the mud simply because the Jihadists disagreed with them. So needless to say all bets were off on public opinion on Islam when 9/11 occurred. Guys like Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X, thought they got it right at first hence why they started off as angry, but over the years of their life they regretted the past actions they inflicted on others as well as each other, considering they were best friends.
So just to see if all three Abrahamic religions were talking about the same things differently, I decided to go for the hat trick and find anything related to the Torah on Love Leadership. I found this:
I'm pretty sure if I looked into my Wicca and Native side, I'm probably gonna find more on the subject.
I'm an Aries and for the longest time I was wondering why it told me I had leadership capabilities, because I was more of a follower than a leader. If someone tougher, but more respectful came along, I would follow them and learn what it takes to be a leader from them. Teachers, Parents, Friends, you name it. A lot of people have lead me as far as they could lead me until I was ready to set foot on my own. It wasn't until recently that through most things, their love for me and concern about my wellbeing were trying to shape me into the leader I was destined to become. It wasn't until I found Love myself, that I was able to come up with better plans and ideas and in turn help the next person out, become a leader of their own right. Other times I would encourage old leaders to go back to the saddle when things were down for them. They lead me and I in turn lead them. I was not a follower, I was a student, they were my teachers and I learned a lot from them over the years. But like many great lessons in life sometimes they take a while to click for myself and other times, people have had to spell it out for me. Sound familiar?:
Those that lead through hatred, will only drag those that follow down to death or something worse. Those whom lead with love, while it's sometimes a struggle, often lead to greater pastures.
Think of every hate group, you've ever run into and I don't just mean supremacists, violent protestors or even one person dying on a hill. I'm talking every single group whether they been on the side of Good or Evil, that lead their respective people through nothing but hate. Hate for what has been done for them, hate for those they deem responsible and even irrational hatred by association and especially self-hatred. These people have done nothing but hate, try to spread the hate so they wouldn't feel alone and when they meet a love leader, they try to destroy them because they failed to understand them. Sometimes they succeed and the love turns into hate. Other times they fail because the love is so strong, it will either change them or destroy them in turn and that is what they are afraid of.
People want change, but are afraid when it's not ONLY the change they want. I know that one all too well.
People want peace, but they are afraid of what they or others have to do to achieve it. I seen the results myself.
People want enlightenment, but are not willing to let go of the bullshit that keeps them down, because they're afraid if they don't resolve it, they won't be enlightened. I and every single human being that has lived, went through this until they figured it out their own way.
People don't want to lose time with what they need to do personal or business, but are too lazy to find ways of making the time. I was one of them.
People want a good life, but have so much bad happen to them, that they forgot how to actually live. I was like that too.
People want love, but are so insecure with themselves, they're afraid that when it does show up. It happened to me months ago.
Point being is that Love isn't just some buzzword. It isn't a plot point to a fairy tale. It's not some random aspect you see when you meet fortune tellers real or phony. You know what love is:
Whether it's love for your friends, love for your family or that special someone in your life that somehow found the answers you were looking for. People tried to suppress love. Thinking it was a waste of time in comparison to something practical like money or other forms of fake wealth. Real wealth isn't measured by currency, it's the knowledge, experience and even the love you feel that makes all the crap you went through to make something of yourself worth it. Stuff like money, a fancy house or a cool car, are just mere bonuses and fringe benefits and it's why most Rich people as successful as they are, still try to keep going in their lives because their lives are so empty, they try to fill it with things they like rather than things they need. It's why Mr. Burns wasn't satisfied with his riches until he was reunited with his childhood teddy bear Bobo. It's why Mark Zuckerberg made Facebook to begin with, he tried to find love, he screwed it up and he took it out on the world by destroying the values that mattered the most for billions of people. It's why we're so overtly reliant on technology, because we lost the way to love and the way to become leaders. It took me 27 years to figure that out.
To sum it up, the war between Love and Hate that I mentioned before has been raging for so long it transcends beyond time and space. It's why I kept seeing Time Travel shit everywhere. It wasn't just to figure out my life, it was because it was giving me messages in a way ONLY I can understand at the time and whether you believe me or not, I will continue to share the experiences with others in order to find people that would understand. Be it on or offline.
We're not followers. None of us are. We're potential leaders learning from other leaders good and bad and taking what they know and adding it to our own. While at the same time, passing what they and we know to the next generation so they won't screw up like we did.
People tried to teach me and it took me too long to listen, but now that I am, I'm able to pass on what I know to others. Something I've been doing in small doses before this moment.
Take this all into consideration and think about how it applies in your life. Lead with love, not with hate.
Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.
While I rambled on a lot about time travel and some of you probably think I'm nuts. Hear me out.
From the day you were born, to the day you attended school a lot of bad things have happened around you in a historical sense. Some so bad you probably couldn't attend school at all, be it through wars, disease, famine, things like that. Some of which you know by witnessing, others you've only heard about by the time you got home. However the one thing many people often wonder after knowing about it in Hindsight, that people often ask for is "If I travelled back in time what would I fix?" I know that, because I used to be one of those people.
Now we all heard the old "Would you kill Hitler." And as much as I want to kill that Jewish killing son of a bitch, I fear that even someone like him, plays a big part in the space time continuum. It's one of the few people The Doctor would love to kill, but know there would be consequences. Can't argue with that.
In terms of my POV on changing the future regarding Time Travel as I know it now, I only say it depends. But back in the day there were so many moments in my life I wanted to correct from moving to a crime filled town, to not being able to save my mother from dying. Mainly because up until now, my life was on such a roller coaster, I had no idea I would make it closer to the end when others that went through worse or better, fell off at one point. Some got prematurely cocky and screwed things up. I thought I was gonna end up like that no matter how hard I tried to make it through life. However, once I realized I was heading closer to the end, things started to loosen up for me, things I always wanted are slowly but surely coming to me, making my life more easier to navigate and focus on other goals. I've gotten stronger, I gotten faster, I gotten more determined. I gotten less angry, but still not a pushover. I was able to solve things less aggressively, but enough to make my points. I was even able to restore a love in my heart I didn't even believe I still had and as a result of the hardships I went through, I became much better than I was when I first signed up on this site. And while I wish things gotten better, they are so far good enough that I am able to literally sail through life in rough waters and go shore to shore in life. Now had I time travelled with that old archaic mindset, that would have ruined years of progress in my body, mind, emotions and spirit. It made me realize that I was put through some sort of elaborate test, that I am now slowly but surely passing. It was like going through High School all over again. Only instead of merely graduating I am starting to earn some honors. Honors that are worth more than material things like money or the latest media....though I still like that.
I feel as though the future is changing in a very strange, somewhat bad, but very welcoming way. Impossible things have become possible, people are starting to get their heads out of their asses and to top it off, even stuff on my end of things, things I didn't deem possible no matter what happens, have begun to loosen up.
It made me realize that I did in fact lived a wonderful life and I have you all to thank about being a part of it.
Regardless of where it goes from here, I hope honestly everyone enjoys their March break with a smile on their face, no matter how they feel.
Picking up where this article left off: On this Article I talked about people that are fixed points in time. However I also mentioned that Fixed Points In Time, are also significant events or certain places that are important to the future. That no one must interfere with it, lest they create evil alternate reality, a paradox or destroy the universe. It's why the weather has been weirder lately, the universe is literally taking a pounding over this. So needless to say that stuff has also happened in many significant events in my life. Be it good moments or major tragedies or downright anger moments. And I travel a lot on foot for recreation in steel toe working boots. I been wearing them for 3 months so far and now I am strong enough to run in them. I found out a few things about my past both good and bad that enlightened me on how my life turned out and how far I went both for and in spite of it. But most of my travels there are places I just don't consider going and when I thought about when I walked the PATH and thought "Maybe I should go back to my old neighbourhood and look around places I never been." One building I passed by a lot, turned out to be a mental health facility for youths. The cut off was 18 and I lived in that side of that neighbourhood when I was 18. I could have gotten the help I needed there, but my mind was telling me not to go there. I also found some apartment options I never considered, due to too much paperwork yadda yadda, and I realized the reason why I didn't show up there until now, was because they too are fixed points in time. Places I never meant to go to, until now.
So understanding that I was able to understand the guidelines of how to spot fixed points in time.
When you feel a push or a pull: There are often certain spots that either resonate well with people, or drive them as far away as possible. If it wasn't your destiny to say go to some public building the building itself will push you away. If you're meant to go there, you'll feel an unbelievable pull that will make you so unsatisfied with life until you follow where it goes. It could lead to something cool or exciting, like seeing a great sight or it could lead you to your very tragic death. Which while scary, it shows exactly how time works in that respect. Putting you at the right and wrong place at the right and wrong time.
Places With Memories Increases The Push and Pull: Sometimes there are places that resonate with us good and bad due to how we remember them. For example, you go to an amusement park with a sibling. They enjoy the ride, you don't enjoy puking on the Gravitron. So naturally a day latter when they come back the fun loving sibling would say "YAY!!" While the embarrassed sibling would say "Oh no not again." Memories of the places you've explored depending on how you react to them increast the Push or Pull of that fixed point. If it's something you don't like, you try to get away from it. If it's something you like, you get pulled into it. Try to see if you feel pulls at places that initially pushed you away, you'll be pleasantly surprised. I know I was.
It Depends on The Historical Importance of That Place: Part of the origin of Fixed Point In Time is that sometimes events happen that require you to be at a certain place at a certain time. Even if it's something that pushes or pulls you. Even if it's something that you had a good or bad experience at, if the importance of it outweighs the other two guides then it really must be important. Something you just have to see or have to hear whenever it happens. I seen a lot of good and bad things over the years, but the fact that they are part of my own personal history, does not outweigh the history of others whom have done the same.
It's why I think they're travelling in the first place. Trying to soak up as much important places before returning home. Sooner or later they may return, armed with the knowledge and experience that would get them home quicker.
Take care, stay safe, stay tuned for more.
At this point I don't blame you for thinking I'm nuts as this is literally so magnificent it is making me feel crazy.
This is a follow up of an article I posted 2 days ago.
The following, is meant for those to discuss, even if they disagree. If they think I'm either nuts or simply full of shit, I'll take what they said as a grain of salt.
Recent events have given me somewhat of a crude map on how Time Travel Works or as how I percieve it at least, but there are certain things that would click with those, whether they truly believe in it or if they're well versed in many fictional mediums, where time travel is the main subject.
This took me only a few days to figure out, based on events I witnessed. I won't go into too much detail, but I will give some cliffnotes, in hopes future generations could pick up where I left off. This is more than a blog, I am leaving a legacy.
Now unlike most secrets I figured out, this one is not so much rules, but guidelines that anyone could understand and pick up on it, should they choose to believe it or suddenly realize what I'm saying makes sense to them or only them. Here it goes.
Watch out for weather that shouldn't be: Part of what confirmed it for me, regarding my neck of the woods, was that we had a rare event happen in the middle of what should be Spring. Case in point, a ThunderSnow Storm. No different than a simple thunderstorm, only it involves snowing rather than raining and in the winter times it does happen, it's often few and in between and barely anyone notices it because they're more focused on dealing with the blizzard rather than the thunder and lightning. Now a lot of time travel movies have often involved a storm or two, that involved a lightning strike. Whether it is simply bad weather during a time travel scene or in movies like Back To The Future in which they used lightning as a means of going back. Other times in most science fiction, it's often shown up in places where weather doesn't usually or shouldn't usually exist. Such as the first movie of the Star Trek Reboot series. In which black holes, which have doubled as time portals on occasion, were described as nothing more than a lightning storm in space. Now people can tell me "These are fiction, so there's no bearing." until they are blue in the face. However, in the case of Star Trek, it helped evolve the world, as many tech geeks from the man who invented the Cell Phone, to a crazy douche like Steve Jobs, have taken many inspirations from the old TV Series alone and even though many disagree with the new stuff going on, there are still moments that help change the world in one way or another. Star Trek never stopped, we just simply caught on to it too fast. And of course for bonus points, it doesn't often have to be an actual weather event, because there are often times where anomolies appear, that are often dismissed as weird weather or electricity gone haywire. Case in point, The First Terminator Movie. Now even Cameron updated the effects in the sequel to show a sphere appear, however due to a limited budget, the T-800 and Kyle Reese's arrival, only showed lightning effects and them simply appearing. Which messed up as it sounds makes more sense, because anyone watching would have just seen bright lights and nude people appearing out of nowhere. Point being, watch out for weird weather, because you never know. It could just be global warming or it could be something even stranger.
How To Detect People as Fixed Points In Time: A fixed point in time, originated from the classic series Doctor Who, is often a moment, that would spell dire consequences should one be able to interfere with it. It could be as something as breaking a brick that was meant to be the foundation of one of the world's greatest buildings or stopping a guy from getting hit by a car, only to find out you saved the life of a serial killer. However, while many Time Travel stories before or after Doctor Who, have their own versions of fixed points in time. Doctor Who and it's spin-offs, specifically Torchwood, have dabbled in the idea that not just places or events, but people are also fixed point in time. Jack Harkness being something even The Doctor, whom has witnessed weird shit over 900 years at the time, deemed impossible. Due to the circumstances of his death and resurrection, Harkness can never die until he is destined to, should the whole Face of Boe thing, turn out to be true. Now unlike Jack, whom was just made aware what he is, there are people out there that are stuck on destiny's path, that no matter what happens, they will live until it is their time to go. Think of all the times you've heard of people dying but they couldn't even when by all intents and purposes should have died. Hell there was a guy I knew that should have died from the amount of alcohol that poisoned him, he even said he died but somehow came back. There was also a girl I knew, that flatlined after having her baby, but she gets up after seeing what death was like. It's because it wasn't their time to die yet and their destinies have yet to be fulfilled. Hell there have been times where I should have been arrested, killed or at the very least thrown to the street, yet no matter what people do, no matter how much I demand it, not once does it happen to me. I always wondered why as people got killed, arrested and even thrown out for less. I even threatened a teacher in front of cops as a kid and they did nothing. Then I realized recently it was because it wasn't my destiny. That until now, mine had yet to be written let alone fulfilled. It's why I wandered looking for purpose in life. There was nothing else to do until I found it. However I'm only slightly aware and aware enough that I can see where it goes, but can't stop it. And believe me I tried. However as a result, it made me realize how to detect other people that are fixed points in time. It's actually surprisingly easy. To simplify it, if someone does not listen to a word your saying and simply needs to go, no matter how hard you want them to stay and listen to you: don't. This could be anything from someone wanting to join the army and fighting a war and you saying "No" out of fear they may not come back or something as simple as someone breaking glass on a window they shouldn't. If you can't stop them, then don't, they were meant to do what they did. The best you can do is either watch or go somewhere else to pass the time until it's over.
The most important one: Look Out For Other Time Travelers: This one applies to both the Science Fiction and Fantasy concepts where time travel is involved. Everything from Sci-Fi flicks to Superhero Movies to even some movies revolving around magic, has at least one time concept, be it Time Travel in general or controlling time to an extent. However the one thing people overlook unless it's a certain plot point, the idea of two or more people existing at the same time, but from different parts of their own time. Case in point, Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban. Both book and movie, introduced the concept of Time Travel in this story and it wasn't shown until near the end of it. Making it a unique twist, but at the same time due to the Wizarding World being well versed in it, it's treated more like a misdemeanor if someone does mess with time. Sound Familiar? In this case, the running gag in the movie, in which Hermione appears out of nowhere every now and then and the only one that notices was Ron. Which was funny then became freaky when it turned out that she used her Time Turner to attend more classes without being late for the others. Then of course events were shown both through the movie proper and the time travel scenes, revealing all the strange happenings of the past trio, as a result of Harry and Hermione messing with things. Harry was the only person to see his future self during the Patronus charge, making him aware of his time travel self both before and after he goes back in time. I myself talked to people I didn't expect me to believe in my experiences witnessing time travel, one knew and the other claimed to have done it before. Now take that with a grain of salt if you must, but it clued me in that the people I was aware of, were not the only ones to travel in time. Hell I even met people younger than me that I could have sworn I met a long time ago as their older selves. They look exactly how I imagined them to look. But when I try to tell it to someone who is a fixed point in time, they brush it off as something else. Which clued me in that nothing I say will interfere with what I think is coming. But all this happened during weird weather and finding out whom in my circle is either a time traveler or a fixed point in time.
But that's all I know so far, there might be other things out there I may add to this, but if anyone past, present or future is reading this, pick up where I left off, based on what you seen. For those who don't believe me it's fine, your fixed points in time, nothing I do or say would interfere, but I should warn you, if your destiny is going down a wrong path, you may get erased. Don't say I didn't warn you. Or did I? To those that listened to me ramble on and may have found some awareness, you wanted to say, but were afraid of how people would perceive you as a result, comment below I am all ear. Think of what has been written here and see if it applies to your life. If it does, then congratulations, you are officially aware of how SOME time travel works.
S.T. Was getting himself ready for the end of February, he's got clothes packed as well as some snacks and a card to take the next train from Fair City to Peace Town. Where his love, Winter. The Deadly Demoness is currently being held.
Light: He's more determined than ever now.
Harmony: I know. It's like he now knows what he has to do.
S.T.: I still think I'm walking into a trap, but despite that, I have a feeling I will see her again even if it is the last time. All I know is that I still have to go there. It's like something or someone's been guiding me to this moment the whole time.
Light Harmony: Good Luck.
S.T. Races to the trainstation, after an incident where the train went backwards, he moved forward to Peace Town. To his surprise the facility while a thirty minute distance, was walking distance from the train station. He prepared his bags and went over there.
S.T.: Ok, it's the first time you went to this place. The first time you seen her in a while. The whole thing could be a trap. Yet why does it only feel like predate jitters.
He arrives at the facility and goes in. He notices a birthday sign on one of the receptionist's booth saying "Say Happy Birthday. Don't Tell Her About The Sign."
S.T.: Is it your birthday today?
Receptionist: No, it's tomorrow. Can I help you?
S.T.: Yes, I'm Shane, I'm here to visit Winter.
Receptionist: Is she expecting you?
S.T.: She should be. She's been calling me non stop since she arrived here. I'm her boyfriend.
Receptionist: You're Prince Charming? Let me check for a second.
She dials the phone and when it seems like nothing happening she hangs up.
Receptionist: There's a private room where you can talk to each other. The guard will escort you. What did you bring?
S.T.: Just some clothes and some snacks. Of course per food regulation here.
Receptionist: Ok. Follow the guard.
S.T. and The Guard walk down the hallway to the main unit. He talks to her about a little of the story. To his surprise, she nods understandingly. It was a breath of fresh air compared to the Fair City Hospital. He goes into the unit and sees her for the first time. He hands the bag to security to check it, but his first instinct was to give her the mother of all hugs. Something she accepts and gives back with the same amount of love and strength.
S.T.: I never thought I'd see you again. Are you Ok?
Winter: Ya, I'm fine. They're treating me a lot better here. Plus they gave us an area where we can talk and catch up, but only for a moment.
They sit in the room. He fills her in on what's been going on with him.
S.T.: So after walking through this underground way, I was able to find myself what I was looking for and learn to fix myself. I was leading by your example. I think it was time for a change anyway, I don't want to be the person I was before. I want to be better, not just for me, but for you too.
Winter: Aww, that's so sweet. I'm glad I was able to give you an example to lead. Let's sing together.
They both sang the Pokemon theme word for word, without skipping a beat.
S.T.: I first played a GameBoy Color Yellow Version of the game. It figures us 90s kids would know the theme song.
When it was time to go they give one more hug. With her dancing into it slow dance style. Even though they both said goodbye. She didn't want to let him go. She sent him away, with a half pack of smokes and an orange scented perfume bottle as a gift. He goes home to the relieved looks of Light Harmony.
S.T.: Save for personal obligations and transportation fees, I am allowed to go there whenever I want to visit. I also warned them about the mother and told them my side of the story. They seemed to respond well to it, if not a little disturbed. But the way things went, she never gave up on me, she never stopped loving me and even when we both said goodbye for now, she wouldn't let me go physically. If she could tie me up and lock me in the locker for the night, she would.
Light: Amazing. Even after all you two went together you've both found a way to make it work.
Harmony: It's like your relationship stood the test of time.
S.T.: That day I got robbed and she gave me that pep talk, Winter was wearing an outfit I seen before. In a dream I had when I was 18 years old. Only it was incomplete, it was missing a few things. Even though I met her through her childhood in glimpses, it was around the same time I started having those dreams. Now, you two as well as myself encountered some strange shit in our years. However, even this you'd find hard to believe, but I'm saying it anyway. That time I saw her in person in that outfit, wasn't her from the present. That was future her. She went back to that moment to help me. It's also why she was able to pop out everywhere.
Light: Ya, you walked the same path trying to figure out her direction and yet when you stop and give up, she's always there. You sense that she's close and she finds you.
Harmony: If what you're saying is true, then that means all those times you met her in different states, you met her both in present and future. It's why it confused us whenever we saw her in different ways. Even those times she was getting your attention before, it was in outfits including 80s flair. She could have at one point travelled to the 80s to get the look right.
S.T.: I cannot believe this. I cannot even believe I'm saying this. If what you're saying is true, then I've basically not only been dating a time traveler, but I gave her the abilities to do it. Which means....which means.....she's somehow managed to watch me in every aspect of my life in various planes of existence and ensuring both her survival and our future, by guiding me into a stable time loop. It's why she's not calling me now, even though she calls me a lot. She's going back.
Suddenly a crack of lightning hits. Yet it's snowing.
Light Harmony: Thundersnow, but why now. It rarely happens here?
S.T.: Oh no. It's the weather, that usually happens when someone is messing with time. Even Nature's trying to comprehend it. What did I do? What is going on here? What could possibly get anymore fucked up than this.
A young lady with red hair shows up asking for a cigarette. S.T. Gives her one, while still talking to Light Harmony, but gives her odd glances, before she leaves.
S.T.: Wait a minute. That girl, she looks like my girlfriend but different....she has her sister's hair colour. It's dyed, but it's the same damn colour I recognize it. Oh can't be.
Light: Couldn't be. She looks younger than you unless...
Harmony: It's her from the past.
S.T.: Her and her sister switched places. Her past self visited me now, days before I visited her present self. That's why she trusted me right away. She met me here and now before she went back. What kind of timey wimey bullshit is this? The whole time. The whole literal time. We created a Grandfather Paradox. I am scared, I am angered, it seemed like more people knew and yet I feel so fucking happy. Do you know why?
Light Harmony: Why's that.
S.T.: I don't know when, I don't know where, but somewhere in that space time continuum my girlfriend is setting the conditions to prepare for some kind of ultimate union. The outfit she was wearing, is what she wants to become. An outfit that along with the order, helped me inspire mine. I was once known as the Indigo Angel. An Angel with the ability to navigate through and sometimes even profit off all the chaos that surrounds me. She came from a family of Demons, yet all she wants is peace, love and happiness. I'm the Angel of Chaos, She's The Demon of Peace. And she's doing what she can to help me create a personal peace, while I indulge in some of her more harmless chaos. This woman is the literal woman of my dreams and I some how made her into something more powerful than even us. When she comes back, things are gonna be very good from here on.
And that is the end of The Adventures of S.T. Musician Chapter 9: A Strange Yet Satisfying Conclusion. Hope you all enjoyed. There may be more stories to continue from this, but for now, it's over. Take care, Stay Safe, Stay Tuned For More.
S.T. was texting on the phone at outside the hospital, he was angry and sad. The text said.
S.T.: I don't know who you think you are, but if you ever pull that crap on me again, you don't have to worry about charging me, I will charge you for entrapment.
You're probably wondering why after such a loving reunion went sideways right away. Well after meeting Winter's sister, he had the unfortunate luxury of meeting her mother. While she was polite and cordial to him, it turned out, she wanted to use him to go against the sister. After a seeing a few things off about the place, she had him barred from the hospital despite Winter still wanting him there. After this incident he went to the nearby woods to cry to whatever was out there.
S.T.: You gave me all the signs, you lied to me, you deceived me, you made me think things were getting better. Only to pulls this shit on me. I can't even go to my allies for help as they are trying to solve their own problems. I'm nothing, I'm NO ONE!!!! I NEVER EVEN WANTED TO COME TO THIS WORLD YET YOU KEPT GIVING ME REASONS TO STAY!!! Why?!!! Because I was some punching bag to you? Because my work isn't done yet? GIVE ME A FUCKING ANSWER!!!
Eventually he wiped his tears and went home. Not even talking to anyone, he was just gonna lay down on his bed until he starved to death. But despite that, something was nagging at him to get help. He called the hotline they talked him out of it and the very next day, he was able to see Light Harmony again.
Light Harmony: What happened S.T.?
S.T.: It turns out her mother is just as bad as the scum of this city. Only she does it in a white collar way. I thought she was the good one of the two, but I was wrong. She was gaslighting her daughter, took away numbers for lawyers that could have helped her and even made her think I was responsible. However despite all that, she just won't stop calling me. She made it clear the mother is responsible and I even tried to warn them about her the last time I saw her. The mother had me barred, so Winter tried to make her relent, just so she can see me one last time. She told me to come before visiting hours and told me to kill time. I found out that an old psychiatry place that I was admitted to as a child was next door, so I thought I check my old records, see if therapy would be the way to go after all this was over. When visiting hours came, I went up, they said I wasn't allowed in that the mother didn't tell the staff, even though she not only told Winter, but I even gave Winter her number by request. It was entrapment, she knew of my temper and tried to have me cause a big enough scene to have me arrested. It was the breaking point for me. I almost killed myself last night.
Light: Not again.
Harmony: You were so good at keeping a lid on it, they must have done you real dirty.
S.T.: She was able to see me through the guard door glass, but that was it. I even managed to give them a piece of my mind and sent some complaints about my experience there. Even warn them about the mother. I called the Hotline and honestly, this was the wake up call I needed. I'm seeking therapy.
Harmony: Well that's good for you.
S.T.: Only problem is, that my records were destroyed, so I'm back to square one. That said, I'm gonna do the one thing I never thought I'd do. I'm letting her go.
Harmony: You're giving up already?
S.T.: Not quite. See, it's not a break up. But I'm gonna let go a lot of obligation and obsession with her, because while I did try to be there for her, it got in the way of my other priorities. I mean look at me, I've been wearing the same damn clothes for a month. If this weren't a fictional story, I'd be reeking.
Light: You got a point there. How would you do it?
S.T.: Well a relative of mine. Someone whom was very close to me, but had a lot of problems in her own life reached out to me. She wants me to go to her stepmother's birthday party. Now I have reasons I don't want to go there, but I haven't seen this relative in years, so I'm willing to endure it. Besides, my experience taught me that the situation isn't all black and white. It's not just Good and Evil. There are grey spots. I learned that when I met the sister. Despite her being a "Criminal" she in terms of characters, was a lot better than her so called "Law Abiding" Mother. It's not Good vs Evil, it's a battle of Love and Hate. So many people on both sides have an extreme of one and another in their hearts. Because one can't comprehend the other, they battle constantly and ruin any lives that get caught in the crossfire.
The phone rings.
Light: How does she always know when to call you?
S.T.: It's a good thing this time. Hello.
Winter: Hi Prince Charming.
S.T.: Hey Cinderella. Sorry I couldn't come by, but I can no longer go there unless I am 100% certain that time. That said we need to talk. Do you remember my talk with you regarding Twin Flames or Soul Mates as some say it?
S.T.: I love you too. Wherever you get transferred, I hope I can visit you, but until then just wait and see.
She hangs up.
S.T.: She took that very well.
Light: Ya almost too well.
Harmony: Maybe she expected you to do this. You did say she was smarter than she looks.
S.T.: Ya, but that said, I was able to get her off the drugs. All she has to worry about other than smoke cravings, is her mental health. I may see her again or hear from her again, but I gotta plan it right when it happens. Until then, I'm letting her go and moving on. But she isn't the only thing I'm letting go.
S.T. on his way to the party, went to his old home, where he lost his mother.
S.T.: Mom, I don't know if you can hear me, but I decided to let go all of my past grief including losing you. I thank you for looking after me, for bringing my true love to me and for guiding me well after your tragic death. May you Rest In Peace.
He takes out his phone, playing the following song while crying:
Afterwards, he wiped his tears but felt a presence. He knew it was his long deceased mother.
S.T.: Why are you still here? I let you go. I shouldn't need you anymore.
Mother: I chose to stay my son. It's not over yet. Just keep moving on your day.
S.T.: I'll try, but even with letting her go, I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore, she was the missing piece and I lost her. The mother's basically won.
Mother: Do what she says. Be you. What do you usually do when things are down and your friends can no longer help you.
S.T.: My family.
The night goes by and S.T. is back home after a long grueling, yet still welcoming party. He reunites with Light Harmony and they never seen him happier. If not a little drunk.
S.T.: I was able to reconcile with the stepmother, it turns out that my relative's father did her and many women dirty. Which doesn't surprise me, there was one time when he did something very nasty to his own daughter and a couple of.....friends. WAY!!!
Light Harmony: What is it S.T.?
S.T.: If what I am thinking is accurate, you're about to see a major imbalance of emotions.
Fun fact, when S.T. remembers a revelation of his past, it puts him at an emotional imbalance. If it's a memory he was trying to remember it is a sign of relief.
Light Harmony look on him with shock and sympathy as he was on the verge of throwing up. Then of course the third stage of the emotional imbalance. Justified homicidal rage.
Followed by momentary relief and the realization of what he has to do.
S.T.: When I was a teen there was a corrupt member of the Desperadoes. He was my Uncle, did many unspeakable things to children. Molested girls and corrupted boys. I met her when she was a kid and I was just turning 18, she was one of my cousin's friends. We tried to stop him, but his father, my Grandfather had used his Veto to protect him. Said grandfather is dead now, it's open season and I'm about to cash that in.
At that moment S.T. told everyone on all sides of the law, including Innocence and it was all a matter of time until someone gets to him first. Until then all S.T. could do is wait and move on with his life. So far things did get better, the building got more peaceful and Wannabe Dark Divide was slowly dwindling to the point where they finally became afraid of S.T. and Light Harmony even if they deny it. They never once tried to start a fight with them save for the shit disturbers that didn't get the memo.
S.T.: At this point there's nothing we can do that they haven't done themselves. Their drugs, their terrorist lifestyle and their pathetic grudges are gonna kill them one day. We just have to keep our heads above water until then. For once we honestly just have to do nothing except live our lives. Which is what I'm doing.
Light Harmony: Agreed. Still I'm surprised she hasn't called you yet.
S.T.: True, but she's in a new place. Besides even if she did I have to stress further that I have to be allowed to be there. Once that happens I'm taking the next train out of there.
The Phone Rings. First it was Winter.
Winter: Hi Prince Charming. Was just calling you to let you know that I got my transfer. You're allowed to visit if you wan-
The phone gets taken from her and I hear a man's voice. It was the doctor at the new facility.
Doctor: Who might this be?
S.T.: My name is Shane, I'm Winter's boyfriend.
Doctor: You're Prince Charming?!! Damn, I thought she was being delusional. Your girlfriend is a very nice person and is a very skilled dancer.
S.T.: Ya, I know, I danced with her. I was actually hoping to see her if possible.
Doctor: Well visiting hours are 9 AM to 9 PM.
Winter takes the phone back.
Winter: Come see me when you can.
S.T.: It will take a while, but I will come see you. No matter what it takes. See ya later Cinderella.
Winter: Bye Prince Charming.
They hang up.
S.T.: That was almost too easy. I feel like I may be walking into another trap.....oh what the Hell I'll spring it anyway. If not for the weird winter weather it would have been a play on words. I noticed lately it's been going back and forth between Winter Weather and Spring Weather. Maybe she's controlling it somehow, she is born under the Air element. I was born under Fire, that explains why we're compatible. It will take a while but I must prepare to go. I'm taking a real big leap of faith on this. Wish me luck.
Light Harmony: Good Luck.
To be continued.
S.T.: I'm S.T. Musician, here with another special message. Suicide and the thoughts that lead to it are very serious. Some either try to repress them, others like myself tried to channel them by willing to sacrifice myself for better causes, while others simply can't handle the pressures life has to offer and want to end it soon. I'm here to tell you there is hope. First wherever you are look up your local suicide hotline. Then when you feel ready for it, seek help through various means, be it professional mental health practitioners or therapy places that cater to your respective cultures. Case in point, my creator's Ojibwe so I recommend to many natives in the Greater Toronto Area, to go to Two Spirited People of The First Nations. A native based organization located in Front Street and Fredrick. My creator was not only able to get the help he needs, but even was able to get help he didn't expect to need. If he can do it you can do it. Until then, take care, stay safe and stay tuned for more.